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File metadata and controls

196 lines (145 loc) · 8.97 KB

"s5" in s5CI stands for "s{imple}". Having had experience with many "Simple" protocols like SNMP, SMTP, SIP, I deliberately chose this notation to distance from explicitly calling things "Simple".

Yes, this time it is different. Maybe. What gives me hope ? Because I am trying to do as little as possible, with the following principles.

Avoid dynamic content

No dynamic content. The entirety of HTTP-accessible content is static and is generated during the changes. Consequently, there is no specialized daemon to worry about (rather than nginx), and the overall vulnerable footprint is reduced. There may be in the future some dynamic additions - but they will be implemented reluctantly, only after concluding that there is no alternative.

Single upstream - gerrit

s5ci has a single upstream: gerrit. Gerrit is a reasonable platform for code reviews, and has a SSH-based interface that can spit out JSON for data. Not that this may not change - with slight tweaking s5CI can be adapted to any review system, just that Gerrit was the one available/used/good enough for the job of doing code-review based developer workflow.

Jobs are just shell-scripts

s5CI aims itself at relatively controlled environments, so it is deemed that using OS as a mechanism for job control should be reasonable. Consequently, every job is just a shell script. If it returns 0, the job succeeds. If it returns non-zero - the job fails. A job is executed by calling the s5ci executable with parameter "run-job" - and it that calls /bin/sh in a child process with the script to execute. This way this s5ci process can perform the necessary house-keeping - redraw the html, put a timestamp into the database when the process finishes, etc.

A job can launch one or more other jobs using the same "run-job" mechanism - using environment variables the parent-child relationship will be tracked and depicted accordigly in the UI.

This also means that once a job starts, it is not much dependent on the main loop of s5CI still being present - if you want to put a node into maintenance mode, simply stop the main loop and wait for the rest of the s5ci processes to finish!

This split of "job acquisition loop" and "distributed job management" allows for greater simplicity and debuggability - the two parts are completely independent conceptually.

Triggers are regexes and crons

Even if a job can start a job, the first job needs to be started by something. There are two mechanisms: Cron triggers and Comment triggers.

Cron triggers

Cron triggers are defined pieces of configiration as follows:

      #            sec  min   hour   day of month   month   day of week   year
      cron:        "0    0,30     *          *        *          *          * "
         command: run-cron twice-per-hour

"run-cron" is the shell script which will be launched every half an hour with "twice-per-hour" argument.

Comment triggers

Comment triggers fire on the comments made to the changesets. Every so often, s5CI polls the upstream and retrieves the list of changesets which have been updated since the last poll. Then for each of the changesets it walks the list of comments and attempts to match all of the configured regexes on them and builds the vector of candidate jobs. If the regex for the job is matched but immediately in one of the following comments the suppress_regex matches as well, the execution of that job is suppressed. This allows to arrange for simple time-based server redundancy mechanisms.

The configuration for a regex trigger looks as follows:

      regex: \secho (?P<testval>.+)
      # optional suppress_regex will delete the about-to-be-started jobs of the same name
      suppress_regex: Build http
        command: run-echo {{regex.testval}}

The script itself might look as follows:

set -eux
${S5CI_EXE} review -m "Build ${S5CI_JOB_URL} has finished: $1"

In this case, the regex will match and will extract the "testval" variable, which can be referenced in order to build the full command line to run the job. if in the same processing batch there is also a match on "Build http" - then the job will not be started.

(optional) Per-project triggers

In addition to triggers defined in the main configuration file, s5ci supports having several additional files specifying triggers - one (or in the future more) per project. They can be located in a different location, specified in the main configuration file, thus allowing to separate the high-level trigger configuration from the "main" and host-specific config.

(optional) Time-based redundancy for Comment triggers

Let's say we have two servers, S1 and S2, both running s5CI, polling gerrit. The parameter poll_wait_ms determines how long to wait between the subsequent polls.

S1 server should have a shorter interval, say 60000ms, the other one should have a longer interval, say 300000ms - thus, 1 and 5 minutes respectively. Assuming the trigger configuration above is present in both of the configurations, if S2 performs a poll, and sees the comment matching the trigger regex, which is more than just over a minute old, but no corresponding "Build ..." comment on the changeset - this means the S1 is in trouble, and did not launch the job, so it can do so. In order to add this reaction delay, S2 needs to have default_regex_trigger_delay_sec set to something slightly above 60 - 120 would be a safe setting.

When S2 acts on trigger and puts the comment, even if S1 somehow managed to not poll for a longer period of time, then it will see both the trigger comment and the reaction from S2 - so it will not trigger the job.

(optional, draft) Running in a stateless container

s5ci saves the per-job data exports of job records within each of the job directory, done at the same time as the HTML updates. This provides a distributed backup of sorts, and enables simple database schema migrations - delete the old database, create the new database, re-import the existing jobs records from exported text files.

This allows for a largely stateless container-based setup in the following fashion: create a remote rsync-available host, whose only purpose in life is to be accessible via HTTP for the outside world and via rsync/ssh to the container infra, and upon container startup, rsync the static data tree to it, then recreate the database. Run the jobs as usual, and perform frequent periodic rsync back to the static storage. Upon the s5ci shutdown, wait for the rsync to complete and just delete the container.

The UI with the results will continue to be available at the static location.

(optional, draft) Distributed jobs under hashicorp nomad

The distributed case is an extension of the above mentioned container setup, except rather than starting the new "s5ci run-job" processes within the current container, it kicks them off in the separate nomad jobs.

The process hierarchy in case of the local job looks like:


s5ci # main loop
  |---> s5ci run-job foo
          |-----> bash -c /path/to/scripts/foo

For the remote job we need to abstract out the existence of the level inbetween, so the process/job hierarchy will look as follows:


s5ci # main loop
  |---> s5ci run-job foo
           . . . . . launch and monitor nomad job . . . 


CALLBACK=http://mainhost/s5ci s5ci run-job foo 
  |---> bash -c /path/to/scripts/foo

the run-job instance of s5ci on the mainhost periodically polls the nomad control plane, and pumps the stdout/stderr info that is being added there, to the console output on the mainhost s5ci instance - this way it creates an abstraction that the job is running on the mainhost.

The s5ci instance on the subhost does the part of monitoring the local descendant processes, communicating back to the mainhost: new job start requests (which turn into separate nomad jobs with the same mainhost-subhost structure), job status updates, job termination and return code values. The HTTP(s) callback is secured by a temporary random token that is valid for the duration of that job, optionally (TBD) also by an IP address restriction that gets activated upon the very first callback - the assumption is that the live-running host will not change the IP. The current mechanism explicitly does not consider any MITM threats. For that one might use TLS with certificate pinning (assuming that the subhost cert/private key distribution is secure against MITM - else it is just complexity with not much value.

With this approach, none of the concepts behind running as a standalone node need to change, and (assuming a good implementation), nomad will provide the required tolerance for restarting and moving the failing jobs around in case of failing nodes.