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A full-fledged blog application build using flask. FlaskBlog is a comprehensive blog application developed using Flask, a micro web framework in Python. This README provides a step-by-step guide to setting up, configuring, and using FlaskBlog.

Generating a Secret Key in File:

  1. Open the terminal:

  2. Enter the Python interactive shell:

    $ python
  3. Generate a secret key using the secrets module:

    >>> import secrets
    >>> secrets.token_hex(16)
  4. Copy the generated key and paste it in the file in the place of "GENERATED_KEY" app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'GENERATED_KEY'

  5. Save the file and run the application.

Setting Up and Using FlaskBlog using flask_sqlalchemy:

  1. Navigate to the FlaskBlog directory in your terminal.

  2. Launch the Python interactive shell:

    $ python
  3. Then Run the below commands to Initialize the database and create tables:

    >>> from FlaskBlog import db, app
    >>> from FlaskBlog.models import User, Post
    >>> with app.app_context():
    ...   db.create_all()
  4. Create a new user:

       >>> with app.app_context():
       ...   new_user = User(username='username', email='email', password='password')
       ...   db.session.add(new_user)
       ...   db.session.commit()
  5. Retrieve all users to verify the user creation:

    >>> with app.app_context():
    ...   all_users = User.query.all()
    ...   print(all_users)
  6. Create a new post:

    >>> with app.app_context():
    ...   new_post = Post(title='title', content='content', user_id=1)
    ...   db.session.add(new_post)
    ...   db.session.commit()

Encrypting and Verifying Passwords with Flask-Bcrypt:

$ python
>>> from flask_bcrypt import Bcrypt
>>> bcrypt = Bcrypt()
>>> password = 'password'
>>> hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password).decode('utf-8')
>>> hashed_password
>>> bcrypt.check_password_hash(hashed_password, password)

Generating Secure Time System Tokens:

$ python
  1. Import Required Module:

    >>> from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer
  2. Initialize Serializer:

    >>> s = Serializer('secret', 30)
  3. Generate Token:

    >>> token = s.dumps({'user_id': 1}).decode('utf-8')
  4. Access Token:

    >>> token
  5. Verify Token:

    >>> s.loads(token)   # Access within 30 seconds
    {'user_id': 1}