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470 lines (371 loc) · 13.2 KB

File metadata and controls

470 lines (371 loc) · 13.2 KB

Development Notes

# Initialize this project
go mod init afreeorange/bock

# Remove unused mods
go mod tidy

# Remove a package
go get package@none

# Build
CGO_ENABLED=1 go build --tags "fts5" -o "dist/bock-$(uname)-$(uname -m)" .

git commands

This the rough outline of how you'd get the revision history of a file. git cat-file -p <something> is a "swiss army knife" of sorts that lets you examine all manner of things. The -p flag tells git to figure out what the <something> is.

# Get the commits. Note that a single commit can change many articles!
# This is something you need to try to avoid.
git log /path/to/

# Now get the *contents* of a commit by reading the blob.
git show 27e239b8f52ceb29a14a5d4fdf8d957ce4f022f4:/path/to/

And here's how you find deleted files:

# On the branch you're on
git log --diff-filter D --pretty="format:" --name-only | sed '/^$/d'

# Across all branches
git reflog --diff-filter D --pretty="format:" --name-only | sed '/^$/d'

git log slowness with go-git

This is a known issue. I thought I could just use the git command and don't appear to be the only one who's had this thought. Note that with the few articles I have in my wiki (~250) generating JSON, HTML, the SQLite Database, etc takes ~200ms (on an M1 Max with 24GB memory). With revisions this goes up to 6s :/

Here's another comment that compares go-git with git2go (libgit2 wrapper) and just the git command.


  • Fix issue with apostrophes 🤦‍♀️
  • Compare Page
  • Gist of recursive tree generation!
  • Recent Changes (Global)
  • Revisions argument
  • STATS : Average number of revisions
  • STATS : Average words per article (length)
  • STATS : Oldest and newest article
  • STATS : Recent articles
  • STATS : Total words
  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Table of Contents
  • Template argument
  • Use context in lieu of config struct? What are the dis/advantages?
  • 404 Page
  • Better, less buggy tree
  • Breadcrumbs > Revision
  • Fix builds on cimg/go:1.18
  • FIX FOLDER generation
  • Fix timestamps; make them consistent
  • JSON for Revision
  • Markdown highlight in Raw view
  • Filtering logs with filename is very slow in go-git```

rm -rf $HOME/Desktop/temp/*;time go run --tags "fts5" . -a $HOME/personal/ -o $HOME/Desktop/temp
pushd $HOME/Desktop/temp; find . -type f -exec gzip -9 '{}' \; -exec mv '{}.gz' '{}' \;; popd
aws s3 sync $HOME/Desktop/temp/ s3:// --delete --content-encoding gzip --size-only --profile


  • A possible progress bar.
  • Hugo uses afero as its filesystem abstraction layer. I have not needed it. Yet.
  • Structured Logging with Logrus.
  • This is Commander but for golang <3 Maybe not necessary here since the flag library in STDLIB has everything I need. But longopts are nice!
  • Cobra is a full-featured CLI app framework
  • gin for live-reloading
  • Martini for a web framework
  • Gore for a REPL
  • Minifier for HTML, CSS, XML, etc
  • Awesome Go
  • go-flags for CLI opt parsing. A bit heavy but appears to get the job done.



If you understand this enough you can roll your own with WaitGroup and channels.

Books and Other Media

Afero Experiment

package main

import (


var fpath = "/Users/nikhil/personal/"
var fpsaf = path.Dir(fpath) + "/"
var articleFolder = strings.Replace(fpath, fpsaf, "", -1)

func main() {

	memFS := afero.NewMemMapFs()
	var _ = memFS

	fmt.Print("Transferring articles to memory: ")
	filepath.Walk(fpath, func(p string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if f.IsDir() {
			name := strings.Replace(p, fpsaf, "", -1)
			memFS.MkdirAll(name, os.ModePerm)
		} else {
			name := strings.Replace(p, fpsaf, "", -1)
			contents, _ := os.ReadFile(p)
			afero.WriteFile(memFS, name, contents, os.ModePerm)

		return nil


	fmt.Println("Checking in-memory FS")
	c, _ := afero.ReadFile(memFS, articleFolder+"/"+"Food/Thai Curry Experiments/Thai Green Curry Chicken - Instant")
	fmt.Println(">>>", string(c))

Rules for Article Repository

  • will be the generated homepage 🏠
  • Anything in __assets folder in your article repository will be copied over to the output folder as-is.
  • Reserved paths
    • /archive
    • /{Article Path}/raw
    • /{Article Path}/revisions


Uses pongo2 for a Django/Nunjucks-style syntax since I don't yet like the Golang's text/template. There's a base template that's embedded in the built binary which isn't too bad-looking but I'll add a way to specify custom templates later. Here are all of Pongo2's filters.

The base template uses the Gruvbox palette.

Template Types

  • archive
  • article
  • folder
  • index
  • not-found
  • random
  • raw
  • revision
  • revision-list
  • revision-raw


Powered by SQL.js.

Simple Progress Bar

package main

import (

// Bar ...
type Bar struct {
	percent int64  // progress percentage
	cur     int64  // current progress
	total   int64  // total value for progress
	rate    string // the actual progress bar to be printed
	graph   string // the fill value for progress bar

func (bar *Bar) NewOption(start, total int64) {
	bar.cur = start = total
	if bar.graph == "" {
		bar.graph = "â–ˆ"
	bar.percent = bar.getPercent()
	for i := 0; i < int(bar.percent); i += 2 {
		bar.rate += bar.graph // initial progress position

func (bar *Bar) getPercent() int64 {
	return int64((float32(bar.cur) / float32( * 100)

func (bar *Bar) Play(cur int64) {
	bar.cur = cur
	last := bar.percent
	bar.percent = bar.getPercent()
	if bar.percent != last && bar.percent%2 == 0 {
		bar.rate += bar.graph
	fmt.Printf("\r[%-50s]%3d%% %8d/%d", bar.rate, bar.percent, bar.cur,

func (bar *Bar) Finish() {

Tree Generating Reference

package main

import (

var articleRoot = "/Users/nikhil/personal/"

// var articleRoot = "/Users/nikhil/haha"

var IGNORED_PATHS_REGEX = regexp.MustCompile(
	}, "|"))

type Entity struct {
	IsDir        bool   `json:"isDir"`
	IsSymlink    bool   `json:"isSymlink"`
	LinksTo      string `json:"linksTo"`
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Path         string `json:"path"`
	RelativePath string `json:"relativePath"`
	Size         int64  `json:"size"`
	URI          string `json:"uri"`

	Children *[]Entity `json:"children"`

Recursively create a tree of entities (files and folders)

Inspired by an iterative version here:
func makeTree(path string, tree *[]Entity, ignoredPaths *regexp.Regexp) {
	currentRoot, _ := os.Stat(path)
	entityInfo := getEntityInfo(currentRoot, path)

	// Make list of the child entities in the path and then filter out any
	// children on the ignored paths list. Note that it is less code to use
	// `ioutil.ReadDir` since it returns the `fs.FileInfo` type but it's
	// deprecated.
	_children, _ := os.ReadDir(path)
	var children []fs.FileInfo

	for _, de := range _children {
		child, _ := de.Info()

		if !ignoredPaths.MatchString(child.Name()) {
			children = append(children, child)

	for i, c := range children {
		child := getEntityInfo(c, filepath.Join(entityInfo.Path, c.Name()))
		*tree = append(*tree, *child)

		if c.IsDir() {
			makeTree(child.Path, (*tree)[i].Children, ignoredPaths)

func getEntityInfo(entityInfo fs.FileInfo, path string) *Entity {
	entity := Entity{
		IsDir:    entityInfo.IsDir(),
		Size:     entityInfo.Size(),
		Name:     entityInfo.Name(),
		Path:     path,
		Children: &[]Entity{},

	// Follow symlinks
	if entityInfo.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
		entity.IsSymlink = true
		entity.LinksTo, _ = filepath.EvalSymlinks(filepath.Join(path, entityInfo.Name()))

	return &entity

func main() {
	var tree []Entity
	makeTree(articleRoot, &tree, IGNORED_PATHS_REGEX)

	s, _ := json.MarshalIndent(tree, "", "   ")

A Simple Progress Bar

package main

import (

// Bar ...
type Bar struct {
	percent int64  // progress percentage
	cur     int64  // current progress
	total   int64  // total value for progress
	rate    string // the actual progress bar to be printed
	graph   string // the fill value for progress bar

func (bar *Bar) New(start, total int64) {
	bar.cur = start = total

	if bar.graph == "" {
		bar.graph = "."

	bar.percent = bar.getPercent()

	for i := 0; i < int(bar.percent); i += 2 {
		bar.rate += bar.graph

func (bar *Bar) getPercent() int64 {
	return int64((float32(bar.cur) / float32( * 100)

func (bar *Bar) Play(cur int64) {
	bar.cur = cur
	last := bar.percent

	bar.percent = bar.getPercent()

	if bar.percent != last && bar.percent%2 == 0 {
		bar.rate += bar.graph

		// This is the key thing here to 'redraw' things on screen...
		"\r[%-50s] %2d%% %8d of %d",

func (bar *Bar) Finish() {

func main() {
	// Use the bar!
	var bar Bar
	bar.New(0, 100)

	for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

Pongo2 Custom Filter Sample

var _ = pongo2.RegisterFilter("round", func(in, param *pongo2.Value) (out *pongo2.Value, err *pongo2.Error) {
	var rounded *pongo2.Value

	if s, err := strconv.ParseFloat(in.String(), 32); err == nil {
		rounded = pongo2.AsSafeValue(math.Round(s))
	} else {
		return pongo2.AsSafeValue("!_COULD_NOT_ROUND_VALUE"), &pongo2.Error{OrigError: err}

	return rounded, nil

Local Builds

docker run -ti -v /Users/nikhil/personal/bock:/home/circleci/project cimg/go:1.18 /home/circleci/project/.scripts/

Update all Dependencies

go get -u ./...