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File metadata and controls

55 lines (45 loc) · 1.53 KB

This repo contains source code for a GCP Cloud Function. It listens for log lines over Pub/Sub, and forwards them to Mezmo (previously called LogDNA).

The Cloud Function currently expects log lines from Cloud Run Service or Jobs. No idea how it fares on log lines from other GCP sources.

You need to set up a logging sink that exports to a Pub/Sub topic. Docs on this can be found here.


$ INGESTION_KEY=<LOGDNA ingestion key>
$ PUBSUB_LOG_TOPIC=<Pub/Sub log topic name>
$ REGION=<Desired GCP Region>
$ gcloud functions deploy logdna-gcp \
      --runtime=go120 \
      --gen2 \
      --region=$REGION \
      --source=. \
      --entry-point=LogDNAUpload \
      --set-env-vars=INGESTION_KEY=$INGESTION_KEY \

Run locally:

$ make dev

Call locally:

See docs.

# Assumes you have a file called data.json
$ set data (cat data.json | jq --compact-output | base64 --wrap 0)
$ curl localhost:8080 \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "ce-id: 123451234512345" \
  -H "ce-specversion: 1.0" \
  -H "ce-time: 2020-01-02T12:34:56.789Z" \
  -H "ce-type:" \
  -H "ce-source: //" \
  -d '{
        "message": {
          "data": "'$data'",
        "subscription": "projects/MY-PROJECT/subscriptions/MY-SUB"