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Cloud SQL on App Engine Standard for PHP 7.2

This sample application demonstrates how to use Cloud SQL on App Engine for PHP 7.2.


Before you can run or deploy the sample, you will need to do the following:

  1. Create a Second Generation Cloud SQL instance. You can do this from the Cloud Console or via the Cloud SDK. To create it via the SDK use the following command:

     $ gcloud sql instances create YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME
  2. Create a database for the sample, for instance cloudsql_sample:

     $ gcloud sql databases create cloudsql_sample --instance=YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME
  3. Set the root password on your Cloud SQL instance:

     $ gcloud sql users set-password root --host % --instance YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME --password YOUR_INSTANCE_ROOT_PASSWORD
  4. Clone the repository and CD into the directory for this sample

     git clone
     cd php-docs-samples/appengine/php72/cloudsql
  5. Update app.yaml (or if you're using CloudSQL with PostgreSQL, update app-postgres.yaml) with your configuration values. These values are used when the application is deployed:

         # Replace USER, PASSWORD, DATABASE, and CONNECTION_NAME with the
         # values obtained when configuring your Cloud SQL instance.
         CLOUDSQL_DSN: "mysql:dbname=DATABASE;unix_socket=/cloudsql/CONNECTION_NAME"

Deploy to App Engine


Deploy with gcloud

If you haven't already, authenticate gcloud using your Google account and configure gcloud to use your project ID:

gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project YOUR_PROJECT_ID

Next, deploy your application:

gcloud app deploy
gcloud app browse

The last command will open https://{YOUR_PROJECT_ID} in your browser.

If your CloudSQL instance is running PostgreSQL instead of MySQL, deploy using app-postgres.yaml instead:

gcloud app deploy app-postgres.yaml

Run locally

To run the sample locally, you will want to use the CloudSQL proxy. The CloudSQL proxy allows you to connect to your CloudSQL instance locally without having to set up firewall rules.

./cloud_sql_proxy \
    -instances YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME \
    -dir /cloudsql \
    -credentials /path/to/your_service_account_credentials.json

Then set your CloudSQL environment variables and run the PHP web server:

# set local connection parameters (but replace the uppercase words!)
export CLOUDSQL_DSN="mysql:dbname=DATABASE;unix_socket=/cloudsql/CONNECTION_NAME"

php -S localhost:8080

Now you can view the app running at http://localhost:8080 in your browser.