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Similar Issues AI

GitHub App

Similar Issues AI

GitHub App

Similar Issues AI

Detect similar issues in your repository to aid with triage and backlog management. This AI bot will scan through all issues in the repository to determine if any similar issues have already been created.

How it works

  1. Create an issue.
  2. The bot posts a comment if it detects similar issue(s).
  3. Close out the issue you just created if you see a duplicate.
  4. Enjoy a triaged and cleaner backlog 🙂

How to add this extension to your repository

Simply install this extension for your repository and the bot will start running. It will take up to a day for the bot to index all of the issues.


For questions and feedback, please visit our community feedback thread.

Contributors ✨

Connor Plante Craig Loewen Jenni Wu Evi Liu


Similar Issues AI is owned and operated by GitHub with separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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