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File metadata and controls

246 lines (214 loc) · 14.7 KB


Techniques are a central building block of the aws-do-pm framework. They define how to complete a task. A technique contains a task template. The task template defines the information that a task needs at runtime. In object-oriented terms, a technique is a class, and a task is an object. A technique defines the "How" and a task defines the "What" of a unit of work.

For development purposes a technique is defined as a program which runs in a target orchestrator, the entry point to the program is an executor which takes a single argument named --config. The argument specifies the path to a json file, which follows the task template registered in the technique and provides all necessary configuration for the program.

1. Command line Interface

The PM CLI offers a menu of technique-related commands.

1.1. Help

Use the help system to learn more about the technique menu of the PM CLI.

./pm technique --help


    ./pm technique <action> [arguments]

        ls                                        - list standard config items
        describe <technique_id>                   - describe an existing technique
        template <technique_id>                   - export task template from an existing technique
        register <config_json_filepath>           - add a new technique using the provided config json path
        remove <technique_id>                     - delete an existing technique

1.2. List

List the available techniques by executing the following PM CLI command either from your shell or from the platform container (by running ./ first):

./pm technique ls


000ROOTNODEID000 technique_registration_graphdb ['technique', 'register', 'graphdb'] Technnique registration using graph database.
c03623kizy06twxajbt2wgr7bs7ghumg data_registration ['data', 'register'] Import data to storage and register it in the graph database
vyeadt2bivrpfbgw66h7r8oq4f4dp1wf model_registration ['model', 'register'] Upload model and register it in the graph database
fyd77r2f504mux7lqyz16upt0ynbti9k model_build_ann ['model', 'build', 'ann'] Build model using artificial neural network
ghzrgcwia8984k57fvtza1e5sl6mud26 model_serve_grpc ['model', 'serve', 'grpc', 'service', 'deploy'] Serve a model as a gRPC service
lcm7kriknfgy9xxlyofhzhfru9g97le0 model_service_configure ['model', 'service', 'configure'] Configure the model service with an updated model
l90obo0myv0ko7iyrvq69p88p9pkn8qv model_service_destroy ['model', 'service', 'destroy'] Stop and remove a model service
phbcrp1maka7v11bdhyqx0tdvpm3h2fd model_update_ukf_grpc ['model', 'update', 'ukf', 'grpc'] Update model using Unscented Kalman Filter and gRPC
gs0efg1ggemccochnci9gvbn6436u7dz model_predict_grpc ['model', 'predict', 'grpc'] Predict with an existing model which is servced as a gRPC service
ew1lqmb6osxepmieb5ne4fs3yiz69trg model_sensitivity_grpc ['analyze', 'model', 'sensitivity', 'sobol', 'grpc'] Analyze sensitivity of model parameters and inputs of an existing model which is servced as a gRPC service
ghfiudgg2mdl6uoxkg0uf2rrpbojmgkd ev_data_select ['ev', 'data', 'select'] Select a subset of fleet EV data for a specific vehicle and route

This list provides all the technique ids, names, tags, and brief descriptions of the techniques that are included in the aws-do-pm project. For detailed information on each of these techniques, please see the next section in this document and follow the links to technique-specific documentation.

1.3. Describe

Describe a technique by copying the technique id of interest from the list above and providing it as argument to the ./pm technique describe command.

./pm technique describe c03623kizy06twxajbt2wgr7bs7ghumg


  "_key": "c03623kizy06twxajbt2wgr7bs7ghumg",
  "_id": "technique/c03623kizy06twxajbt2wgr7bs7ghumg",
  "_rev": "_dwkWlD6---",
  "technique_id": "c03623kizy06twxajbt2wgr7bs7ghumg",
  "created_dt": "20220224-023901-689643",
  "updated_dt": "",
  "technique_tags": [
  "technique_name": "data_registration",
  "technique_description": "Import data to storage and register it in the graph database",
  "node_name": "data_registration",
  "task_target_orchestrator": "python",
  "task_container_image": "aws-do-pm-platform:latest",
  "task_executor_filepath": "/src/python/pm/data/",
  "task_template": {
    "task_id": "<newid1>",
    "task_name": "register",
    "technique_name": "data_registration",
    "task_options": [
    "node_name": "register",
    "created_dt": "<timestamp>",
    "analyticSettings": {
      "pm_s3_bucket": "aws-do-pm",
      "pm_root_path": "wd",
      "local_path": "<path>",
      "filename": "<main_file>",
      "rel_dest_path": "data/<newid2>",
      "description": "Registered dataset"
    "inputs": {},
    "outputs": {},
    "input_artifacts": {},
    "output_artifacts": {
      "data": [
    "savedState": {},
    "status": ""

This template shows that the data_registration technique is embedded in the aws-do-pm-platform container and is executed by the /src/python/pm/data/ script using python. The task configuration parameters are specified in the task_template. The technique_tags specify key words by which this technique can be found when searched within aws-do-pm.

1.4. Go

To allow flexibility when extending aws-do-pm with new techniques, the PM CLI implements a menu system that is driven by tags. Since the tags for the data registration technique we described above are "data" and "register", a template for a data registration task can be generated by the CLI by specifying either of these two commands:

./pm go data register


./pm go register data


  "task_id": "uh3ojc1ldc4yje9a7d22qjc6gzvs0z34",
  "task_name": "register",
  "technique_name": "data_registration",
  "task_options": [
  "node_name": "register",
  "created_dt": "20220225-200618-911199",
  "analyticSettings": {
    "pm_s3_bucket": "aws-do-pm",
    "pm_root_path": "wd",
    "local_path": "<path>",
    "filename": "<main_file>",
    "rel_dest_path": "data/yece750htvz4m2pg2n6vpjeaaspt8e7e",
    "description": "Registered dataset"
  "inputs": {},
  "outputs": {},
  "input_artifacts": {},
  "output_artifacts": {
    "data": [
  "savedState": {},
  "status": ""

The task template is automatically saved to wd/tmp/1/input.json. The user can edit the file to specify any of the task-specific values that are enclosed in <>, then execute the task by using the ./pm do <path> command.

1.5. Do

The do command of the PM CLI allows a user to create and execute any task based on a provided input json file. All tasks in aws-do-pm can be accomplished, by only using the ./pm go and ./pm do commands.

While running the ev-demo script, a generated training dataset is saved in wd/generated_ev_data/train_data. We will use that to demonstrate the ./pm do command.

Edit file wd/tmp/1/input.json which was created in the previous step and replace:

  • <path> with wd/generated_ev_data/train_data
  • <main_file> with input_output.json. Then run the do command below:
./pm do wd/tmp/1/input.json


Executing task from wd/task/vivkgv7m0rj163zzp53trhkemkx1mxpt/task.json ...
Executing PM task:
['python', '/src/python/pm/data/', '--config', 'wd/task/vivkgv7m0rj163zzp53trhkemkx1mxpt/task.json']
Return code: 0
upload: wd/generated_ev_data/train_data/input_output.json to s3://aws-do-pm/data/pfafcru5lhchn6azqzjmtp1m7u7gmznb/input_output.json
download: s3://aws-do-pm-alex/data/pfafcru5lhchn6azqzjmtp1m7u7gmznb/input_output.json to wd/data/pfafcru5lhchn6azqzjmtp1m7u7gmznb/input_output.json
upload: wd/data/pfafcru5lhchn6azqzjmtp1m7u7gmznb/metadata.json to s3://aws-do-pm/data/pfafcru5lhchn6azqzjmtp1m7u7gmznb/metadata.json

2. Technique details

The project comes with a set of core techniques that can be used as building blocks for a predictive modeling application. The framework is also extensible, through registeration of user-defined custom techniques, like ev-data-generation.

2.1. System techniques

2.1.1. technique_registration

Registering a technique is in itself a technique. The initialization of the system starts by creating the technique_registration technique and that becomes the root node in the system graph.

To register a technique, a registration json file is required. Examples of registration files are available in ../src/python/pm/technique and ../src/python/example/ev/technique/ev_data_select. The data_registration technique was created by executing task ../src/python/pm/task/task_technique_register_data_registration.json which points to the registration json ../src/python/pm/technique/technique_registration_data_registration.json

If you would like to register your own custom technique, create a technique_registration.json using one of the available examples, then execute ./pm technique register <path_to_technique_registration.json>.

2.1.2. data_registration

The data registration technique allows users of aws-do-pm to import datasets into the system. The imported dataset is given a unique id and uploaded to the S3 bucket as well as temporarily stored in the platform shared volume. Metadata about the dataset is generated and stored in the same locations as well as the graph database.

To register your own dataset, use the following PM CLI command:

./pm data register <local_path> <main_file> ["dataset description"]
  • local_path can be a relative or absolute path to the folder containing your dataset
  • main_file is the name of the main file that contains data in the folder
  • "dataset description" is a free-form text description of your data. Please enclose the description in double quotes on the command line to ensure that the entire description is passed to the CLI as a single argument.

2.1.3. model_registration

Model registration allows users to import models that have been built outside of aws-do-pm. To register an external model, use ./pm model register <folder_path> <model_filename> ["model description"].

Note: if specifying model description, please ensure it is enclosed in double quotes so the entire description is submitted as a single argument.

2.1.4. model_build_ann

To build an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model use the following command: ./pm model build <data_id>. Detailed documentation of this technique is available here: ../src/python/technique/model_build_ann/

2.1.5. model_serve_grpc

To deploy a model as a gRPC service, use the following command: ./pm service deploy <model_id>. Detailed documentation of this technique is available here: ../src/python/technique/model_serve_grpc/

2.1.6. model_service_configure

To update a model service with a new model, use the following command: ./pm service configure <service_id> <model_id>, where service_id is the id of the service to configure, and model_id is the new model that the service should be configured with.

2.1.7. model_service_destroy

To decommission a model service, use the following command: ./pm service destroy <service_id>. This command removes the model service and deletes its corresponding pod.

2.1.8. model_predict_grpc

To generate a prediction using a specific model and data, use the following command: ./pm model predict <model_id|service_id> <data_id>. If a service_id is specified, it will be used to generate a prediction. If model_id is specified, the model will be deployed as a service, the prediction will be made, and then the service will automatically be destroyed. Detailed information about the model prediction technique is available here: ../src/python/technique/model_predict_grpc/

2.1.9. model_update_ukf

To update a model using specific data, use the following command: ./pm model update <model_id|service_id> <data_id>. If a service_id is specified, it will be used to update the model, if model_id is specified, a service will be created and automatically destroyed when the model update is done. Detailed documentation about the UKF model update technique is available here: ../src/python/technique/model_update_ukf_grpc/

2.1.10. model_sensitivity_grpc

To run sensitivity analysis of a model, use the following command: ./pm model sensitivity <model_id|service_id> <data_id>. If a service_id is specified, the analysis will be run against it. If model_id is specified, a service will be created and automatically destroyed when the sensitivity analysis is done. Detailed documentation about this technique is available here: ../src/python/technique/model_sensitivity_grpc/

2.2. Custom technique example

2.2.1. ev_data_select

The ev_data_select technique is a custom technique, specific to the EV use case. It does not come pre-registered in aws-do-pm. We register this technique, using ./pm technique register <config_json_filepath> in the demo scripts. The data selection technique is needed for the EV use case so we may simulate data for a particular vehicle and route arriving from the field. In reality this data is selected and extracted from the raw dataset and saved with its own data id. Detailed documentation about this technique is available here: ../src/python/example/ev/technique/ev_data_select/

2.2.2. ev_datagen_em

The ev_datagen_em code is structured as a technique, but is not registered with aws-do-pm as part of the demo. This is to showcase how code running outside of aws-do-pm can be used in parallel with aws-do-pm techniques and tasks. We generate the data by running this code in a Docker container, then register the raw dataset with aws-do-pm. Detailed documentation about the EV data generation code is available here: ../src/python/example/ev/technique/ev_datagen_em/

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