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Category Theory for Programmers Challenges

8. Functoriality

8.1. Show that the data type:

data Pair a b = Pair a b

is a bifunctor. For additional credit implement all three methods of Bifunctor and use equational reasoning to show that these definitions are compatible with the default implementations whenever they can be applied.

Quoted from the text:

If you have a mapping from a pair of categories to a third category, and you prove that it is functorial in each argument separately (i.e., keeping the other argument constant), then the mapping is automatically a bifunctor.

If we keep a constant then we get:

instance Functor (Pair a) where
    fmap f (Pair a b) = Pair a (f b)

Now we need to check that it preserves identity fmap id = id:

fmap id (Pair a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Pair a (id b)
= -- definition of id
Pair a b
= -- definition of id
id (Pair a b)

We also need to check that it preserves composition: fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f:

fmap (g . f) (Pair a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Pair a ((g . f) b)
= -- function application
Pair a (g (f b))
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (Pair a (f b))
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (fmap f (Pair a b))
= -- definition of composition
(fmap g . fmap f) (Pair a b)

We can do exactly the same type of proof by fixing b.

instance Functor (`Pair` b) where
    fmap f (Pair a b) = Pair (f a) b

First we need to check that it preserves identity fmap id = id:

fmap id (Pair a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Pair (id a) b
= -- definition of id
Pair a b
= -- definition of id
id (Pair a b)

We also need to check that it preserves composition: fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f:

fmap (g . f) (Pair a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Pair ((g . f) a) b 
= -- function application
Pair (g (f a)) b
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (Pair (f a) b)
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (fmap f (Pair a b))
= -- definition of composition
(fmap g . fmap f) (Pair a b)

Here is an implementation of all three methods of Bifunctor for Pair.

instance Bifunctor Pair where
    bimap f g (Pair x y) = Pair (f x) (g y)
    first f (Pair x y) = Pair (f x) g
    second g (Pair x y) = Pair x (g y)

We can now use equational reasoning to show that these definitions are compatible with the default implementations:

class Bifunctor f where
    bimap :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> f a b -> f c d
    bimap g h = first g . second h
    first :: (a -> c) -> f a b -> f c b
    first g = bimap g id
    second :: (b -> d) -> f a b -> f a d
    second = bimap id

First bimap:

bimap f g (Pair x y)
= -- apply bimap
(first f . second g) (Pair x y)
= -- apply first
((\(Pair x y) -> Pair (f x) y) . second g) (Pair x y)
= -- apply second
((\(Pair x y) -> Pair (f x) y) . (\(Pair x y) -> Pair x (g y))) (Pair x y)
= -- function application
(\(Pair x y) -> Pair (f x) y) Pair x (g y)
= -- function application
Pair (f x) (g y)

Next first:

first f (Pair x y)
= -- apply first
bimap f id (Pair x y)
= -- apply bimap
Pair (f x) (id y)
= -- identity
Pair (f x) y

Lastly second:

second g (Pair x y)
= -- apply second
bimap id g (Pair x y)
= -- apply bimap
Pair (id x) (g y)
= -- identity
Pair x (g y)

8.2. Show the isomorphism between the standard definition of Maybe and this desugaring:

type Maybe' a = Either (Const () a) (Identity a)

Hint: Define two mappings between the two implementations. For additional credit, show that they are the inverse of each other using equational reasoning.

The Const functor ignores its second type parameter and the first one is kept constant.

data Const c a = Const c

fmap :: (a -> b) -> Const c a -> Const c b
fmap _ (Const v) = Const v

Lets define a mapping from Maybe a to Maybe' a:

maybeToEither :: Maybe a -> Either (Const () a) (Identity a)
maybeToEither Nothing = Left $ Const ()
maybeToEither (Just j) = Right $ Identity j

And now lets define the reverse mapping from Maybe' a to Maybe a:

eitherToMaybe :: Either (Const () a) (Identity a) -> Maybe a
eitherToMaybe (Left (Const ())) -> Nothing
eitherToMaybe (Right (Identity j)) -> Just j

If they were the inverse of each other then the following must be true:

eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither = id
maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe = id

For each of these two equations, we have two possible inputs:

eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither = id -- input `Nothing`
eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither = id -- input `(Just j)`
maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe = id -- input `Left (Const ())`
maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe = id -- input `Right (Identity j)`

All of these can be proven with simple function application:

  1. eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither = id input Nothing:
eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither Nothing
= -- function application
eitherToMaybe (Left (Const ()))
= -- function application
= -- identity
id Nothing
  1. eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither = id input (Just j):
eitherToMaybe . maybeToEither (Just j)
= -- function application
eitherToMaybe (Right (Identity j))
= -- function application
Just j
= -- identity
id (Just j)
  1. maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe = id input Left (Const ()):
maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe (Const ())
= -- function application
eitherToMaybe Nothing
= -- function application
Const ()
= -- identity
id (Const ())
  1. maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe = id input Right (Identity j):
maybeToEither . eitherToMaybe (Right (Identity j))
= -- function application
eitherToMaybe (Just j)
= -- function application
Right (Identity j)
= -- identity
id (Right (Identity j))

8.3. Let's try another data structure. I call it a PreList because it’s a precursor to a List. It replaces recursion with a type parameter b.

data PreList a b = Nil | Cons a b

You could recover our earlier definition of a List by recursively applying PreList to itself (we’ll see how it’s done when we talk about fixed points).

Show that PreList is an instance of Bifunctor.

Showing PreList is an instance of Bifunctor involves checking whether:

A. PreList is a functor when fixing a for: N. Nil i. where a functor preserves identity and c. a functor preserves composition C. Cons i. where a functor preserves identity and c. a functor preserves composition B. PreList is a functor when fixing b for: N. Nil i. where a functor preserves identity and c. a functor preserves composition C. Cons i. where a functor preserves identity and c. a functor preserves composition

A. First, if we keep a constant then we get:

instance (Functor b) => Functor (PreList a) where
    fmap f Nil = Nil
    fmap f (Cons a b) = Cons a (fmap f b)

A.N Nil

A.N.i Nil Preserves identity fmap id = id

fmap id Nil
= -- definition of fmap
= -- identity
= id Nil

A.N.c Nil Preserves composition fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f

fmap (g . f) Nil
= -- definition of fmap
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g Nil
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (fmap f Nil)
= fmap g . fmap f

A.C Cons a

A.C.i Cons a preserves identity fmap id = id

fmap id (Cons a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Cons a (fmap id b)
= -- b implements fmap
Cons a (id b)
= -- identity
Cons a b
= -- identity
id (Cons a b)

A.C.c Cons a preserves composition fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f

fmap (g . f) (Cons a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Cons a (fmap (g . f) b)
= -- b implements fmap
Cons a ((fmap g . fmap f) b)
= Cons a (fmap g (fmap f (b)))
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (Cons a (fmap f b))
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (fmap f (Cons a b))
= fmap g . fmap f (Cons a b)

B. Now we keep b constant:

instance (Functor a) => Functor (`PreList` b) where
    fmap f Nil = Nil
    fmap f (Cons a b) = Cons (fmap f a) b


  • B.N.i = A.N.i
  • B.N.c = A.N.c

B.C.i Cons b preserves identity fmap id = id

fmap id (Cons a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Cons (fmap id a) b 
= -- a implements fmap
Cons (id a) b
= -- identity
Cons a b
= -- identity
id (Cons a b)

B.C.c Cons b preserves composition fmap (g . f) = fmap g . fmap f

fmap (g . f) (Cons a b)
= -- definition of fmap
Cons (fmap (g . f) a) b 
= -- b implements fmap
Cons ((fmap g . fmap f) a) b
= Cons (fmap g (fmap f (a))) b 
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (Cons (fmap f a) b)
= -- definition of fmap
fmap g (fmap f (Cons a b))
= fmap g . fmap f (Cons a b)

8.4. Show that the following data types define bifunctors in a and b:

data K2 c a b = K2 c

instance Bifunctor (K2 c) where
    bimap _ _ (K2 c) = K2 c

data Fst a b = Fst a

instance Bifunctor Fst where
    bimap f _ (Fst a) = Fst (f a)

data Snd a b = Snd b

instance Bifunctor Snd where
    bimap _ g (Snd b) = Snd (g b)

For additional credit, check your solutions agains Conor McBride’s paper Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right.

8.5. Define a bifunctor in a language other than Haskell. Implement bimap for a generic pair in that language.

Go does not have generics, so the only options are reflection and code generation. This time I chose reflection:

package main

import (

func bimap(f, g, tuple interface{}) interface{} {
	fv, gv, tuplev := reflect.ValueOf(f), reflect.ValueOf(g), reflect.ValueOf(tuple)
	out := tuplev.Call(nil)
	fst, snd := out[0], out[1]
	fout := fv.Call([]reflect.Value{fst})
	gout := gv.Call([]reflect.Value{snd})
	typeof := reflect.TypeOf(tuple)
	return reflect.MakeFunc(typeof, func([]reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
		return []reflect.Value{fout[0], gout[0]}

func not(b bool) bool { return !b }

func inc(i int) int { return i+1 }

func main() {
    // the only way to represent a tuple in go is as multiple return parameters or as a struct.  
    // This time I opted for a function with multiple return paramaters.
    tuple := func() (int, bool) { return 1, false }
	b := bimap(inc, not, tuple)
	two, yes := b.(func() (int, bool))()
	fmt.Printf("%d %v\n", two, yes)

Run it here

8.6. Should std::map be considered a bifunctor or a profunctor in the two template arguments Key and T? How would you redesign this data type to make it so?

I assume std::map refers to a hashmap in C++. I am going to tackle this question as if it was posed about Go's map, which is also a hashmap.

There are several reasonable ways to implement a map, which can be related to a function:

  1. one key can have multiple return values: Key -> [Type]
  2. one key can refer to one or zero values: Key -> Maybe Type

Go decided to go another route:

  1. Key -> (Bool, Type), where it is either (False, zero) or (True, Type).

zero returns a different default value for each type:

zero :: String
zero = ""

zero :: Int
zero = 0

zero :: Bool
zero = False

zero :: Maybe T
zero = Nil

By convention (so not checked by the compiler) the programmer should check the Bool to know whether the value was present.

  1. Key -> Type.

The programmer can also skip that and simply use the default value if the value was not present, which then results our forth possible implementation.

Now that we have four possible interpretations of map, I suspect they are all Profunctors:

class Profunctor p where
  dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
  dimap f g = lmap f . rmap g
  lmap :: (a -> b) -> p b c -> p a c
  lmap f = dimap f id
  rmap :: (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c
  rmap = dimap id

The easiest is number 4 Key -> Type, which is just a function and that has been shown to be a Profunctor.

Get a b :: a -> b

instance Profunctor Get where
  dimap keyf valuef get = valuef . get . keyf
  lmap = flip (.)
  rmap = (.)

Next lets try number 2 Key -> Maybe Type:

GetMaybe a b :: a -> Maybe b

instance Profunctor GetMaybe where
  dimap keyf valuef get = lmap f . rmap g
  lmap keyf get = \k -> get (keyf k)
  rmap valuef get = \k -> fmap valuef (get k)

Number 1 is the same as number 2 and we can generalize it:

GetF f a b :: a -> f b

instance (Functor f) => Profunctor (GetF f) where
  dimap keyf valuef get = lmap f . rmap g
  lmap keyf get = \k -> get (keyf k)
  rmap valuef get = \k -> fmap valuef (get k)

Finally we have number 3, the Go map Key -> (Bool, Type). We could implement this in two ways:

  1. As a Maybe
GetGo a b = a -> (Bool, b)

instance Profunctor GetGo where
  dimap keyf valuef get = lmap f . rmap g
  lmap keyf get = \k -> get (keyf k)
  rmap valuef get = \k -> let (ok, v) = get k
    in if ok 
        then (True, valuef v)
        else (False, v)
  1. Or as a Tuple
GetGo a b = a -> (Bool, b)

instance Profunctor GetGo where
  dimap keyf valuef get = lmap f . rmap g
  lmap keyf get = \k -> get (keyf k)
  rmap valuef get = \k -> let (ok, v) = get k
    in if ok 
        then (True, valuef v)
        else (False, valuef v)