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A theme changes the look of your site. In its simplest form a theme generates the surrounding html markup for your extensions' content output.

Note The examples in this guide are taken from the Hello theme. It's available via the Pagekit marketplace. When installed, the Hello theme is located in /packages/pagekit/theme-hello.

Package definition: composer.json

A theme is a regular Pagekit package of the type pagekit-theme. Each package needs a description in order to be recognized by Pagekit. This description is located in the composer.json and looks as follows. Detailed information is available in the Packages chapter.

    "name": "pagekit/theme-hello",
    "type": "pagekit-theme",
    "version": "0.9.0",
    "title": "Hello"

Module definition: index.php

A theme in itself is simply a Module. So you may want to read up on modules first. This opens up a lot of possibilities to what a theme can do.

Define the positions and menus of your theme, load additional scripts and much more. To get started, here is a shortened example of the index.php. Explanations of the theme specific properties follow below.

return [

    'name' => 'theme-hello',

     * Define menu positions.
    'menus' => [

        'main' => 'Main',


     * Define widget positions.
    'positions' => [

        'sidebar' => 'Sidebar',



Your theme defines locations to render menus and widgets. The actual rendering happens in the template.php, as we will show below. However, your theme needs to register these positions before. This happens with the menus and positions property. These contain arrays of the position name and a label which displays in the admin panel.

menus: Register menu positions for a theme

In your theme you can render menus from the Pagekit system in as many positions as you want. To make these positions known to Pagekit, you need to register them using the menus property.

Each menu position is defined by an identifier (i.e. main) and a label to be displayed to the user (i.e. Main).

'menus' => [

    'main' => 'Main',
    'offcanvas' => 'Offcanvas'


positions: Register widget positions for a theme

Widget positions allow users to publish Widgets in several locations of your theme markup. They appear in the Widget area of the Pagekit admin panel are selectable by the user when setting up a Widget.

Each widget position is defined by an identifier (i.e. sidebar) and a label to be displayed to the user (i.e. Sidebar).

'positions' => [

    'sidebar' => 'Sidebar',


The layout file

Next to the other mandatory module files, a theme brings its own views/template.php file. It is the main file for the theme markup. It is a PHP file that has the following objects available for rendering:

Object Description
$view View renderer instance
$params Theme parameters
$app Application container instance

Note With PHP templating, the short notation <?= $var ?> prints the value of the the variable $var.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

        <!-- Always render head section from the system -->
        <?= $view->render('head') ?>

        <!-- Include theme css -->
        <?php $view->style('theme', 'theme:css/theme.css') ?>

        <!-- Include theme JS, require jQuery which will also be included -->
        <?php $view->script('theme', 'theme:js/theme.js', 'jquery') ?>

        <!-- Render logo with site URL -->
        <?php if ($logo = $params['logo']) : ?>
        <a href="<?= $view->url()->get() ?>">
            <img src="<?= $this->escape($logo) ?>" alt="">
        <?php endif ?>

        <!-- Render menu position -->
        <?php if ($view->menu()->exists('main')) : ?>
            <?= $view->menu('main') ?>
        <?php endif ?>

        <!-- Render widget position -->
        <?php if ($view->position()->exists('sidebar')) : ?>
            <?= $view->position('sidebar') ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

        <!-- Render system messages -->
        <?= $view->render('messages') ?>

        <!-- Render content -->
        <?= $view->render('content') ?>

        <!-- Insert code before the closing body tag  -->
        <?= $view->render('footer') ?>


Doing more with themes

Themes and extensions in Pagekit are very much the same. Try not to think in terms of developing a theme vs. developing an extension but rather understand that you have access to Pagekit's framework all the time.

Most importantly, the module definition in your theme's index.php can contain all properties, no matter if you have a theme or an extension. If you want to add a Settings screen to the admin panel, register additional tabs to the Site Tree or the Widget management interface, all of that works exactly the same.

Menu and Position Renderer

You might want to use custom menu or position renderer. Below you'll find two examples on how to use them.

<?= $view->menu('main', 'menu-navbar.php') ?>

In this case the main menu will be rendererd with the menu-navbar.php layout file:

<ul class="uk-navbar-nav">

    <?php foreach ($root->getChildren() as $node) : ?>

    <!-- ... more markup ... -->

    <?php endforeach ?>


The same works for widget positions.

<?= $view->position('hero', 'position-grid.php') ?>

Here, the widget position hero will be rendered with the position-grid.php layout file:

<?php foreach ($widgets as $widget) : ?>
<div class="uk-width-1-<?= count($widgets) ?>">


        <h3><?= $widget->title ?></h3>

        <?= $widget->get('result') ?>


<?php endforeach ?>

Default Pagekit markup

The Pagekit admin panel is built using the UIkit frontend framework. That is why the Pagekit core extensions such as static pages and the blog output markup with CSS classes from UIkit. You are, however, in no way forced to use UIkit to create your own themes.

To style the Pagekit system output, you can just add the CSS for a few classes instead of including the UIkit CSS. The theme.css that comes with the Hello extension already comes with the classes you need to style.

If you want to completely change the markup that Pagekit itself generates, you also have the possibility to overwrite system view files, to provide custom widget renderer and custom menu renderer.

Overwrite system views

To overwrite system view files, you just need to put template files in the correct locations inside your theme folder.

File Original view file Description
views/system/site/page.php /app/system/site/views/page.php Default static page view
views/blog/post.php /packages/pagekit/blog/views/post.php Blog post single view
views/blog/posts.php /packages/pagekit/blog/views/posts.php Blog posts list view

To understand which variables you have available in these views, check out the markup in the original view file.

Add theme options to Site interface

This is done via JavaScript, most comfortably when you make use of Vue components.

Load your own JS when the Site Tree interface is currently active. In your index.php, you can do that when you listen to the right event:

'events' => [

    'view.system/site/admin/settings' => function ($event, $view) use ($app) {
        $view->script('site-theme', 'theme:js/site-theme.js', 'site-settings');
        $view->data('$theme', $this);

    // ...


The js/site-theme.js contains a Vue component which renders the interface and takes care of storing of the theme settings.

Note: Although it's possible to do all of this in a single JS file and have the markup be represented in a string, best practice is to actually create *.vue files with your Vue component. Examples can be found in the app/components folder of the default One theme.

window.Site.components['site-theme'] = {

    section: {
        label: 'Theme',
        icon: 'pk-icon-large-brush',
        priority: 15

    template: '<div>Your form markup here</div>',

    data: function () {
        return window.$theme;

    events: {

        save: function() {

            var config = _.omit(this.config, ['positions', 'menus', 'widget']);

            this.$'admin/system/settings/config', {name:, config: config}).error(function (data) {
                this.$notify(data, 'danger');




Add Theme tab to Node configuration in Site Tree

Often you want to attach theme options to a specific Node in the Site tree. For example you want to allow the user to pick a Hero image which can be different per page. To do so, we can add a Theme tab to the Site interface.

'events' => [

    // ...

    'view.system/site/admin/edit' => function ($event, $view) {
        $view->script('node-theme', 'theme:js/node-theme.js', 'site-edit');

    // ...

Example for js/node-theme.js:

window.Site.components['node-theme'] = {

    section: {
        label: 'Theme',
        priority: 90

    props: ['node'],

    template: '<div>Your form markup here</div>'


Note Compare with full Vue components in app/components folder of the default One theme.

Add theme options to Widget interface

Register a script to be loaded in Widget edit view.

'view.system/widget/edit' => function ($event, $view) {
    $view->script('widget-theme', 'theme:app/bundle/widget-theme.js', 'widget-edit');

Example for widget-theme.js:

window.Widgets.components['widget-theme'] = {

    section: {
        label: 'Theme',
        priority: 90

    props: ['widget', 'config'],

    template: '<div>Your form markup here</div>'


Note Compare with full Vue components in app/components folder of the default One theme.

Add a settings screen manually

If the prepared ways of adding a settings screen do not satisfy your needs, you can also manually create a completely new interface. With the module definition in index.php you have full control and can do something like the following:

  1. Create a View file for your settings screen.
  2. Create a new Controller with an action that renders the view file.
  3. Register controller and routes inside your index.php
  4. Optional: Set the settings property to the new settings screen route