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Notary: A Device for Secure Transaction Approval Build Status

This repository contains the code for verifying deterministic start for Notary's agent SoC. For more details, see our SOSP paper or talk, or our ;login: article. See the overview below for a high-level description of deterministic start and its application to reset-based switching.

Notary's agent SoC, for which we verify deterministic start, is made up of mostly off-the-shelf Verilog, without modifications to simplify verification. The Verilog, located in hw/, uses the following third-party open-source modules:


To run the verification, run make verify && racket verify.rkt. This will build the firmware, transform the Verilog code describing the SoC into a format suitable for symbolic simulation, and run the verification code. The output looks like this:

$ make verify
$ racket verify.rkt
cycle 0
  stepped in 117.4ms
cycle 1
  stepped in 3.4ms
cycle 2
  stepped in 39.9ms
cycle 3
  stepped in 2.8ms
cycle 180343
  smt query returned in 135ms
  -> sat!
    soc_m ram.ram
  stepped in 21.3ms
cycle 180344
  smt query returned in 112.7ms
  -> sat!
    soc_n cpu.mem_rdata_q
  stepped in 2.4ms
cycle 180345
  smt query returned in 120ms
  -> sat!
    soc_n cpu.mem_rdata_q
  stepped in 2.1ms
cycle 180346
  smt query returned in 115.2ms
  -> sat!
    soc_n cpu.mem_rdata_q
  stepped in 2.2ms
cycle 180347
  smt query returned in 108.1ms
  -> unsat!
finished in 509.1s

The verification script doesn't bother to check to see if the deterministic start property has been satisfied in the earlier cycles --- it starts checking from cycle 180340. When it finds components of state that have not been provably reset, it points them out. When it has proven that all internal state has been cleared no matter what the starting state was, it prints out "unsat" and terminates.

If you're looking to experiment with the code, it's convenient to reduce the size of the RAM (edit the parameter RAM_ADDR_BITS in hw/soc.v to something like 8), and then supply a --start 0 argument to racket verify.rkt, so you can see the SMT output from cycle 0. A neat thing to try is to break the deterministic start code by editing fw/firmware.s, or try alternative strategies to clear the state (e.g. xor a register with itself to clear it, instead of loading a constant 0). If you want to skip verifying that RAM is cleared, you can pass --fast.


If you don't want to install dependencies manually, you can use the provided Docker image. Download it with docker pull anishathalye/notary.

To mount the repository on /knox and get a shell in the Docker image, run:

docker run -it --rm -v "${PWD}/:/notary" -w /notary anishathalye/notary

To run the verification script, run the following:

$ make verify
$ racket verify.rkt


If you're running this on your own machine, you can install the following dependencies manually:



At a high level, our goal is to run process A and then run process B on a single CPU without processes interfering with each other: process B should not be able to steal process A's private data, and process A should not be able to corrupt process B's execution. This is the classic non-interference property. Achieving (and proving correct) non-interference is hard, so instead, let's use a simple (but heavyweight) mechanism to achieve it that will make the mechanism easy to implement and reason about.

We fully reset the system between task switches, ensuring that we reach a "clean state" after executing process A, so that process B cannot steal A's data and cannot be adversely affected by whatever A did on the system. If resetting a system always restores it to a deterministic state (i.e. independent of the state it was in beforehand), this implies our desired non-interference property. And because we're considering the complete internal state of the processor (not only architectural state but also micro-architectural state), this also implies the absence of architectural and micro-architectural side channels.

For more details on how deterministic start can be used as a component in building secure systems, as applied to transaction authorization devices, see our paper.


How do we know that reset actually resets? Reset is a non-trivial operation, and asserting a processor's reset line does not necessarily clear all internal state. The ISA specification is usually nondeterministic, and it says that that certain (often much) architectural state is undefined after reset. The ISA's reset specification does not talk about micro-architectural state at all, because it does not exist at the architectural level, it's an implementation detail.

Looking at the RISC-V ISA for example, Section 3.3 says:

Upon reset, a hartโ€™s privilege mode is set to M. The mstatus fields MIE and MPRV are reset to 0, and the VM field is reset to Mbare. The pc is set to an implementation-defined reset vector. The mcause register is set to a value indicating the cause of the reset. All other hart state is undefined.


Even if the ISA specification is nondeterministic, at the RTL level, the processor is deterministic, so we can prove that a specific processor (or peripheral or entire SoC) can be reliably reset. In general, processors will not clear all internal state after asserting the reset line, so for that reason, we do a "software-assisted deterministic start": we assert the reset line, and we have state-clearing software in a read-only region of memory where the processor begins execution upon reset.


Reasoning about architectural state of a processor is hard enough, but trying to reason about internal state (and clearing this state through software instructions) seems especially error-prone if done manually (missing a single register internal to the processor invalidates the noninterference proof). For this reason, we use formal verification to prove correct our software-assisted state-clearing operation.

At a high level, we want to prove the theorem that "the system can be reliably reset". We can show this by considering two worlds (that are allowed to have arbitrary state) and showing that executing the start sequence (asserting the reset line, and then allowing the SoC to execute for some number of cycles) on the worlds makes them indistinguishable. This is equivalent to the property that there must exist a single possible state that the SoC could be in after running for some number of cycles after reset.

We perform this proof by converting the SoC to a format suitable for symbolic simulation and using Rosette to reason about its execution.


The general workflow is:

  1. Write some initialization code (or start with a nop).
  2. Run the verifier. If it succeeds, you are done. Otherwise, see what processor-internal state is not reset (the verifier will point out at least one state sub-component that is not reset).
  3. Think about why that state isn't reset (maybe consulting the CPU design to help with this process) and update the code to reset that state component.
  4. GOTO 1


    author = {Athalye, Anish and Belay, Adam and Kaashoek, M. Frans and Morris, Robert and Zeldovich, Nickolai},
    title = {Notary: A Device for Secure Transaction Approval},
    year = {2019},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    doi = {10.1145/3341301.3359661},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles},
    pages = {97โ€“113},
    numpages = {17},
    location = {Huntsville, Ontario, Canada},