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Day Sixteen: Ticket Translation

Today's problem was a matter of parsing a complex incoming string, and then doing a bunch of set manipulation, maps, and filters. To be honest, I didn't find this one very entertaining, so I'm just going to quickly run through what each function does, show how the shape of the data changes from function to function, and call it a day.

Part 1

The parse-input function parses the incoming String into my state object. I leverage the utils/split-blank-line-seq function from a few problems ago, which converts the giant String into three components -- one for the rules, the "your ticket" section, and the "nearby tickets" section. Then it's a little regex and a whole lot of Integer parsing. The output shape is a map, that definitely could be simplified if I were so inclined.

; Output shape
{:fields [["name" [low1 high1] [low2 high2]]]
 :my-ticket [1 2 3 4]
 :nearby-tickets [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]]}

The invalid-fields function looks at all of the fields and combines them into a single list of [low high] pairs. Then the flatten function fully flattens the nearby tickets into a single list of integer values, which we filter down using not-any? to return only the values that aren't within any of the ranges. The output shape is a simple list of integers, representing the invalid fields.

(defn invalid-fields [{:keys [fields nearby-tickets]}]
  (let [every-range (->> (map rest fields) (apply concat))]
    (->> (flatten nearby-tickets)
         (filter (fn [fld] (not-any? (fn [[x y]] (<= x fld y)) every-range))))))

Then part1 just adds together all invalid fields.

(defn part1 [input]
  (->> input parse-input invalid-fields (apply +)))

Part 2

Part 2 was a little trickier to solve, and my answer is a bit wordy. But I wanted to focus a bit more on transforming the data from one state to another, rather than doing everything inline as a giant list. So the solution is a bunch of small transformations.

The overall strategy was to rip apart the complexity of the ticket structure. So I wanted to make a map of sets. To start, every ticket field was mapped to the set of all possible field indices. Then we go through every nearby ticket, and for every field type in which the ticket field doesn't fit, remove that index from the field type's set of indices. By removing every rule violation, we should be left with only the field types and the indexes for which all tickets validate. So with that...

valid-tickets-only takes in the full state, and returns only the nearby tickets that are valid, meaning that they don't have any of the fields described previously in the invalid-fields function. This returns all of the remaining tickets in their normal form, so [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]].

(defn valid-tickets-only [{:keys [nearby-tickets] :as parsed}]
  (let [bad-fields (-> parsed invalid-fields set)]
    (filterv (fn [t] (not-any? #(bad-fields %) t))

The next function, ticket-pairs, rips out every [idx v] tuple across all of the nearby tickets, since I found that easier to reason with than keeping the original vector of vectors. So this function takes in the ticket list, of shape [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] and returns a simple [[0 1] [1 2] [2 3] [0 4] [1 5] [2 6] [0 7] [1 8] [2 9]] vector.

(defn ticket-pairs [tickets]
  (mapcat (fn [ticket] (map-indexed (fn [idx v] (vector idx v)) ticket))

The first beefy function is possible-indexes, with its coordinating function all-possible-indexes. possible-indexes takes in the list of all ticket-pairs and the total number of fields in the tickets, and then a single field rule definition of form ["name" [low1 high1] [low2 high2]] from problem state. We run a reducing function, starting with a set of all possible indexes, and then we look at every ticket pair. If that pair's value doesn't comply with the rule, remove that pair's index from the set of possible indexes. There's a whole bunch of extra calculations going on, but this algorithm is still very fast. As a reminder to my future self -- we use dissoc to remove a mapping from a map, but disj to remove a value from a set. Why one function can't do both...

Then all-possible-fields just maps each field to the set of possible indexes, and throws it all into a map.

(defn possible-indexes [ticket-pairs num-fields [name [low1 high1] [low2 high2]]]
  (->> (reduce (fn [acc [idx v]]
                 (if (or (<= low1 v high1) (<= low2 v high2))
                   (disj acc idx)))
               (set (range num-fields))
       (vector name)))

(defn all-possible-indexes [fields nearby-ticket-pairs]
  (->> fields
       (map #(possible-indexes nearby-ticket-pairs (count fields) %))
       (into {})))

Armed with the possible fields, our goal is to use field-mappings to actually decide which field belongs to which index. We use a simple loop-recur, starting with all fields being unsolved, and moving them one-by-one into the solved set. In each loop, we find one field that only has one index that is valid and hasn't been claimed yet by another field. Knowing the field name and its singular index, we use remove-all-traces to eliminate that index from all remaining fields' set of indexes, and loop again.

(defn remove-all-traces [possible-indexes index]
  (loop [fields possible-indexes, keys (keys possible-indexes)]
    (if-let [k (first keys)]
      (recur (update fields k #(disj % index))
             (rest keys))

(defn field-mappings [fields nearby-ticket-pairs]
  (loop [unsolved (all-possible-indexes fields nearby-ticket-pairs)
         solved {}]
    (if (empty? unsolved)
      (let [[name actual-index] (->> unsolved
                                     (keep (fn [[name indexes]]
                                             (when (= 1 (count indexes))
                                               [name (first indexes)])))
        (recur (-> unsolved
                   (dissoc name)
                   (remove-all-traces actual-index))
               (assoc solved name actual-index))))))

Finally, part2 puts the pieces together. Starting with the input, we parse it, identify the valid tickets, flatten them into ticket pairs, and identify the mappings. With the correct mappings in-place, we use a keep-when to pick the fields whose name starts with departure, map each to the value that that index in my-ticket, and multiple the values together.

(defn part2 [input]
  (let [{:keys [fields my-ticket] :as parsed} (parse-input input)
        valid-tickets (valid-tickets-only parsed)
        nearby-ticket-pairs (ticket-pairs valid-tickets)
        mappings (field-mappings fields nearby-ticket-pairs)]
    (->> mappings
         (keep (fn [[name idx]]
                 (when (str/starts-with? name "departure") (get my-ticket idx))))
         (apply *))))

All in all, there's a bunch of code here, but it's all reasonably straightforward... now that it's done!