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User-guided separate-and-conquer rule learning in classification, regression, and survival settings

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User-guided separate-and-conquer rule learning in classification, regression, and survival settings


UPDATE: GuideR is now the part of RuleKit - our comprehensive suite for rule-based learning. We suggest using RuleKit for analyses as we constatly improve its functionality and keep it up to date.

GuideR is distributed as a standalone JAR package (see Release tab for download). To run the analysis, execute

java -jar GuideR experiments.xml

where experiments.xml is an XML file with a description of experimental setting. It describes parameter sets and datasets to be examined:

		<parameter_set name="paramset_1">...</parameter_set>
    	<parameter_set name="paramset_2">...</parameter_set>

    	<dataset name="dataset_1">...</dataset>
    	<dataset name="dataset_2">...</dataset>

Parameter set description

As each algorithm parameter has its default value, only selected parameters may specified by the user. In automatic mode, following parameters apply:

<parameter_set name="paramset_1">
  	<param name="min_rule_covered">...</param>
  	<param name="induction_measure">...</param>
  	<param name="pruning_measure">...</param>
	<param name="voting_measure">...</param>


  • min_rule_covered - minimum number of previously uncovered examples a new rule has to cover,
  • induction_measure - rule quality measure used during growing; one of the following: Accuracy, C2, Correlation, Lift, LogicalSufficiency, Precision, RSS, GeoRSS, SBayesian, BinaryEntropy,
  • pruning_measure - rule quality measure used during pruning; one of the aforementioned measures,
  • voting_measure - rule quality measure used for voting; one of the aforementioned measures.

The measure parameters apply only for classification and regression problems - in survival datasets log-rank statistics is always used.

Expert knowledge is also specified through parameters:

<parameter_set name="paramset_1">
  	<param name="min_rule_covered">...</param>
  	<param name="induction_measure">...</param>
  	<param name="pruning_measure">...</param>
	<param name="voting_measure">...</param>
  	<param name="use_expert">true</param>
  	<param name="extend_using_preferred">...</param>
  	<param name="extend_using_automatic">...</param>
  	<param name="induce_using_preferred">...</param>
  	<param name="induce_using_automatic">...</param>
  	<param name="preferred_conditions_per_rule">...</param>
  	<param name="preferred_attributes_per_rule>...</param>
   	<param name="consider_other_classes">...</param>
  	<param name ="expert_rules">
		<entry name="rule-0">...</entry>
		<entry name="rule-1">...</entry>
  	<param name ="expert_preferred_conditions">
		<entry name="preferred-condition-0">...</entry>
		<entry name="preferred-condition-1">...</entry>
  	<param name ="expert_forbidden_conditions">
		<entry name="forbidden-condition-0">...</entry>
		<entry name="forbidden-condition-1">...</entry>

Parameter meaning (symbols from the paper are given in parentheses):

  • use_expert - boolean indicating whether user's knowledge should be used,
  • expert_rules(R) - set of initial rules,
  • expert_preferred_conditions(C, A) - multiset of preferred conditions (used also for specifying preferred attributes by using special value Any),
  • expert_forbidden_conditions(C, A) - set of forbidden conditions (used also for specifying forbidden attributes by using special valye Any),
  • extend_using_preferredpref)/extend_using_automaticauto) - boolean indicating whether initial rules should be extended with a use of preferred/automatic conditions and attributes,
  • induce_using_preferredpref)/induce_using_automaticauto) - boolean indicating whether new rules should be induced with a use of preferred/automatic conditions and attributes,
  • preferred_conditions_per_rule(KC)/preferred_attributes_per_rule(KA) - maximum number of preferred conditions/attributes per rule,
  • consider_other_classes - boolean indicating whether automatic induction should be performed for classes for which no user's knowledge has been defined (classification only).

Let us consider the following user's knowledge (superscripts next to C, A, C, and A symbols indicate class label):

  • R = { (IF gimpuls < 750 THEN class = 0), (IF gimpuls >= 750 THEN class = 1)},
  • C0 = { (seismic = a) },
  • C1 = { (seismic = b ∧ seismoacoustic = c)5 },
  • A1 = { gimpulsinf },
  • C0 = { seismoacoustic = b },
  • A1 = { ghazard }. The XML definition of this knowledge is presented below.
<param name ="expert_rules">
	<entry name="rule-1">IF [[gimpuls = (-inf, 750)]] THEN class = {0}</entry>
	<entry name="rule-2">IF [[gimpuls = &lt;750, inf)]] THEN class = {1}</entry>
<param name ="expert_preferred_conditions">
	<entry name="preferred-condition-1">1: IF [[seismic = {a}]] THEN class = {0}</entry>
	<entry name="preferred-condition-2">5: IF [[seismic = {b} AND seismoacoustic = {c}]] THEN class = {1}</entry>
	<entry name="preferred-attribute-1">inf: IF [[gimpuls = Any]] THEN class = {1}</entry>
<param name ="expert_forbidden_conditions">
	<entry name="forbidden-condition-1">IF [[seismoacoustic = b]] THEN class = {0}</entry>
	<entry name="forbidden-attribute-1">IF [[ghazard = Any]] THEN class = {1}</entry>

Please note several remarks:

  • Inifinity is represented as inf string (rule-1, preferred-attribute-1 ).
  • Conditions based on continuous attributes are represented as intervals. Left-closed intervals are specified using &lt; symbol as < is reserved by XML syntax (rule-2).
  • Multiplicity is specified before multiset element (preferred-condition-1 and preferred-condition-2),
  • Preferred/forbidden attributes are defined as conditions with special value Any (preferred-attribute-1, forbidden-attribute-1).

Dataset definition

Definition of the dataset has the following form:

<dataset name="dataset_1">

The meaning of the tags:

  • path - directory with training and testing files in ARFF format. A model is learned on every file containing train phrase in its name, and then validated on a file with train phrase replaced by test.
  • label - name of a label attribute.
  • type - experiment type, one of the following: BinaryClassification, Classification, Regression, Survival. In the last case, the dataset must contain an attribute named survival_time.
  • report_path - directory where experiment reports are to be stored. For each parameter set, the tool generates two files named:
    • dataset name, parameter_set name.csv - table with numerical characteristics for all investigated train-test pairs (row per pair, named after testing set).
    • dataset name, parameter_set name.res - models in the text form (rule sets) and tabularized survival function estimators for all rules (applies to survival problems only).

Below one can find an example dataset definition:

<dataset name="seismic-bumps">

Depending on the content of the ./datasets/seismic-bumps directory, different experimental methodologies are available:

  1. separate training and testing sets - directory contains a single pair of files, e.g:
    • seismic-bumps-train.arff + seismic-bumps-test.arff,
  2. cross-validation - directory contains several pairs of files, one per each split (fold), e.g:
    • seismic-bumps-train-fold0.arff + seismic-bumps-test-fold0.arff,
    • seismic-bumps-train-fold1.arff + seismic-bumps-test-fold1.arff,
    • ...
  3. training and testing on the same set - same as in (1), but with identical files.

Example datasets and experiments

For convenience, we provide datasets invesitgated in the GuideR paper, together with the corresponding XML experimental files.


M. Sikora, Ł. Wróbel, A. Gudyś (2018) GuideR: a guided separate-and-conquer rule learning in classification, regression, and survival settings, Knowledge-Based Systems, 173, 1-14


User-guided separate-and-conquer rule learning in classification, regression, and survival settings






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