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This directory contains the cellular APIs, designed to provide a simple control interface to a u-blox cellular module.

The cellular APIs are split into the following groups:

  • <no group>: init/deinit of the cellular API and adding a cellular instance.
  • cfg: configuration of the cellular module.
  • pwr: powering up and down the cellular module.
  • net: attaching to the cellular network.
  • info: obtaining information about the cellular module.
  • sec: u-blox security features.
  • sec_tls: TLS security features.
  • sock: sockets, for exchanging data (but see the common/sock component for the best way to do this).
  • mqtt: MQTT client (but see the common/mqtt_client component for the best way to do this).
  • loc: getting a location fix using the Cell Locate service (but see the common/location component for the best way to do this); you will need an authentication token from the Location Services section of your Thingstream portal. If you have a GNSS chip attached via a cellular module and want to control it directly from your MCU see the gnss API but note that the loc API here will make use of a such a GNSS chip where that in any case.
  • gpio: configure and set the state of GPIO lines that are on the cellular module.

The module types supported by this implementation are listed in u_cell_module_type.h.

HOWEVER, this is the detailed API; if all you would like to do is bring up a bearer as simply as possible and then get on with exchanging data or establishing location, please consider using the common/network API, along with the common/sock API, the common/security API and the common/location API. You may still dip down into this API from the network level as the handles used at the network level are the ones generated here.

This API relies upon the common/at_client component to send commands to and parse responses received from a cellular module.


The api directory contains the files that define the cellular APIs, each API function documented in its header file. In the src directory you will find the implementation of the APIs and in the test directory the tests for the APIs that can be run on any platform.

A simple usage example is given below. Note that, before calling app_start() the platform must be initialised (clocks started, heap available, RTOS running), in other words app_task() can be thought of as a task entry point. If you open the u_main.c file in the app directory of your platform you will see how we do this, with main() calling a porting API uPortPlatformStart() to sort that all out; you could paste the example code into app_start() there (and add the inclusions) as a quick and dirty test (runner will build it).

Throughout the cell API, in functions which can take more than a few seconds to complete, you will find a keepGoingCallback() parameter. This parameter is intended for situations where the application needs control of the timeout of the API call or needs to feed a watchdog timer. The callback will be called approximately once a second while the API function is operating and, if it returns false, the API function will be terminated. Set the parameter to NULL if no specific timeout is required, or no watchdog needs to be fed.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "stdbool.h"

#include "u_cfg_sw.h"
#include "u_cfg_app_platform_specific.h"

#include "u_error_common.h"

#include "u_port.h"
#include "u_port_debug.h"
#include "u_port_uart.h"

#include "u_at_client.h"

#include "u_sock.h"

#include "u_cell.h"
#include "u_cell_net.h"
#include "u_cell_pwr.h"

// The entry point: before this is called the system
// clocks must have been started and the RTOS must be running;
// we are in task space.
int app_start() {
    int32_t uartHandle;
    uAtClientHandle_t atHandle;
    int32_t cellHandle;
    char buffer[U_CELL_NET_IP_ADDRESS_SIZE];
    int32_t mcc;
    int32_t mnc;

    // Initialise the APIs we will need

    // Open a UART with the recommended buffer length
    // on your chosen UART HW block and on the pins
    // where the cellular module's UART interface is
    // connected to your MCU: you need to know these
    // for your hardware, either set the #defines
    // appropriately or replace them with the right
    // numbers, using -1 for a pin that is not connected.
    uartHandle = uPortUartOpen(U_CFG_APP_CELL_UART,
                               115200, NULL,

    // Add an AT client on the UART with the recommended
    // default buffer size.
    atClientHandle = uAtClientAdd(uartHandle,

    // Set printing of AT commands by the cellular driver,
    // which can be useful while debugging.
    uAtClientPrintAtSet(atClientHandle, true);

    // Add a cell instance, in this case a SARA-R5 module,
    // giving it the AT client handle and the pins where
    // the cellular module's control interface is 
    // connected to your MCU: you need to know these for
    // your hardware; again use -1 for "not connected".
    cellHandle = uCellAdd(U_CELL_MODULE_TYPE_SARA_R5,
                          U_CFG_APP_PIN_CELL_VINT, false);

    // Power up the cellular module
    if (uCellPwrOn(cellHandle, NULL, NULL) == 0) {
        // Connect to the cellular network with all default parameters
        if (uCellNetConnect(cellHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == 0) {

            // Do things, for example
            if (uCellNetGetOperatorStr(cellHandle, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) >= 0) {
                printf("Registered on \"%s\".\n", buffer);
            if (uCellNetGetMccMnc(cellHandle, &mcc, &mnc) == 0) {
                printf("The MCC/MNC of the network is %d%d.\n", mcc, mnc);
            if (uCellNetGetIpAddressStr(cellHandle, buffer) >= 0) {
                printf("Our IP address is \"%s\".\n", buffer);
            if (uCellNetGetApnStr(cellHandle, buffer, sizeof(buffer)) >= 0) {
                printf("The APN used was \"%s\".\n", buffer);

            // When finished with the connection
            uCellNetDisconnect(cellHandle, NULL);
        // When finished using the module
        uCellPwrOff(cellHandle, NULL);

    // Calling these will also deallocate all the handles that
    // were allocated above.
