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Meeting weekly 2012 03 06

nikomatsakis edited this page Mar 6, 2012 · 2 revisions

Mar 6, 2012


  • T: tjc
  • G: graydon
  • M: marijn
  • N: nmatsakis
  • B: brson
  • P: pcwalton
  • G: Should we schedule 0.2 release around features or by time
    • a lot of detail work in the bug list
    • e.g., hold it for regions, unwinding, etc?
  • P: I don't think we need to hold it on anything but if new features are done, let's take them.
  • G: I am seeing a fair number of people having trouble with FFI being underpowered
    • inability to pass structures by value
    • inability to do interior allocation
    • inability to teach cargo to build C code (the ultimate glue)
  • P: We should fix FFI bugs having ability to build C is good anyhow
  • G: Trying to decide how to prioritize, the two issues seem independent
  • G: Giving rustc the ability to process C files... does that horrify anyone?
    • basically by passing C files through to gcc
    • T: that's what ghc does
  • B: There are open bugs and someone was interested in implementing it
  • G: Speed-related things queued up, in theory compiler should start to go faster
    • in time-passes, main bottleneck is the LLVM code generation
    • only way to attack it, basically, is to generate less code
    • will try and instrument and see if we can easily generate less
    • P: I think a lot is cleanups
    • G: and maybe ref counting
    • G: but maybe there is some low-hanging fruit
  • G: rustbot automation is crappy
    • is it worth spending time improving it? adding features?
    • N: going faster would be good
    • G: partly that's just the cycle time of the compiler
    • G: main thing I wanted to change:
      • messaging structure is garbage, winds up doing multiple builds
      • no prioritization
      • P: try/chooser syntax. e.g., turn off valgrind, be more selective.
  • M: with regard to bug triage, if each of us is spending a day, question is where do we start
    • last guy will have started at top of the bug list
    • should we keep some information about where to look?
    • is 5 days a wek overkill?
    • G: it's possible. I've been starting at random in the list.
    • P: I did not think you had to spend 8 hours doing bug triage, just enough to keep it under control
    • G: No, but there is "bug-related" work that needs to get done
      • there are plenty of actually legitimate bugs
      • goal is to make sure that number of open bugs does not grow endlessly
    • N: is this just a problem of not knowing what's not assigned?
      • T,G: no, there are other scenarios too (duplicates, things that became easy)
    • T: so shall we make a wiki page to coordinate this?
      • G: there exists one: "bug-trackers"
  • T: issue #1906, suggestion of adding an infinite loop construct
    • general consensus about "loop" as a keyword for infinite loop
  • M: the resolve pass might require a complete rewrite
    • shall we open an issue to rewrite resolve?
    • P: sounds good
    • G: it's sufficiently complicated that it's hard to tell what it does
    • P: also slow
    • G: might be worth combining changes to export control (per-item pub) with rewrite
      • or is that too much bundling?
      • concern is that a rewrite might yield a structure that doesn't fit?
    • M: we should probably combine them if we decide to go forward with the bug
    • P: what was final decision? default is crate-protected?
      • G: some concern over how that interacts with tags?
      • N: what about "descendants"?
      • G: I was thinking priv would be "this module + its children"
      • G: minor tidbits that need resolution:
        • enum variants
          • should enum variants inherit the visibility of their parent?
          • e.g., pub enum foo { bar() priv qed() }
          • P: that makes sense to me
        • G: do we then generalize that rule? what about modules?
          • T: if you don't want that you can use explicit exports
          • N: I think not... enums are different because they project into the outer namespace
        • G: do we need a keyword for crate-level visibility?
          • crate as the keyword
          • P: could use protected.
            • misc: carries undesired heritage, long
          • G: local?
            • misc: local is not very clear

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