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180 lines (90 loc) · 6.19 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (90 loc) · 6.19 KB


The following are current terms used at Athens Research.

Agile #OS

A type of methodology used to create iterative, incremental software.

Athens Database #UA

All of the content in your current Athens instance.

Backlog #OS

A list of ever-evolving to-do items that still need to be done, typically created for each iteration.

Bi-Directional Link #UA

A link that is valid in two directions. It contains a link to the pages or nodes that point to it and makes them visible.

Block #UA

A container used to insert information such as a paragraph of text that is processed as a single unit in a database.

Block Embed #UA

A signifier indicating an insertion point of information contained within a block that will show a copy of the block and can be edited.

Block Reference #UA

A signifier indicating an insertion point of information contained within a block that will show a copy of the block but cannot be edited.

Bug #OS

An obvious error that is typically a defect in the code. Changes required to accommodate unsupported third-party software are not considered bugs.

Clojure #CO

A dynamic and functional dialect of the Lisp programming language on a Java platform, which focuses on creating programs that are robust, simple, and fast.

Clojurefam #CO

Customer #OS

Product owner that may or may not also be a user.

DevOps #OS

A set of quality practices used to reduce time between committing changes.

Edge #UA

One of the connections between nodes in a network.

Epic #CO #OS

A series of user stories that share a strategic objective. Projects labeled epic in Github typically require development that will last for several sprints or over many months.

Github #CO #OS

Github helps developers manage software projects by allowing many contributors to work together at the same time by participating in discussions, submitting issues like bug reports, making pull requests, and committing changes.

Graph #UA

An visualization of the blocks in your database and how they are connected to each other.

Handbook-first #CO

Impediment #OS

Something that stands in your way while getting something done. Impediments also known as blocks are commonly discussed in daily Scrum stand ups.

Iteration #OS

A new version of a piece of software. Iterations allow improvements to quickly be made and offered each time minimally viable changes have been made. Iterative development is a project life-cycle strategy.

Knowledge Base #?

A technology used to store structured and unstructured information. A knowledge base has distinct needs from database requirements and does not require structure data.

Knowledge Graph #?

A knowledge base that presents integrated data in a graph structure. Knowledge graphs typically store interlinked descriptions of entities with free-form semantics.

Learn-in-Public #CO

Sharing what you are working on with other people and being transparent about your personal growth with a public audience. Athens contributors are encouraged to share what they are working on in Discord through daily check-ins and sharing your screen as you work and learn. Learning in public supports greater accountability and is a shared value by many developers and open-source communities.


Left-Hand Sidebar

Linked References #UA

An overview that shows blocks that link to the current page.

Local-First #UA/#OS

A descriptor of software principles that support individual users owning their data while still being able to collaborate in the cloud with others. Local-first software is designed so users can work offline across multiple devices, while still being private and secure.

Memex #?

A conceptual data storage and retrieval system designed by Vannevar Bush intended to enhance record access.

Metadata #UA

Data that describes and gives contextual information about data such as information about the blocks on a page.

Nesting #UA

Content in the form of a block that is located underneath another block. The block that appears lower in the hierarchy is called a child block. Outliner apps like Athens use nested blocks that are collapsible.

Node #UA

A node is a data point or a device that connects to a larger network.

Open Source #OS

referring to a movement or community that opens access to software source code for possible modification and redistribution

Outliner #UA

Page #UA

A collection of blocks. The name of the page is the top block.

Page reference #UA

Persona (User Persona) #OS

A fictional representative user with needs, goals, and habits detailed. Used by developers to determine whether or not the product meets the users' needs.

Queries #UA

A search for blocks that can use Boolean logic.

Retrospective #OS

A meeting held to examine processes used and determine what succeeded and what can be improved.

Scrum #OS

An Agile framework for iterative development typically referring to software. It can also refer a daily status meeting

Sidebar #UA

Sprint #OS

The segment of time a development team works on goals that ends with delivery of a feature or improvement. Sprints begin with planning and end with retrospective

Stand Up #OS

A short, daily meeting where each member of the team answers three questions:

  • What has been done since the last stand-up?
  • What will be done before the next stand-up?
  • What impediments stand in your way?

Self-Hosted Server #UA

Having your own personal data hosted on your own rather relying on a third-party. People who prefer self-hosting are in favor of being in control and responsible for their own services and data autonomously.

Task #OS

A unit of work that is estimated in hours, typically small enough that they should be able to be completed before the next daily meeting.

Transclusions #?

Unlinked References #UA

An overview at the bottom of a page that shows blocks that mention the exact words of the page title, but don't link to it.

User #OS

The primary external audience. A user could also be a buyer or a customer but does not include internal staff.

Vertices #?