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369 lines (292 loc) · 11.1 KB
  • Feature Name: missing_derefs
  • Start Date: 2016-06-09
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


Add &move pointers, the DerefMove trait, and the unsafe DerefPure traits. Allow using DerefPure derefs in lvalues.


Rust's Box has a few features that are not implementable by library traits: it is possible to match on Box with box patterns, and to move out of it.

User-defined types also want to make use of these features.

Also, it is not possible to use pattern matching on structures that contain smart pointers. We would want this to be possible.

Detailed design


Add a DerefPure trait:

pub unsafe trait DerefPure : Deref {}

Implmenenting the DerefPure trait tells the compiler that dereferences of the type it is implemented for behave like dereferences of normal pointers - as long as the receiver is borrowed, the compiler can merge, move and remove calls to the Deref methods, and the returned pointer will stay the same.

Also, the methods must not panic and (if DerefMove is implemented) may be called on a partially-initialized value.

If a type implements DerefPure, then user-defined dereferences of it are implemented with a deref lvalue projection as if they were a built-in pointer.

Types implementing DerefPure can be used in box patterns. This works like all the other reference patterns. For example, if Vec implements DerefPure and BasicBlockData.statements is a Vec:

match self.basic_blocks[*start] {
    BasicBlockData {
        statements: box [],
        terminator: ref mut terminator @ Some(Terminator {
	    kind: TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }, ..
	}), ..
    } => { /* .. */ }
    _ => return

Because of the special interactions with DerefMove, DerefPure has to be treated like DerefMove/Drop with respect to impls - impls have to be per-ADT.


Add a new mutability move. &move references are references that own their contents, but not the memory they refer to. Of course, *move raw pointers exist too as another family of pointers.

&move references are covariant in both their lifetime and type parameters (and *move pointers are covariant in their type parameter) for the same reason Box is - unlike &mut, there is nobody to return control to that can observe the changed type.

When parsing a move closure, &move |.. is parsed as & (move |.. - as creating a move closure and taking an immutable reference to it, rather than creating a non-moving closure and taking an &move reference to it. Of course, you can force the other choice by explicit parentheses - &move (|...

Unlike some other proposals, the RFC1214 rules remain the same - a &'a move T reference requires that T: 'a. We may want to relax these rules.

Dereferences of &move references are tracked by the move checker like local variables. It is possible to move values in and out, both partially and completely, and the move checker will make sure that when the &move goes out of scope, the contained value is dropped only if it was not moved out.

Dereferences of *move pointers behave similarly, except they are not dropped when they go out of scope, and are always treated by the move checker as fully initialized.

For example, this is well-behaved code with &move but double-drops if t is changed to an *move:

fn example(t: &move Option<Box<u32>>) {
    *t = None;

Outside of the move checker, &move references always have valid contents. If you want to create a temporary uninitialized &move reference, you can use mem::forget:

unsafe fn move_val_init_from_closure<T, F: FnOnce() -> T>(p: *mut T, f: F)
    let ptr = &move *p;
    *ptr = f(); // if `f` panics, `*ptr` is not dropped.

An &move x.y borrow, unlike the other borrows, actually moves out of x.y. This applies to all borrows, including implicit reborrows. I think this would make implicit reborrows useless, but it is the consequence of the rules.

Of course, it is possible to borrow &move references as either & or &mut, and not possible to borrow & or &mut references as &move.

Taking an &move reference from a projection based on an rvalue behaves in the natural way - the rvalue is converted to an lvalue, and is (partially) dropped at the end of the relevant temporary scope.


This allows moving out of user-defined types.

Add a DerefMove trait:

pub trait DerefMove: DerefMut {
    fn deref_move(&mut self) -> &move Self::Target;

The DerefMove trait can't be called directly, in the same manner as Drop and for exactly the same reason - otherwise, this would be possible:

fn example<T>(data: T) -> T {
    let b = Box::new(data);
    *b // would return dropped data

It is also restricted in the same manner as Drop with regards to implementations and dropck. Of course, a type is allowed to implement both Drop and DerefMove - Box implements them both.

If a type implements DerefMove, then the move checker treats it as a tree:

x - *x

It is not possible to move out of the ordinary fields of such a type, similarly to types implementing Drop.

When such a type is dropped, *x (aka x.deref_move()) is dropped first if it was not moved from already, similarly to Box today. Then the normal destructor and the destructors of the fields are called.

Impure DerefMove

The natural lvalue-based behaviour of DerefMove is not possible if it is impure. However, the natural call-based translation is also problematic - it would involve an explicit call to DerefMove.

Instead, these calls are handled a bit specially: * The value being dereferenced is borrowed in an &move mode. If it is an rvalue, a drop for it is scheduled at the end of the current temporary scope, as usual. * A special NEW_TEMP = deref_move LVALUE instruction is placed. When executed, it marks the borrowed value's interior as dropped - a second DerefMove will not be executed even if the call to DerefMove::deref_move panics. * A drop of NEW_TEMP is scheduled to the end of the current temporary scope as usual. * *NEW_TEMP is the lvalue result of the deref.

Because NEW_TEMP is a value of type &move _, its exterior destructor is a no-op - if the interior is moved out immediately, the second drop scheduled has no effect.

This means that using DerefMove has different drop orders depending on whether DerefPure is implemented:

fn exmaple() {
    let x = Box::new((4, NoisyDrop));
        let _i = &move (x.0);

If Box is DerefPure, then ignoring unwinding, the code is desugared into

    tmp0 = (4, NoisyDrop)
    x = call Box::new(tmp1)
    _i = &move (*x).0 ; `_i` is a `&move i32` - it does not need to be dropped
    call mark()
    drop x ; all of `x`, including `(*x).1`, is dropped here

If it is not, then the code is desugared into

    tmp0 = (4, NoisyDrop)
    x = Box::new(tmp1)
    tmp1 = deref_move x
    _i = &move tmp1.0
    drop tmp1 ; this drops `(*x).1`
    call mark()
    drop x ; this drops the rest of `x` - i.e. the allocation

Observe that in the first case NoisyDrop is dropped after the call to mark, while in the second case it is dropped before.

Because multiple copies of the block can be within a conditional, I don't see an easy way of avoiding it short of having DerefMove require DerefPure.

Pure Example - Vec<T>:

Vec<T> can now be implemented in this way:

pub struct Vec<T> {
    buf: RawVec<T>,
    len: usize,

impl<T> ops::Deref for Vec<T> {
    type Target = [T];

    fn deref(&self) -> &[T] {
        unsafe {
            let p = self.buf.ptr();
            slice::from_raw_parts(p, self.len)

impl<T> ops::DerefMut for Vec<T> {
    /* id. */

impl<T> ops::DerefMove for Vec<T> {
    fn deref_move(&mut self) -> &move [T] {
        unsafe {
            let p = self.buf.ptr();
            slice::from_raw_parts_move(p, self.len)

unsafe impl<T> ops::DerefPure for Vec<T> {}

// no `Drop` impl is needed - `RawVec` handles
// that

Impure Vec<T>

If we neglected to implement DerefPure for Vec<T>, things will mostly work. Obviously, Vec<T> will not be usable with box patterns, but other things will work fairly well.

fn this works() {
    // here `*v` is moved out immediately by the `&move` borrow,
    // and we remain with the exterior drop scheduled.
    let v = vec![box 0, box 1];
    let ptr = &move *v;

    // similarly, `*v` is moved out immediately once, and the
    // exterior drop remains.
    let v = vec![box 0, box 1];
    match *v {
        [a, b] => { /* .. */ },
	ref move _j => { /* .. */ }

    let v = vec![box 0, box 1];
	// unlike the previous example, `*v` is not moved out of.
	// It will be dropped at the end of the temporary scope - i.e
	// the block.
	// The exterior will be dropped at the end of the function,
	// of course.
	// If `Vec` is `DerefPure` however, this operation will be a
	// no-op, and the entirety of `v` will be dropped at EOS.
	match *v {
	    [a, b] if false => { /* .. */ } // force a move
	    _ => {}


The new mutability kind adds a significant amount of complexity to the middle of the user-visible type-system. I think the move checker already supports most of that complexity, but there probably will be unexpected problems.

There may be some way to have the entire thing safe. However, all proposals that I have seen were very complicated.


We may want to relax the RFC1214 rules to allow &'static move T as an equivalent to Unique<T>.

Add more features of the move checker to the type-system, e.g. strongly linear &out. That is quite complex, and requires more considerations wrt. panics.

A call to an impure DerefMove that panics before generating the move pointer will leak the interior. I think this is better than potentially double-dropping the interior (if a panic occurs after the move pointer is created) - in any case, attempting to drop the interior will call DerefMove again, which is very likely to cause a double panic and crash.

Impure DerefMove has a different destruction order from pure DerefMove - should we forbid it? Is there a nice way to implement the "pure" destruction order?

Unresolved questions

How to formalize the requirements for DerefPure?

Are there any issues with implementing &move lvalues "just like other lvalues"?

How do we do exhaustiveness checking on box patterns if there are also normal patterns? For example, how do we discover that the box pattern is useless here:

match x: Rc<Option<_>> {
    Rc { .. } => {}
    box None => {},