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ArXiv cs.CV --Fri, 25 Dec 2020

1.Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation: A Survey ⬇️

Human pose estimation aims to locate the human body parts and build human body representation (e.g., body skeleton) from input data such as images and videos. It has drawn increasing attention during the past decade and has been utilized in a wide range of applications including human-computer interaction, motion analysis, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Although the recently developed deep learning-based solutions have achieved high performance in human pose estimation, there still remain challenges due to insufficient training data, depth ambiguities, and occlusions. The goal of this survey paper is to provide a comprehensive review of recent deep learning-based solutions for both 2D and 3D pose estimation via a systematic analysis and comparison of these solutions based on their input data and inference procedures. More than 240 research papers since 2014 are covered in this survey. Furthermore, 2D and 3D human pose estimation datasets and evaluation metrics are included. Quantitative performance comparisons of the reviewed methods on popular datasets are summarized and discussed. Finally, the challenges involved, applications, and future research directions are concluded. We also provide a regularly updated project page on: \url{this https URL}

2.Global Context Networks ⬇️

The Non-Local Network (NLNet) presents a pioneering approach for capturing long-range dependencies within an image, via aggregating query-specific global context to each query position. However, through a rigorous empirical analysis, we have found that the global contexts modeled by the non-local network are almost the same for different query positions. In this paper, we take advantage of this finding to create a simplified network based on a query-independent formulation, which maintains the accuracy of NLNet but with significantly less computation. We further replace the one-layer transformation function of the non-local block by a two-layer bottleneck, which further reduces the parameter number considerably. The resulting network element, called the global context (GC) block, effectively models global context in a lightweight manner, allowing it to be applied at multiple layers of a backbone network to form a global context network (GCNet). Experiments show that GCNet generally outperforms NLNet on major benchmarks for various recognition tasks. The code and network configurations are available at this https URL.

3.Unsupervised deep clustering and reinforcement learning can accurately segment MRI brain tumors with very small training sets ⬇️

Purpose: Lesion segmentation in medical imaging is key to evaluating treatment response. We have recently shown that reinforcement learning can be applied to radiological images for lesion localization. Furthermore, we demonstrated that reinforcement learning addresses important limitations of supervised deep learning; namely, it can eliminate the requirement for large amounts of annotated training data and can provide valuable intuition lacking in supervised approaches. However, we did not address the fundamental task of lesion/structure-of-interest segmentation. Here we introduce a method combining unsupervised deep learning clustering with reinforcement learning to segment brain lesions on MRI.
Materials and Methods: We initially clustered images using unsupervised deep learning clustering to generate candidate lesion masks for each MRI image. The user then selected the best mask for each of 10 training images. We then trained a reinforcement learning algorithm to select the masks. We tested the corresponding trained deep Q network on a separate testing set of 10 images. For comparison, we also trained and tested a U-net supervised deep learning network on the same set of training/testing images.
Results: Whereas the supervised approach quickly overfit the training data and predictably performed poorly on the testing set (16% average Dice score), the unsupervised deep clustering and reinforcement learning achieved an average Dice score of 83%.
Conclusion: We have demonstrated a proof-of-principle application of unsupervised deep clustering and reinforcement learning to segment brain tumors. The approach represents human-allied AI that requires minimal input from the radiologist without the need for hand-traced annotation.

4.Person Re-Identification using Deep Learning Networks: A Systematic Review ⬇️

Person re-identification has received a lot of attention from the research community in recent times. Due to its vital role in security based applications, person re-identification lies at the heart of research relevant to tracking robberies, preventing terrorist attacks and other security critical events. While the last decade has seen tremendous growth in re-id approaches, very little review literature exists to comprehend and summarize this progress. This review deals with the latest state-of-the-art deep learning based approaches for person re-identification. While the few existing re-id review works have analysed re-id techniques from a singular aspect, this review evaluates numerous re-id techniques from multiple deep learning aspects such as deep architecture types, common Re-Id challenges (variation in pose, lightning, view, scale, partial or complete occlusion, background clutter), multi-modal Re-Id, cross-domain Re-Id challenges, metric learning approaches and video Re-Id contributions. This review also includes several re-id benchmarks collected over the years, describing their characteristics, specifications and top re-id results obtained on them. The inclusion of the latest deep re-id works makes this a significant contribution to the re-id literature. Lastly, the conclusion and future directions are included.

5.Seed Phenotyping on Neural Networks using Domain Randomization and Transfer Learning ⬇️

Seed phenotyping is the idea of analyzing the morphometric characteristics of a seed to predict the behavior of the seed in terms of development, tolerance and yield in various environmental conditions. The focus of the work is the application and feasibility analysis of the state-of-the-art object detection and localization neural networks, Mask R-CNN and YOLO (You Only Look Once), for seed phenotyping using Tensorflow. One of the major bottlenecks of such an endeavor is the need for large amounts of training data. While the capture of a multitude of seed images is taunting, the images are also required to be annotated to indicate the boundaries of the seeds on the image and converted to data formats that the neural networks are able to consume. Although tools to manually perform the task of annotation are available for free, the amount of time required is enormous. In order to tackle such a scenario, the idea of domain randomization i.e. the technique of applying models trained on images containing simulated objects to real-world objects, is considered. In addition, transfer learning i.e. the idea of applying the knowledge obtained while solving a problem to a different problem, is used. The networks are trained on pre-trained weights from the popular ImageNet and COCO data sets. As part of the work, experiments with different parameters are conducted on five different seed types namely, canola, rough rice, sorghum, soy, and wheat.

6.Interpolating Points on a Non-Uniform Grid using a Mixture of Gaussians ⬇️

In this work, we propose an approach to perform non-uniform image interpolation based on a Gaussian Mixture Model. Traditional image interpolation methods, like nearest neighbor, bilinear, Hamming, Lanczos, etc. assume that the coordinates you want to interpolate from, are positioned on a uniform grid. However, it is not always the case in practice and we develop an interpolation method that is able to generate an image from arbitrarily positioned pixel values. We do this by representing each known pixel as a 2D normal distribution and considering each output image pixel as a sample from the mixture of all the known ones. Apart from the ability to reconstruct an image from arbitrarily positioned set of pixels, this also allows us to differentiate through the interpolation procedure, which might be helpful for downstream applications. Our optimized CUDA kernel and the source code to reproduce the benchmarks is located at this https URL.

7.Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition under Partial Occlusion with Optical Flow Reconstruction ⬇️

Video facial expression recognition is useful for many applications and received much interest lately. Although some solutions give really good results in a controlled environment (no occlusion), recognition in the presence of partial facial occlusion remains a challenging task. To handle occlusions, solutions based on the reconstruction of the occluded part of the face have been proposed. These solutions are mainly based on the texture or the geometry of the face. However, the similarity of the face movement between different persons doing the same expression seems to be a real asset for the reconstruction. In this paper we exploit this asset and propose a new solution based on an auto-encoder with skip connections to reconstruct the occluded part of the face in the optical flow domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposition to directly reconstruct the movement for facial expression recognition. We validated our approach in the controlled dataset CK+ on which different occlusions were generated. Our experiments show that the proposed method reduce significantly the gap, in terms of recognition accuracy, between occluded and non-occluded situations. We also compare our approach with existing state-of-the-art solutions. In order to lay the basis of a reproducible and fair comparison in the future, we also propose a new experimental protocol that includes occlusion generation and reconstruction evaluation.

8.Memory-Efficient Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Image Restoration ⬇️

Recently, much attention has been spent on neural architecture search (NAS) approaches, which often outperform manually designed architectures on highlevel vision tasks. Inspired by this, we attempt to leverage NAS technique to automatically design efficient network architectures for low-level image restoration tasks. In this paper, we propose a memory-efficient hierarchical NAS HiNAS (HiNAS) and apply to two such tasks: image denoising and image super-resolution. HiNAS adopts gradient based search strategies and builds an flexible hierarchical search space, including inner search space and outer search space, which in charge of designing cell architectures and deciding cell widths, respectively. For inner search space, we propose layerwise architecture sharing strategy (LWAS), resulting in more flexible architectures and better performance. For outer search space, we propose cell sharing strategy to save memory, and considerably accelerate the search speed. The proposed HiNAS is both memory and computation efficient. With a single GTX1080Ti GPU, it takes only about 1 hour for searching for denoising network on BSD 500 and 3.5 hours for searching for the super-resolution structure on DIV2K. Experimental results show that the architectures found by HiNAS have fewer parameters and enjoy a faster inference speed, while achieving highly competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art methods.

9.Appearance-Invariant 6-DoF Visual Localization using Generative Adversarial Networks ⬇️

We propose a novel visual localization network when outside environment has changed such as different illumination, weather and season. The visual localization network is composed of a feature extraction network and pose regression network. The feature extraction network is made up of an encoder network based on the Generative Adversarial Network CycleGAN, which can capture intrinsic appearance-invariant feature maps from unpaired samples of different weathers and seasons. With such an invariant feature, we use a 6-DoF pose regression network to tackle long-term visual localization in the presence of outdoor illumination, weather and season changes. A variety of challenging datasets for place recognition and localization are used to prove our visual localization network, and the results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in the scenarios with various environment changes.

10.Control of computer pointer using hand gesture recognition in motion pictures ⬇️

A user interface is designed to control the computer cursor by hand detection and classification of its gesture. A hand dataset with 6720 image samples is collected, including four classes: fist, palm, pointing to the left, and pointing to the right. The images are captured from 15 persons in simple backgrounds and different perspectives and light conditions. A CNN network is trained on this dataset to predict a label for each captured image and measure the similarity of them. Finally, commands are defined to click, right-click and move the cursor. The algorithm has 91.88% accuracy and can be used in different backgrounds.

11.Unveiling Real-Life Effects of Online Photo Sharing ⬇️

Social networks give free access to their services in exchange for the right to exploit their users' data. Data sharing is done in an initial context which is chosen by the users. However, data are used by social networks and third parties in different contexts which are often not transparent. We propose a new approach which unveils potential effects of data sharing in impactful real-life situations. Focus is put on visual content because of its strong influence in shaping online user profiles. The approach relies on three components: (1) a set of concepts with associated situation impact ratings obtained by crowdsourcing, (2) a corresponding set of object detectors used to analyze users' photos and (3) a ground truth dataset made of 500 visual user profiles which are manually rated for each situation. These components are combined in LERVUP, a method which learns to rate visual user profiles in each situation. LERVUP exploits a new image descriptor which aggregates concept ratings and object detections at user level. It also uses an attention mechanism to boost the detections of highly-rated concepts to prevent them from being overwhelmed by low-rated ones. Performance is evaluated per situation by measuring the correlation between the automatic ranking of profile ratings and a manual ground truth. Results indicate that LERVUP is effective since a strong correlation of the two rankings is obtained. This finding indicates that providing meaningful automatic situation-related feedback about the effects of data sharing is feasible.

12.Adversarial Momentum-Contrastive Pre-Training ⬇️

Deep neural networks are vulnerable to semantic invariant corruptions and imperceptible artificial perturbations. Although data augmentation can improve the robustness against the former, it offers no guarantees against the latter. Adversarial training, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. Recent studies have shown that adversarial self-supervised pre-training is helpful to extract the invariant representations under both data augmentations and adversarial perturbations. Based on the MoCo's idea, this paper proposes a novel adversarial momentum-contrastive (AMOC) pre-training approach, which designs two dynamic memory banks to maintain the historical clean and adversarial representations respectively, so as to exploit the discriminative representations that are consistent in a long period. Compared with the existing self-supervised pre-training approaches, AMOC can use a smaller batch size and fewer training epochs but learn more robust features. Empirical results show that the developed approach further improves the current state-of-the-art adversarial robustness.

13.Objective Class-based Micro-Expression Recognition through Simultaneous Action Unit Detection and Feature Aggregation ⬇️

Micro-expression recognition (MER) has attracted lots of researchers' attention due to its potential value in many practical applications. In this paper, we investigate Micro-Expression Recognition (MER) is a challenging task as the subtle changes occur over different action regions of a face. Changes in facial action regions are formed as Action Units (AUs), and AUs in micro-expressions can be seen as the actors in cooperative group activities. In this paper, we propose a novel deep neural network model for objective class-based MER, which simultaneously detects AUs and aggregates AU-level features into micro-expression-level representation through Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN). Specifically, we propose two new strategies in our AU detection module for more effective AU feature learning: the attention mechanism and the balanced detection loss function. With those two strategies, features are learned for all the AUs in a unified model, eliminating the error-prune landmark detection process and tedious separate training for each AU. Moreover, our model incorporates a tailored objective class-based AU knowledge-graph, which facilitates the GCN to aggregate the AU-level features into a micro-expression-level feature representation. Extensive experiments on two tasks in MEGC 2018 show that our approach significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-arts in MER. Additionally, we also report our single model-based micro-expression AU detection results.

14.A non-alternating graph hashing algorithm for large scale image search ⬇️

In the era of big data, methods for improving memory and computational efficiency have become crucial for successful deployment of technologies. Hashing is one of the most effective approaches to deal with computational limitations that come with big data. One natural way for formulating this problem is spectral hashing that directly incorporates affinity to learn binary codes. However, due to binary constraints, the optimization becomes intractable. To mitigate this challenge, different relaxation approaches have been proposed to reduce the computational load of obtaining binary codes and still attain a good solution. The problem with all existing relaxation methods is resorting to one or more additional auxiliary variables to attain high quality binary codes while relaxing the problem. The existence of auxiliary variables leads to coordinate descent approach which increases the computational complexity. We argue that introducing these variables is unnecessary. To this end, we propose a novel relaxed formulation for spectral hashing that adds no additional variables to the problem. Furthermore, instead of solving the problem in original space where number of variables is equal to the data points, we solve the problem in a much smaller space and retrieve the binary codes from this solution. This trick reduces both the memory and computational complexity at the same time. We apply two optimization techniques, namely projected gradient and optimization on manifold, to obtain the solution. Using comprehensive experiments on four public datasets, we show that the proposed efficient spectral hashing (ESH) algorithm achieves highly competitive retrieval performance compared with state of the art at low complexity.

15.WEmbSim: A Simple yet Effective Metric for Image Captioning ⬇️

The area of automatic image caption evaluation is still undergoing intensive research to address the needs of generating captions which can meet adequacy and fluency requirements. Based on our past attempts at developing highly sophisticated learning-based metrics, we have discovered that a simple cosine similarity measure using the Mean of Word Embeddings(MOWE) of captions can actually achieve a surprisingly high performance on unsupervised caption evaluation. This inspires our proposed work on an effective metric WEmbSim, which beats complex measures such as SPICE, CIDEr and WMD at system-level correlation with human judgments. Moreover, it also achieves the best accuracy at matching human consensus scores for caption pairs, against commonly used unsupervised methods. Therefore, we believe that WEmbSim sets a new baseline for any complex metric to be justified.

16.MRDet: A Multi-Head Network for Accurate Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images ⬇️

Objects in aerial images usually have arbitrary orientations and are densely located over the ground, making them extremely challenge to be detected. Many recently developed methods attempt to solve these issues by estimating an extra orientation parameter and placing dense anchors, which will result in high model complexity and computational costs. In this paper, we propose an arbitrary-oriented region proposal network (AO-RPN) to generate oriented proposals transformed from horizontal anchors. The AO-RPN is very efficient with only a few amounts of parameters increase than the original RPN. Furthermore, to obtain accurate bounding boxes, we decouple the detection task into multiple subtasks and propose a multi-head network to accomplish them. Each head is specially designed to learn the features optimal for the corresponding task, which allows our network to detect objects accurately. We name it MRDet short for Multi-head Rotated object Detector for convenience. We test the proposed MRDet on two challenging benchmarks, i.e., DOTA and HRSC2016, and compare it with several state-of-the-art methods. Our method achieves very promising results which clearly demonstrate its effectiveness.

17.Hausdorff Point Convolution with Geometric Priors ⬇️

Without a shape-aware response, it is hard to characterize the 3D geometry of a point cloud efficiently with a compact set of kernels. In this paper, we advocate the use of Hausdorff distance as a shape-aware distance measure for calculating point convolutional responses. The technique we present, coined Hausdorff Point Convolution (HPC), is shape-aware. We show that HPC constitutes a powerful point feature learning with a rather compact set of only four types of geometric priors as kernels. We further develop a HPC-based deep neural network (HPC-DNN). Task-specific learning can be achieved by tuning the network weights for combining the shortest distances between input and kernel point sets. We also realize hierarchical feature learning by designing a multi-kernel HPC for multi-scale feature encoding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HPC-DNN outperforms strong point convolution baselines (e.g., KPConv), achieving 2.8% mIoU performance boost on S3DIS and 1.5% on SemanticKITTI for semantic segmentation task.

18.FracTrain: Fractionally Squeezing Bit Savings Both Temporally and Spatially for Efficient DNN Training ⬇️

Recent breakthroughs in deep neural networks (DNNs) have fueled a tremendous demand for intelligent edge devices featuring on-site learning, while the practical realization of such systems remains a challenge due to the limited resources available at the edge and the required massive training costs for state-of-the-art (SOTA) DNNs. As reducing precision is one of the most effective knobs for boosting training time/energy efficiency, there has been a growing interest in low-precision DNN training. In this paper, we explore from an orthogonal direction: how to fractionally squeeze out more training cost savings from the most redundant bit level, progressively along the training trajectory and dynamically per input. Specifically, we propose FracTrain that integrates (i) progressive fractional quantization which gradually increases the precision of activations, weights, and gradients that will not reach the precision of SOTA static quantized DNN training until the final training stage, and (ii) dynamic fractional quantization which assigns precisions to both the activations and gradients of each layer in an input-adaptive manner, for only "fractionally" updating layer parameters. Extensive simulations and ablation studies (six models, four datasets, and three training settings including standard, adaptation, and fine-tuning) validate the effectiveness of FracTrain in reducing computational cost and hardware-quantified energy/latency of DNN training while achieving a comparable or better (-0.12%~+1.87%) accuracy. For example, when training ResNet-74 on CIFAR-10, FracTrain achieves 77.6% and 53.5% computational cost and training latency savings, respectively, compared with the best SOTA baseline, while achieving a comparable (-0.07%) accuracy. Our codes are available at: this https URL.

19.MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection ⬇️

The high computational cost of neural networks has prevented recent successes in RGB-D salient object detection (SOD) from benefiting real-world applications. Hence, this paper introduces a novel network, \methodname, which focuses on efficient RGB-D SOD by using mobile networks for deep feature extraction. The problem is that mobile networks are less powerful in feature representation than cumbersome networks. To this end, we observe that the depth information of color images can strengthen the feature representation related to SOD if leveraged properly. Therefore, we propose an implicit depth restoration (IDR) technique to strengthen the feature representation capability of mobile networks for RGB-D SOD. IDR is only adopted in the training phase and is omitted during testing, so it is computationally free. Besides, we propose compact pyramid refinement (CPR) for efficient multi-level feature aggregation so that we can derive salient objects with clear boundaries. With IDR and CPR incorporated, \methodname~performs favorably against \sArt methods on seven challenging RGB-D SOD datasets with much faster speed (450fps) and fewer parameters (6.5M). The code will be released.

20.EDN: Salient Object Detection via Extremely-Downsampled Network ⬇️

Recent progress on salient object detection (SOD) mainly benefits from multi-scale learning, where the high-level and low-level features work collaboratively in locating salient objects and discovering fine details, respectively. However, most efforts are devoted to low-level feature learning by fusing multi-scale features or enhancing boundary representations. In this paper, we show another direction that improving high-level feature learning is essential for SOD as well. To verify this, we introduce an Extremely-Downsampled Network (EDN), which employs an extreme downsampling technique to effectively learn a global view of the whole image, leading to accurate salient object localization. A novel Scale-Correlated Pyramid Convolution (SCPC) is also designed to build an elegant decoder for recovering object details from the above extreme downsampling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EDN achieves \sArt performance with real-time speed. Hence, this work is expected to spark some new thinking in SOD. The code will be released.

21.P4Contrast: Contrastive Learning with Pairs of Point-Pixel Pairs for RGB-D Scene Understanding ⬇️

Self-supervised representation learning is a critical problem in computer vision, as it provides a way to pretrain feature extractors on large unlabeled datasets that can be used as an initialization for more efficient and effective training on downstream tasks. A promising approach is to use contrastive learning to learn a latent space where features are close for similar data samples and far apart for dissimilar ones. This approach has demonstrated tremendous success for pretraining both image and point cloud feature extractors, but it has been barely investigated for multi-modal RGB-D scans, especially with the goal of facilitating high-level scene understanding. To solve this problem, we propose contrasting "pairs of point-pixel pairs", where positives include pairs of RGB-D points in correspondence, and negatives include pairs where one of the two modalities has been disturbed and/or the two RGB-D points are not in correspondence. This provides extra flexibility in making hard negatives and helps networks to learn features from both modalities, not just the more discriminating one of the two. Experiments show that this proposed approach yields better performance on three large-scale RGB-D scene understanding benchmarks (ScanNet, SUN RGB-D, and 3RScan) than previous pretraining approaches.

22.Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking ⬇️

Rotation is among the long prevailing, yet still unresolved, hard challenges encountered in visual object tracking. The existing deep learning-based tracking algorithms use regular CNNs that are inherently translation equivariant, but not designed to tackle rotations. In this paper, we first demonstrate that in the presence of rotation instances in videos, the performance of existing trackers is severely affected. To circumvent the adverse effect of rotations, we present rotation-equivariant Siamese networks (RE-SiamNets), built through the use of group-equivariant convolutional layers comprising steerable filters. SiamNets allow estimating the change in orientation of the object in an unsupervised manner, thereby facilitating its use in relative 2D pose estimation as well. We further show that this change in orientation can be used to impose an additional motion constraint in Siamese tracking through imposing restriction on the change in orientation between two consecutive frames. For benchmarking, we present Rotation Tracking Benchmark (RTB), a dataset comprising a set of videos with rotation instances. Through experiments on two popular Siamese architectures, we show that RE-SiamNets handle the problem of rotation very well and out-perform their regular counterparts. Further, RE-SiamNets can accurately estimate the relative change in pose of the target in an unsupervised fashion, namely the in-plane rotation the target has sustained with respect to the reference frame.

23.Task-Adaptive Negative Class Envision for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition ⬇️

Recent works seek to endow recognition systems with the ability to handle the open world. Few shot learning aims for fast learning of new classes from limited examples, while open-set recognition considers unknown negative class from the open world. In this paper, we study the problem of few-shot open-set recognition (FSOR), which learns a recognition system robust to queries from new sources with few examples and from unknown open sources. To achieve that, we mimic human capability of envisioning new concepts from prior knowledge, and propose a novel task-adaptive negative class envision method (TANE) to model the open world. Essentially we use an external memory to estimate a negative class representation. Moreover, we introduce a novel conjugate episode training strategy that strengthens the learning process. Extensive experiments on four public benchmarks show that our approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art performance on few-shot open-set recognition. Besides, we extend our method to generalized few-shot open-set recognition (GFSOR), where we also achieve performance gains on MiniImageNet.

24.Union-net: A deep neural network model adapted to small data sets ⬇️

In real applications, generally small data sets can be obtained. At present, most of the practical applications of machine learning use classic models based on big data to solve the problem of small data sets. However, the deep neural network model has complex structure, huge model parameters, and training requires more advanced equipment, which brings certain difficulties to the application. Therefore, this paper proposes the concept of union convolution, designing a light deep network model union-net with a shallow network structure and adapting to small data sets. This model combines convolutional network units with different combinations of the same input to form a union module. Each union module is equivalent to a convolutional layer. The serial input and output between the 3 modules constitute a "3-layer" neural network. The output of each union module is fused and added as the input of the last convolutional layer to form a complex network with a 4-layer network structure. It solves the problem that the deep network model network is too deep and the transmission path is too long, which causes the loss of the underlying information transmission. Because the model has fewer model parameters and fewer channels, it can better adapt to small data sets. It solves the problem that the deep network model is prone to overfitting in training small data sets. Use the public data sets cifar10 and 17flowers to conduct multi-classification experiments. Experiments show that the Union-net model can perform well in classification of large data sets and small data sets. It has high practical value in daily application scenarios. The model code is published at this https URL

25.Private-Shared Disentangled Multimodal VAE for Learning of Hybrid Latent Representations ⬇️

Multi-modal generative models represent an important family of deep models, whose goal is to facilitate representation learning on data with multiple views or modalities. However, current deep multi-modal models focus on the inference of shared representations, while neglecting the important private aspects of data within individual modalities. In this paper, we introduce a disentangled multi-modal variational autoencoder (DMVAE) that utilizes disentangled VAE strategy to separate the private and shared latent spaces of multiple modalities. We specifically consider the instance where the latent factor may be of both continuous and discrete nature, leading to the family of general hybrid DMVAE models. We demonstrate the utility of DMVAE on a semi-supervised learning task, where one of the modalities contains partial data labels, both relevant and irrelevant to the other modality. Our experiments on several benchmarks indicate the importance of the private-shared disentanglement as well as the hybrid latent representation.

26.Physics-based Shadow Image Decomposition for Shadow Removal ⬇️

We propose a novel deep learning method for shadow removal. Inspired by physical models of shadow formation, we use a linear illumination transformation to model the shadow effects in the image that allows the shadow image to be expressed as a combination of the shadow-free image, the shadow parameters, and a matte layer. We use two deep networks, namely SP-Net and M-Net, to predict the shadow parameters and the shadow matte respectively. This system allows us to remove the shadow effects from images. We then employ an inpainting network, I-Net, to further refine the results. We train and test our framework on the most challenging shadow removal dataset (ISTD). Our method improves the state-of-the-art in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) for the shadow area by 20%. Furthermore, this decomposition allows us to formulate a patch-based weakly-supervised shadow removal method. This model can be trained without any shadow-free images (that are cumbersome to acquire) and achieves competitive shadow removal results compared to state-of-the-art methods that are trained with fully paired shadow and shadow-free images. Last, we introduce SBU-Timelapse, a video shadow removal dataset for evaluating shadow removal methods.

27.Low-latency Perception in Off-Road Dynamical Low Visibility Environments ⬇️

This work proposes a perception system for autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance specialized on unpaved roads and off-road environments. In this research, the authors have investigated the behavior of Deep Learning algorithms applied to semantic segmentation of off-road environments and unpaved roads under differents adverse conditions of visibility. Almost 12,000 images of different unpaved and off-road environments were collected and labeled. It was assembled an off-road proving ground exclusively for its development. The proposed dataset also contains many adverse situations such as rain, dust, and low light. To develop the system, we have used convolutional neural networks trained to segment obstacles and areas where the car can pass through. We developed a Configurable Modular Segmentation Network (CMSNet) framework to help create different architectures arrangements and test them on the proposed dataset. Besides, we also have ported some CMSNet configurations by removing and fusing many layers using TensorRT, C++, and CUDA to achieve embedded real-time inference and allow field tests. The main contributions of this work are: a new dataset for unpaved roads and off-roads environments containing many adverse conditions such as night, rain, and dust; a CMSNet framework; an investigation regarding the feasibility of applying deep learning to detect region where the vehicle can pass through when there is no clear boundary of the track; a study of how our proposed segmentation algorithms behave in different severity levels of visibility impairment; and an evaluation of field tests carried out with semantic segmentation architectures ported for real-time inference.

28.Semantic Segmentation on Swiss3DCities: A Benchmark Study on Aerial Photogrammetric 3D Pointcloud Dataset ⬇️

We introduce a new outdoor urban 3D pointcloud dataset, covering a total area of 2.7 $km^2$, sampled from three Swiss cities with different characteristics. The dataset is manually annotated for semantic segmentation with per-point labels, and is built using photogrammetry from images acquired by multirotors equipped with high-resolution cameras. In contrast to datasets acquired with ground LiDAR sensors, the resulting point clouds are uniformly dense and complete, and are useful to disparate applications, including autonomous driving, gaming and smart city planning. As a benchmark, we report quantitative results of PointNet++, an established point-based deep 3D semantic segmentation model; on this model, we additionally study the impact of using different cities for model generalization.

29.SyNet: An Ensemble Network for Object Detection in UAV Images ⬇️

Recent advances in camera equipped drone applications and their widespread use increased the demand on vision based object detection algorithms for aerial images. Object detection process is inherently a challenging task as a generic computer vision problem, however, since the use of object detection algorithms on UAVs (or on drones) is relatively a new area, it remains as a more challenging problem to detect objects in aerial images. There are several reasons for that including: (i) the lack of large drone datasets including large object variance, (ii) the large orientation and scale variance in drone images when compared to the ground images, and (iii) the difference in texture and shape features between the ground and the aerial images. Deep learning based object detection algorithms can be classified under two main categories: (a) single-stage detectors and (b) multi-stage detectors. Both single-stage and multi-stage solutions have their advantages and disadvantages over each other. However, a technique to combine the good sides of each of those solutions could yield even a stronger solution than each of those solutions individually. In this paper, we propose an ensemble network, SyNet, that combines a multi-stage method with a single-stage one with the motivation of decreasing the high false negative rate of multi-stage detectors and increasing the quality of the single-stage detector proposals. As building blocks, CenterNet and Cascade R-CNN with pretrained feature extractors are utilized along with an ensembling strategy. We report the state of the art results obtained by our proposed solution on two different datasets: namely MS-COCO and visDrone with %52.1 $mAP_{IoU = 0.75}$ is obtained on MS-COCO $val2017$ dataset and %26.2 $mAP_{IoU = 0.75}$ is obtained on VisDrone $test-set$.

30.Convolutional Neural Network for Elderly Wandering Prediction in Indoor Scenarios ⬇️

This work proposes a way to detect the wandering activity of Alzheimer's patients from path data collected from non-intrusive indoor sensors around the house. Due to the lack of adequate data, we've manually generated a dataset of 220 paths using our own developed application. Wandering patterns in the literature are normally identified by visual features (such as loops or random movement), thus our dataset was transformed into images and augmented. Convolutional layers were used on the neural network model since they tend to have good results finding patterns, especially on images. The Convolutional Neural Network model was trained with the generated data and achieved an f1 score (relation between precision and recall) of 75%, recall of 60%, and precision of 100% on our 10 sample validation slice

31.Spatio-temporal Multi-task Learning for Cardiac MRI Left Ventricle Quantification ⬇️

Quantitative assessment of cardiac left ventricle (LV) morphology is essential to assess cardiac function and improve the diagnosis of different cardiovascular diseases. In current clinical practice, LV quantification depends on the measurement of myocardial shape indices, which is usually achieved by manual contouring of the endo- and epicardial. However, this process subjected to inter and intra-observer variability, and it is a time-consuming and tedious task. In this paper, we propose a spatio-temporal multi-task learning approach to obtain a complete set of measurements quantifying cardiac LV morphology, regional-wall thickness (RWT), and additionally detecting the cardiac phase cycle (systole and diastole) for a given 3D Cine-magnetic resonance (MR) image sequence. We first segment cardiac LVs using an encoder-decoder network and then introduce a multitask framework to regress 11 LV indices and classify the cardiac phase, as parallel tasks during model optimization. The proposed deep learning model is based on the 3D spatio-temporal convolutions, which extract spatial and temporal features from MR images. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method using cine-MR sequences of 145 subjects and comparing the performance with other state-of-the-art quantification methods. The proposed method obtained high prediction accuracy, with an average mean absolute error (MAE) of 129 $mm^2$, 1.23 $mm$, 1.76 $mm$, Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) of 96.4%, 87.2%, and 97.5% for LV and myocardium (Myo) cavity regions, 6 RWTs, 3 LV dimensions, and an error rate of 9.0% for phase classification. The experimental results highlight the robustness of the proposed method, despite varying degrees of cardiac morphology, image appearance, and low contrast in the cardiac MR sequences.

32.Parallel-beam X-ray CT datasets of apples with internal defects and label balancing for machine learning ⬇️

We present three parallel-beam tomographic datasets of 94 apples with internal defects along with defect label files. The datasets are prepared for development and testing of data-driven, learning-based image reconstruction, segmentation and post-processing methods. The three versions are a noiseless simulation; simulation with added Gaussian noise, and with scattering noise. The datasets are based on real 3D X-ray CT data and their subsequent volume reconstructions. The ground truth images, based on the volume reconstructions, are also available through this project. Apples contain various defects, which naturally introduce a label bias. We tackle this by formulating the bias as an optimization problem. In addition, we demonstrate solving this problem with two methods: a simple heuristic algorithm and through mixed integer quadratic programming. This ensures the datasets can be split into test, training or validation subsets with the label bias eliminated. Therefore the datasets can be used for image reconstruction, segmentation, automatic defect detection, and testing the effects of (as well as applying new methodologies for removing) label bias in machine learning.

33.AudioViewer: Learning to Visualize Sound ⬇️

Sensory substitution can help persons with perceptual deficits. In this work, we attempt to visualize audio with video. Our long-term goal is to create sound perception for hearing impaired people, for instance, to facilitate feedback for training deaf speech. Different from existing models that translate between speech and text or text and images, we target an immediate and low-level translation that applies to generic environment sounds and human speech without delay. No canonical mapping is known for this artificial translation task. Our design is to translate from audio to video by compressing both into a common latent space with shared structure. Our core contribution is the development and evaluation of learned mappings that respect human perception limits and maximize user comfort by enforcing priors and combining strategies from unpaired image translation and disentanglement. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our AudioViewer model maintains important audio features in the generated video and that generated videos of faces and numbers are well suited for visualizing high-dimensional audio features since they can easily be parsed by humans to match and distinguish between sounds, words, and speakers.

34.Joint super-resolution and synthesis of 1 mm isotropic MP-RAGE volumes from clinical MRI exams with scans of different orientation, resolution and contrast ⬇️

Most existing algorithms for automatic 3D morphometry of human brain MRI scans are designed for data with near-isotropic voxels at approximately 1 mm resolution, and frequently have contrast constraints as well - typically requiring T1 scans (e.g., MP-RAGE). This limitation prevents the analysis of millions of MRI scans acquired with large inter-slice spacing ("thick slice") in clinical settings every year. The inability to quantitatively analyze these scans hinders the adoption of quantitative neuroimaging in healthcare, and precludes research studies that could attain huge sample sizes and hence greatly improve our understanding of the human brain. Recent advances in CNNs are producing outstanding results in super-resolution and contrast synthesis of MRI. However, these approaches are very sensitive to the contrast, resolution and orientation of the input images, and thus do not generalize to diverse clinical acquisition protocols - even within sites. Here we present SynthSR, a method to train a CNN that receives one or more thick-slice scans with different contrast, resolution and orientation, and produces an isotropic scan of canonical contrast (typically a 1 mm MP-RAGE). The presented method does not require any preprocessing, e.g., skull stripping or bias field correction. Crucially, SynthSR trains on synthetic input images generated from 3D segmentations, and can thus be used to train CNNs for any combination of contrasts, resolutions and orientations without high-resolution training data. We test the images generated with SynthSR in an array of common downstream analyses, and show that they can be reliably used for subcortical segmentation and volumetry, image registration (e.g., for tensor-based morphometry), and, if some image quality requirements are met, even cortical thickness morphometry. The source code is publicly available at this http URL.

35.LEUGAN:Low-Light Image Enhancement by Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks ⬇️

Restoring images from low-light data is a challenging problem. Most existing deep-network based algorithms are designed to be trained with pairwise images. Due to the lack of real-world datasets, they usually perform poorly when generalized in practice in terms of loss of image edge and color information. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised generation network with attention-guidance to handle the low-light image enhancement task. Specifically, our network contains two parts: an edge auxiliary module that restores sharper edges and an attention guidance module that recovers more realistic colors. Moreover, we propose a novel loss function to make the edges of the generated images more visible. Experiments validate that our proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods, especially for real-world images in terms of image clarity and noise control.

36.Soft-IntroVAE: Analyzing and Improving the Introspective Variational Autoencoder ⬇️

The recently introduced introspective variational autoencoder (IntroVAE) exhibits outstanding image generations, and allows for amortized inference using an image encoder. The main idea in IntroVAE is to train a VAE adversarially, using the VAE encoder to discriminate between generated and real data samples. However, the original IntroVAE loss function relied on a particular hinge-loss formulation that is very hard to stabilize in practice, and its theoretical convergence analysis ignored important terms in the loss. In this work, we take a step towards better understanding of the IntroVAE model, its practical implementation, and its applications. We propose the Soft-IntroVAE, a modified IntroVAE that replaces the hinge-loss terms with a smooth exponential loss on generated samples. This change significantly improves training stability, and also enables theoretical analysis of the complete algorithm. Interestingly, we show that the IntroVAE converges to a distribution that minimizes a sum of KL distance from the data distribution and an entropy term. We discuss the implications of this result, and demonstrate that it induces competitive image generation and reconstruction. Finally, we describe two applications of Soft-IntroVAE to unsupervised image translation and out-of-distribution detection, and demonstrate compelling results. Code and additional information is available on the project website -- this https URL

37.Detecting Hateful Memes Using a Multimodal Deep Ensemble ⬇️

While significant progress has been made using machine learning algorithms to detect hate speech, important technical challenges still remain to be solved in order to bring their performance closer to human accuracy. We investigate several of the most recent visual-linguistic Transformer architectures and propose improvements to increase their performance for this task. The proposed model outperforms the baselines by a large margin and ranks 5$^{th}$ on the leaderboard out of 3,100+ participants.

38.Effective Deployment of CNNs for 3DoF Pose Estimation and Grasping in Industrial Settings ⬇️

In this paper we investigate how to effectively deploy deep learning in practical industrial settings, such as robotic grasping applications. When a deep-learning based solution is proposed, usually lacks of any simple method to generate the training data. In the industrial field, where automation is the main goal, not bridging this gap is one of the main reasons why deep learning is not as widespread as it is in the academic world. For this reason, in this work we developed a system composed by a 3-DoF Pose Estimator based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and an effective procedure to gather massive amounts of training images in the field with minimal human intervention. By automating the labeling stage, we also obtain very robust systems suitable for production-level usage. An open source implementation of our solution is provided, alongside with the dataset used for the experimental evaluation.

39.UMLE: Unsupervised Multi-discriminator Network for Low Light Enhancement ⬇️

Low-light image enhancement, such as recovering color and texture details from low-light images, is a complex and vital task. For automated driving, low-light scenarios will have serious implications for vision-based applications. To address this problem, we propose a real-time unsupervised generative adversarial network (GAN) containing multiple discriminators, i.e. a multi-scale discriminator, a texture discriminator, and a color discriminator. These distinct discriminators allow the evaluation of images from different perspectives. Further, considering that different channel features contain different information and the illumination is uneven in the image, we propose a feature fusion attention module. This module combines channel attention with pixel attention mechanisms to extract image features. Additionally, to reduce training time, we adopt a shared encoder for the generator and the discriminator. This makes the structure of the model more compact and the training more stable. Experiments indicate that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in qualitative and quantitative evaluations, and significant improvements are achieved for both autopilot positioning and detection results.

40.Global Convergence of Model Function Based Bregman Proximal Minimization Algorithms ⬇️

Lipschitz continuity of the gradient mapping of a continuously differentiable function plays a crucial role in designing various optimization algorithms. However, many functions arising in practical applications such as low rank matrix factorization or deep neural network problems do not have a Lipschitz continuous gradient. This led to the development of a generalized notion known as the $L$-smad property, which is based on generalized proximity measures called Bregman distances. However, the $L$-smad property cannot handle nonsmooth functions, for example, simple nonsmooth functions like $\abs{x^4-1}$ and also many practical composite problems are out of scope. We fix this issue by proposing the MAP property, which generalizes the $L$-smad property and is also valid for a large class of nonconvex nonsmooth composite problems. Based on the proposed MAP property, we propose a globally convergent algorithm called Model BPG, that unifies several existing algorithms. The convergence analysis is based on a new Lyapunov function. We also numerically illustrate the superior performance of Model BPG on standard phase retrieval problems, robust phase retrieval problems, and Poisson linear inverse problems, when compared to a state of the art optimization method that is valid for generic nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problems.

41.SubICap: Towards Subword-informed Image Captioning ⬇️

Existing Image Captioning (IC) systems model words as atomic units in captions and are unable to exploit the structural information in the words. This makes representation of rare words very difficult and out-of-vocabulary words impossible. Moreover, to avoid computational complexity, existing IC models operate over a modest sized vocabulary of frequent words, such that the identity of rare words is lost. In this work we address this common limitation of IC systems in dealing with rare words in the corpora. We decompose words into smaller constituent units 'subwords' and represent captions as a sequence of subwords instead of words. This helps represent all words in the corpora using a significantly lower subword vocabulary, leading to better parameter learning. Using subword language modeling, our captioning system improves various metric scores, with a training vocabulary size approximately 90% less than the baseline and various state-of-the-art word-level models. Our quantitative and qualitative results and analysis signify the efficacy of our proposed approach.

42.Improving the Certified Robustness of Neural Networks via Consistency Regularization ⬇️

A range of defense methods have been proposed to improve the robustness of neural networks on adversarial examples, among which provable defense methods have been demonstrated to be effective to train neural networks that are certifiably robust to the attacker. However, most of these provable defense methods treat all examples equally during training process, which ignore the inconsistent constraint of certified robustness between correctly classified (natural) and misclassified examples. In this paper, we explore this inconsistency caused by misclassified examples and add a novel consistency regularization term to make better use of the misclassified examples. Specifically, we identified that the certified robustness of network can be significantly improved if the constraint of certified robustness on misclassified examples and correctly classified examples is consistent. Motivated by this discovery, we design a new defense regularization term called Misclassification Aware Adversarial Regularization (MAAR), which constrains the output probability distributions of all examples in the certified region of the misclassified example. Experimental results show that our proposed MAAR achieves the best certified robustness and comparable accuracy on CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets in comparison with several state-of-the-art methods.

43.White matter hyperintensities volume and cognition: Assessment of a deep learning based lesion detection and quantification algorithm on the Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative ⬇️

The relationship between cognition and white matter hyperintensities (WMH) volumes often depends on the accuracy of the lesion segmentation algorithm used. As such, accurate detection and quantification of WMH is of great interest. Here, we use a deep learning-based WMH segmentation algorithm, StackGen-Net, to detect and quantify WMH on 3D FLAIR volumes from ADNI. We used a subset of subjects (n=20) and obtained manual WMH segmentations by an experienced neuro-radiologist to demonstrate the accuracy of our algorithm. On a larger cohort of subjects (n=290), we observed that larger WMH volumes correlated with worse performance on executive function (P=.004), memory (P=.01), and language (P=.005).

44.Learning from Crowds by Modeling Common Confusions ⬇️

Crowdsourcing provides a practical way to obtain large amounts of labeled data at a low cost. However, the annotation quality of annotators varies considerably, which imposes new challenges in learning a high-quality model from the crowdsourced annotations. In this work, we provide a new perspective to decompose annotation noise into common noise and individual noise and differentiate the source of confusion based on instance difficulty and annotator expertise on a per-instance-annotator basis. We realize this new crowdsourcing model by an end-to-end learning solution with two types of noise adaptation layers: one is shared across annotators to capture their commonly shared confusions, and the other one is pertaining to each annotator to realize individual confusion. To recognize the source of noise in each annotation, we use an auxiliary network to choose the two noise adaptation layers with respect to both instances and annotators. Extensive experiments on both synthesized and real-world benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed common noise adaptation solution.

45.An Efficient Recurrent Adversarial Framework for Unsupervised Real-Time Video Enhancement ⬇️

Video enhancement is a challenging problem, more than that of stills, mainly due to high computational cost, larger data volumes and the difficulty of achieving consistency in the spatio-temporal domain. In practice, these challenges are often coupled with the lack of example pairs, which inhibits the application of supervised learning strategies. To address these challenges, we propose an efficient adversarial video enhancement framework that learns directly from unpaired video examples. In particular, our framework introduces new recurrent cells that consist of interleaved local and global modules for implicit integration of spatial and temporal information. The proposed design allows our recurrent cells to efficiently propagate spatio-temporal information across frames and reduces the need for high complexity networks. Our setting enables learning from unpaired videos in a cyclic adversarial manner, where the proposed recurrent units are employed in all architectures. Efficient training is accomplished by introducing one single discriminator that learns the joint distribution of source and target domain simultaneously. The enhancement results demonstrate clear superiority of the proposed video enhancer over the state-of-the-art methods, in all terms of visual quality, quantitative metrics, and inference speed. Notably, our video enhancer is capable of enhancing over 35 frames per second of FullHD video (1080x1920).

46.General Domain Adaptation Through Proportional Progressive Pseudo Labeling ⬇️

Domain adaptation helps transfer the knowledge gained from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. During the past few years, different domain adaptation techniques have been published. One common flaw of these approaches is that while they might work well on one input type, such as images, their performance drops when applied to others, such as text or time-series. In this paper, we introduce Proportional Progressive Pseudo Labeling (PPPL), a simple, yet effective technique that can be implemented in a few lines of code to build a more general domain adaptation technique that can be applied on several different input types. At the beginning of the training phase, PPPL progressively reduces target domain classification error, by training the model directly with pseudo-labeled target domain samples, while excluding samples with more likely wrong pseudo-labels from the training set and also postponing training on such samples. Experiments on 6 different datasets that include tasks such as anomaly detection, text sentiment analysis and image classification demonstrate that PPPL can beat other baselines and generalize better.

47.Detecting Hate Speech in Memes Using Multimodal Deep Learning Approaches: Prize-winning solution to Hateful Memes Challenge ⬇️

Memes on the Internet are often harmless and sometimes amusing. However, by using certain types of images, text, or combinations of both, the seemingly harmless meme becomes a multimodal type of hate speech -- a hateful meme. The Hateful Memes Challenge is a first-of-its-kind competition which focuses on detecting hate speech in multimodal memes and it proposes a new data set containing 10,000+ new examples of multimodal content. We utilize VisualBERT -- which meant to be the BERT of vision and language -- that was trained multimodally on images and captions and apply Ensemble Learning. Our approach achieves 0.811 AUROC with an accuracy of 0.765 on the challenge test set and placed third out of 3,173 participants in the Hateful Memes Challenge.

48.Learning by Self-Explanation, with Application to Neural Architecture Search ⬇️

Learning by self-explanation, where students explain a learned topic to themselves for deepening their understanding of this topic, is a broadly used methodology in human learning and shows great effectiveness in improving learning outcome. We are interested in investigating whether this powerful learning technique can be borrowed from humans to improve the learning abilities of machines. We propose a novel learning approach called learning by self-explanation (LeaSE). In our approach, an explainer model improves its learning ability by trying to clearly explain to an audience model regarding how a prediction outcome is made. We propose a multi-level optimization framework to formulate LeaSE which involves four stages of learning: explainer learns; explainer explains; audience learns; explainer and audience validate themselves. We develop an efficient algorithm to solve the LeaSE problem. We apply our approach to neural architecture search on CIFAR-100, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.