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Category Theory for Programmers Challenges

5. Products and Coproducts

5.1. Show that the terminal object is unique up to unique isomorphism.

Reversing the arrows gives you a theorem for free, so we can take the proof of initial object and simply rewrite in reverse:

Let's suppose that we have two terminal objects t1 and t2. Since t1 is terminal, there is a unique morphism f from t2 to t1. By the same token, since t2 is terminal, there is a unique morphism g from t1 to t2. The composition g . f must be morphism from t1 to t1. But t1 is terminal so there can only be one morphism going from t1 to t1. Since we are in a category, we know that there is an identity morphism from t1 to t1, and since there is room for only one, that must be it. Therefore g . f must be equal to identity. Similarly f . g must be equal to identity, because there can be only one morphism from t2 back to t2. This proves that f and g must be the inverse of each other. Therefore any two terminal objects are isomorphic. That implies that the initial object is unique up to unique isomorphism.

5.2. What is a product of two objects in a poset? Hint: Use the universal construction.

The chapter describes a category of sets, but in this question we have a poset category, where objects are elements of the poset and morphisms are relations.

A poset is a partially ordered set. This is a set of objects that is partially ordered. A partial order has two rules:

  • a <= b & b <= c => a <= c
  • a <= b & b <= a => a == b

But not every two objects need to be related, because it is not a total order.

Examples include: A set of sets, subtypes and non negative integers ordered by divisibility.

Here is an example the poset of a non negative integers ordered by divisibility:

digraph G {
    3 -> 1 [label="<="]
    2 -> 1
    6 -> 2
    4 -> 2
    6 -> 3 [label="÷2"]
    9 -> 3
    8 -> 4
    12 -> 4 [label="÷3"]
    12 -> 6
    18 -> 6
    24 -> 8
    18 -> 9 [label="<="]
    24 -> 12

the poset of a non negative integers ordered by divisibility

Note: all the edges have not been labeled and this is not enough edges to be a category.

Lets add the edges to create a category:

digraph G {
    1 -> 1 
    2 -> 1 [label="<="]
    2 -> 2 [label="<="]
    3 -> 1
    3 -> 3 [label="÷1"]
    4 -> 1
    4 -> 2
    4 -> 4
    6 -> 1
    6 -> 2
    6 -> 3 [label="÷2"]    
    6 -> 6
    8 -> 1
    8 -> 2
    8 -> 4 [label="<="]
    8 -> 8
    9 -> 1
    9 -> 3
    9 -> 9
    12 -> 1
    12 -> 2
    12 -> 3
    12 -> 4 [label="÷3"]
    12 -> 6
    12 -> 12 [label="id"]
    18 -> 1
    18 -> 2
    18 -> 3
    18 -> 6 [label="<="]
    18 -> 9 [label="<="]
    18 -> 18
    24 -> 1
    24 -> 2
    24 -> 3 [label="<="]
    24 -> 4
    24 -> 6
    24 -> 8 [label="<="]
    24 -> 12
    24 -> 24

the poset category of a non negative integers ordered by divisibility

Note: all the edges have not been labeled.

The definition of a product as found in the chapter:

A product of two objects a and b is the object c equipped with two projections such that for any other object c’ equipped with two projections there is a unique morphism m from c’ to c that factorizes those projections.

If a and b are objects in the poset and there is a object c with two relations:

p :: a <= c
q :: b <= c

such that for any other object c' equipped with two relations:

p' :: a <= c'
q' :: b <= c'

there is a unique relation from c' to c that factorizes those relations:

A preorder says that:

a <= b & b <= c       =>       a <= c

factorization is:

p' = p . m
q' = q . m

so for relations that would be:

p' => p & m
q' => q & m

and if we then substitute we get:

a <= c' => a <= c & c <= c'
b <= c'=> b <= c & c <= c'

which means m is:

c <= c'
digraph G {
  "c'" -> c [label=" <=", style="dashed"]
  "c'" -> a [label=" <="]
  "c'" -> b [label=" <="]
  c -> a [label=" <="]
  c -> b [label=" <="]

A poset product

This means that the product of a poset is the smallest number that is bigger than or equal to both a and b. If the poset is the non negative integers ordered by divisibility then the product of a poset is the product or least common multiple value c = lcm(a,b), because c has to be the smallest number c <= c' that is bigger than or equal to and can divided by both a and b.

For example in our picture the product of:

  • 8 and 12 is 24
  • 18 and 8 is nothing
  • 8 and 4 is 8
  • 3 and 2 is 6

I found Wikiversity's Introduction to Category Theory - Products and Coproducts of Sets - Divisibility poset useful in answering this question.

5.3. What is a coproduct of two objects in a poset?

For a coproduct we reverse all the arrows:

digraph G {
  c -> "c'" [label=" <=", style="dashed"]
  a -> "c'" [label=" <="]
  b -> "c'" [label=" <="]
  a -> c [label=" <="]
  b -> c [label=" <="]
  { rank = min; "c'" }
  { rank = max; a; b }
c <= a & c <= b & c' <= c

So c is the biggest number that is smaller or equal to a and b. This means the coproduct of a poset is the largest object that is smaller or equal to both of its two constituents.

A poset coproduct

In the poset category of a non negative integers ordered by divisibility, the coproduct is the greatest common denominator.

For example in our picture the coproduct of:

  • 8 and 12 is 4
  • 18 and 8 is 2
  • 8 and 4 is 4
  • 3 and 2 is 1

5.4. Implement the equivalent of Haskell Either as a generic type in your favorite language (other than Haskell).

Go does not have generics and there are many ways to do this incorrectly. The conventional hack typically followed in Go is to have a tuple with one value null and the other value non null. This is at least the pattern that is followed for errors and values, which is the most popular either type in Go at least.

In other cases I would recommend a struct with two fields and to follow the convention of one being null and the other being non null again and to also have a Case method, which can be used to pattern match and apply a function to the either of the values.

type EitherAorB struct {
  Left *A
  Right *B

func NewLeft(a *A) EitherAorB {
  return EitherAorB{Left: a}

func NewRight(b *B) EitherAorB {
  return EitherAorB(Right: b)

func (e *EitherAorB) Case(f func(a *A) C, g func(b *B) C) C {
  if e.Left != nil {
    return f(e.Left)
  return g(e.Right)

5.5. Show that Either is a "better" coproduct than int equipped with two injections:

int i(int n) { return n; }
int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; }

Hint: Define a function

int m(Either const & e);

that factorizes i and j.

digraph G {
  c [label="Either int bool"]
  "c'" [label="int"]
  c -> "c'" [label=" m", style="dashed"]
  a -> "c'" [label=" int i(int n) { return n; }"]
  b -> "c'" [label=" int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; }"]
  a -> c [label=" Left"]
  b -> c [label=" Right"]
  { rank = min; "c'" }
  { rank = max; a; b }

coproduct Either vs int

We can show that we can map Either to int.

We can define m as:

disclaimer I am not a C++ programmer

int m(Either const & e) {
  if (e.tag == isLeft) {
    return e.left;
  return e.right?: 0; 1;

Here we can see that m factorizes the two projections i and j:

i' = m . i
int i(int n) { return n; } = m . Left
n = m (Left n)

j' = m . j
int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; } = m . Right
0 = m (Right true)
1 = m (Right false)

5.6. Continuing the previous problem: How would you argue that int with the two injections i and j cannot be "better" than Either?

digraph G {
  c [label="Either int bool"]
  "c'" [label="int"]
  a [label="int"]
  b [label="bool"]
  c -> "c'" [label=" m", style="dashed"]
  a -> "c'" [label=" i'"]
  b -> "c'" [label=" j'"]
  a -> c [label=" Left"]
  b -> c [label=" Right"]
  { rank = min; "c'" }
  { rank = max; a; b }

coproduct Either is best

The other way around does not work, we cannot have a mapping from int to Either that will factorize i and j.

digraph G {
  "c'" [label="int"]
  c [label="Either int bool"]
  a [label="int"]
  b [label="bool"]
  "c'" -> c [label=" m", style="dashed"]
  a -> "c'" [label=" i"]
  b -> "c'" [label=" j"]
  a -> c [label=" Left"]
  b -> c [label=" Right"]
  { rank = min; c }
  { rank = max; a; b }

coproduct int is not the best

i' = m . i
Left = m . int i(int n) { return n; }
Left = m . id
Left = m

j' = m . j
Right = m . int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; }
Right = \b -> m (j b)
Right true = m (j true)
Right true = m 0
Right false = m (j false)
Right false = m 1

This means that m 0 must be equal to Left 0 and Right true and also m 1 must be equal to Left 1 and Right false, which is impossible.

Either m(int i) {
  if i == 0 {
    return Right(true) || Left(0);
  if i == 1 {
    return Right(false) || Left(1);
  return Left(i);

5.7. Still continuing: What about these injections?

int i(int n) { 
    if (n < 0) return n; 
    return n + 2;
int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; }

Lets first try to try find a mapping from Either to int:

coproduct Either is best

i' = m . i
int i(int n) { if (n < 0) return n; return n + 2; } = m . Left
n < 0 => id = m . Left
n >= 0 => (+2) = m . Left

j' = m . j
int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; } = m . Right
0 = m (Right true)
1 = m (Right false)

That implies that m is the following function:

m (Left n) = if n < 0 then n else n+2
m (Right true) = 0
m (Right false) = 1

Now lets try to factorize the other way around from int to Either:

coproduct int is not the best

i' = m . i
Left = m . int i(int n) { if (n < 0) return n; return n + 2; }
n < 0 => Left = m . id = m
n >= 0 => Left = m . \n -> n + 2

j' = m . j
Right = m . int j(bool b) { return b? 0: 1; }
Right = \b -> m (j b)
Right true = m (j true)
Right true = m 0
Right false = m (j false)
Right false = m 1
  • m 0 = Right true
  • m 1 = Right false
  • m 2 = Left 0
  • m 3 = Left 1
  • m 4 = Left 3
  • m (maxint + 1) = Left (maxint - 1)
  • m (maxint + 2) = Left maxint

This looks fine, except for the case where a is the maximum value an int can have. This would cause the function i to return an overflowed integer value.

This means that Either is a better candidate than int with the current injections i and j.

5.8. Come up with an inferior candidate for a coproduct of int and bool that cannot be better than Either because it allows multiple acceptable morphisms from it to Either.

Lets try a compass with four possible values, North, West, East and South Compass int int bool bool as a candidate for the coproduct.

digraph G {
  "c'" [label="Either int bool"]
  c [label="Compass int int bool bool"]
  a [label="int"]
  b [label="bool"]
  c -> "c'" [label=" m", style="dashed"]
  a -> "c'" [label=" Left"]
  b -> "c'" [label=" Right"]
  a -> c [label=" West"]
  b -> c [label=" East"]
  { rank = min; "c'" }
  { rank = max; a; b }

compass as coproduct

m1 :: Compass int int bool bool -> Either int bool
m1 (West i) = Left i
m1 (East b) = Right b
m1 (North i) = Left i
m1 (South b) = Right b

m2 :: Compass int int bool bool -> Either int bool
m2 (West i) = Left i
m2 (East b) = Right b
m2 (North i) = Right (i % 2)
m2 (South b) = Left (if b then 0 else 1)