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Job board with Gatsby.js and BCMS

See this job board in action ⤴

Spin up a fully functional job board with Gatsby.js, Tailwind, and BCMS - in a few minutes.
Everything from submitting jobs, over listing and searching them, to getting applications. All within the same codebase.

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Whether you are looking to build a job board for your company or a stand-alone job board website - this starter will save you weeks. You can clone this folder, connect it with your own BCMS instance, and give it a go!

How it works

Step 1: Clone the repo

This repository contains a lot of starters. Enter job-board, but make sure to check other starters too, later.

git clone

Step 2: Start BCMS (Backend)

This step will make sure that you are running BCMS locally and in the background, which is required before starting the Gatsby.js development server.

cd starters/cms/job-board

Run docker-compose build command, followed with docker-compose up.

Your BCMS instance is now up and running, and can be inspected by visiting http://localhost:8080.

Step 3: Start Gatsby.js (Frontend)

After this step you will be able to edit the Frontend side of your starter, everything from styles, content, pages structure and much more.

cd starters/gatsby/job-board

Before anything, make sure to install node packages ( npm install ).

Run npm run dev command to start the local frontend development server. This will pull the data from the BCMS which is running in the background.

Your Gatsby app is now up and running and can be inspected by visiting http://localhost:3000.


Is this Gatsby.js starter template compatible with the latest version of Gatsby.js?

Yes, the template is designed to be compatible with the latest version of Gatsby.js. Make sure to regularly check for updates to ensure compatibility.

Can I integrate other headless CMS platforms besides BCMS with this starter?

Absolutely! While it's optimized for BCMS, the structure allows for integration with other headless CMS platforms. You might need to make some adjustments based on your chosen CMS.

How customizable is the design? Can I change the theme or colors?

The design is highly customizable. We used Tailwind for that very reason Just go to [tailwind.config.js](/tailwind.config.js). There, you can easily change the theme, colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your brand.

Is there any built-in SEO optimization with this starter?

Yes, the starter follows the SEO best practices.


How is the performance of the website? Does it support lazy loading for images?

The website is optimized for performance. It supports lazy loading for images to ensure faster page loads, especially with a large number of recipes.


Are there any pre-configured analytics or tracking tools integrated?

The starter doesn't come with pre-configured analytics tools, but it's straightforward to integrate tools like Google Analytics or other tracking solutions.

I'm new to Gatsby.js. Do you provide documentation or support for setting up the starter?

Yes, the starter comes with detailed documentation to help you get started. A few useful resources:

Support ❤️

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