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SN-PatchGAN - Free Form Inpainter 🖌

Pytorch implementation of the SN-PatchGAN inpainter.

SN-Patch GAN


The SN-PatchGAN implemented is the one presented by Yu et al. [1,2] with some adjustments.

  • Use of Self-Attention layer of Zhang et al. [3] instead of the original complex contextual attention one.
  • Use of Self-Attention layer in the discriminator



Python Libraries

  • Pytorch
  • numpy
  • OpenCV
  • skimage
  • click
  • scipy

Config File

Below is presented an example of config file containing all the adjustable parameters with their meaning detailed on the right.

  "exp_name": "SNPatchGAN",                       > Experiment name: to be used as output folder    
  "path": {
    "data_train_path": "../data/train_data/",     > Path to the folder of training images. It must contains only image files.
    "data_valid_path": "../data/eval_data/",      > Path to the folder of evaluation images. It must contains a sub-folder 'img' with the images and a sub-folder 'mask' with the binary evaluation mask.
    "output": "../outputs/inpainting/"            > Path to the folder in which to save the outputs.
  "device": "cuda:0",                             > device to work on.
  "seed": 42,                                     > random seed for reproducibility. Set it to -1 to avoid seeding.
  "print_progress": true,                         > Whether to print progress bar.
  "dataset": {
    "n_sample": -1,                               > number of image to use from the one in the train folder. If -1, all the images are used.
    "size": 256,                                  > Size of the image to use. (Square images).
    "augmentation": {                             
      "train": {                                  > List of data augmentation transforms to use on the train data.
        "Translate": {                              Available transformation are in src/dataset/
          "low": -0.05,                             Each entry must be given as 'Transform_name': {**Transform_kwargs}
          "high": 0.05,
          "mode": "constant"
        "Rotate": {
          "low": -10,
          "high": 10,
          "mode": "constant"
        "Scale": {
          "low": 0.95,
          "high": 1.05,
          "mode": "constant"
        "HFlip": {
          "p": 0.5
      "eval": {}                                  > List of data augmentation transforms to use on the train data.
    "mask": {                                     > Parameters for Free Form Mask Generation:
      "n_draw": [1,4],                              > number of drawing to make [min, max[
      "vertex": [15,30],                            > number of vertexes per drawing [min, max[
      "brush_width": [15,25],                       > size of the drawing brush [min, max[
      "angle": [0.5,2],                             > angle between each vertexes [min, max[ (in radian)
      "length": [15,50],                            > length of each vertexes [min, max[
      "n_salt_pepper": [0,15],                      > number of additional spheres [min, max[
      "salt_peper_radius": [1,6]                    > radius of additional spheres [min, max[
  "net": {
    "gen": {
      "in_channels": 2,                           > Number of input channels of Generator (img + mask). Set to 2 for grayscale and 4 for RBG images.
      "out_channels": 1,                          > Number of output channels of Generator. Set to 1 for grayscale and 3 for RBG images.
      "lat_channels": 32,                         > Number of channels after the first convolution.
      "activation": "lrelu",                      > Activation function to use. Supported: 'relu' -> ReLU, 'lrelu' -> LeakyReLU, 'prelu' -> PReLU, 'selu' -> SELU, 'tanh' -> Hyperbolic tangent, 'sigmoid' -> sigmoid, 'none' -> No activation used
      "norm": true,                               > Whether to use BatchNorm layers.
      "padding_mode": "reflect",                  > Padding mode of features map (see pytorch for valid entries).
      "bias": true,                               > Whether to use a bias term in convolutions.
      "upsample_mode": "nearest",                 > Interpolation mode in upsampling layer. (see pytorch.nn.Upsample for valid entries).
      "return_coarse": true                       > Whether to return the intermediate reconstruction. It should be set to True!
    "dis": {
      "in_channels": 2,                           > Number of input channels of Discriminator (img + mask). Set to 2 for grayscale and 4 for RBG images.
      "out_channels": [                           > Output channels of the different convolution on the discriminator. It defines the number of convolution present.
      "kernel_size": 5,                           > Kernel size to use in discriminator convolutions
      "stride": 2,                                > Stride to use in discriminator convolutions
      "bias": true,                               > Whether to add a bias term in discriminator convolution
      "activation": "lrelu",                      > Activation function to use. Supported: 'relu' -> ReLU, 'lrelu' -> LeakyReLU, 'prelu' -> PReLU, 'selu' -> SELU, 'tanh' -> Hyperbolic tangent, 'sigmoid' -> sigmoid, 'none' -> No activation used
      "norm": false,                              > whether to use BatchNorm layers.
      "padding_mode": "reflect",                  > Padding mode of features map (see pytorch for valid entries).
      "sn": true,                                 > Whether convolution are spectrally normalized.
      "self_attention": true                      > Whether to add a self-attention layer before the last convolution.
  "train": {
    "model_param": {
      "n_epoch": 100,                             > Number of epochs of training.
      "batch_size": 7,                            > Batch size
      "lr_g": 0.0001,                             > Learning rate for the generator optimization.
      "lr_d": 0.0004,                             > Learning rate for the discriminator optimization.
      "lr_scheduler": "ExponentialLR",            > Learning rate scheduler to use. Must be one from torch.optim.scheduler.
      "lr_scheduler_kwargs": {                    > Kwargs for the learning rate scheduler.
        "gamma": 0.97
      "gammaL1": 0.995,                           > Gamma hyper-parameter for the Discounted L1-Loss.
      "lambda_L1": 1,                             > Weight of Discounted L1 loss in generator loss.
      "lambda_gan": 0.05,                         > Weight of GAN loss in generator loss.
      "weight_decay": 0.000001,                   > Weight of L2 regularization on models weights.
      "num_workers": 12,                          > Number of CPU workers to use.
      "checkpoint_freq": 1                        > Frequency of checkpoint saving in term of epoch: checkpoint saved every  i epochs.
    "model_path_to_load": {                       > Potential path to load an existing model. It must point to a valid state_dict. If null, no model are loaded
      "gen": null,
      "dis": null
    "validate_epoch": true,                       > Whether to validate model ona fixed dataset.
    "valid_save_freq": 1,                         > Frequency of validation results saving.
    "stabilization_rep": 5                        > Number of epoch to perform after training to stabilize BatchNorm Layers. Note that the model is not trained and only the BatchNorm parameters are updated.

Launch scripts

To train an SN-PatchGAN with a given config file run the following:

python3 SNPatchGAN_config.json

Output Structure

SNPatchGAN_EXP-NAME/                      > Main Result Folder (same name as 'exp_name' entry in config.json) 
├──                         > Training Checkpoint to potentially recover training 
├── config.json                           > copy of config file with all the settings used 
├──                      > State Dictionnary of the Trained Discriminator 
├──                          > State Dictionnary of the Trained Generator 
├── log.txt                               > LOG of training
├── outputs.json                          > Training outputs : the Losses evolution at every epoch
└── valid_results                         > Folder containing intermediate validation on fixed mask. Both Coarse inpainting and  
    ├── valid_im1_coarse_ep50.png           Fine inpainting are saved respectively as 'valid_im{idx}_coarse_ep{n}.png' and 'valid_im{idx}_ep{n}.png' 
    ├── valid_im1_coarse_ep100.png
    ├── valid_im1_coarse_ep150.png
    ├── valid_im1_ep50.png
    ├── valid_im1_ep100.png
    └── valid_im1_ep150.png


Here is a sample of SN-PatchGAN outputs on head CT-scans. SNPatchGAN_CT


[1] Jiahui Yu, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Xiaohui Shen, Xin Lu, Thomas S. Huang; Generative Image Inpainting With Contextual Attention, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018, pp. 5505-5514

[2] Jiahui Yu, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Xiaohui Shen, Xin Lu, Thomas S. Huang; Free-Form Image Inpainting With Gated Convolution,Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019, pp. 4471-4480

[3] Han Zhang, Ian Goodfellow, Dimitris Metaxas, Augustus Odena; Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks, Proceedings of the36thInternational Conference on MachineLearning, Long Beach, California, PMLR 97, 2019


Pytorch implementation of the SN-PatchGAN inpainter.







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