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ArXiv cs.CV --Wed, 3 Jun 2020

1.Geometric Graph Representations and Geometric Graph Convolutions for Deep Learning on Three-Dimensional (3D) Graphs ⬇️

The geometry of three-dimensional (3D) graphs, consisting of nodes and edges, plays a crucial role in many important applications. An excellent example is molecular graphs, whose geometry influences important properties of a molecule including its reactivity and biological activity. To facilitate the incorporation of geometry in deep learning on 3D graphs, we define three types of geometric graph representations: positional, angle-geometric and distance-geometric. For proof of concept, we use the distance-geometric graph representation for geometric graph convolutions. Further, to utilize standard graph convolution networks, we employ a simple edge weight / edge distance correlation scheme, whose parameters can be fixed using reference values or determined through Bayesian hyperparameter optimization. The results of geometric graph convolutions, for the ESOL and Freesol datasets, show significant improvement over those of standard graph convolutions. Our work demonstrates the feasibility and promise of incorporating geometry, using the distance-geometric graph representation, in deep learning on 3D graphs.

2.A Novel Nudity Detection Algorithm for Web and Mobile Application Development ⬇️

In our current web and mobile application development runtime nude image content detection is very important. This paper presents a runtime nudity detection method for web and mobile application development. We use two parameters to detect the nude content of an image. One is the number of skin pixels another is face region. A skin color model based on RGB, HSV color spaces are used to detect skin pixels in an image. Google vision api is used to detect the face region. By the percentage of skin regions and face regions an image is identified nude or not. The success of this algorithm exists in detecting skin regions and face regions. The skin detection algorithm can detect skin 95% accurately with a low false-positive rate and the google vision api for web and mobile applications can detect face 99% accurately with less than 1 second time. From the experimental analysis, we have seen that the proposed algorithm can detect 95% percent accurately the nudity of an image.

3.Fast and automated biomarker detection in breath samples with machine learning ⬇️

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in human breath can reveal a large spectrum of health conditions and can be used for fast, accurate and non-invasive diagnostics. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is used to measure VOCs, but its application is limited by expert-driven data analysis that is time-consuming, subjective and may introduce errors. We propose a system to perform GC-MS data analysis that exploits deep learning pattern recognition ability to learn and automatically detect VOCs directly from raw data, thus bypassing expert-led processing. The new proposed approach showed to outperform the expert-led analysis by detecting a significantly higher number of VOCs in just a fraction of time while maintaining high specificity. These results suggest that the proposed method can help the large-scale deployment of breath-based diagnosis by reducing time and cost, and increasing accuracy and consistency.

4.SeqXFilter: A Memory-efficient Denoising Filter for Dynamic Vision Sensors ⬇️

Neuromorphic event-based dynamic vision sensors (DVS) have much faster sampling rates and a higher dynamic range than frame-based imaging sensors. However, they are sensitive to background activity (BA) events that are unwanted. There are some filters for tackling this problem based on spatio-temporal correlation. However, they are either memory-intensive or computing-intensive. We propose \emph{SeqXFilter}, a spatio-temporal correlation filter with only a past event window that has an O(1) space complexity and has simple computations. We explore the spatial correlation of an event with its past few events by analyzing the distribution of the events when applying different functions on the spatial distances. We find the best function to check the spatio-temporal correlation for an event for \emph{SeqXFilter}, best separating real events and noise events. We not only give the visual denoising effect of the filter but also use two metrics for quantitatively analyzing the filter's performance. Four neuromorphic event-based datasets, recorded from four DVS with different output sizes, are used for validation of our method. The experimental results show that \emph{SeqXFilter} achieves similar performance as baseline NNb filters, but with extremely small memory cost and simple computation logic.

5.Channel Distillation: Channel-Wise Attention for Knowledge Distillation ⬇️

Knowledge distillation is to transfer the knowledge from the data learned by the teacher network to the student network, so that the student has the advantage of less parameters and less calculations, and the accuracy is close to the teacher. In this paper, we propose a new distillation method, which contains two transfer distillation strategies and a loss decay strategy. The first transfer strategy is based on channel-wise attention, called Channel Distillation (CD). CD transfers the channel information from the teacher to the student. The second is Guided Knowledge Distillation (GKD). Unlike Knowledge Distillation (KD), which allows the student to mimic each sample's prediction distribution of the teacher, GKD only enables the student to mimic the correct output of the teacher. The last part is Early Decay Teacher (EDT). During the training process, we gradually decay the weight of the distillation loss. The purpose is to enable the student to gradually control the optimization rather than the teacher. Our proposed method is evaluated on ImageNet and CIFAR100. On ImageNet, we achieve 27.68% of top-1 error with ResNet18, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods. On CIFAR100, we achieve surprising result that the student outperforms the teacher. Code is available at this https URL.

6.Interpretation of ResNet by Visualization of Preferred Stimulus in Receptive Fields ⬇️

One of the methods used in image recognition is the Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN). DCNN is a model in which the expressive power of features is greatly improved by deepening the hidden layer of CNN. The architecture of CNNs is determined based on a model of the visual cortex of mammals. There is a model called Residual Network (ResNet) that has a skip connection. ResNet is an advanced model in terms of the learning method, but it has no biological viewpoint. In this research, we investigate the receptive fields of a ResNet on the classification task in ImageNet. We find that ResNet has orientation selective neurons and double opponent color neurons. In addition, we suggest that some inactive neurons in the first layer of ResNet effect for the classification task.

7.Give Me Something to Eat: Referring Expression Comprehension with Commonsense Knowledge ⬇️

Conventional referring expression comprehension (REF) assumes people to query something from an image by describing its visual appearance and spatial location, but in practice, we often ask for an object by describing its affordance or other non-visual attributes, especially when we do not have a precise target. For example, sometimes we say 'Give me something to eat'. In this case, we need to use commonsense knowledge to identify the objects in the image. Unfortunately, these is no existing referring expression dataset reflecting this requirement, not to mention a model to tackle this challenge. In this paper, we collect a new referring expression dataset, called KB-Ref, containing 43k expressions on 16k images. In KB-Ref, to answer each expression (detect the target object referred by the expression), at least one piece of commonsense knowledge must be required. We then test state-of-the-art (SoTA) REF models on KB-Ref, finding that all of them present a large drop compared to their outstanding performance on general REF datasets. We also present an expression conditioned image and fact attention (ECIFA) network that extract information from correlated image regions and commonsense knowledge facts. Our method leads to a significant improvement over SoTA REF models, although there is still a gap between this strong baseline and human performance. The dataset and baseline models will be released.

8.A Multi-Task Comparator Framework for Kinship Verification ⬇️

Approaches for kinship verification often rely on cosine distances between face identification features. However, due to gender bias inherent in these features, it is hard to reliably predict whether two opposite-gender pairs are related. Instead of fine tuning the feature extractor network on kinship verification, we propose a comparator network to cope with this bias. After concatenating both features, cascaded local expert networks extract the information most relevant for their corresponding kinship relation. We demonstrate that our framework is robust against this gender bias and achieves comparable results on two tracks of the RFIW Challenge 2020. Moreover, we show how our framework can be further extended to handle partially known or unknown kinship relations.

9.CNNs on Surfaces using Rotation-Equivariant Features ⬇️

This paper is concerned with a fundamental problem in geometric deep learning that arises in the construction of convolutional neural networks on surfaces. Due to curvature, the transport of filter kernels on surfaces results in a rotational ambiguity, which prevents a uniform alignment of these kernels on the surface. We propose a network architecture for surfaces that consists of vector-valued, rotation-equivariant features. The equivariance property makes it possible to locally align features, which were computed in arbitrary coordinate systems, when aggregating features in a convolution layer. The resulting network is agnostic to the choices of coordinate systems for the tangent spaces on the surface. We implement our approach for triangle meshes. Based on circular harmonic functions, we introduce convolution filters for meshes that are rotation-equivariant at the discrete level. We evaluate the resulting networks on shape correspondence and shape classifications tasks and compare their performance to other approaches.

10.Studying The Effect of MIL Pooling Filters on MIL Tasks ⬇️

There are different multiple instance learning (MIL) pooling filters used in MIL models. In this paper, we study the effect of different MIL pooling filters on the performance of MIL models in real world MIL tasks. We designed a neural network based MIL framework with 5 different MIL pooling filters: max', mean', attention', distribution' and distribution with attention'. We also formulated 5 different MIL tasks on a real world lymph node metastases dataset. We found that the performance of our framework in a task is different for different filters. We also observed that the performances of the five pooling filters are also different from task to task. Hence, the selection of a correct MIL pooling filter for each MIL task is crucial for better performance. Furthermore, we noticed that models with distribution' and distribution with attention' pooling filters consistently perform well in almost all of the tasks. We attribute this phenomena to the amount of information captured by distribution' based pooling filters. While point estimate based pooling filters, like max' and mean', produce point estimates of distributions, distribution' based pooling filters capture the full information in distributions. Lastly, we compared the performance of our neural network model with distribution' pooling filter with the performance of the best MIL methods in the literature on classical MIL datasets and our model outperformed the others.

11.Channel Attention based Iterative Residual Learning for Depth Map Super-Resolution ⬇️

Despite the remarkable progresses made in deep-learning based depth map super-resolution (DSR), how to tackle real-world degradation in low-resolution (LR) depth maps remains a major challenge. Existing DSR model is generally trained and tested on synthetic dataset, which is very different from what would get from a real depth sensor. In this paper, we argue that DSR models trained under this setting are restrictive and not effective in dealing with real-world DSR tasks. We make two contributions in tackling real-world degradation of different depth sensors. First, we propose to classify the generation of LR depth maps into two types: non-linear downsampling with noise and interval downsampling, for which DSR models are learned correspondingly. Second, we propose a new framework for real-world DSR, which consists of four modules : 1) An iterative residual learning module with deep supervision to learn effective high-frequency components of depth maps in a coarse-to-fine manner; 2) A channel attention strategy to enhance channels with abundant high-frequency components; 3) A multi-stage fusion module to effectively re-exploit the results in the coarse-to-fine process; and 4) A depth refinement module to improve the depth map by TGV regularization and input loss. Extensive experiments on benchmarking datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over current state-of-the-art DSR methods.

12.Recapture as You Want ⬇️

With the increasing prevalence and more powerful camera systems of mobile devices, people can conveniently take photos in their daily life, which naturally brings the demand for more intelligent photo post-processing techniques, especially on those portrait photos. In this paper, we present a portrait recapture method enabling users to easily edit their portrait to desired posture/view, body figure and clothing style, which are very challenging to achieve since it requires to simultaneously perform non-rigid deformation of human body, invisible body-parts reasoning and semantic-aware editing. We decompose the editing procedure into semantic-aware geometric and appearance transformation. In geometric transformation, a semantic layout map is generated that meets user demands to represent part-level spatial constraints and further guides the semantic-aware appearance transformation. In appearance transformation, we design two novel modules, Semantic-aware Attentive Transfer (SAT) and Layout Graph Reasoning (LGR), to conduct intra-part transfer and inter-part reasoning, respectively. SAT module produces each human part by paying attention to the semantically consistent regions in the source portrait. It effectively addresses the non-rigid deformation issue and well preserves the intrinsic structure/appearance with rich texture details. LGR module utilizes body skeleton knowledge to construct a layout graph that connects all relevant part features, where graph reasoning mechanism is used to propagate information among part nodes to mine their relations. In this way, LGR module infers invisible body parts and guarantees global coherence among all the parts. Extensive experiments on DeepFashion, Market-1501 and in-the-wild photos demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our approach. Video demo is at: \url{this https URL}.

13.Distribution Aligned Multimodal and Multi-Domain Image Stylization ⬇️

Multimodal and multi-domain stylization are two important problems in the field of image style transfer. Currently, there are few methods that can perform both multimodal and multi-domain stylization simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a unified framework for multimodal and multi-domain style transfer with the support of both exemplar-based reference and randomly sampled guidance. The key component of our method is a novel style distribution alignment module that eliminates the explicit distribution gaps between various style domains and reduces the risk of mode collapse. The multimodal diversity is ensured by either guidance from multiple images or random style code, while the multi-domain controllability is directly achieved by using a domain label. We validate our proposed framework on painting style transfer with a variety of different artistic styles and genres. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons with state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality results of multi-domain styles and multimodal instances with reference style guidance or random sampled style.

14.Image Super-Resolution with Cross-Scale Non-Local Attention and Exhaustive Self-Exemplars Mining ⬇️

Deep convolution-based single image super-resolution (SISR) networks embrace the benefits of learning from large-scale external image resources for local recovery, yet most existing works have ignored the long-range feature-wise similarities in natural images. Some recent works have successfully leveraged this intrinsic feature correlation by exploring non-local attention modules. However, none of the current deep models have studied another inherent property of images: cross-scale feature correlation. In this paper, we propose the first Cross-Scale Non-Local (CS-NL) attention module with integration into a recurrent neural network. By combining the new CS-NL prior with local and in-scale non-local priors in a powerful recurrent fusion cell, we can find more cross-scale feature correlations within a single low-resolution (LR) image. The performance of SISR is significantly improved by exhaustively integrating all possible priors. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CS-NL module by setting new state-of-the-arts on multiple SISR benchmarks.

15.Monocular Human Pose Estimation: A Survey of Deep Learning-based Methods ⬇️

Vision-based monocular human pose estimation, as one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in computer vision, aims to obtain posture of the human body from input images or video sequences. The recent developments of deep learning techniques have been brought significant progress and remarkable breakthroughs in the field of human pose estimation. This survey extensively reviews the recent deep learning-based 2D and 3D human pose estimation methods published since 2014. This paper summarizes the challenges, main frameworks, benchmark datasets, evaluation metrics, performance comparison, and discusses some promising future research directions.

16.Resolving Class Imbalance in Object Detection with Weighted Cross Entropy Losses ⬇️

Object detection is an important task in computer vision which serves a lot of real-world applications such as autonomous driving, surveillance and robotics. Along with the rapid thrive of large-scale data, numerous state-of-the-art generalized object detectors (e.g. Faster R-CNN, YOLO, SSD) were developed in the past decade. Despite continual efforts in model modification and improvement in training strategies to boost detection accuracy, there are still limitations in performance of detectors when it comes to specialized datasets with uneven object class distributions. This originates from the common usage of Cross Entropy loss function for object classification sub-task that simply ignores the frequency of appearance of object class during training, and thus results in lower accuracies for object classes with fewer number of samples. Class-imbalance in general machine learning has been widely studied, however, little attention has been paid on the subject of object detection. In this paper, we propose to explore and overcome such problem by application of several weighted variants of Cross Entropy loss, for examples Balanced Cross Entropy, Focal Loss and Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples to our object detector. Experiments with BDD100K (a highly class-imbalanced driving database acquired from on-vehicle cameras capturing mostly Car-class objects and other minority object classes such as Bus, Person and Motor) have proven better class-wise performances of detector trained with the afore-mentioned loss functions.

17.Transfoming Multi-Concept Attention into Video Summarization ⬇️

Video summarization is among challenging tasks in computer vision, which aims at identifying highlight frames or shots over a lengthy video input. In this paper, we propose an novel attention-based framework for video summarization with complex video data. Unlike previous works which only apply attention mechanism on the correspondence between frames, our multi-concept video self-attention (MC-VSA) model is presented to identify informative regions across temporal and concept video features, which jointly exploit context diversity over time and space for summarization purposes. Together with consistency between video and summary enforced in our framework, our model can be applied to both labeled and unlabeled data, making our method preferable to real-world applications. Extensive and complete experiments on two benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our model both quantitatively and qualitatively, and confirms its superiority over the stateof-the-arts.

18.A heterogeneous branch and multi-level classification network for person re-identification ⬇️

Convolutional neural networks with multiple branches have recently been proved highly effective in person re-identification (re-ID). Researchers design multi-branch networks using part models, yet they always attribute the effectiveness to multiple parts. In addition, existing multi-branch networks always have isomorphic branches, which lack structural diversity. In order to improve this problem, we propose a novel Heterogeneous Branch and Multi-level Classification Network (HBMCN), which is designed based on the pre-trained ResNet-50 model. A new heterogeneous branch, SE-Res-Branch, is proposed based on the SE-Res module, which consists of the Squeeze-and-Excitation block and the residual block. Furthermore, a new multi-level classification joint objective function is proposed for the supervised learning of HBMCN, whereby multi-level features are extracted from multiple high-level layers and concatenated to represent a person. Based on three public person re-ID benchmarks (Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID and CUHK03), experimental results show that the proposed HBMCN reaches 94.4%, 85.7% and 73.8% in Rank-1, and 85.7%, 74.6% and 69.0% in mAP, achieving a state-of-the-art performance. Further analysis demonstrates that the specially designed heterogeneous branch performs better than an isomorphic branch, and multi-level classification provides more discriminative features compared to single-level classification. As a result, HBMCN provides substantial further improvements in person re-ID tasks.

19.Two-hand Global 3D Pose Estimation Using Monocular RGB ⬇️

We tackle the challenging task of estimating global 3D joint locations for both hands via only monocular RGB input images. We propose a novel multi-stage convolutional neural network based pipeline that accurately segments and locates the hands despite occlusion between two hands and complex background noise and estimates the 2D and 3D canonical joint locations without any depth information. Global joint locations with respect to the camera origin are computed using the hand pose estimations and the actual length of the key bone with a novel projection algorithm. To train the CNNs for this new task, we introduce a large-scale synthetic 3D hand pose dataset. We demonstrate that our system outperforms previous works on 3D canonical hand pose estimation benchmark datasets with RGB-only information. Additionally, we present the first work that achieves accurate global 3D hand tracking on both hands using RGB-only inputs and provide extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation.

20.Multi-view Deep Features for Robust Facial Kinship Verification ⬇️

Automatic kinship verification from facial images is an emerging research topic in machine learning community. In this paper, we proposed an effective facial features extraction model based on multi-view deep features. Thus, we used four pre-trained deep learning models using eight features layers (FC6 and FC7 layers of each VGG-F, VGG-M, VGG-S and VGG-Face models) to train the proposed Multilinear Side-Information based Discriminant Analysis integrating Within Class Covariance Normalization (MSIDA+WCCN) method. Furthermore, we show that how can metric learning methods based on WCCN method integration improves the Simple Scoring Cosine similarity (SSC) method. We refer that we used the SSC method in RFIW'20 competition using the eight deep features concatenation. Thus, the integration of WCCN in the metric learning methods decreases the intra-class variations effect introduced by the deep features weights. We evaluate our proposed method on two kinship benchmarks namely KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II databases using four Parent-Child relations (Father-Son, Father-Daughter, Mother-Son and Mother-Daughter). Thus, the proposed MSIDA+WCCN method improves the SSC method with 12.80% and 14.65% on KinFaceW-I and KinFaceW-II databases, respectively. The results obtained are positively compared with some modern methods, including those that rely on deep learning.

21.Learning to Detect 3D Objects from Point Clouds in Real Time ⬇️

In this paper, we present a combined architecture using dilated and transposed convolutional neural networks for accurate and efficient semantic image segmentation. In contrast to previous fully convolutional neural networks such as FCN with almost all computation shared on the entire image, we propose an additional architecture which we have named as dilated - transposed fully convolutional neural networks. To achieve this goal, we used dilated convolutional layers in downsampling and transposed convolutional layers in upsampling layers. We have used skip connections in between the blocks formed by convolutions and max pooling layers. This type of architecture has been used successfully in the past for image classification using residual network. In addition we also found selu activation function instead of relu to give better results on the test set images. We reason this is the due to avoiding the model getting stuck in a local minimum, thus experiencing a famous vanishing gradient problem in case with relu activation function. Meanwhile, our result achieved pixel wise class accuracy of 88% on the test set and mean Intersection Over Union(IOU) value of 53.5 which is better than the state of the art using the previous fully convolutional neural networks.

22.BWCNN: Blink to Word, a Real-Time Convolutional Neural Network Approach ⬇️

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease of the brain and the spinal cord, which leads to paralysis of motor functions. Patients retain their ability to blink, which can be used for communication. Here, We present an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that uses eye-blinks to communicate with the outside world, running on real-time Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. The system uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to find the blinking pattern, which is defined as a series of Open and Closed states. Each pattern is mapped to a collection of words that manifest the patient's intent. To investigate the best trade-off between accuracy and latency, we investigated several Convolutional Network architectures, such as ResNet, SqueezeNet, DenseNet, and InceptionV3, and evaluated their performance. We found that the InceptionV3 architecture, after hyper-parameter fine-tuning on the specific task led to the best performance with an accuracy of 99.20% and 94ms latency. This work demonstrates how the latest advances in deep learning architectures can be adapted for clinical systems that ameliorate the patient's quality of life regardless of the point-of-care.

23.An embedded system for the automated generation of labeled plant images to enable machine learning applications in agriculture ⬇️

A lack of sufficient training data, both in terms of variety and quantity, is often the bottleneck in the development of machine learning (ML) applications in any domain. For agricultural applications, ML-based models designed to perform tasks such as autonomous plant classification will typically be coupled to just one or perhaps a few plant species. As a consequence, each crop-specific task is very likely to require its own specialized training data, and the question of how to serve this need for data now often overshadows the more routine exercise of actually training such models. To tackle this problem, we have developed an embedded robotic system to automatically generate and label large datasets of plant images for ML applications in agriculture. The system can image plants from virtually any angle, thereby ensuring a wide variety of data; and with an imaging rate of up to one image per second, it can produce lableled datasets on the scale of thousands to tens of thousands of images per day. As such, this system offers an important alternative to time- and cost-intensive methods of manual generation and labeling. Furthermore, the use of a uniform background made of blue keying fabric enables additional image processing techniques such as background replacement and plant segmentation. It also helps in the training process, essentially forcing the model to focus on the plant features and eliminating random correlations. To demonstrate the capabilities of our system, we generated a dataset of over 34,000 labeled images, with which we trained an ML-model to distinguish grasses from non-grasses in test data from a variety of sources. We now plan to generate much larger datasets of Canadian crop plants and weeds that will be made publicly available in the hope of further enabling ML applications in the agriculture sector.

24.High-quality Panorama Stitching based on Asymmetric Bidirectional Optical Flow ⬇️

In this paper, we propose a panorama stitching algorithm based on asymmetric bidirectional optical flow. This algorithm expects multiple photos captured by fisheye lens cameras as input, and then, through the proposed algorithm, these photos can be merged into a high-quality 360-degree spherical panoramic image. For photos taken from a distant perspective, the parallax among them is relatively small, and the obtained panoramic image can be nearly seamless and undistorted. For photos taken from a close perspective or with a relatively large parallax, a seamless though partially distorted panoramic image can also be obtained. Besides, with the help of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), this algorithm can complete the whole stitching process at a very fast speed: typically, it only takes less than 30s to obtain a panoramic image of 9000-by-4000 pixels, which means our panorama stitching algorithm is of high value in many real-time applications. Our code is available at this https URL.

25.Fast and accurate aberration estimation from 3D bead images using convolutional neural networks ⬇️

Estimating optical aberrations from volumetric intensity images is a key step in sensorless adaptive optics for microscopy. Here we describe a method (PHASENET) for fast and accurate aberration measurement from experimentally acquired 3D bead images using convolutional neural networks. Importantly, we show that networks trained only on synthetically generated data can successfully predict aberrations from experimental images. We demonstrate our approach on two data sets acquired with different microscopy modalities and find that PHASENET yields results better than or comparable to classical methods while being orders of magnitude faster. We furthermore show that the number of focal planes required for satisfactory prediction is related to different symmetry groups of Zernike modes. PHASENET is freely available as open-source software in Python.

26.Object-Independent Human-to-Robot Handovers using Real Time Robotic Vision ⬇️

We present an approach for safe and object-independent human-to-robot handovers using real time robotic vision and manipulation. We aim for general applicability with a generic object detector, a fast grasp selection algorithm and by using a single gripper-mounted RGB-D camera, hence not relying on external sensors. The robot is controlled via visual servoing towards the object of interest. Putting a high emphasis on safety, we use two perception modules: human body part segmentation and hand/finger segmentation. Pixels that are deemed to belong to the human are filtered out from candidate grasp poses, hence ensuring that the robot safely picks the object without colliding with the human partner. The grasp selection and perception modules run concurrently in real-time, which allows monitoring of the progress. In experiments with 13 objects, the robot was able to successfully take the object from the human in 81.9% of the trials.

27.Shapley Value as Principled Metric for Structured Network Pruning ⬇️

Structured pruning is a well-known technique to reduce the storage size and inference cost of neural networks. The usual pruning pipeline consists of ranking the network internal filters and activations with respect to their contributions to the network performance, removing the units with the lowest contribution, and fine-tuning the network to reduce the harm induced by pruning. Recent results showed that random pruning performs on par with other metrics, given enough fine-tuning resources. In this work, we show that this is not true on a low-data regime when fine-tuning is either not possible or not effective. In this case, reducing the harm caused by pruning becomes crucial to retain the performance of the network. First, we analyze the problem of estimating the contribution of hidden units with tools suggested by cooperative game theory and propose Shapley values as a principled ranking metric for this task. We compare with several alternatives proposed in the literature and discuss how Shapley values are theoretically preferable. Finally, we compare all ranking metrics on the challenging scenario of low-data pruning, where we demonstrate how Shapley values outperform other heuristics.

28.AnalogNet: Convolutional Neural Network Inference on Analog Focal Plane Sensor Processors ⬇️

We present a high-speed, energy-efficient Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture utilising the capabilities of a unique class of devices known as analog Focal Plane Sensor Processors (FPSP), in which the sensor and the processor are embedded together on the same silicon chip. Unlike traditional vision systems, where the sensor array sends collected data to a separate processor for processing, FPSPs allow data to be processed on the imaging device itself. This unique architecture enables ultra-fast image processing and high energy efficiency, at the expense of limited processing resources and approximate computations. In this work, we show how to convert standard CNNs to FPSP code, and demonstrate a method of training networks to increase their robustness to analog computation errors. Our proposed architecture, coined AnalogNet, reaches a testing accuracy of 96.9% on the MNIST handwritten digits recognition task, at a speed of 2260 FPS, for a cost of 0.7 mJ per frame.

29.A Comprehensive Study of Data Augmentation Strategies for Prostate Cancer Detection in Diffusion-weighted MRI using Convolutional Neural Networks ⬇️

Data augmentation refers to a group of techniques whose goal is to battle limited amount of available data to improve model generalization and push sample distribution toward the true distribution. While different augmentation strategies and their combinations have been investigated for various computer vision tasks in the context of deep learning, a specific work in the domain of medical imaging is rare and to the best of our knowledge, there has been no dedicated work on exploring the effects of various augmentation methods on the performance of deep learning models in prostate cancer detection. In this work, we have statically applied five most frequently used augmentation techniques (random rotation, horizontal flip, vertical flip, random crop, and translation) to prostate Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging training dataset of 217 patients separately and evaluated the effect of each method on the accuracy of prostate cancer detection. The augmentation algorithms were applied independently to each data channel and a shallow as well as a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) were trained on the five augmented sets separately. We used Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) to evaluate the performance of the trained CNNs on a separate test set of 95 patients, using a validation set of 102 patients for finetuning. The shallow network outperformed the deep network with the best 2D slice-based AUC of 0.85 obtained by the rotation method.

30.Variational Inference and Learning of Piecewise-linear Dynamical Systems ⬇️

Modeling the temporal behavior of data is of primordial importance in many scientific and engineering fields. The baseline method assumes that both the dynamic and observation models follow linear-Gaussian models. Non-linear extensions lead to intractable solvers. It is also possible to consider several linear models, or a piecewise linear model, and to combine them with a switching mechanism, which is also intractable because of the exponential explosion of the number of Gaussian components. In this paper, we propose a variational approximation of piecewise linear dynamic systems. We provide full details of the derivation of a variational expectation-maximization algorithm that can be used either as a filter or as a smoother. We show that the model parameters can be split into two sets, a set of static (or observation parameters) and a set of dynamic parameters. The immediate consequences are that the former set can be estimated off-line and that the number of linear models (or the number of states of the switching variable) can be learned based on model selection. We apply the proposed method to the problem of visual tracking and we thoroughly compare our algorithm with several visual trackers applied to the problem of head-pose estimation.

31.A Review on End-To-End Methods for Brain Tumor Segmentation and Overall Survival Prediction ⬇️

Brain tumor segmentation intends to delineate tumor tissues from healthy brain tissues. The tumor tissues include necrosis, peritumoral edema, and active tumor. In contrast, healthy brain tissues include white matter, gray matter, and cerebrospinal fluid. The MRI based brain tumor segmentation research is gaining popularity as; 1. It does not irradiate ionized radiation like X-ray or computed tomography imaging. 2. It produces detailed pictures of internal body structures. The MRI scans are input to deep learning-based approaches which are useful for automatic brain tumor segmentation. The features from segments are fed to the classifier which predict the overall survival of the patient. The motive of this paper is to give an extensive overview of state-of-the-art jointly covering brain tumor segmentation and overall survival prediction.

32.Perturbation Analysis of Gradient-based Adversarial Attacks ⬇️

After the discovery of adversarial examples and their adverse effects on deep learning models, many studies focused on finding more diverse methods to generate these carefully crafted samples. Although empirical results on the effectiveness of adversarial example generation methods against defense mechanisms are discussed in detail in the literature, an in-depth study of the theoretical properties and the perturbation effectiveness of these adversarial attacks has largely been lacking. In this paper, we investigate the objective functions of three popular methods for adversarial example generation: the L-BFGS attack, the Iterative Fast Gradient Sign attack, and Carlini & Wagner's attack (CW). Specifically, we perform a comparative and formal analysis of the loss functions underlying the aforementioned attacks while laying out large-scale experimental results on ImageNet dataset. This analysis exposes (1) the faster optimization speed as well as the constrained optimization space of the cross-entropy loss, (2) the detrimental effects of using the signature of the cross-entropy loss on optimization precision as well as optimization space, and (3) the slow optimization speed of the logit loss in the context of adversariality. Our experiments reveal that the Iterative Fast Gradient Sign attack, which is thought to be fast for generating adversarial examples, is the worst attack in terms of the number of iterations required to create adversarial examples in the setting of equal perturbation. Moreover, our experiments show that the underlying loss function of CW, which is criticized for being substantially slower than other adversarial attacks, is not that much slower than other loss functions. Finally, we analyze how well neural networks can identify adversarial perturbations generated by the attacks under consideration, hereby revisiting the idea of adversarial retraining on ImageNet.

33.CT-based COVID-19 Triage: Deep Multitask Learning Improves Joint Identification and Severity Quantification ⬇️

The current COVID-19 pandemic overloads healthcare systems, including radiology departments. Though several deep learning approaches were developed to assist in CT analysis, nobody considered study triage directly as a computer science problem. We describe two basic setups: Identification of COVID-19 to prioritize studies of potentially infected patients to isolate them as early as possible; Severity quantification to highlight studies of severe patients and direct them to a hospital or provide emergency medical care. We formalize these tasks as binary classification and estimation of affected lung percentage. Though similar problems were well-studied separately, we show that existing methods provide reasonable quality only for one of these setups. To consolidate both triage approaches, we employ a multitask learning and propose a convolutional neural network to combine all available labels within a single model. We train our model on approximately 2000 publicly available CT studies and test it with a carefully designed set consisting of 33 COVID patients, 32 healthy patients, and 36 patients with other lung pathologies to emulate a typical patient flow in an out-patient hospital. The developed model achieved 0.951 ROC AUC for Identification of COVID-19 and 0.98 Spearman Correlation for Severity quantification. We release all the code and create a public leaderboard, where other community members can test their models on our dataset.

34.Learning to do multiframe blind deconvolution unsupervisedly ⬇️

Observation from ground based telescopes are affected by the presence of the Earth atmosphere, which severely perturbs them. The use of adaptive optics techniques has allowed us to partly beat this limitation. However, image selection or post-facto image reconstruction methods are routinely needed to reach the diffraction limit of telescopes. Deep learning has been recently used to accelerate these image reconstructions. Currently, these deep neural networks are trained with supervision, so that standard deconvolution algorithms need to be applied a-priori to generate the training sets. Our aim is to propose an unsupervised method which can then be trained simply with observations and check it with data from the FastCam instrument. We use a neural model composed of three neural networks that are trained end-to-end by leveraging the linear image formation theory to construct a physically-motivated loss function. The analysis of the trained neural model shows that multiframe blind deconvolution can be trained self-supervisedly, i.e., using only observations. The output of the network are the corrected images and also estimations of the instantaneous wavefronts. The network model is of the order of 1000 times faster than applying standard deconvolution based on optimization. With some work, the model can bed used on real-time at the telescope.

35.COVIDGR dataset and COVID-SDNet methodology for predicting COVID-19 based on Chest X-Ray images ⬇️

Currently, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), one of the most infectious diseases in the 21st century, is diagnosed using RT-PCR testing, CT scans and/or Chest X-Ray (CXR) images. CT (Computed Tomography) scanners and RT-PCR testing are not available in most medical centers and hence in many cases CXR images become the most time/cost effective tool for assisting clinicians in making decisions. Deep learning neural networks have a great potential for building triage systems for detecting COVID-19 patients, especially patients with low severity. Unfortunately, current databases do not allow building such systems as they are highly heterogeneous and biased towards severe cases. This paper is three-fold: (i) we demystify the high sensitivities achieved by most recent COVID-19 classification models, (ii) under a close collaboration with Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio, Granada, Spain, we built COVIDGR-1.0, a homogeneous and balanced database that includes all levels of severity, from Normal with positive RT-PCR, Mild, Moderate to Severe. COVIDGR-1.0 contains 377 positive and 377 negative PA (PosteroAnterior) CXR views and (iii) we propose COVID Smart Data based Network (COVID-SDNet) methodology for improving the generalization capacity of COVID-classification models. Our approach reaches good and stable results with an accuracy of $97.37% \pm 1.86 %$, $88.14% \pm 2.02%$, $66.5% \pm 8.04%$ in severe, moderate and mild COVID severity levels. Our approach could help in the early detection of COVID-19. COVIDGR-1.0 dataset will be made available after the review process.

36.Exploring the role of Input and Output Layers of a Deep Neural Network in Adversarial Defense ⬇️

Deep neural networks are learning models having achieved state of the art performance in many fields like prediction, computer vision, language processing and so on. However, it has been shown that certain inputs exist which would not trick a human normally, but may mislead the model completely. These inputs are known as adversarial inputs. These inputs pose a high security threat when such models are used in real world applications. In this work, we have analyzed the resistance of three different classes of fully connected dense networks against the rarely tested non-gradient based adversarial attacks. These classes are created by manipulating the input and output layers. We have proven empirically that owing to certain characteristics of the network, they provide a high robustness against these attacks, and can be used in fine tuning other models to increase defense against adversarial attacks.

37.Adaptive convolutional neural networks for k-space data interpolation in fast magnetic resonance imaging ⬇️

Deep learning in k-space has demonstrated great potential for image reconstruction from undersampled k-space data in fast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, existing deep learning-based image reconstruction methods typically apply weight-sharing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to k-space data without taking into consideration the k-space data's spatial frequency properties, leading to ineffective learning of the image reconstruction models. Moreover, complementary information of spatially adjacent slices is often ignored in existing deep learning methods. To overcome such limitations, we develop a deep learning algorithm, referred to as adaptive convolutional neural networks for k-space data interpolation (ACNN-k-Space), which adopts a residual Encoder-Decoder network architecture to interpolate the undersampled k-space data by integrating spatially contiguous slices as multi-channel input, along with k-space data from multiple coils if available. The network is enhanced by self-attention layers to adaptively focus on k-space data at different spatial frequencies and channels. We have evaluated our method on two public datasets and compared it with state-of-the-art existing methods. Ablation studies and experimental results demonstrate that our method effectively reconstructs images from undersampled k-space data and achieves significantly better image reconstruction performance than current state-of-the-art techniques.

38.Eye Movements Biometrics: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2004 to 2019 ⬇️

Person identification based on eye movements is getting more and more attention, as it is anti-spoofing resistant and can be useful for continuous authentication. Therefore, it is noteworthy for researchers to know who and what is relevant in the field, including authors, journals, conferences, and institutions. This paper presents a comprehensive quantitative overview of the field of eye movement biometrics using a bibliometric approach. All data and analyses are based on documents written in English published between 2004 and 2019. Scopus was used to perform information retrieval. This research focused on temporal evolution, leading authors, most cited papers, leading journals, competitions and collaboration networks.

39.Fusion of Real Time Thermal Image and 1D/2D/3D Depth Laser Readings for Remote Thermal Sensing in Industrial Plants by Means of UAVs and/or Robots ⬇️

This paper presents fast procedures for thermal infrared remote sensing in dark, GPS-denied environments, such as those found in industrial plants such as in High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) converter stations. These procedures are based on the combination of the depth estimation obtained from either a 1-Dimensional LIDAR laser or a 2-Dimensional Hokuyo laser or a 3D MultiSense SLB laser sensor and the visible and thermal cameras from a FLIR Duo R dual-sensor thermal camera. The combination of these sensors/cameras is suitable to be mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and/or robots in order to provide reliable information about the potential malfunctions, which can be found within the hazardous environment. For example, the capabilities of the developed software and hardware system corresponding to the combination of the 1-D LIDAR sensor and the FLIR Duo R dual-sensor thermal camera is assessed from the point of the accuracy of results and the required computational times: the obtained computational times are under 10 ms, with a maximum localization error of 8 mm and an average standard deviation for the measured temperatures of 1.11 degree Celsius, which results are obtained for a number of test cases. The paper is structured as follows: the description of the system used for identification and localization of hotspots in industrial plants is presented in section II. In section III, the method for faults identification and localization in plants by using a 1-Dimensional LIDAR laser sensor and thermal images is described together with results. In section IV the real time thermal image processing is presented. Fusion of the 2-Dimensional depth laser Hokuyo and the thermal images is described in section V. In section VI the combination of the 3D MultiSense SLB laser and thermal images is described. In section VII a discussion and several conclusions are drawn.

40.A comparative study of 2D image segmentation algorithms for traumatic brain lesions using CT data from the ProTECTIII multicenter clinical trial ⬇️

Automated segmentation of medical imaging is of broad interest to clinicians and machine learning researchers alike. The goal of segmentation is to increase efficiency and simplicity of visualization and quantification of regions of interest within a medical image. Image segmentation is a difficult task because of multiparametric heterogeneity within the images, an obstacle that has proven especially challenging in efforts to automate the segmentation of brain lesions from non-contrast head computed tomography (CT). In this research, we have experimented with multiple available deep learning architectures to segment different phenotypes of hemorrhagic lesions found after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). These include: intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH), subdural hematoma (SDH), epidural hematoma (EDH), and traumatic contusions. We were able to achieve an optimal Dice Coefficient1 score of 0.94 using UNet++ 2D Architecture with Focal Tversky Loss Function, an increase from 0.85 using UNet 2D with Binary Cross-Entropy Loss Function in intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH) cases. Furthermore, using the same setting, we were able to achieve the Dice Coefficient score of 0.90 and 0.86 in cases of Extra-Axial bleeds and Traumatic contusions, respectively.

41.BIMCV COVID-19+: a large annotated dataset of RX and CT images from COVID-19 patients ⬇️

In this work we describe BIMCV-COVID-19+ dataset, a large dataset from Medical Imaging Databank in Valencian Region Medical ImageBank (BIMCV) with chest X-ray images CXR (CR, DX) and computed tomography (CT) imaging of COVID-19+ patients along with their radiological findings and locations, pathologies, radiological reports (in Spanish), DICOM metadata, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Immunoglobulin M (IgM) diagnostic antibody tests. The findings are mapped onto standard Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) terminology and they cover a wide spectrum of thoracic entities, contrasting with the much more reduced number of entities annotated in previous datasets. Images are stored in high resolution and entities are localized with anatomical labels in a Medical Imaging Data Structure (MIDS) format. In addition, 10 images were annotated by a team of radiologists to include semantic segmentation of radiological findings. This first iteration of the database includes 1,380 CX, 885 DX and 163 CT studies from 1,311 COVID-19+ patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest COVID-19+ dataset of images available in an open format. The dataset can be downloaded from this http URL.