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73 lines (46 loc) · 3.01 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (46 loc) · 3.01 KB


  • ez_validator


  • add filledForm option + add set custom locale errors


  • fix web plugin error + required custom messages


  • add new validations methods


  • Fix languages toggle


  • Add support to all platforms


  • Fix support for Desktop platforms
  • Fix typos
  • Remove unused files


  • Add default values
  • Add error key labels


  • Nested Validation Support
  • Extended Validation Methods:
    • String Validation Methods
    • Numerical Validation Methods
    • Date Validation Methods
    • Boolean Validation Method
    • General/Common Validation Methods
    • List (Array) Validation Methods
  • catchErrors Method:
    • Introduced the catchErrors method for capturing and returning validation errors in a structured format. This method is particularly useful for detailed error analysis and customized error handling in applications.
  • validateSync Method:
    • Added the validateSync method, offering synchronous validation that returns both processed data and validation errors. This method enhances usability by providing a convenient way to validate data and simultaneously retrieve the validated output.


  • .when(String key, ValidationCallback<T> validator): Provides conditional validation based on the value of another field in the schema. The method accepts a key, which refers to another field in the schema, and a validator, which is a function that executes the validation logic. The validator function should return null if the validation passes or a custom error message if it fails. This method is particularly useful for scenarios where the validation of one field depends on the value of another field, such as confirming a password.
  • .transform(T Function(T) transformFunction): Applies a transformation function to the field's value before any validation is performed. The method takes a transformFunction which receives the current field value and returns a transformed value. This method is useful for preprocessing the data, such as trimming strings, converting types, or formatting values, before applying the validation rules.


  • .arrayOf<EzValidator<T>>(EzValidator<T> itemValidator): when you have a list of items that need to be individually validated. This method is ideal for scenarios like validating a list of user inputs, where each input must pass certain validation criteria.
  • .schema<EzSchema>(EzSchema schema): is ideal for nested or complex data structures where multiple fields need to be validated in relation to each other. It's particularly useful in cases where you need to enforce a specific data format, such as validating JSON objects, complex forms, or data models.


  • Improved Type Safety in EzSchema


  • Remove unused key in the .when method
  • Add .dependsOn: that enables conditional validation based on the state of other fields within the same schema.


  • Add noUnknown: Validate that the data values only contains keys specified in the schema