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Releases: alexnardini/FLAM3_for_SideFX_Houdini

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.40

30 Jun 19:27
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: Added reset action script button to the preferences tab viewport particle size parameter.
  • New: Flash messages are now printed into multiple network editors instead of only inside the main one.
  • Fix: The about FLAM3H tab is now set to be initially open instead of closed/collapsed.
  • Python code cleanup.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.37

25 May 12:35
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: Added option inside the CP tab to keep the HSV values untouched after loading a palette preset.
  • Fix: When saving a Flame out with "use Fractorium paramtetric prm names" option ON the exported ColorSpeed value was wrong resulting in different colors when loaded inside Fractorium. It is now fixed.
  • Python code cleanup.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.35

02 May 20:03
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • Fix: When in camera sensor mode, the camera cull option will now be turned off.
  • Fix: When loading a flame file without the expected root tag, it would not show the proper Flame name in the IN menu presets label list. It is now fixed.
  • Python code cleanup.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.33

27 Apr 19:02
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: Camera sensor icons now changes when the update sensor option is either ON or OFF. It change in the UI and in the viewport too.
  • New: Added higher tier bookmark icon to the CP lookup samples menu entries.
  • New: Added the option to reset an iterator to its default values.
  • New: Added the option to reset an FF iterator to its default values.
  • New: New FF iterator disabled icon.
  • Fix: When using the IN remap pre_gaussian_blur action button while a flame preset from the clipboard was already loaded, the status bar msg was printing also the bookmark icon path. it is now fixed.
  • Fix: When loading a json file that is not a FLAM3H valid palette file, it will now prevent you to save a palette so to not override its content.
  • Fix: When creating a new palette file, saving a palette was not updating the menu entries, it is now fixed.
  • Fix: Cleaned up CP tab.
  • Python code cleanup.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.20

30 Mar 19:49
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: All of the variations that Fractorium lacks will now be classified as: "Unknown" during Flame load and listed inside the Flame preset's stats/info tab. Note that this will scan the Flame XML key's "plugins".
  • New: Added info icon to the IN Tab -> IN Info folder's header. (purely cosmetic)
  • Fix: When loading a flame or a palette file and then saving the hip file somewhere else, Houdini would add the $HIP variable at the beginning of the filepath, causing the same file path to become invalid and throwing an error. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed a case where the flame's plugins key could be populated with an empty var name string resulting in an error during flame's load.
  • Fix: Moved variable cast PFF (GEM.PFF) inside the FF section where it belong inside: "TheFractalFlameAlgorithm.vfl" .
  • Fix: Improved all the reset's pre_affine methods as they now use dictionaries instead.
  • Fix: Fixed IN Tab render properties folder's heading typo.
  • Fix: Variation name "linear3d" is now automatically re-mapped into "linear".
  • Python code cleanup.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.07

04 Mar 19:08
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H20.x and H19.x only
( This is a Houdini Studio Commercial license release. It will work on Houdini Indie and Learning edition too. )

  • New: Sensor bbox node is now compiled as a native CVEX node.
  • New: About Tab folders title headers now have an icon to start with (purely cosmetic).
  • New: When no flame file is loaded and we load a flame from the clipboard, the menu label will now say: "Clipboard".
  • New: New IN preset menu label bookmark icon when a flame from the clipboard is loaded.
  • New: New SYS HDA documentation icon. It now uses the blue star as it stand for: "help/informations/tips".
  • New: Added the blue star icon to the copy/paste info menu label messages as it stand for: "help/informations/tips".
  • New: New parameter's option icon.
  • New: New parameter's kwargs options icon.
  • New: New Pre_blur bookmark icon when its value is above 0.
  • New: New Pre_blur bookmark icon when its value is above 1.
  • New: You can now paste the entire iterator also from the copy/paste mini menu, CTRL+LMB on the icon is also still available.
  • New: You can now paste the entire FF also from the copy/paste mini menu, CTRL+LMB on the icon is also still available.
  • Fix: Loading an invalid flame file from the SHIFT + LMB file dialog while a valid flame file was already loaded caused to invalidate it. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Updated Iterator's active icon. It has a nicer contrast now.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug that prevented loading flames from the clipboard if a valid flame file wasn't loaded already. (Bug introduced in some of the preview updates)
  • Fix: The TFFAsensor CVEX node is now independent and do not need a transform node anymore to complete the sensor orientation.
  • Fix: The reframe viewport bounding box is now compiled as a native CVEX node.
  • Fix: When creating a new FLAM3H node while something else has the displayflag ON, it wont send a load default message to the flash message anymore.
  • Fix: Instead of importing the whole Numpy module, FLAM3H is now importing only the needed methods.
  • Fix: Better copy/paste menu labels messages format.
  • Fix: Improved action buttons tooltips.
  • Fix: Improved sensor's bbox build method.
  • Fix: Default palette ramps values are now embedded into their own Class's staticmethods.
  • Fix: Copy/paste the same iterator/FF section after an Undo was not working. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: The SYS IN presets menu parameter was trying to load a flame preset when selecting the "Empty" menu label. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: All the copy/paste menu label's messages now ends their sentences with a dot(".").
  • Fix: Improved flash messages on flame save.
  • Fix: Missing FF PRE variations were searched and compared against the POST dictionary instead of the PRE dictionary. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Revisited some general messages and its frequency.
  • Fix: More targeted messages on flame load when not a valid flame file or preset.
  • Fix: Check for Chaotica flame presets on flame load (from SHIFT + LMB file dialog as well ) and on load from the clipboard too.
  • Python code cleanup.
  • Updated HDA documentation.


  • New: The HDA node has a new icon that make more sense and in line with the FLAM3H HDA icons library.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.2.75c

27 Feb 20:40
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H20.x and H19.x only
( This is a Houdini Studio Commercial license release. It will work on Houdini Indie and Learning edition too. )

Re-release with a small source code fix from regression in the file: flameff.h

  • New: Camera sensor infos are now turned into their own CVEX native node, much cleaner.
  • New: Camera sensor TAG logos transformations are now turned into their own CVEX native nodes.
  • New: A new and very small class: _xml() has been added dedicated to compute menu entries for the IN presets menu parameters quicker.
  • New: New FF Enabled state icon.
  • New: The density mini menu entry labels from 500k to 1 Billion now have a red star bookmark icon to signal the higher band of those values.
  • Fix: FF variation disabled state bookmark icon now matches the one used inside the iterator's variations as it is more readable.
  • Fix: The IN and SYS Tab menus IN presets parameters are now a bit more lightweight to compute and populate based on the loaded XML file.
  • Fix: The CP and SYS Tab menus CP presets parameters are now a bit more lightweight to compute and populate based on the loaded JSON file.
  • Fix: The CP Tab is now at its default values since the start.
  • Fix: When in camera sensor viz mode the RIP option will now be disabled as it is not needed and wont affect anything turning it ON or OFF.
  • Fix: the flame private definition __get_name() in class: _xml_tree() is now a public def: get_name() and run directly from its parent class: _xml_tree()
  • Fix: FF pre and post Affine X,Y not being reset on SHIFT + LMB. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Auto set xaos now use a SET and GET definition for each of its different data types, making it a little faster.
  • Fix: Added better tooltips to some of the parameters that were left out from preview revisions.
  • Fix: When in ZERO iterator count mode, the SYS Disabled star icon is more transparent, making it look more cleaner.
  • Improved Python code.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3H USD v0.0.6

  • Improved Python code.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.2.60

22 Feb 17:22
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H20.x and H19.x only
( This is a Houdini Studio Commercial license release. It will work on Houdini Indie and Learning edition too. )

  • New: Added check for chaotica XML style files, wich are not supported but now it wont error out if the user try to load them anyway.
  • New: Added few more flash messages for IN/OUT flame actions and few others.
  • New: Added RIP option to the viewport TAG.
  • New: New iterator's active icon.
  • New: New pre_blur's bookmark icon.
  • New: New Reframe viewport flame icons.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.2.55

21 Feb 21:39
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H20.x and H19.x only
( This is a Houdini Studio Commercial license release. It will work on Houdini Indie and Learning edition too. )

  • New: Added flash messages. Those are really nice, especially when marking/unmarking iterators or FF for being copied. You can disable them from the preferences tab otions.
  • New: New IN and OUT menu presets bookmark icons.
  • Fix: Fixed bookmark icon for the CP menu label selected Palette preset when not loaded.
  • Fix: Fixed bookmark icon for the IN menu label selected Flame preset when not loaded.
  • Fix: Python Tag Icons path global variable for the IN Flame loaded preset is now pointing to the correct one.
  • Fix: IN copy render properties icon when a flame has been loaded from the clipboard is now pointing to the correct one.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

From v1.2.50

  • New: The selected variation name in each of their menu parameter now posses a bookmark icon next to its label to display its state based on its weight.
  • New: The IN presets menu parameter now posses a bookmark icon next to the currently selected flame preset label. The bookmark icon will change once the flame preset is being loaded.
  • New: The CP presets menu parameter now posses a bookmark icon next to the currently selected palette preset label. The bookmark icon will change once the palette preset is being loaded.
  • New: The iterator and FF copy/paste mini menu labels now have an icon.
  • New: When copy/paste iterator or FF data between different FLAM3H nodes the menu labels now show the source FLAM3H node parent name.
  • New: Added a visual feedback to recognize if the user made any modification to the currently loaded palette preset and if so the bookmark icon will change.
  • New: The SYS CP preset icon and the CP Tab preset icon are now multipurpose and change their icon based on their state.
  • Fix: When loading a hip file with a FLAM3H node in Camera Sesnor mode and its display flag ON, it will restore the proper Camera Sensor viewport on load. However seem to silently fail on Houdini versions prior to H20.0.590.
  • Fix: When loading a palette preset from the clipboard, the SYS CP menu presets was reverting back to a value of 0 instead of keeping the last loaded preset index. It is fixed now.
  • Fix: When in camera sensor mode, clicking frame sensor view SYS tab icon was not properly restoring the front viewport type if needed. It is fixed now.
  • Fix: Fixed SYS CP menu preset OFF state not being updated on hip file load.
  • Fix: When cloning a FLAM3H node with Camera Sensor mode ON, the new node will now be created with the mode OFF.
  • Fix: Improved CP palette preset name string checking.
  • Fix: Improved some tooltip and better formatted their text.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.2.37

15 Feb 07:50
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H20.x and H19.x only
( This is a Houdini Studio Commercial license release. It will work on Houdini Indie and Learning edition too. )

  • New: New palette lookup method. When using up to 256 color palette keys it is many times faster in sampling it.
  • New: Added F3C toggle option to the SYS tab.
  • New: Added a palette lookup samples parameter to sample the palette using different sample's count. The default for a typical fractal flame is always 256.
  • New: Added palette lookup samples XML key to the python XML code so that it get saved with the flame preset and loaded back.
  • New: New HDA documentation banner image.
  • Fix: Fixed a regression that made appending new palette presets to the same file not working.
  • Fix: Fixed filepath variables not being expanded when loading a flame or palette file from the SHIFT + Click dialog window resulting in a silent failed load.
  • Fix: SYS Tab RIP option has a new icon for its enable state.
  • Fix: When Motion Blur was ON, the alpha value could have exeeded the value of 1. It is now clamped.
  • Fix: IN Flame preset stats info: "Variation used" are now capitalized.
  • Fix: IN Flame preset stats info: "Missing variations" are now capitalized.
  • Fix: Improved SYS tab icons tooltips.
  • Fix: Small cosmetic touches here and there.
  • Improved Python code.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

From v1.2.25

  • New: New UX multipurpose icons ( best with a 4k display and the Houdini's Global UI scale set to: 1.75 or higher ).
  • New: You can now SHIFT + LMB to the SYS IN_LOAD Flame icon to open a file dialog to choose a flame file to load.
  • New: You can now SHIFT + LMB to the SYS CP_LOAD Palette icon to open a file dialog to choose a palette json file to load.
  • New: You can now copy/paste a color palette into and from the clipboard.
  • New: Iterator's active toggle is now a multipurpose icon.
  • New: FF's has now a multipurpose icon for the active toggle.
  • New: When in camera sensor mode the SYS camera framing icon is now using the sensor framing data.
  • New: Under H20, the preference's Dark toggle option can now recognize the new background theme color: DarkGrey.
  • New: New SYS Doc icon.
  • Fix: The OUT SYS menu preset is now updated accordinlgy with the OUT menu preset.
  • Fix: The IN SYS menu presets are now updated accordingly with the IN menu presets.
  • Fix: When the sum of the color palette's HSV values was equal to 3 was considerade a default value even tho it could have been: { 0.9, 1.0, 1.1 } . This is now fixed.
  • Fix: Preference's option CVEX precision has been hidden as the 64bit cvex mode is slow and almost never needed.
  • Fix: About plugins variation's names are now capitalized and grouped by each 5, with a comma added at then of each line for correctness.
  • Improved Python code.
  • Updated HDA documentation.