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File metadata and controls

121 lines (94 loc) · 4.99 KB


CAOS2Cob aims to provide a simple way to compile C1 and C2 agents for the Creatures Games. CAOS2Cob script is a standard CAOS file with special comment markup.

*# C1-Name "Island Carrot Vendor"
*# Cob File = "Island Carrot Vendor.cob"
*# expiry = 9999-12-31
*# Thumbnail = "disp[0].spr"
*# Quantity Used = 0
*# RSCR = "2 8 3 Removal.cos"

    enum 2 8 3
        setv actv 0
        setv var0 attr
        orrv var0 4
        bhvr 1 1

scrp 2 8 3 1
    snde vend
    anim [123456789] over


CAOS2Cob comments begin with *#, followed by either a property or a command.

  • Properties are formatted with the property name followed by an equal sign, and finally the value
  • Commands are formatted with a command word, followed by a list or space delimited values or arguments

Required: Every CAOS2Cob script must have the Agent name marked by a C1-Name or C2-Name command followed by the name of the agent.
Example: C1-Name "Carrot Vendor"

Any CAOS2Cob arguments or values that contain a space, must be enclosed in double quotes. Any quotes in the values must be escaped with a leading slash

String values

Desired Value What to write
Hello Hello or "Hello"
Fastest Car "Fastest Car"
The "One" "The \"One\""

Date Values

Dates are formatted in the format YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY is a four digit year, MM is a two-digit month, and DD is the two-digit day of the month

  • Example: 2021-01-16 = January 16, 2021

File name values

All file names are relative to the CAOS2Cob CAOS script's enclosing folder.

*File names must be in quotes if they contain a space

Install and Removal Scripts

Install blocks should be start with iscr and end with endm. In C1, each ISCR block is added to the cob separately. In C2, they are combined in the order they appear in the document.

Removal blocks should be marked start with rscr and end with endm.

* code blocks not starting in ISCR, RSCR or SCRP are ignored by the compiler.

It is also possible to define your install or removal scripts in external files.

  • ISCR Install Script command - To include a script as an install script, use the CAOS2Cob command value INST, and assign it provide the install file's name. (ie. *# Inst "Install Script.cos")
    *Multiple install scripts will be added individually for C1, but in C2 they will be combined into a single install script
  • RSCR Removal script command - To include an external script as a removal script, use the CAOS2Cob property value RSCR, and assign it the removal file's name. (ie. *# Rscr "Removal Script.cos")
    *Multiple removal scripts will be combined into one removal script before compiling.


CAOS2Cob scripts can provide a thumbnail image to show in the Agent Injector in the Creatures games. The image files can be JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP or even Creature's sprite files.

  • If using a Creature's sprite file, an array accessor should be used to specify the frame number to use. (ie. file[7].spr).
    **If no array index is supplied, frame [0] is used.

Agent Properties

Both C1 and C2

  • Cob Name (String) - The output file name required
  • Quantity Available (String) - C1: 255, C2: -1 (infinite)
  • Thumbnail (File Name) - The thumbnail to show in the agent injector. Can be JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, or a Creatures Sprite
  • Expiry Date (Date) - default: 9999-12-31
  • ISCR (File name) - The name of the removal script file
  • RSCR (file name) - The name of the removal script file


  • Quantity Used (Int) - The number of injections used so far.
  • Remover Name (File Name) - The name of the remover COB if a removal script is defined. Default: COB file name with the .rcb extension


  • AgentDescription (String)
  • Last Usage Date (Date)
  • Reuse Interval (Int)
  • Creation Time (Date)
  • Version (Int)
  • Revision (Int)
  • Author Name (String)
  • Author Email (String)
  • Author URL (String)
  • Author Comments (String)

Agent Commands

Uses a command name followed by a space delimited list of file names

Both C1 and C2

  • Rscr (...CAOS file) - The removal script(s) to use
  • Inst (...CAOS file) - The install script(s) to use
  • Link (...CAOS file) - This command will include event scripts from other CAOS files into this agent. Non-Event scripts are ignored


  • Depend (...S16 and WAV files) - List of files required to run this COB.
  • Attach (...S16 and WAV files) - Files to include in the compiled build and also to mark as dependencies
  • Include (...S16 and WAV files) - Files to include in the COB build, but to not automatically add to the dependencies list

**Depends files are not included in the build and are not required to compile. They simply tell the Creatures 2 runtime that they must already exist to inject this COB