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1754 lines (1220 loc) · 41 KB


File metadata and controls

1754 lines (1220 loc) · 41 KB



Release Date: 2023-08-30

  • Bug fix
    • Fix intermittent errors due to mismatched responses when multiple couroutines access a new connection pool.
  • Compatibility
    • Remove support for python 3.7
    • Remove Redis 6.0 from CI
    • Disable RedisGraph tests in CI as the module is now not part of Redis Stack
    • Fix RESP3 compatibility for RedisSearch
    • Mark json.resp as deprecated


Release Date: 2023-08-11

  • Bug fix
    • Fix intermittent errors due to mismatched responses when multiple couroutines access a new connection pool.


Release Date: 2023-08-10

  • Bug fix
    • Handle edge case of clearing a closed socket buffer during object destruction.
  • Chores
    • Re-enable CI for dragonfly


Release Date: 2023-08-09

  • Bug fix
    • Improve cleanup on socket disconnect by clearing internal response buffer
  • Chores
    • Add typing overload for lpop method
    • Remove python 3.7 from CI due to EOL.
    • Temporarily disable pre-release python 3.12 from CI due to dependency resolution issues.
    • Update development dependencies


Release Date: 2023-05-22

  • Features
    • Improve parsing of TS.INFO response for rules section
    • Broaden input parameter type annotations when expecting a mapping to use Mapping instead of Dict
  • Compatibility
    • Update parsing of timeseries module responses to be compatible with RESP3 responses
  • Chores
    • Update CI to test against 7.2-rc2
    • Update mypy dependency


Release Date: 2023-05-10

  • Feature
    • Add json.mset command
  • Bug Fix
    • Remove caching for json.mget
    • Ensure hint from moved errors are used on next attempt


Release Date: 2023-05-08

  • Feature
    • Add json.merge command
  • Bug fix
    • Fix exception message for unsupported commands


Release Date: 2023-05-03

  • Hack
    • Downgrade sphinx back to 6.x for theme compatibility


Release Date: 2023-05-03

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix incorrect explicit command execution on cluster pipeline retries
    • Fix inconsistent reset api signatures for pipeline across standalone & cluster clients
    • Ensure pipeline requests respect explicit timeout
    • Fix incomplete xinfo_streams response for groups/consumers details


Release Date: 2023-04-29

  • Chores
    • Expand coverage of modules tests to include RESP2
    • Allow failures for "next" versions of redis in CI


Release Date: 2023-04-27

  • Feature
    • Add pure python wheel to release process
  • Chores
    • Improve redis module documentation
    • Update CI to use python 3.11 as default
    • Fix README formatting


Release Date: 2023-04-22

  • Chore
    • Clean up changelog entries


Release Date: 2023-04-22

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure task cancellation results in proper cleanup of a connection that might be blocked


Release Date: 2023-04-21


Release Date: 2023-04-19


Release Date: 2023-04-10

  • Features
    • Add support for RedisSearch module
    • Allow adding streams to stream consumers after initialization
  • Chores
    • Update mypy


Release Date: 2023-04-04

  • Features
    • Add support for RedisBloom module
    • Add support for ReJSON module
    • Add support for RedisTimeSeries module
    • Improve cluster routing for commands that act on multiple slots but are handled by the same node.
  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure multiple properties returned from info command are collapsed into an array


Release Date: 2023-03-27

  • Chores
    • Handle external warnings in tests
    • Improve docstrings & annotations for ensure_persistence
    • Add reruns for test failures in CI
    • Add python 3.12 to CI


Release Date: 2023-03-26


Release Date: 2023-04-22

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure task cancellation results in proper cleanup of a connection that might be blocked


Release Date: 2023-04-04

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure protocol_version is parsed as an int from url


Release Date: 2023-04-04

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure protocol_version is parsed as an int from url


Release Date: 2023-03-11

  • Chores
    • Update cibuildwheels action
    • Update versioneer
    • Migrate setup.cfg to pyproject
    • Parallelize CI wheel build
    • Reintroduce ruff for linting


Release Date: 2023-03-09

  • Chores
    • Add changelog link to pypi


Release Date: 2023-03-09

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure prebuilt wheels contain compiled extensions


Release Date: 2023-03-09

  • Features
    • Add retries to pubsub subscribers
    • Generate prebuilt wheel for aarch64 + Linux
  • Bug Fix
    • Use random nodes with cluster pubsub
    • Trigger a refresh of cluster topology on connection errors
    • Raise ConnectionError on timeout errors when establishing a connection
  • Chores
    • Update pyright


Release Date: 2023-03-08

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure extension compilation goes through without beartype available
  • Chores
    • Update dependencies
    • Update github actions
    • Use ruff for linting


Release Date: 2022-12-24

  • Chores
    • Update test certificates
    • Update development dependencies


Release Date: 2022-12-11

  • Compatibility
    • Upgrade documentation dependencies
    • Relax version contraint for packaging dependency


Release Date: 2022-11-21

  • Feature
    • Allow using async functions as callbacks for pubsub message handlers


Release Date: 2022-11-09

  • Feature
    • Update implementation of transactional pipeline and the behavior of the transaction method exposed by they cluster client to be consistent with the standalone client.
  • Breaking changes
    • Pipeline instances passed into the callable func parameter of the cluster transaction method will no longer automatically queue commands until a call to multi is issued to be consistent with the implementation in the standalone client.


Release Date: 2022-11-04

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure pipeline commands are written to the socket in one shot
  • Chore
    • Reduce package size by removing test folder
    • Add a post wheel packaging import test


Release Date: 2022-10-31

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix wheels for macos


Release Date: 2022-10-29

  • Feature
    • Extend decoding context manager to selecting codec overrides


Release Date: 2022-10-28

  • Feature
    • Add a decoding context manager to control decoding behavior
  • Performance
    • Remove validation code paths at decoration time in optimized mode


Release Date: 2022-10-31

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix wheels for macos


Release Date: 2022-10-26

  • Feature
    • Add optimized mode to allow skipping validation code paths
    • Add lastid parameter to xclaim method
  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure LuaLock context manager throws an exception when a lock cannot be acquired
  • Compatibility
    • Add final python 3.11 wheels


Release Date: 2022-10-10

  • Feature
    • Implement early release back to connection pool to allow multiple concurrent commands to use the some connection thus significantly reducing the need to expand the connection pool when using blocking connection pools
  • Bug Fix
    • Add a lock when initializing the cluster client to ensure concurrent "first access" does not result in corruption of the cluster node layout or a thundering herd to initialize the layout
  • Compatibility
    • Enable wheel build for python 3.11
  • Chores
    • Improve stability of test suite
    • Enable recursive response types for mypy & pyright


Release Date: 2022-08-31

  • Bug Fix
    • Remove duplicated initialization calls to connection pool & cache


Release Date: 2022-08-22

  • Compatibility
    • Add test coverage for PyPy version 3.7 & 3.9
  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure methods expecting iterables for an argument raise a TypeError when a single string or byte sequence is used incorrectly.


Release Date: 2022-08-08

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix leftover default connection pool construction in blocking cluster connection pool
  • Chores
    • Reduce excessive matrix in default CI
    • Add scheduled compatibility CI run
    • Cleanup unnecessary asyncio markers in tests
    • Refactor readonly command detection to use command flags from redis documentation
    • Issue warning if :meth:`` is called directly


Release Date: 2022-08-03

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure default cluster connection pools are not recreated upon access. (Issue 92)


Release Date: 2022-08-03

  • Bug Fix
    • Implicitly initialize cluster connection pool when pubsub subscribe is called
    • Fix handling of sharded pubsub unsubscribe message
    • Fix unsubscribe all for sharded pubsub
  • Compatibility
    • Improve surfacing underlying errors when initializing cluster


Release Date: 2022-08-02

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix context leak when commands issued within ensure_replication and ignore_replies context managers fail
  • Recipes
    • Fix LUA lock recipe to work with clusters with no replicas.
    • Ensure LUA lock recipe waits on replication of lock to n/2 replicas if replicas exist in the cluster


Release Date: 2022-07-30

  • Compatibility
    • Bring back python 3.7 support


Release Date: 2022-07-26

  • Breaking changes
    • Default nodemanager_follow_cluster to True
  • Deprecations
    • Deprecate readonly constructor argument in cluster client in favor of read_from_replicas
    • Remove invalid property setter for noreply mode
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix incorrect behavior of ignore_replies context manager as it was not actually setting CLIENT REPLY and simply discarding connections
    • Ensure fetching a random connection doesn't deplete the node list in the connection pool
    • Ensure connection pools are disconnected on finalization to avoid leaking connections


Release Date: 2022-07-23

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix incorrect calculation of per node connection pool size when readonly=False
    • Ensure max_connection is atleast equal to the number of nodes in the cluster and raise a warning when it is not


Release Date: 2022-07-22


Release Date: 2022-07-21


Release Date: 2022-07-20


Release Date: 2022-07-18

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure lua scripts for lock recipe are included in package


Release Date: 2022-07-18

  • Features
    • Reintroduce distributed lock implementation under
  • Bug Fix
    • Allow initializing a LUA library without loading the code when it already exists if replace=False
  • Performance
    • Reduce unnecessary calls to parser by using an async Event to signal that data is available for parsing


Release Date: 2022-07-16

  • Compatibility
    • Relax version checking to only warn if a server reports a non standard server version (for example with Redis-like databases)
    • Raise an exception when client tracking is not available and server assisted caching cannot be used (for example with upstash provisioned redis instances)
  • Documentation
    • Add more detail about Sharded Pub/Sub


Release Date: 2022-07-16

  • Documentation
    • Added section about reliability in handbook
    • Improved cross referencing


Release Date: 2022-07-15


Release Date: 2022-07-13

  • Chore
    • Remove python 3.11 binary wheel builds


Release Date: 2022-07-09

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix issue with sharded pubsub not handling multiple channel subscriptions


Release Date: 2022-07-07

  • Bug Fix
    • Correct implementation of restore command when absttl argument is True.


Release Date: 2022-06-30

  • Bug Fix
    • Ignore case when comparing error strings to map to exceptions


Release Date: 2022-06-29


Release Date: 2022-06-25


Release Date: 2022-06-18

  • Chores
    • Documentation tweaks


Release Date: 2022-06-18


Release Date: 2022-06-15


Release Date: 2022-06-14

  • Features
    • Add option to define confidence in cached entries


Release Date: 2022-06-13

  • Features
    • Extend coverage of cachable commands
    • Expose option to share TrackingCache between client


Release Date: 2022-06-12


Release Date: 2022-06-10


Release Date: 2022-06-07

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix support for HELLO SETNAME
    • Fix routing of ACL SAVE in cluster mode
  • Chores
    • Improved test coverage for server commands


Release Date: 2022-06-07

  • Features
    • New nodenames parameter added to sentinel_info_cache
  • Chores
    • Added redis 7.0 to sentinel test coverage matrix


Release Date: 2022-06-05

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix type annotation for hmget
  • Experiments
    • Add CI coverage for dragonflydb


Release Date: 2022-06-04

  • Features
    • Add support for python 3.11 (b3) builds
  • Performance
    • Extract python parser and optionally compile it to native code using mypyc
  • Bug Fixes
    • Only route PING commands to primaries in cluster mode
    • Ensure connection errors for commands routed to multiple nodes are retried in case of cluster reconfiguration
    • Ensure re population of startup nodes is based off latest response from cluster


Release Date: 2022-05-26

  • Performance
    • Inline buffering of responses in python parser


Release Date: 2022-05-25

  • Features
    • Refactor python parser to remove recursion
    • Reduce number of async calls during response parsing
    • Extract command packer and use mypyc to compile it to native code


Release Date: 2022-05-21

  • Chores
    • Documentation reorg
    • Improved RESP error <-> exception mapping
  • Bug fix
    • Ignore duplicate consumer group error due to groupconsumer initialization race condition

v3.7.57 ("Puffles")

Release Date: 2022-05-19


Release Date: 2022-05-15


Release Date: 2022-05-12


Release Date: 2022-05-10


Release Date: 2022-05-04

  • Chores
    • Update CI to use official 7.0 release for redis
    • Update CI to use 7.0.0-RC4 image for redis-stack
  • Bug Fix
    • Fix key spec extraction for commands using kw search


Release Date: 2022-04-30

  • Bug Fixes
    • Ensure protocol_version is captured for constructions with from_url
    • Fix command name for module_loadex method


Release Date: 2022-04-22

  • Chore
    • Fix incorrect type annotations for primitive callbacks
    • Update test matrix in CI with python 3.11 a7
    • Update documentation to provide a slightly more detailed background around the project diversion
  • Experiments
    • Add basic support for KeyDB


Release Date: 2022-04-21

  • Chore
    • Fix github release workflow


Release Date: 2022-04-21

  • Chore
    • Fix github release workflow


Release Date: 2022-04-21

  • Bug fix
    • Fix error selecting database when decode_responses is True (Issue 46)


Release Date: 2022-04-12

  • Chores
    • Remove unmaintained examples & benchmarks
    • Simplify setup/package info with respect to stubs
    • Cleanup documentation landing page


Release Date: 2022-04-11

  • Features
    • Updates for breaking changes with function_load in redis 7.0 rc3
    • Add module_loadex method
  • Bug fix
    • Fix installation error when building from source


Release Date: 2022-04-04

  • Features
    • Add explicit key extraction based on key spec for cluster clients


Release Date: 2022-04-02

  • Features
    • New APIs:
      • Server:
        • Redis.latency_histogram
        • Redis.module_list
        • Redis.module_load
        • Redis.module_unload
      • Connection:
        • Redis.client_no_evict
      • Cluster:
        • Redis.cluster_shards
        • Redis.readonly
        • Redis.readwrite
    • Micro optimization to use bytestrings for all hardcoded tokens
    • Add type hints for pipeline classes
    • Remove hardcoded pipeline blocked commands
  • Bug Fix
    • Disable version checking by default
    • Fix incorrect key names for server commands
  • Chores
    • Move publishing steps to CI
    • More typing related cleanups
    • Refactor parsers into a separate module
    • Improve test coverage to cover non decoding clients


Release Date: 2022-03-24

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix extracting version/protocol with binary clients
  • Features
    • New APIs:
      • Redis.cluster_addslotsrange
      • Redis.cluster_delslotsrange
      • Redis.cluster_links
      • Redis.cluster_myid


Release Date: 2022-03-23

  • Features
    • Added support for functions
    • Added runtime checks to bail out early if server version doesn't support the command
    • Deprecate custom cluster methods
    • Issue warning when a deprecated redis command is used
    • Add support for RESP3 protocol
  • New APIs:
    • Scripting:
      • Redis.fcall
      • Redis.fcall_ro
      • Redis.function_delete
      • Redis.function_dump
      • Redis.function_flush
      • Redis.function_kill
      • Redis.function_list
      • Redis.function_load
      • Redis.function_restore
      • Redis.function_stats
    • Server:
      • Redis.command_docs
      • Redis.command_getkeysandflags
      • Redis.command_list


Release Date: 2022-03-21

  • Bug Fix
    • Fix autoselection of hiredis when available


Release Date: 2022-03-21


Release Date: 2022-03-21

  • Bug Fix
    • Ensure all submodules are included in package (:issue:`23`)
    • Fix conversation of datetime object to pxat value for set command
  • Chores
    • Re-add examples folder
    • Tweak type hints
    • Make scan_iter arguments consistent with scan


Release Date: 2022-03-20

  • Features:
    • Added type hints to all redis commands
    • Added support for experimental runtime type checking
    • Updated APIs upto redis 6.2.0
    • Added experimental features for redis 7.0.0
  • New APIs:
    • Generic:
      • Redis.copy
      • Redis.migrate
    • String:
      • Redis.lcs
    • List:
      • Redis.blmpop
      • Redis.lmpop
    • Set:
      • Redis.sintercard
    • Sorted-Set:
      • Redis.bzmpop
      • Redis.zintercard
      • Redis.zmpop
    • Scripting:
      • Redis.eval_ro
      • Redis.evalsha_ro
      • Redis.script_debug
    • Stream:
      • Redis.xautoclaim
      • Redis.xgroup_createconsumer
      • Redis.xgroup_delconsumer
      • Redis.xgroup_setid
    • Server:
      • Redis.acl_cat
      • Redis.acl_deluser
      • Redis.acl_dryrun
      • Redis.acl_genpass
      • Redis.acl_getuser
      • Redis.acl_list
      • Redis.acl_load
      • Redis.acl_log
      • Redis.acl_save
      • Redis.acl_setuser
      • Redis.acl_users
      • Redis.acl_whoami
      • Redis.command
      • Redis.command_count
      • Redis.command_getkeys
      • Redis.command_info
      • Redis.failover
      • Redis.latency_doctor
      • Redis.latency_graph
      • Redis.latency_history
      • Redis.latency_latest
      • Redis.latency_reset
      • Redis.memory_doctor
      • Redis.memory_malloc_stats
      • Redis.memory_purge
      • Redis.memory_stats
      • Redis.memory_usage
      • Redis.replicaof
      • Redis.swapdb
    • Connection:
      • Redis.auth
      • Redis.client_caching
      • Redis.client_getredir
      • Redis.client_id
      • Redis.client_info
      • Redis.client_reply
      • Redis.client_tracking
      • Redis.client_trackinginfo
      • Redis.client_unblock
      • Redis.client_unpause
      • Redis.hello
      • Redis.reset
    • Cluster:
      • Redis.asking
      • Redis.cluster_bumpepoch
      • Redis.cluster_flushslots
      • Redis.cluster_getkeysinslot
  • Breaking changes:
    • Most redis command API arguments and return types have been refactored to be in sync with the official docs.
    • Updated all commands accepting multiple values for an argument to use positional var args only if the argument is optional. For all other cases, use a positional argument accepting an Iterable. Affected methods:
      • bitop -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • delete -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • exists -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • touch -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • unlink -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • blpop -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • brpop -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • lpush -> *elements -> elements: Iterable[ValueT]
      • lpushx -> *elements -> elements: Iterable[ValueT]
      • rpush -> *elements -> elements: Iterable[ValueT]
      • rpushx -> *elements -> elements: Iterable[ValueT]
      • mget -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • sadd -> *members -> members: Iterable[ValueT]
      • sdiff -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • sdiffstore -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • sinter -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • sinterstore -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • smismember -> *members -> members: Iterable[ValueT]
      • srem -> *members` -> ``members: Iterable[ValueT]
      • sunion -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • sunionstore -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • geohash -> *members -> members: Iterable[ValueT]
      • hdel -> *fields -> fields: Iterable[ValueT]
      • hmet -> *fields -> fields: Iterable[ValueT]
      • pfcount -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • pfmerge -> *sourcekeys -> sourcekeys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • zdiff -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • zdiffstore -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • zinter -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • zinterstore -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • zmscore -> *members -> members: Iterable[ValueT]
      • zrem -> *members -> members: Iterable[ValueT]
      • zunion -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • zunionstore -> *keys -> keys: Iterable[KeyT]
      • xack -> *identifiers -> identifiers: Iterable[ValueT]
      • xdel -> *identifiers -> identifiers: Iterable[ValueT]
      • xclaim -> *identifiers -> identifiers: Iterable[ValueT]
      • script_exists -> *sha1s - > sha1s: Iterable[ValueT]
      • client_tracking -> *prefixes - > prefixes: Iterable[ValueT]
      • info -> *sections - > sections: Iterable[ValueT]


Release Date: 2023-01-09

Bug Fix:

  • Fix incorrect argument (key instead of field) used for hincrby command


Release Date: 2022-01-30

  • Chore:
    • Standardize doc themes
    • Boo doc themes


Release Date: 2022-01-23

Final release maintaining backward compatibility with aredis

  • Chore:
    • Add test coverage for uvloop
    • Add test coverage for hiredis
    • Extract tests to use docker-compose
    • Add tests for basic authentication


Release Date: 2022-01-22

  • Bug fix:
    • Fix stalled connection when only username is provided


Release Date: 2022-01-22

  • Bug fix:
    • Fix failure to authenticate when just using password


Release Date: 2022-01-21

This release brings in pending pull requests from the original aredis repository and updates the signatures of all implemented methods to be synchronized (as much as possible) with the official redis documentation.

  • Feature (extracted from pull requests in aredis): * Add option to provide client_name * Add support for username/password authentication * Add BlockingConnectionPool


Release Date: 2022-01-15

This release attempts to update missing command coverage for common datastructures and gets closer to :pypi:`redis-py` version 4.1.0

  • Feature:
    • Added string commands decrby, getdel & getex
    • Added list commands lmove, blmove & lpos
    • Added set command smismember
    • Added sorted set commands zdiff, zdiffstore, zinter, zmscore,
      zpopmin, zpopmax, bzpopmin, bzpopmax & zrandmember
    • Added geo commands geosearch, geosearchstore
    • Added hash command hrandfield
    • Added support for object inspection commands object_encoding, object_freq, object_idletime & object_refcount
    • Added lolwut
  • Chore: * Standardize linting against black * Add API documentation * Add compatibility documentation * Add CI coverage for redis 6.0


Release Date: 2022-01-15

  • Bug Fix:
    • Ensure installation succeeds without gcc


Release Date: 2022-01-05

  • Initial import from aredis
  • Add support for python 3.10

Imported from fork

The changelog below is imported from aredis


  • Fixbug: connection is disconnected before idel check, valueError will be raised if a connection(not exist) is removed from connection list
  • Fixbug: abstract to handle import problem of asyncio.future
  • Fixbug: When cancelling a task, CancelledError exception is not propagated to client
  • Fixbug: XREAD command should accept 0 as a block argument
  • Fixbug: In redis cluster mode, XREAD command does not function properly
  • Fixbug: slave connection params when there are no slaves


  • Fixbug: ModuleNotFoundError raised when install aredis 1.1.6 with Python3.6


  • Fixbug: parsing stream messgae with empty payload will cause error(#116)
  • Fixbug: Let ClusterConnectionPool handle skip_full_coverage_check (#118)
  • New: threading local issue in coroutine, use contextvars instead of threading local in case of the safety of thread local mechanism being broken by coroutine (#120)
  • New: support Python 3.8


  • new: Dev conn pool max idle time (#111) release connection if max-idle-time exceeded
  • update: discard travis-CI
  • Fix bug: new stream id used for test_streams


  • fix bug: fix cluster port parsing for redis 4+(node info)
  • fix bug: wrong parse method of scan_iter in cluster mode
  • fix bug: When using "zrange" with "desc=True" parameter, it returns a coroutine without "await"
  • fix bug: do not use stream_timeout in the PubSubWorkerThread
  • opt: add socket_keepalive options
  • new: add ssl param in get_redis_link to support ssl mode
  • new: add ssl_context to StrictRedis constructor and make it higher priority than ssl parameter



  • fix bug: redis command encoding bug
  • optimization: sync change on acquring lock from redis-py
  • fix bug: decrement connection count on connection disconnected
  • fix bug: optimize code proceed single node slots
  • fix bug: initiation error of aws cluster client caused by not appropiate function list used
  • fix bug: use ssl_context instead of ssl_keyfile,ssl_certfile,ssl_cert_reqs,ssl_ca_certs in intialization of connection_pool


  • fix bug: connection with unread response being released to connection pool will lead to parse error, now this kind of connection will be destructed directly. #52
  • fix bug: remove Connection.can_read check which may lead to block in awaiting pubsub message. Connection.can_read api will be deprecated in next release. #56
  • add c extension to speedup crc16, which will speedup cluster slot hashing
  • add error handling for asyncio.futures.Cancelled error, which may cause error in response parsing.
  • sync optimization of client list made by swilly22 from redis-py
  • add support for distributed lock using redis cluster


  • sync optimization of scripting from redis-py made by bgreenberg redis-py#867
  • sync bug fixed of geopos from redis-py made by categulario redis-py#888
  • fix bug which makes pipeline callback function not executed
  • fix error caused by byte decode issues in sentinel
  • add basic transaction support for single node in cluster
  • fix bug of get_random_connection reported by myrfy001


  • fix bug of pubsub, in some env AssertionError is raised because connection is used again after reader stream being fed eof
  • add reponse decoding related options(encoding & decode_responses), make client easier to use
  • add support for command cluster forget
  • add support for command option spop count


  • fix initialization bug of redis cluster client
  • add example to explain how to use client reply on | off | skip


  • introduce loop argument to aredis
  • add support for command cluster slots
  • add support for redis cluster


  • bitfield set/get/incrby/overflow supported
  • new command hstrlen supported
  • new command unlink supported
  • new command touch supported


  • fix bug in when using pip to install aredis


  • add support for command pubsub channel, pubsub numpat and pubsub numsub
  • add support for command client pause
  • reconsitution of commands to make develop easier(which is transparent to user)


  • add support for cache (Cache and HerdCache class)
  • fix bug of PubSub.run_in_thread


  • add scan_iter, sscan_iter, hscan_iter, zscan_iter and corresponding unit tests
  • fix bug of PubSub.run_in_thread
  • add more examples
  • change Script.register to Script.execute