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ArXiv cs.CV --Fri, 24 Jan 2020

1.Audiovisual SlowFast Networks for Video Recognition ⬇️

We present Audiovisual SlowFast Networks, an architecture for integrated audiovisual perception. AVSlowFast extends SlowFast Networks with a Faster Audio pathway that is deeply integrated with its visual counterparts. We fuse audio and visual features at multiple layers, enabling audio to contribute to the formation of hierarchical audiovisual concepts. To overcome training difficulties that arise from different learning dynamics for audio and visual modalities, we employ DropPathway that randomly drops the Audio pathway during training as a simple and effective regularization technique. Inspired by prior studies in neuroscience, we perform hierarchical audiovisual synchronization and show that it leads to better audiovisual features. We report state-of-the-art results on four video action classification and detection datasets, perform detailed ablation studies, and show the generalization of AVSlowFast to self-supervised tasks, where it improves over prior work. Code will be made available at: this https URL.

2.Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Learned Feature-Wise Transformation ⬇️

Few-shot classification aims to recognize novel categories with only few labeled images in each class. Existing metric-based few-shot classification algorithms predict categories by comparing the feature embeddings of query images with those from a few labeled images (support examples) using a learned metric function. While promising performance has been demonstrated, these methods often fail to generalize to unseen domains due to large discrepancy of the feature distribution across domains. In this work, we address the problem of few-shot classification under domain shifts for metric-based methods. Our core idea is to use feature-wise transformation layers for augmenting the image features using affine transforms to simulate various feature distributions under different domains in the training stage. To capture variations of the feature distributions under different domains, we further apply a learning-to-learn approach to search for the hyper-parameters of the feature-wise transformation layers. We conduct extensive experiments and ablation studies under the domain generalization setting using five few-shot classification datasets: mini-ImageNet, CUB, Cars, Places, and Plantae. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed feature-wise transformation layer is applicable to various metric-based models, and provides consistent improvements on the few-shot classification performance under domain shift.

3.Robust Explanations for Visual Question Answering ⬇️

In this paper, we propose a method to obtain robust explanations for visual question answering(VQA) that correlate well with the answers. Our model explains the answers obtained through a VQA model by providing visual and textual explanations. The main challenges that we address are i) Answers and textual explanations obtained by current methods are not well correlated and ii) Current methods for visual explanation do not focus on the right location for explaining the answer. We address both these challenges by using a collaborative correlated module which ensures that even if we do not train for noise based attacks, the enhanced correlation ensures that the right explanation and answer can be generated. We further show that this also aids in improving the generated visual and textual explanations. The use of the correlated module can be thought of as a robust method to verify if the answer and explanations are coherent. We evaluate this model using VQA-X dataset. We observe that the proposed method yields better textual and visual justification that supports the decision. We showcase the robustness of the model against a noise-based perturbation attack using corresponding visual and textual explanations. A detailed empirical analysis is shown. Here we provide source code link for our model \url{this https URL}.

4.Ternary Feature Masks: continual learning without any forgetting ⬇️

In this paper, we propose an approach without any forgetting to continual learning for the task-aware regime, where at inference the task-label is known. By using ternary masks we can upgrade a model to new tasks, reusing knowledge from previous tasks while not forgetting anything about them. Using masks prevents both catastrophic forgetting and backward transfer. We argue -- and show experimentally -- that avoiding the former largely compensates for the lack of the latter, which is rarely observed in practice. In contrast to earlier works, our masks are applied to the features (activations) of each layer instead of the weights. This considerably reduces the number of mask parameters to be added for each new task; with more than three orders of magnitude for most networks. The encoding of the ternary masks into two bits per feature creates very little overhead to the network, avoiding scalability issues. Our masks do not permit any changes to features which are used by previous tasks. As this may be too restrictive to allow learning of new tasks, we add task-specific feature normalization. This way, already learned features can adapt to the current task without changing the behavior of these features for previous tasks. Extensive experiments on several finegrained datasets and ImageNet show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art while reducing memory overhead in comparison to weight-based approaches.

5.Lipreading using Temporal Convolutional Networks ⬇️

Lip-reading has attracted a lot of research attention lately thanks to advances in deep learning. The current state-of-the-art model for recognition of isolated words in-the-wild consists of a residual network and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BGRU) layers. In this work, we address the limitations of this model and we propose changes which further improve its performance. Firstly, the BGRU layers are replaced with Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN). Secondly, we greatly simplify the training procedure, which allows us to train the model in one single stage. Thirdly, we show that the current state-of-the-art methodology produces models that do not generalize well to variations on the sequence length, and we addresses this issue by proposing a variable-length augmentation. We present results on the largest publicly-available datasets for isolated word recognition in English and Mandarin, LRW and LRW1000, respectively. Our proposed model results in an absolute improvement of 1.2% and 3.2%, respectively, in these datasets which is the new state-of-the-art performance.

6.Disassembling the Dataset: A Camera Alignment Mechanism for Multiple Tasks in Person Re-identification ⬇️

In person re-identification (ReID), one of the main challenges is the distribution inconsistency among different datasets. Previous researchers have defined several seemingly individual topics, such as fully supervised learning, direct transfer, domain adaptation, and incremental learning, each with different settings of training and testing scenarios. These topics are designed in a dataset-wise manner, i.e., images from the same dataset, even from disjoint cameras, are presumed to follow the same distribution. However, such distribution is coarse and training-set-specific, and the ReID knowledge learned in such manner works well only on the corresponding scenarios. To address this issue, we propose a fine-grained distribution alignment formulation, which disassembles the dataset and aligns all training and testing cameras. It connects all topics above and guarantees that ReID knowledge is always learned, accumulated, and verified in the aligned distributions. In practice, we devise the Camera-based Batch Normalization, which is easy for integration and nearly cost-free for existing ReID methods. Extensive experiments on the above four ReID tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach. The code will be publicly available.

7.Deformation-aware Unpaired Image Translation for Pose Estimation on Laboratory Animals ⬇️

Our goal is to capture the pose of neuroscience model organisms, without using any manual supervision, to be able to study how neural circuits orchestrate behaviour. Human pose estimation attains remarkable accuracy when trained on real or simulated datasets consisting of millions of frames. However, for many applications simulated models are unrealistic and real training datasets with comprehensive annotations do not exist. We address this problem with a new sim2real domain transfer method. Our key contribution is the explicit and independent modeling of appearance, shape and poses in an unpaired image translation framework. Our model lets us train a pose estimator on the target domain by transferring readily available body keypoint locations from the source domain to generated target images. We compare our approach with existing domain transfer methods and demonstrate improved pose estimation accuracy on Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), Caenorhabditis elegans (worm) and Danio rerio (zebrafish), without requiring any manual annotation on the target domain and despite using simplistic off-the-shelf animal characters for simulation, or simple geometric shapes as models. Our new datasets, code, and trained models will be published to support future neuroscientific studies.

8.Weakly-Supervised Lesion Segmentation on CT Scans using Co-Segmentation ⬇️

Lesion segmentation on computed tomography (CT) scans is an important step for precisely monitoring changes in lesion/tumor growth. This task, however, is very challenging since manual segmentation is prohibitively time-consuming, expensive, and requires professional knowledge. Current practices rely on an imprecise substitute called response evaluation criteria in solid tumors (RECIST). Although these markers lack detailed information about the lesion regions, they are commonly found in hospitals' picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). Thus, these markers have the potential to serve as a powerful source of weak-supervision for 2D lesion segmentation. To approach this problem, this paper proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN) based weakly-supervised lesion segmentation method, which first generates the initial lesion masks from the RECIST measurements and then utilizes co-segmentation to leverage lesion similarities and refine the initial masks. In this work, an attention-based co-segmentation model is adopted due to its ability to learn more discriminative features from a pair of images. Experimental results on the NIH DeepLesion dataset demonstrate that the proposed co-segmentation approach significantly improves lesion segmentation performance, e.g the Dice score increases about 4.0% (from 85.8% to 89.8%).

9.Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies ⬇️

Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is a global health problem, resulting in 900K deaths per year. Colonoscopy is the tool of choice for preventing CRC, by detecting polyps before they become cancerous, and removing them. However, colonoscopy is hampered by the fact that endoscopists routinely miss an average of 22-28% of polyps. While some of these missed polyps appear in the endoscopist's field of view, others are missed simply because of substandard coverage of the procedure, i.e. not all of the colon is seen. This paper attempts to rectify the problem of substandard coverage in colonoscopy through the introduction of the C2D2 (Colonoscopy Coverage Deficiency via Depth) algorithm which detects deficient coverage, and can thereby alert the endoscopist to revisit a given area. More specifically, C2D2 consists of two separate algorithms: the first performs depth estimation of the colon given an ordinary RGB video stream; while the second computes coverage given these depth estimates. Rather than compute coverage for the entire colon, our algorithm computes coverage locally, on a segment-by-segment basis; C2D2 can then indicate in real-time whether a particular area of the colon has suffered from deficient coverage, and if so the endoscopist can return to that area. Our coverage algorithm is the first such algorithm to be evaluated in a large-scale way; while our depth estimation technique is the first calibration-free unsupervised method applied to colonoscopies. The C2D2 algorithm achieves state of the art results in the detection of deficient coverage: it is 2.4 times more accurate than human experts.

10.Channel Pruning via Automatic Structure Search ⬇️

Channel pruning is among the predominant approaches to compress deep neural networks. To this end, most existing pruning methods focus on selecting channels (filters) by importance/optimization or regularization based on rule-of-thumb designs, which defects in sub-optimal pruning. In this paper, we propose a new channel pruning method based on artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC), dubbed as ABCPruner, which aims to efficiently find optimal pruned structure, i.e., channel number in each layer, rather than selecting "important" channels as previous works did. To solve the intractably huge combinations of pruned structure for deep networks, we first propose to shrink the combinations where the preserved channels are limited to a specific space, thus the combinations of pruned structure can be significantly reduced. And then, we formulate the search of optimal pruned structure as an optimization problem and integrate the ABC algorithm to solve it in an automatic manner to lessen human interference. ABCPruner has been demonstrated to be more effective, which also enables the fine-tuning to be conducted efficiently in an end-to-end manner. Experiments on CIFAR-10 show that ABCPruner reduces 73.68% of FLOPs and 88.68% of parameters with even 0.06% accuracy improvement for VGGNet-16. On ILSVRC-2012, it achieves a reduction of 62.87% FLOPs and removes 60.01% of parameters with negligible accuracy cost for ResNet-152. The source codes can be available at this https URL.

11.Observer variation-aware medical image segmentation by combining deep learning and surrogate-assisted genetic algorithms ⬇️

There has recently been great progress in automatic segmentation of medical images with deep learning algorithms. In most works observer variation is acknowledged to be a problem as it makes training data heterogeneous but so far no attempts have been made to explicitly capture this variation. Here, we propose an approach capable of mimicking different styles of segmentation, which potentially can improve quality and clinical acceptance of automatic segmentation methods. In this work, instead of training one neural network on all available data, we train several neural networks on subgroups of data belonging to different segmentation variations separately. Because a priori it may be unclear what styles of segmentation exist in the data and because different styles do not necessarily map one-on-one to different observers, the subgroups should be automatically determined. We achieve this by searching for the best data partition with a genetic algorithm. Therefore, each network can learn a specific style of segmentation from grouped training data. We provide proof of principle results for open-sourced prostate segmentation MRI data with simulated observer variations. Our approach provides an improvement of up to 23% (depending on simulated variations) in terms of Dice and surface Dice coefficients compared to one network trained on all data.

12.Multi-Level Representation Learning for Deep Subspace Clustering ⬇️

This paper proposes a novel deep subspace clustering approach which uses convolutional autoencoders to transform input images into new representations lying on a union of linear subspaces. The first contribution of our work is to insert multiple fully-connected linear layers between the encoder layers and their corresponding decoder layers to promote learning more favorable representations for subspace clustering. These connection layers facilitate the feature learning procedure by combining low-level and high-level information for generating multiple sets of self-expressive and informative representations at different levels of the encoder. Moreover, we introduce a novel loss minimization problem which leverages an initial clustering of the samples to effectively fuse the multi-level representations and recover the underlying subspaces more accurately. The loss function is then minimized through an iterative scheme which alternatively updates the network parameters and produces new clusterings of the samples. Experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate that our approach exhibits superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art methods on most of the subspace clustering problems.

13.Filter Sketch for Network Pruning ⬇️

In this paper, we propose a novel network pruning approach by information preserving of pre-trained network weights (filters). Our approach, referred to as FilterSketch, encodes the second-order information of pre-trained weights, through which the model performance is recovered by fine-tuning the pruned network in an end-to-end manner. Network pruning with information preserving can be approximated as a matrix sketch problem, which is efficiently solved by the off-the-shelf Frequent Direction method. FilterSketch thereby requires neither training from scratch nor data-driven iterative optimization, leading to a magnitude-order reduction of time consumption in the optimization of pruning. Experiments on CIFAR-10 show that FilterSketch reduces 63.3% of FLOPs and prunes 59.9% of network parameters with negligible accuracy cost overhead for ResNet-110. On ILSVRC-2012, it achieves a reduction of 45.5% FLOPs and removes 43.0% of parameters with only a small top-5 accuracy drop of 0.69% for ResNet-50. Source codes of the proposed FilterSketch can be available at this https URL.

14.A Large Scale Event-based Detection Dataset for Automotive ⬇️

We introduce the first very large detection dataset for event cameras. The dataset is composed of more than 39 hours of automotive recordings acquired with a 304x240 ATIS sensor. It contains open roads and very diverse driving scenarios, ranging from urban, highway, suburbs and countryside scenes, as well as different weather and illumination conditions. Manual bounding box annotations of cars and pedestrians contained in the recordings are also provided at a frequency between 1 and 4Hz, yielding more than 255,000 labels in total. We believe that the availability of a labeled dataset of this size will contribute to major advances in event-based vision tasks such as object detection and classification. We also expect benefits in other tasks such as optical flow, structure from motion and tracking, where for example, the large amount of data can be leveraged by self-supervised learning methods.

15.Semi-DerainGAN: A New Semi-supervised Single Image Deraining Network ⬇️

Removing the rain streaks from single image is still a challenging task, since the shapes and direc-tions of rain streaks in the synthetic datasets are very different from real images. Although super-vised deep deraining networks have obtained im-pressive results on synthetic datasets, they still cannot obtain satisfactory results on real images due to weak generalization of rain removal capac-ity, i.e., the pre-trained models usually cannot handle new shapes and directions that may lead to over-derained/under-derained results. In this paper, we propose a new semi-supervised GAN-based deraining network termed Semi-DerainGAN, which can use both synthetic and real rainy images in a uniform network using two supervised and unsupervised processes. Specifically, a semi-supervised rain streak learner termed SSRML sharing the same parameters of both processes is derived, which makes the real images contribute more rain streak information. To deliver better deraining results, we design a paired discriminator for distinguishing the real pairs from fake pairs. Note that we also contribute a new real-world rainy image dataset Real200 to alleviate the dif-ference between the synthetic and real image do-mains. Extensive results on public datasets show that our model can obtain competitive perfor-mance, especially on real images.

16.A Hypersensitive Breast Cancer Detector ⬇️

Early detection of breast cancer through screening mammography yields a 20-35% increase in survival rate; however, there are not enough radiologists to serve the growing population of women seeking screening mammography. Although commercial computer aided detection (CADe) software has been available to radiologists for decades, it has failed to improve the interpretation of full-field digital mammography (FFDM) images due to its low sensitivity over the spectrum of findings. In this work, we leverage a large set of FFDM images with loose bounding boxes of mammographically significant findings to train a deep learning detector with extreme sensitivity. Building upon work from the Hourglass architecture, we train a model that produces segmentation-like images with high spatial resolution, with the aim of producing 2D Gaussian blobs centered on ground-truth boxes. We replace the pixel-wise $L_2$ norm with a weak-supervision loss designed to achieve high sensitivity, asymmetrically penalizing false positives and false negatives while softening the noise of the loose bounding boxes by permitting a tolerance in misaligned predictions. The resulting system achieves a sensitivity for malignant findings of 0.99 with only 4.8 false positive markers per image. When utilized in a CADe system, this model could enable a novel workflow where radiologists can focus their attention with trust on only the locations proposed by the model, expediting the interpretation process and bringing attention to potential findings that could otherwise have been missed. Due to its nearly perfect sensitivity, the proposed detector can also be used as a high-performance proposal generator in two-stage detection systems.

17.Adaptation of a deep learning malignancy model from full-field digital mammography to digital breast tomosynthesis ⬇️

Mammography-based screening has helped reduce the breast cancer mortality rate, but has also been associated with potential harms due to low specificity, leading to unnecessary exams or procedures, and low sensitivity. Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) improves on conventional mammography by increasing both sensitivity and specificity and is becoming common in clinical settings. However, deep learning (DL) models have been developed mainly on conventional 2D full-field digital mammography (FFDM) or scanned film images. Due to a lack of large annotated DBT datasets, it is difficult to train a model on DBT from scratch. In this work, we present methods to generalize a model trained on FFDM images to DBT images. In particular, we use average histogram matching (HM) and DL fine-tuning methods to generalize a FFDM model to the 2D maximum intensity projection (MIP) of DBT images. In the proposed approach, the differences between the FFDM and DBT domains are reduced via HM and then the base model, which was trained on abundant FFDM images, is fine-tuned. When evaluating on image patches extracted around identified findings, we are able to achieve similar areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC AUC) of $\sim 0.9$ for FFDM and $\sim 0.85$ for MIP images, as compared to a ROC AUC of $\sim 0.75$ when tested directly on MIP images.

18.Continual Local Replacement for Few-shot Image Recognition ⬇️

The goal of few-shot learning is to learn a model that can recognize novel classes based on one or few training data. It is challenging mainly due to two aspects: (1) it lacks good feature representation of novel classes; (2) a few labeled data could not accurately represent the true data distribution. In this work, we use a sophisticated network architecture to learn better feature representation and focus on the second issue. A novel continual local replacement strategy is proposed to address the data deficiency problem. It takes advantage of the content in unlabeled images to continually enhance labeled ones. Specifically, a pseudo labeling strategy is adopted to constantly select semantic similar images on the fly. Original labeled images will be locally replaced by the selected images for the next epoch training. In this way, the model can directly learn new semantic information from unlabeled images and the capacity of supervised signals in the embedding space can be significantly enlarged. This allows the model to improve generalization and learn a better decision boundary for classification. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach can achieve highly competitive results over existing methods on various few-shot image recognition benchmarks.

19.Learning to adapt class-specific features across domains for semantic segmentation ⬇️

Recent advances in unsupervised domain adaptation have shown the effectiveness of adversarial training to adapt features across domains, endowing neural networks with the capability of being tested on a target domain without requiring any training annotations in this domain. The great majority of existing domain adaptation models rely on image translation networks, which often contain a huge amount of domain-specific parameters. Additionally, the feature adaptation step often happens globally, at a coarse level, hindering its applicability to tasks such as semantic segmentation, where details are of crucial importance to provide sharp results. In this thesis, we present a novel architecture, which learns to adapt features across domains by taking into account per class information. To that aim, we design a conditional pixel-wise discriminator network, whose output is conditioned on the segmentation masks. Moreover, following recent advances in image translation, we adopt the recently introduced StarGAN architecture as image translation backbone, since it is able to perform translations across multiple domains by means of a single generator network. Preliminary results on a segmentation task designed to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach highlight the potential of the model, improving upon strong baselines and alternative designs.

20.How Much Position Information Do Convolutional Neural Networks Encode? ⬇️

In contrast to fully connected networks, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) achieve efficiency by learning weights associated with local filters with a finite spatial extent. An implication of this is that a filter may know what it is looking at, but not where it is positioned in the image. Information concerning absolute position is inherently useful, and it is reasonable to assume that deep CNNs may implicitly learn to encode this information if there is a means to do so. In this paper, we test this hypothesis revealing the surprising degree of absolute position information that is encoded in commonly used neural networks. A comprehensive set of experiments show the validity of this hypothesis and shed light on how and where this information is represented while offering clues to where positional information is derived from in deep CNNs.

21.PENet: Object Detection using Points Estimation in Aerial Images ⬇️

Aerial imagery has been increasingly adopted in mission-critical tasks, such as traffic surveillance, smart cities, and disaster assistance. However, identifying objects from aerial images faces the following challenges: 1) objects of interests are often too small and too dense relative to the images; 2) objects of interests are often in different relative sizes; and 3) the number of objects in each category is imbalanced. A novel network structure, Points Estimated Network (PENet), is proposed in this work to answer these challenges. PENet uses a Mask Resampling Module (MRM) to augment the imbalanced datasets, a coarse anchor-free detector (CPEN) to effectively predict the center points of the small object clusters, and a fine anchor-free detector FPEN to locate the precise positions of the small objects. An adaptive merge algorithm Non-maximum Merge (NMM) is implemented in CPEN to address the issue of detecting dense small objects, and a hierarchical loss is defined in FPEN to further improve the classification accuracy. Our extensive experiments on aerial datasets visDrone and UAVDT showed that PENet achieved higher precision results than existing state-of-the-art approaches. Our best model achieved 8.7% improvement on visDrone and 20.3% on UAVDT.

22.Active Perception with A Monocular Camera for Multiscopic Vision ⬇️

We design a multiscopic vision system that utilizes a low-cost monocular RGB camera to acquire accurate depth estimation for robotic applications. Unlike multi-view stereo with images captured at unconstrained camera poses, the proposed system actively controls a robot arm with a mounted camera to capture a sequence of images in horizontally or vertically aligned positions with the same parallax. In this system, we combine the cost volumes for stereo matching between the reference image and the surrounding images to form a fused cost volume that is robust to outliers. Experiments on the Middlebury dataset and real robot experiments show that our obtained disparity maps are more accurate than two-frame stereo matching: the average absolute error is reduced by 50.2% in our experiments.

23.Interpretable End-to-end Urban Autonomous Driving with Latent Deep Reinforcement Learning ⬇️

Unlike popular modularized framework, end-to-end autonomous driving seeks to solve the perception, decision and control problems in an integrated way, which can be more adapting to new scenarios and easier to generalize at scale. However, existing end-to-end approaches are often lack of interpretability, and can only deal with simple driving tasks like lane keeping. In this paper, we propose an interpretable deep reinforcement learning method for end-to-end autonomous driving, which is able to handle complex urban scenarios. A sequential latent environment model is introduced and learned jointly with the reinforcement learning process. With this latent model, a semantic birdeye mask can be generated, which is enforced to connect with a certain intermediate property in today's modularized framework for the purpose of explaining the behaviors of learned policy. The latent space also significantly reduces the sample complexity of reinforcement learning. Comparison tests with a simulated autonomous car in CARLA show that the performance of our method in urban scenarios with crowded surrounding vehicles dominates many baselines including DQN, DDPG, TD3 and SAC. Moreover, through masked outputs, the learned policy is able to provide a better explanation of how the car reasons about the driving environment.

24.MRI Banding Removal via Adversarial Training ⬇️

MRI images reconstructed from sub-sampled data using deep learning techniques often show a characteristic banding, which is particularly strong in low signal-to-noise regions of the reconstructed image. In this work, we propose the use of an adversarial loss that penalizes banding structures without requiring any human annotation. Our technique greatly reduces the appearance of banding, without requiring any additional computation or post-processing at reconstruction time. We report the results of a blind comparison against a strong baseline by a group of expert evaluators (board-certified radiologists), where our approach is ranked superior at banding removal with no statistically significant loss of detail.

25.Tensor-Based Grading: A Novel Patch-Based Grading Approach for the Analysis of Deformation Fields in Huntington's Disease ⬇️

The improvements in magnetic resonance imaging have led to the development of numerous techniques to better detect structural alterations caused by neurodegenerative diseases. Among these, the patch-based grading framework has been proposed to model local patterns of anatomical changes. This approach is attractive because of its low computational cost and its competitive performance. Other studies have proposed to analyze the deformations of brain structures using tensor-based morphometry, which is a highly interpretable approach. In this work, we propose to combine the advantages of these two approaches by extending the patch-based grading framework with a new tensor-based grading method that enables us to model patterns of local deformation using a log-Euclidean metric. We evaluate our new method in a study of the putamen for the classification of patients with pre-manifest Huntington's disease and healthy controls. Our experiments show a substantial increase in classification accuracy (87.5 $\pm$ 0.5 vs. 81.3 $\pm$ 0.6) compared to the existing patch-based grading methods, and a good complement to putamen volume, which is a primary imaging-based marker for the study of Huntington's disease.

26.Structured Compression and Sharing of Representational Space for Continual Learning ⬇️

Humans are skilled at learning adaptively and efficiently throughout their lives, but learning tasks incrementally causes artificial neural networks to overwrite relevant information learned about older tasks, resulting in 'Catastrophic Forgetting'. Efforts to overcome this phenomenon suffer from poor utilization of resources in many ways, such as through the need to save older data or parametric importance scores, or to grow the network architecture. We propose an algorithm that enables a network to learn continually and efficiently by partitioning the representational space into a Core space, that contains the condensed information from previously learned tasks, and a Residual space, which is akin to a scratch space for learning the current task. The information in the Residual space is then compressed using Principal Component Analysis and added to the Core space, freeing up parameters for the next task. We evaluate our algorithm on P-MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. We achieve comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art methods while overcoming the problem of catastrophic forgetting completely. Additionally, we get up to 4.5x improvement in energy efficiency during inference due to the structured nature of the resulting architecture.

27.CNN-CASS: CNN for Classification of Coronary Artery Stenosis Score in MPR Images ⬇️

To decrease patient waiting time for diagnosis of the Coronary Artery Disease, automatic methods are applied to identify its severity using Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography scans or extracted Multiplanar Reconstruction (MPR) images, giving doctors a second-opinion on the priority of each case. The main disadvantage of previous studies is the lack of large set of data that could guarantee their reliability. Another limitation is the usage of handcrafted features requiring manual preprocessing, such as centerline extraction. We overcome both limitations by applying a different automated approach based on ShuffleNet V2 network architecture and testing it on the proposed collected dataset of MPR images, which is bigger than any other used in this field before. We also omit centerline extraction step and train and test our model using whole curved MPR images of 708 and 105 patients, respectively. The model predicts one of three classes: 'no stenosis' for normal, 'non-significant' - 1-50% of stenosis detected, 'significant' - more than 50% of stenosis. We demonstrate model's interpretability through visualization of the most important features selected by the network. For stenosis score classification, the method shows improved performance comparing to previous works, achieving 80% accuracy on the patient level. Our code is publicly available.

28.Towards A Controllable Disentanglement Network ⬇️

This paper addresses two crucial problems of learning disentangled image representations, namely controlling the degree of disentanglement during image editing, and balancing the disentanglement strength and the reconstruction quality. To encourage disentanglement, we devise a distance covariance based decorrelation regularization. Further, for the reconstruction step, our model leverages a soft target representation combined with the latent image code. By exploring the real-valued space of the soft target representation, we are able to synthesize novel images with the designated properties. To improve the perceptual quality of images generated by autoencoder (AE)-based models, we extend the encoder-decoder architecture with the generative adversarial network (GAN) by collapsing the AE decoder and the GAN generator into one. We also design a classification based protocol to quantitatively evaluate the disentanglement strength of our model. Experimental results showcase the benefits of the proposed model.

29.Deep learning-based prediction of response to HER2-targeted neoadjuvant chemotherapy from pre-treatment dynamic breast MRI: A multi-institutional validation study ⬇️

Predicting response to neoadjuvant therapy is a vexing challenge in breast cancer. In this study, we evaluate the ability of deep learning to predict response to HER2-targeted neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) from pre-treatment dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI acquired prior to treatment. In a retrospective study encompassing DCE-MRI data from a total of 157 HER2+ breast cancer patients from 5 institutions, we developed and validated a deep learning approach for predicting pathological complete response (pCR) to HER2-targeted NAC prior to treatment. 100 patients who received HER2-targeted neoadjuvant chemotherapy at a single institution were used to train (n=85) and tune (n=15) a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict pCR. A multi-input CNN leveraging both pre-contrast and late post-contrast DCE-MRI acquisitions was identified to achieve optimal response prediction within the validation set (AUC=0.93). This model was then tested on two independent testing cohorts with pre-treatment DCE-MRI data. It achieved strong performance in a 28 patient testing set from a second institution (AUC=0.85, 95% CI 0.67-1.0, p=.0008) and a 29 patient multicenter trial including data from 3 additional institutions (AUC=0.77, 95% CI 0.58-0.97, p=0.006). Deep learning-based response prediction model was found to exceed a multivariable model incorporating predictive clinical variables (AUC < .65 in testing cohorts) and a model of semi-quantitative DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic measurements (AUC < .60 in testing cohorts). The results presented in this work across multiple sites suggest that with further validation deep learning could provide an effective and reliable tool to guide targeted therapy in breast cancer, thus reducing overtreatment among HER2+ patients.

30.Information Compensation for Deep Conditional Generative Networks ⬇️

In recent years, unsupervised/weakly-supervised conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs) have achieved many successes on the task of modeling and generating data. However, one of their weaknesses lies in their poor ability to separate, or disentangle, the different factors that characterize the representation encoded in their latent space. To address this issue, we propose a novel structure for unsupervised conditional GANs powered by a novel Information Compensation Connection (IC-Connection). The proposed IC-Connection enables GANs to compensate for information loss incurred during deconvolution operations. In addition, to quantify the degree of disentanglement on both discrete and continuous latent variables, we design a novel evaluation procedure. Our empirical results suggest that our method achieves better disentanglement compared to the state-of-the-art GANs in a conditional generation setting.

31.DCT-Conv: Coding filters in convolutional networks with Discrete Cosine Transform ⬇️

Convolutional neural networks are based on a huge number of trained weights. Consequently, they are often data-greedy, sensitive to overtraining, and learn slowly. We follow the line of research in which filters of convolutional neural layers are determined on the basis of a smaller number of trained parameters. In this paper, the trained parameters define a frequency spectrum which is transformed into convolutional filters with Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT, the same is applied in decompression from JPEG). We analyze how switching off selected components of the spectra, thereby reducing the number of trained weights of the network, affects its performance. Our experiments show that coding the filters with trained DCT parameters leads to improvement over traditional convolution. Also, the performance of the networks modified this way decreases very slowly with the increasing extent of switching off these parameters. In some experiments, a good performance is observed when even 99.9% of these parameters are switched off.

32.Learning Object Placements For Relational Instructions by Hallucinating Scene Representations ⬇️

Robots coexisting with humans in their environment and performing services for them need the ability to interact with them. One particular requirement for such robots is that they are able to understand spatial relations and can place objects in accordance with the spatial relations expressed by their user. In this work, we present a convolutional neural network for estimating pixelwise object placement probabilities for a set of spatial relations from a single input image. During training, our network receives the learning signal by classifying hallucinated high-level scene representations as an auxiliary task. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not require ground truth data for the pixelwise relational probabilities or 3D models of the objects, which significantly expands the applicability in practical applications. Our results obtained using real-world data and human-robot experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in reasoning about the best way to place objects to reproduce a spatial relation.

33.Segmentation of Retinal Low-Cost Optical Coherence Tomography Images using Deep Learning ⬇️

The treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) requires continuous eye exams using optical coherence tomography (OCT). The need for treatment is determined by the presence or change of disease-specific OCT-based biomarkers. Therefore, the monitoring frequency has a significant influence on the success of AMD therapy. However, the monitoring frequency of current treatment schemes is not individually adapted to the patient and therefore often insufficient. While a higher monitoring frequency would have a positive effect on the success of treatment, in practice it can only be achieved with a home monitoring solution. One of the key requirements of a home monitoring OCT system is a computer-aided diagnosis to automatically detect and quantify pathological changes using specific OCT-based biomarkers. In this paper, for the first time, retinal scans of a novel self-examination low-cost full-field OCT (SELF-OCT) are segmented using a deep learning-based approach. A convolutional neural network (CNN) is utilized to segment the total retina as well as pigment epithelial detachments (PED). It is shown that the CNN-based approach can segment the retina with high accuracy, whereas the segmentation of the PED proves to be challenging. In addition, a convolutional denoising autoencoder (CDAE) refines the CNN prediction, which has previously learned retinal shape information. It is shown that the CDAE refinement can correct segmentation errors caused by artifacts in the OCT image.

34.Ada-LISTA: Learned Solvers Adaptive to Varying Models ⬇️

Neural networks that are based on unfolding of an iterative solver, such as LISTA (learned iterative soft threshold algorithm), are widely used due to their accelerated performance. Nevertheless, as opposed to non-learned solvers, these networks are trained on a certain dictionary, and therefore they are inapplicable for varying model scenarios. This work introduces an adaptive learned solver, termed Ada-LISTA, which receives pairs of signals and their corresponding dictionaries as inputs, and learns a universal architecture to serve them all. We prove that this scheme is guaranteed to solve sparse coding in linear rate for varying models, including dictionary perturbations and permutations. We also provide an extensive numerical study demonstrating its practical adaptation capabilities. Finally, we deploy Ada-LISTA to natural image inpainting, where the patch-masks vary spatially, thus requiring such an adaptation.

35.Fast, Compact and Highly Scalable Visual Place Recognition through Sequence-based Matching of Overloaded Representations ⬇️

Visual place recognition algorithms trade off three key characteristics: their storage footprint, their computational requirements, and their resultant performance, often expressed in terms of recall rate. Significant prior work has investigated highly compact place representations, sub-linear computational scaling and sub-linear storage scaling techniques, but have always involved a significant compromise in one or more of these regards, and have only been demonstrated on relatively small datasets. In this paper we present a novel place recognition system which enables for the first time the combination of ultra-compact place representations, near sub-linear storage scaling and extremely lightweight compute requirements. Our approach exploits the inherently sequential nature of much spatial data in the robotics domain and inverts the typical target criteria, through intentionally coarse scalar quantization-based hashing that leads to more collisions but is resolved by sequence-based matching. For the first time, we show how effective place recognition rates can be achieved on a new very large 10 million place dataset, requiring only 8 bytes of storage per place and 37K unitary operations to achieve over 50% recall for matching a sequence of 100 frames, where a conventional state-of-the-art approach both consumes 1300 times more compute and fails catastrophically. We present analysis investigating the effectiveness of our hashing overload approach under varying sizes of quantized vector length, comparison of near miss matches with the actual match selections and characterise the effect of variance re-scaling of data on quantization.

36.A One-Shot Learning Framework for Assessment of Fibrillar Collagen from Second Harmonic Generation Images of an Infarcted Myocardium ⬇️

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a scientific term that refers to heart attack. In this study, we infer highly relevant second harmonic generation (SHG) cues from collagen fibers exhibiting highly non-centrosymmetric assembly together with two-photon excited cellular autofluorescence in infarcted mouse heart to quantitatively probe fibrosis, especially targeted at an early stage after MI. We present a robust one-shot machine learning algorithm that enables determination of 2D assembly of collagen with high spatial resolution along with its structural arrangement in heart tissues post-MI with spectral specificity and sensitivity. Detection, evaluation, and precise quantification of fibrosis extent at early stage would guide one to develop treatment therapies that may prevent further progression and determine heart transplant needs for patient survival.

37.A multi-site study of a breast density deep learning model for full-field digital mammography and digital breast tomosynthesis exams ⬇️

$\textbf{Purpose:}$ To develop a Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) breast density DL model in a multi-site setting for synthetic 2D mammography (SM) images derived from 3D DBT exams using FFDM images and limited SM data.
$\textbf{Materials and Methods:}$ A DL model was trained to predict BI-RADS breast density using FFDM images acquired from 2008 to 2017 (Site 1: 57492 patients, 187627 exams, 750752 images) for this retrospective study. The FFDM model was evaluated using SM datasets from two institutions (Site 1: 3842 patients, 3866 exams, 14472 images, acquired from 2016 to 2017; Site 2: 7557 patients, 16283 exams, 63973 images, 2015 to 2019). Adaptation methods were investigated to improve performance on the SM datasets and the effect of dataset size on each adaptation method is considered. Statistical significance was assessed using confidence intervals (CI), estimated by bootstrapping.
$\textbf{Results:}$ Without adaptation, the model demonstrated close agreement with the original reporting radiologists for all three datasets (Site 1 FFDM: linearly-weighted $\kappa_w$ = 0.75, 95% CI: [0.74, 0.76]; Site 1 SM: $\kappa_w$ = 0.71, CI: [0.64, 0.78]; Site 2 SM: $\kappa_w$ = 0.72, CI: [0.70, 0.75]). With adaptation, performance improved for Site 2 (Site 1: $\kappa_w$ = 0.72, CI: [0.66, 0.79], Site 2: $\kappa_w$ = 0.79, CI: [0.76, 0.81]) using only 500 SM images from each site.
$\textbf{Conclusion:}$ A BI-RADS breast density DL model demonstrated strong performance on FFDM and SM images from two institutions without training on SM images and improved using few SM images.

38.Towards naturalistic human neuroscience and neuroengineering: behavior mining in long-term video and neural recordings ⬇️

Recent advances in brain recording technology and artificial intelligence are propelling a new paradigm in neuroscience beyond the traditional controlled experiment. Naturalistic neuroscience studies neural computations associated with spontaneous behaviors performed in unconstrained settings. Analyzing such unstructured data lacking a priori experimental design remains a significant challenge, especially when the data is multi-modal and long-term. Here we describe an automated approach for analyzing large ($\approx$250 GB/subject) datasets of simultaneously recorded human electrocorticography (ECoG) and naturalistic behavior video data for 12 subjects. Our pipeline discovers and annotates thousands of instances of human upper-limb movement events in long-term (7--9 day) naturalistic behavior data using a combination of computer vision, discrete latent-variable modeling, and string pattern-matching. Analysis of the simultaneously recorded brain data uncovers neural signatures of movement that corroborate prior findings from traditional controlled experiments. We also prototype a decoder for a movement initiation detection task to demonstrate the efficacy of our pipeline as a source of training data for brain-computer interfacing applications. We plan to publish our curated dataset, which captures naturalistic neural and behavioral variability at a scale not previously available. We believe this data will enable further research on models of neural function and decoding that incorporate such naturalistic variability and perform more robustly in real-world settings.