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ArXiv cs.CV --Mon, 31 Dec 2018

1.Learning to Reconstruct Shapes from Unseen Classes pdf

From a single image, humans are able to perceive the full 3D shape of an object by exploiting learned shape priors from everyday life. Contemporary single-image 3D reconstruction algorithms aim to solve this task in a similar fashion, but often end up with priors that are highly biased by training classes. Here we present an algorithm, Generalizable Reconstruction (GenRe), designed to capture more generic, class-agnostic shape priors. We achieve this with an inference network and training procedure that combine 2.5D representations of visible surfaces (depth and silhouette), spherical shape representations of both visible and non-visible surfaces, and 3D voxel-based representations, in a principled manner that exploits the causal structure of how 3D shapes give rise to 2D images. Experiments demonstrate that GenRe performs well on single-view shape reconstruction, and generalizes to diverse novel objects from categories not seen during training.

2.Center Emphasized Visual Saliency and Contrast-based Full Reference Image Quality Index pdf

Objective Image Quality Assessment (IQA) is imperative in this multimedia-intensive world to asses the visual quality of an image close to the human ability. There are many parameters that bring human attention to an image and if the center part contains any visually salient information then it draws the attention even more. To the best of our knowledge, any previous IQA method did not give extra importance to the center part. In this paper, we propose a full reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) approach using visual saliency and contrast, however, we give extra attention to the center by raising-up sensitivity of the similarity maps in that region. We evaluated our method on three popular benchmark databases (TID2008, CSIQ and LIVE) and compared with 13 state-of-the-art approaches which reveal the stronger correlation of our method with human evaluated values. The prediction of quality score is consistent for distortion-specific as well as distortion-independent cases. Moreover, faster processing makes it applicable to any real-time application. The MATLAB pcode is publicly available online to test the algorithm and can be found at this http URL.

3.Artistic Object Recognition by Unsupervised Style Adaptation pdf

Computer vision systems currently lack the ability to reliably recognize artistically rendered objects, especially when such data is limited. In this paper, we propose a method for recognizing objects in artistic modalities (such as paintings, cartoons, or sketches), without requiring any labeled data from those modalities. Our method explicitly accounts for stylistic domain shifts between and within domains. To do so, we introduce a complementary training modality constructed to be similar in artistic style to the target domain, and enforce that the network learns features that are invariant between the two training modalities. We show how such artificial labeled source domains can be generated automatically through the use of style transfer techniques, using diverse target images to represent the style in the target domain. Unlike existing methods which require a large amount of unlabeled target data, our method can work with as few as ten unlabeled images. We evaluate it on a number of cross-domain object and scene classification tasks and on a new dataset we release. Our experiments show that our approach, though conceptually simple, significantly improves the accuracy that existing domain adaptation techniques obtain for artistic object recognition.

4.Image Processing in Quantum Computers pdf

Quantum Image Processing (QIP) is an exiting new field showing a lot of promise. Expressing an image using quantum information would mean all of the unique quantum properties like superposition or entanglement can apply to the image. In this work, we explore and compare a number of quantum image models and then implement simulate a quantum image using a classical computer.

5.Deflecting 3D Adversarial Point Clouds Through Outlier-Guided Removal pdf

Neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which poses a threat to their application in security sensitive systems. We propose simple random sampling (SRS) and statistical outlier removal (SOR) as defenses for 3D point cloud classification, where both methods remove points by estimating probability of points serving as adversarial points. Compared with ensemble adversarial training which is the state-of-the-art defending method, SOR has several advantages: better defense performance, randomization makes the network more robust to adversarial point clouds, no additional training or fine-tuning required, and few computations are needed by adding the points-removal layer. In particular, our experiments on ModelNet40 show that SOR is very effective as defense in practice. The strength of those defenses lies in their non-differentiable nature and inherent randomness, which makes it difficult for an adversary to circumvent the defenses. Our best defense eliminates 81.4% of strong white-box attacks by C&W and l2 loss based attack methods.

6.Hierarchical LSTMs with Adaptive Attention for Visual Captioning pdf

Recent progress has been made in using attention based encoder-decoder framework for image and video captioning. Most existing decoders apply the attention mechanism to every generated word including both visual words (e.g., "gun" and "shooting") and non-visual words (e.g. "the", "a"). However, these non-visual words can be easily predicted using natural language model without considering visual signals or attention. Imposing attention mechanism on non-visual words could mislead and decrease the overall performance of visual captioning. Furthermore, the hierarchy of LSTMs enables more complex representation of visual data, capturing information at different scales. To address these issues, we propose a hierarchical LSTM with adaptive attention (hLSTMat) approach for image and video captioning. Specifically, the proposed framework utilizes the spatial or temporal attention for selecting specific regions or frames to predict the related words, while the adaptive attention is for deciding whether to depend on the visual information or the language context information. Also, a hierarchical LSTMs is designed to simultaneously consider both low-level visual information and high-level language context information to support the caption generation. We initially design our hLSTMat for video captioning task. Then, we further refine it and apply it to image captioning task. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we test our method on both video and image captioning tasks. Experimental results show that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance for most of the evaluation metrics on both tasks. The effect of important components is also well exploited in the ablation study.

7.Learning from past scans: Tomographic reconstruction to detect new structures pdf

The need for tomographic reconstruction from sparse measurements arises when the measurement process is potentially harmful, needs to be rapid, or is uneconomical. In such cases, prior information from previous longitudinal scans of the same or similar objects helps to reconstruct the current object whilst requiring significantly fewer `updating' measurements. However, a significant limitation of all prior-based methods is the possible dominance of the prior over the reconstruction of new localised information that has evolved within the test object. In this paper, we improve the state of the art by (1) detecting potential regions where new changes may have occurred, and (2) effectively reconstructing both the old and new structures by computing regional weights that moderate the local influence of the priors. We have tested the efficacy of our method on synthetic as well as real volume data. The results demonstrate that using weighted priors significantly improves the overall quality of the reconstructed data whilst minimising their impact on regions that contain new information.

8.TROVE Feature Detection for Online Pose Recovery by Binocular Cameras pdf

This paper proposes a new and efficient method to estimate 6-DoF ego-states: attitudes and positions in real time. The proposed method extract information of ego-states by observing a feature called "TROVE" (Three Rays and One VErtex). TROVE features are projected from structures that are ubiquitous on man-made constructions and objects. The proposed method does not search for conventional corner-type features nor use Perspective-n-Point (PnP) methods, and it achieves a real-time estimation of attitudes and positions up to 60 Hz. The accuracy of attitude estimates can reach 0.3 degrees and that of position estimates can reach 2 cm in an indoor environment. The result shows a promising approach for unmanned robots to localize in an environment that is rich in man-made structures.

9.Salient Object Detection via High-to-Low Hierarchical Context Aggregation pdf

Recent progress on salient object detection mainly aims at exploiting how to effectively integrate convolutional side-output features in convolutional neural networks (CNN). Based on this, most of the existing state-of-the-art saliency detectors design complex network structures to fuse the side-output features of the backbone feature extraction networks. However, should the fusion strategies be more and more complex for accurate salient object detection? In this paper, we observe that the contexts of a natural image can be well expressed by a high-to-low self-learning of side-output convolutional features. As we know, the contexts of an image usually refer to the global structures, and the top layers of CNN usually learn to convey global information. On the other hand, it is difficult for the intermediate side-output features to express contextual information. Here, we design an hourglass network with intermediate supervision to learn contextual features in a high-to-low manner. The learned hierarchical contexts are aggregated to generate the hybrid contextual expression for an input image. At last, the hybrid contextual features can be used for accurate saliency estimation. We extensively evaluate our method on six challenging saliency datasets, and our simple method achieves state-of-the-art performance under various evaluation metrics. Code will be released upon paper acceptance.

10.Spatiotemporal Data Fusion for Precipitation Nowcasting pdf

Precipitation nowcasting using neural networks and ground-based radars has become one of the key components of modern weather prediction services, but it is limited to the regions covered by ground-based radars. Truly global precipitation nowcasting requires fusion of radar and satellite observations. We propose the data fusion pipeline based on computer vision techniques, including novel inpainting algorithm with soft masking.

11.Deep Convolutional Neural Networks in the Face of Caricature: Identity and Image Revealed pdf

Real-world face recognition requires an ability to perceive the unique features of an individual face across multiple, variable images. The primate visual system solves the problem of image invariance using cascades of neurons that convert images of faces into categorical representations of facial identity. Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) also create generalizable face representations, but with cascades of simulated neurons. DCNN representations can be examined in a multidimensional "face space", with identities and image parameters quantified via their projections onto the axes that define the space. We examined the organization of viewpoint, illumination, gender, and identity in this space. We show that the network creates a highly organized, hierarchically nested, face similarity structure in which information about face identity and imaging characteristics coexist. Natural image variation is accommodated in this hierarchy, with face identity nested under gender, illumination nested under identity, and viewpoint nested under illumination. To examine identity, we caricatured faces and found that network identification accuracy increased with caricature level, and--mimicking human perception--a caricatured distortion of a face "resembled" its veridical counterpart. Caricatures improved performance by moving the identity away from other identities in the face space and minimizing the effects of illumination and viewpoint. Deep networks produce face representations that solve long-standing computational problems in generalized face recognition. They also provide a unitary theoretical framework for reconciling decades of behavioral and neural results that emphasized either the image or the object/face in representations, without understanding how a neural code could seamlessly accommodate both.

12.Coarse-to-fine Semantic Segmentation from Image-level Labels pdf

Deep neural network-based semantic segmentation generally requires large-scale cost extensive annotations for training to obtain better performance. To avoid pixel-wise segmentation annotations which are needed for most methods, recently some researchers attempted to use object-level labels (e.g. bounding boxes) or image-level labels (e.g. image categories). In this paper, we propose a novel recursive coarse-to-fine semantic segmentation framework based on only image-level category labels. For each image, an initial coarse mask is first generated by a convolutional neural network-based unsupervised foreground segmentation model and then is enhanced by a graph model. The enhanced coarse mask is fed to a fully convolutional neural network to be recursively refined. Unlike existing image-level label-based semantic segmentation methods which require to label all categories for images contain multiple types of objects, our framework only needs one label for each image and can handle images contains multi-category objects. With only trained on ImageNet, our framework achieves comparable performance on PASCAL VOC dataset as other image-level label-based state-of-the-arts of semantic segmentation. Furthermore, our framework can be easily extended to foreground object segmentation task and achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art supervised methods on the Internet Object dataset.

13.Signal Classification under structure sparsity constraints pdf

Object Classification is a key direction of research in signal and image processing, computer vision and artificial intelligence. The goal is to come up with algorithms that automatically analyze images and put them in predefined categories. This dissertation focuses on the theory and application of sparse signal processing and learning algorithms for image processing and computer vision, especially object classification problems. A key emphasis of this work is to formulate novel optimization problems for learning dictionary and structured sparse representations. Tractable solutions are proposed subsequently for the corresponding optimization problems.
An important goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate the wide applications of these algorithmic tools for real-world applications. To that end, we explored important problems in the areas of:
1. Medical imaging: histopathological images acquired from mammalian tissues, human breast tissues, and human brain tissues.
2. Low-frequency (UHF to L-band) ultra-wideband (UWB) synthetic aperture radar: detecting bombs and mines buried under rough surfaces.
3. General object classification: face, flowers, objects, dogs, indoor scenes, etc.

14.Adaptive Image Sampling using Deep Learning and its Application on X-Ray Fluorescence Image Reconstruction pdf

This paper presents an adaptive image sampling algorithm based on Deep Learning (DL). The adaptive sampling mask generation network is jointly trained with an image inpainting network. The sampling rate is controlled in the mask generation network, and a binarization strategy is investigated to make the sampling mask binary. Besides the image sampling and reconstruction application, we show that the proposed adaptive sampling algorithm is able to speed up raster scan processes such as the X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) image scanning process. Recently XRF laboratory-based systems have evolved to lightweight and portable instruments thanks to technological advancements in both X-Ray generation and detection. However, the scanning time of an XRF image is usually long due to the long exposures requires (e.g., $100 μs-1ms$ per point). We propose an XRF image inpainting approach to address the issue of long scanning time, thus speeding up the scanning process while still maintaining the possibility to reconstruct a high quality XRF image. The proposed adaptive image sampling algorithm is applied to the RGB image of the scanning target to generate the sampling mask. The XRF scanner is then driven according to the sampling mask to scan a subset of the total image pixels. Finally, we inpaint the scanned XRF image by fusing the RGB image to reconstruct the full scan XRF image. The experiments show that the proposed adaptive sampling algorithm is able to effectively sample the image and achieve a better reconstruction accuracy than that of the existing methods.

15.DeepBillboard: Systematic Physical-World Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems pdf

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in many autonomous systems such as autonomous driving. Recently, DNN testing has been intensively studied to automatically generate adversarial examples, which inject small-magnitude perturbations into inputs to test DNNs under extreme situations. While existing testing techniques prove to be effective, they mostly focus on generating digital adversarial perturbations (particularly for autonomous driving), e.g., changing image pixels, which may never happen in physical world. There is a critical missing piece in the literature on autonomous driving testing: understanding and exploiting both digital and physical adversarial perturbation generation for impacting steering decisions. In this paper, we present DeepBillboard, a systematic physical-world testing approach targeting at a common and practical driving scenario: drive-by billboards. DeepBillboard is capable of generating a robust and resilient printable adversarial billboard, which works under dynamic changing driving conditions including viewing angle, distance, and lighting. The objective is to maximize the possibility, degree, and duration of the steering-angle errors of an autonomous vehicle driving by the generated adversarial billboard. We have extensively evaluated the efficacy and robustness of DeepBillboard through conducting both digital and physical-world experiments. Results show that DeepBillboard is effective for various steering models and scenes. Furthermore, DeepBillboard is sufficiently robust and resilient for generating physical-world adversarial billboard tests for real-world driving under various weather conditions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating the possibility of generating realistic and continuous physical-world tests for practical autonomous driving systems.

16.Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Clustered Multitask Networks pdf

Hyperspectral remote sensing is a prominent research topic in data processing. Most of the spectral unmixing algorithms are developed by adopting the linear mixing models. Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) and its developments are used widely for estimation of signatures and fractional abundances in the SU problem. Sparsity constraints was added to NMF, and was regularized by $ L_ {q} $ norm. In this paper, at first hyperspectral images are clustered by fuzzy c- means method, and then a new algorithm based on sparsity constrained distributed optimization is used for spectral unmixing. In the proposed algorithm, a network including clusters is employed. Each pixel in the hyperspectral images considered as a node in this network. The proposed algorithm is optimized with diffusion LMS strategy, and then the update equations for fractional abundance and signature matrices are obtained. Simulation results based on defined performance metrics illustrate advantage of the proposed algorithm in spectral unmixing of hyperspectral data compared with other methods.

17.Future semantic segmentation of time-lapsed videos with large temporal displacement pdf

An important aspect of video understanding is the ability to predict the evolution of its content in the future. This paper presents a future frame semantic segmentation technique for predicting semantic masks of the current and future frames in a time-lapsed video. We specifically focus on time-lapsed videos with large temporal displacement to highlight the model's ability to capture large motions in time. We first introduce a unique semantic segmentation prediction dataset with over 120,000 time-lapsed sky-video frames and all corresponding semantic masks captured over a span of five years in North America region. The dataset has immense practical value for cloud cover analysis, which are treated as non-rigid objects of interest. %Here the model provides both semantic segmentation of cloud region and solar irradiance emitted from a region from the sky-videos. Next, our proposed recurrent network architecture departs from existing trend of using temporal convolutional networks (TCN) (or feed-forward networks), by explicitly learning an internal representations for the evolution of video content with time. Experimental evaluation shows an improvement of mean IoU over TCNs in the segmentation task by 10.8% for 10 mins (21% over 60 mins) ahead of time predictions. Further, our model simultaneously measures both the current and future solar irradiance from the same video frames with a normalized-MAE of 10.5% over two years. These results indicate that recurrent memory networks with attention mechanism are able to capture complex advective and diffused flow characteristic of dense fluids even with sparse temporal sampling and are more suitable for future frame prediction tasks for longer duration videos.

18.Can Image Enhancement be Beneficial to Find Smoke Images in Laparoscopic Surgery? pdf

Laparoscopic surgery has a limited field of view. Laser ablation in a laproscopic surgery causes smoke, which inevitably influences the surgeon's visibility. Therefore, it is of vital importance to remove the smoke, such that a clear visualization is possible. In order to employ a desmoking technique, one needs to know beforehand if the image contains smoke or not, to this date, there exists no accurate method that could classify the smoke/non-smoke images completely. In this work, we propose a new enhancement method which enhances the informative details in the RGB images for discrimination of smoke/non-smoke images. Our proposed method utilizes weighted least squares optimization framework~(WLS). For feature extraction, we use statistical features based on bivariate histogram distribution of gradient magnitude~(GM) and Laplacian of Gaussian~(LoG). We then train a SVM classifier with binary smoke/non-smoke classification task. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on Cholec80 dataset. Experiments using our proposed enhancement method show promising results with improvements of 4% in accuracy and 4% in F1-Score over the baseline performance of RGB images. In addition, our approach improves over the saturation histogram based classification methodologies Saturation Analysis~(SAN) and Saturation Peak Analysis~(SPA) by 1/5% and 1/6% in accuracy/F1-Score metrics.

19.Semantic Driven Multi-Camera Pedestrian Detection pdf

Nowadays, pedestrian detection is one of the pivotal fields in computer vision, especially when performed over video surveillance scenarios. People detection methods are highly sensitive to occlusions among pedestrians, which dramatically degrades performance in crowded scenarios. The cutback in camera prices has allowed generalizing multi-camera set-ups, which can better confront occlusions by using different points of view to disambiguate detections. In this paper we present an approach to improve the performance of these multi-camera systems and to make them independent of the considered scenario, via an automatic understanding of the scene content. This semantic information, obtained from a semantic segmentation, is used 1) to automatically generate a common Area of Interest for all cameras, instead of the usual manual definition of this area; and 2) to improve the 2D detections of each camera via an optimization technique which maximizes coherence of every detection both in all 2D views and in the 3D world, obtaining best-fitted bounding boxes and a consensus height for every pedestrian. Experimental results on five publicly available datasets show that the proposed approach, which does not require any training stage, outperforms state-of-the-art multi-camera pedestrian detectors non specifically trained for these datasets, which demonstrates the expected semantic-based robustness to different scenarios.

20.3D Point-Capsule Networks pdf

In this paper, we propose 3D point-capsule networks, an auto-encoder designed to process sparse 3D point clouds while preserving spatial arrangements of the input data. 3D capsule networks arise as a direct consequence of our novel unified 3D auto-encoder formulation. Their dynamic routing scheme and the peculiar 2D latent space deployed by our approach bring in improvements for several common point cloud-related tasks, such as object classification, object reconstruction and part segmentation as substantiated by our extensive evaluations. Moreover, it enables new applications such as part interpolation and replacement.

21.SMPLR: Deep SMPL reverse for 3D human pose and shape recovery pdf

A recent trend in 3D human pose and shape estimation is to use deep learning and statistical morphable body models, such as the parametric Skinned Multi-Person Linear Model (SMPL). However, regardless of the advances in having both body pose and shape, SMPL-based solutions have shown difficulties on achieving accurate predictions. This is due to the unconstrained nature of SMPL, which allows unrealistic poses and shapes, hindering its direct regression or application on the training of deep models. In this paper we propose to embed SMPL within a deep model to efficiently estimate 3D pose and shape from a still RGB image. We use 3D joints as an intermediate representation to regress SMPL parameters which are again recovered as SMPL output. This module can be seen as an autoencoder where encoder is modeled by deep neural networks and decoder is modeled by SMPL. We refer to this procedure as SMPL reverse (SMPLR). Then, input 3D joints can be estimated by any convolutional neural network (CNN). To handle input noise to SMPLR, we propose a denoising autoencoder between CNN and SMPLR which is able to recover structured error. We evaluate our method on SURREAL and Human3.6M datasets showing significant improvement over SMPL-based state-of-the-art alternatives.

22.Finite State Machines for Semantic Scene Parsing and Segmentation pdf

We introduce in this work a novel stochastic inference process, for scene annotation and object class segmentation, based on finite state machines (FSMs). The design principle of our framework is generative and based on building, for a given scene, finite state machines that encode annotation lattices, and inference consists in finding and scoring the best configurations in these lattices. Different novel operations are defined using our FSM framework including reordering, segmentation, visual transduction, and label dependency modeling. All these operations are combined together in order to achieve annotation as well as object class segmentation.

23.S4-Net: Geometry-Consistent Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation pdf

We show that it is possible to learn semantic segmentation from very limited amounts of manual annotations, by enforcing geometric 3D constraints between multiple views. More exactly, image locations corresponding to the same physical 3D point should all have the same label. We show that introducing such constraints during learning is very effective, even when no manual label is available for a 3D point, and can be done simply by employing techniques from 'general' semi-supervised learning to the context of semantic segmentation. To demonstrate this idea, we use RGB-D image sequences of rigid scenes, for a 4-class segmentation problem derived from the ScanNet dataset. Starting from RGB-D sequences with a few annotated frames, we show that we can incorporate RGB-D sequences without any manual annotations to improve the performance, which makes our approach very convenient. Furthermore, we demonstrate our approach for semantic segmentation of objects on the LabelFusion dataset, where we show that one manually labeled image in a scene is sufficient for high performance on the whole scene.

24.Surface Networks via General Covers pdf

Developing deep learning techniques for geometric data is an active and fruitful research area. This paper tackles the problem of sphere-type surface learning by developing a novel surface-to-image representation. Using this representation we are able to quickly adapt successful CNN models to the surface setting. The surface-image representation is based on a covering map from the image domain to the surface. Namely, the map wraps around the surface several times, making sure that every part of the surface is well represented in the image. Differently from previous surface-to-image representations we provide a low distortion coverage of all surface parts in a single image. We have used the surface-to-image representation to apply standard CNN models to the problem of semantic shape segmentation and shape retrieval, achieving state of the art results in both.

25.No-Reference Color Image Quality Assessment: From Entropy to Perceptual Quality pdf

This paper presents a high-performance general-purpose no-reference (NR) image quality assessment (IQA) method based on image entropy. The image features are extracted from two domains. In the spatial domain, the mutual information between the color channels and the two-dimensional entropy are calculated. In the frequency domain, the two-dimensional entropy and the mutual information of the filtered sub-band images are computed as the feature set of the input color image. Then, with all the extracted features, the support vector classifier (SVC) for distortion classification and support vector regression (SVR) are utilized for the quality prediction, to obtain the final quality assessment score. The proposed method, which we call entropy-based no-reference image quality assessment (ENIQA), can assess the quality of different categories of distorted images, and has a low complexity. The proposed ENIQA method was assessed on the LIVE and TID2013 databases and showed a superior performance. The experimental results confirmed that the proposed ENIQA method has a high consistency of objective and subjective assessment on color images, which indicates the good overall performance and generalization ability of ENIQA. The source code is available on github this https URL.

26.Chart-Text: A Fully Automated Chart Image Descriptor pdf

Images greatly help in understanding, interpreting and visualizing data. Adding textual description to images is the first and foremost principle of web accessibility. Visually impaired users using screen readers will use these textual descriptions to get better understanding of images present in digital contents. In this paper, we propose Chart-Text a novel fully automated system that creates textual description of chart images. Given a PNG image of a chart, our Chart-Text system creates a complete textual description of it. First, the system classifies the type of chart and then it detects and classifies the labels and texts in the charts. Finally, it uses specific image processing algorithms to extract relevant information from the chart images. Our proposed system achieves an accuracy of 99.72% in classifying the charts and an accuracy of 78.9% in extracting the data and creating the corresponding textual description.

27.Deep Learning based Early Detection and Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Retinal Fundus Images pdf

Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a constantly deteriorating disease, being one of the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness. Subtle distinction among different grades and existence of many significant small features make the task of recognition very challenging. In addition, the present approach of retinopathy detection is a very laborious and time-intensive task, which heavily relies on the skill of a physician. Automated detection of diabetic retinopathy is essential to tackle these problems. Early-stage detection of diabetic retinopathy is also very important for diagnosis, which can prevent blindness with proper treatment. In this paper, we developed a novel deep convolutional neural network, which performs the early-stage detection by identifying all microaneurysms (MAs), the first signs of DR, along with correctly assigning labels to retinal fundus images which are graded into five categories. We have tested our network on the largest publicly available Kaggle diabetic retinopathy dataset, and achieved 0.851 quadratic weighted kappa score and 0.844 AUC score, which achieves the state-of-the-art performance on severity grading. In the early-stage detection, we have achieved a sensitivity of 98% and specificity of above 94%, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method. Our proposed architecture is at the same time very simple and efficient with respect to computational time and space are concerned.

28.Deception Detection by 2D-to-3D Face Reconstruction from Videos pdf

Lies and deception are common phenomena in society, both in our private and professional lives. However, humans are notoriously bad at accurate deception detection. Based on the literature, human accuracy of distinguishing between lies and truthful statements is 54% on average, in other words it is slightly better than a random guess. While people do not much care about this issue, in high-stakes situations such as interrogations for series crimes and for evaluating the testimonies in court cases, accurate deception detection methods are highly desirable. To achieve a reliable, covert, and non-invasive deception detection, we propose a novel method that jointly extracts reliable low- and high-level facial features namely, 3D facial geometry, skin reflectance, expression, head pose, and scene illumination in a video sequence. Then these features are modeled using a Recurrent Neural Network to learn temporal characteristics of deceptive and honest behavior. We evaluate the proposed method on the Real-Life Trial (RLT) dataset that contains high-stake deceptive and honest videos recorded in courtrooms. Our results show that the proposed method (with an accuracy of 72.8%) improves the state of the art as well as outperforming the use of manually coded facial attributes 67.6%) in deception detection.

29.Solving Archaeological Puzzles pdf

Puzzle solving is a difficult problem in its own right, even when the pieces are all square and build up a natural image. But what if these ideal conditions do not hold? One such application domain is archaeology, where restoring an artifact from its fragments is highly important. From the point of view of computer vision, archaeological puzzle solving is very challenging, due to three additional difficulties: the fragments are of general shape; they are abraded, especially at the boundaries (where the strongest cues for matching should exist); and the domain of valid transformations between the pieces is continuous. The key contribution of this paper is a fully-automatic and general algorithm that addresses puzzle solving in this intriguing domain. We show that our state-of-the-art approach manages to correctly reassemble dozens of broken artifacts and frescoes.

30.Learning to Recognize 3D Human Action from A New Skeleton-based Representation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks pdf

Recognizing human actions in untrimmed videos is an important challenging task. An effective 3D motion representation and a powerful learning model are two key factors influencing recognition performance. In this paper we introduce a new skeleton-based representation for 3D action recognition in videos. The key idea of the proposed representation is to transform 3D joint coordinates of the human body carried in skeleton sequences into RGB images via a color encoding process. By normalizing the 3D joint coordinates and dividing each skeleton frame into five parts, where the joints are concatenated according to the order of their physical connections, the color-coded representation is able to represent spatio-temporal evolutions of complex 3D motions, independently of the length of each sequence. We then design and train different Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (D-CNNs) based on the Residual Network architecture (ResNet) on the obtained image-based representations to learn 3D motion features and classify them into classes. Our method is evaluated on two widely used action recognition benchmarks: MSR Action3D and NTU-RGB+D, a very large-scale dataset for 3D human action recognition. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches whilst requiring less computation for training and prediction.

31.A Unified Learning Based Framework for Light Field Reconstruction from Coded Projections pdf

Light field presents a rich way to represent the 3D world by capturing the spatio-angular dimensions of the visual signal. However, the popular way of capturing light field (LF) via a plenoptic camera presents spatio-angular resolution trade-off. Computational imaging techniques such as compressive light field and programmable coded aperture reconstruct full sensor resolution LF from coded projections obtained by multiplexing the incoming spatio-angular light field. Here, we present a unified learning framework that can reconstruct LF from a variety of multiplexing schemes with minimal number of coded images as input. We consider three light field capture schemes: heterodyne capture scheme with code placed near the sensor, coded aperture scheme with code at the camera aperture and finally the dual exposure scheme of capturing a focus-defocus pair where there is no explicit coding. Our algorithm consists of three stages 1) we recover the all-in-focus image from the coded image 2) we estimate the disparity maps for all the LF views from the coded image and the all-in-focus image, 3) we then render the LF by warping the all-in-focus image using disparity maps and refine it. For these three stages we propose three deep neural networks - ViewNet, DispairtyNet and RefineNet. Our reconstructions show that our learning algorithm achieves state-of-the-art results for all the three multiplexing schemes. Especially, our LF reconstructions from focus-defocus pair is comparable to other learning-based view synthesis approaches from multiple images. Thus, our work paves the way for capturing high-resolution LF (~ a megapixel) using conventional cameras such as DSLRs. Please check our supplementary materials $\href{this https URL}{online}$ to better appreciate the reconstructed light fields.

32.Exploring the Challenges towards Lifelong Fact Learning pdf

So far life-long learning (LLL) has been studied in relatively small-scale and relatively artificial setups. Here, we introduce a new large-scale alternative. What makes the proposed setup more natural and closer to human-like visual systems is threefold: First, we focus on concepts (or facts, as we call them) of varying complexity, ranging from single objects to more complex structures such as objects performing actions, and objects interacting with other objects. Second, as in real-world settings, our setup has a long-tail distribution, an aspect which has mostly been ignored in the LLL context. Third, facts across tasks may share structure (e.g., <person, riding, wave> and <dog, riding, wave>). Facts can also be semantically related (e.g., "liger" relates to seen categories like "tiger" and "lion"). Given the large number of possible facts, a LLL setup seems a natural choice. To avoid model size growing over time and to optimally exploit the semantic relations and structure, we combine it with a visual semantic embedding instead of discrete class labels. We adapt existing datasets with the properties mentioned above into new benchmarks, by dividing them semantically or randomly into disjoint tasks. This leads to two large-scale benchmarks with 906,232 images and 165,150 unique facts, on which we evaluate and analyze state-of-the-art LLL methods.

33.Finger-GAN: Generating Realistic Fingerprint Images Using Connectivity Imposed GAN pdf

Generating realistic biometric images has been an interesting and, at the same time, challenging problem. Classical statistical models fail to generate realistic-looking fingerprint images, as they are not powerful enough to capture the complicated texture representation in fingerprint images. In this work, we present a machine learning framework based on generative adversarial networks (GAN), which is able to generate fingerprint images sampled from a prior distribution (learned from a set of training images). We also add a suitable regularization term to the loss function, to impose the connectivity of generated fingerprint images. This is highly desirable for fingerprints, as the lines in each finger are usually connected. We apply this framework to two popular fingerprint databases, and generate images which look very realistic, and similar to the samples in those databases. Through experimental results, we show that the generated fingerprint images have a good diversity, and are able to capture different parts of the prior distribution. We also evaluate the Frechet Inception distance (FID) of our proposed model, and show that our model is able to achieve good quantitative performance in terms of this score.

34.Residual Dense Network for Image Restoration pdf

Convolutional neural network has recently achieved great success for image restoration (IR) and also offered hierarchical features. However, most deep CNN based IR models do not make full use of the hierarchical features from the original low-quality images, thereby achieving relatively-low performance. In this paper, we propose a novel residual dense network (RDN) to address this problem in IR. We fully exploit the hierarchical features from all the convolutional layers. Specifically, we propose residual dense block (RDB) to extract abundant local features via densely connected convolutional layers. RDB further allows direct connections from the state of preceding RDB to all the layers of current RDB, leading to a contiguous memory mechanism. To adaptively learn more effective features from preceding and current local features and stabilize the training of wider network, we proposed local feature fusion in RDB. After fully obtaining dense local features, we use global feature fusion to jointly and adaptively learn global hierarchical features in a holistic way. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RDN with three representative IR applications, single image super-resolution, Gaussian image denoising, and image compression artifact reduction. Experiments on benchmark datasets show that our RDN achieves favorable performance against state-of-the-art methods for each IR task.

35.Multi-resolution neural networks for tracking seismic horizons from few training images pdf

Detecting a specific horizon in seismic images is a valuable tool for geological interpretation. Because hand-picking the locations of the horizon is a time-consuming process, automated computational methods were developed starting three decades ago. Older techniques for such picking include interpolation of control points however, in recent years neural networks have been used for this task. Until now, most networks trained on small patches from larger images. This limits the networks ability to learn from large-scale geologic structures. Moreover, currently available networks and training strategies require label patches that have full and continuous annotations, which are also time-consuming to generate.
We propose a projected loss-function for training convolutional networks with a multi-resolution structure, including variants of the U-net. Our networks learn from a small number of large seismic images without creating patches. The projected loss-function enables training on labels with just a few annotated pixels and has no issue with the other unknown label pixels. Training uses all data without reserving some for validation. Only the labels are split into training/testing. Contrary to other work on horizon tracking, we train the network to perform non-linear regression, and not classification. As such, we propose labels as the convolution of a Gaussian kernel and the known horizon locations that indicate uncertainty in the labels. The network output is the probability of the horizon location. We demonstrate the proposed computational ingredients on two different datasets, for horizon extrapolation and interpolation. We show that the predictions of our methodology are accurate even in areas far from known horizon locations because our learning strategy exploits all data in large seismic images.

36.TOP-GAN: Label-Free Cancer Cell Classification Using Deep Learning with a Small Training Set pdf

We propose a new deep learning approach for medical imaging that copes with the problem of a small training set, the main bottleneck of deep learning, and apply it for classification of healthy and cancer cells acquired by quantitative phase imaging. The proposed method, called transferring of pre-trained generative adversarial network (TOP-GAN), is a hybridization between transfer learning and generative adversarial networks (GANs). Healthy cells and cancer cells of different metastatic potential have been imaged by low-coherence off-axis holography. After the acquisition, the optical path delay maps of the cells have been extracted and directly used as an input to the deep networks. In order to cope with the small number of classified images, we have used GANs to train a large number of unclassified images from another cell type (sperm cells). After this preliminary training, and after transforming the last layer of the network with new ones, we have designed an automatic classifier for the correct cell type (healthy/primary cancer/metastatic cancer) with 90-99% accuracy, although small training sets of down to several images have been used. These results are better in comparison to other classic methods that aim at coping with the same problem of a small training set. We believe that our approach makes the combination of holographic microscopy and deep learning networks more accessible to the medical field by enabling a rapid, automatic and accurate classification in stain-free imaging flow cytometry. Furthermore, our approach is expected to be applicable to many other medical image classification tasks, suffering from a small training set.

37.Reasoning About Physical Interactions with Object-Oriented Prediction and Planning pdf

Object-based factorizations provide a useful level of abstraction for interacting with the world. Building explicit object representations, however, often requires supervisory signals that are difficult to obtain in practice. We present a paradigm for learning object-centric representations for physical scene understanding without direct supervision of object properties. Our model, Object-Oriented Prediction and Planning (O2P2), jointly learns a perception function to map from image observations to object representations, a pairwise physics interaction function to predict the time evolution of a collection of objects, and a rendering function to map objects back to pixels. For evaluation, we consider not only the accuracy of the physical predictions of the model, but also its utility for downstream tasks that require an actionable representation of intuitive physics. After training our model on an image prediction task, we can use its learned representations to build block towers more complicated than those observed during training.

38.Divergence Triangle for Joint Training of Generator Model, Energy-based Model, and Inference Model pdf

This paper proposes the divergence triangle as a framework for joint training of generator model, energy-based model and inference model. The divergence triangle is a compact and symmetric (anti-symmetric) objective function that seamlessly integrates variational learning, adversarial learning, wake-sleep algorithm, and contrastive divergence in a unified probabilistic formulation. This unification makes the processes of sampling, inference, energy evaluation readily available without the need for costly Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Our experiments demonstrate that the divergence triangle is capable of learning (1) an energy-based model with well-formed energy landscape, (2) direct sampling in the form of a generator network, and (3) feed-forward inference that faithfully reconstructs observed as well as synthesized data. The divergence triangle is a robust training method that can learn from incomplete data.

39.InstaGAN: Instance-aware Image-to-Image Translation pdf

Unsupervised image-to-image translation has gained considerable attention due to the recent impressive progress based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). However, previous methods often fail in challenging cases, in particular, when an image has multiple target instances and a translation task involves significant changes in shape, e.g., translating pants to skirts in fashion images. To tackle the issues, we propose a novel method, coined instance-aware GAN (InstaGAN), that incorporates the instance information (e.g., object segmentation masks) and improves multi-instance transfiguration. The proposed method translates both an image and the corresponding set of instance attributes while maintaining the permutation invariance property of the instances. To this end, we introduce a context preserving loss that encourages the network to learn the identity function outside of target instances. We also propose a sequential mini-batch inference/training technique that handles multiple instances with a limited GPU memory and enhances the network to generalize better for multiple instances. Our comparative evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method on different image datasets, in particular, in the aforementioned challenging cases.

40.Classification of radiology reports by modality and anatomy: A comparative study pdf

Data labeling is currently a time-consuming task that often requires expert knowledge. In research settings, the availability of correctly labeled data is crucial to ensure that model predictions are accurate and useful. We propose relatively simple machine learning-based models that achieve high performance metrics in the binary and multiclass classification of radiology reports. We compare the performance of these algorithms to that of a data-driven approach based on NLP, and find that the logistic regression classifier outperforms all other models, in both the binary and multiclass classification tasks. We then choose the logistic regression binary classifier to predict chest X-ray (CXR)/ non-chest X-ray (non-CXR) labels in reports from different datasets, unseen during any training phase of any of the models. Even in unseen report collections, the binary logistic regression classifier achieves average precision values of above 0.9. Based on the regression coefficient values, we also identify frequent tokens in CXR and non-CXR reports that are features with possibly high predictive power.

41.Off-the-grid model based deep learning (O-MODL) pdf

We introduce a model based off-the-grid image reconstruction algorithm using deep learned priors. The main difference of the proposed scheme with current deep learning strategies is the learning of non-linear annihilation relations in Fourier space. We rely on a model based framework, which allows us to use a significantly smaller deep network, compared to direct approaches that also learn how to invert the forward model. Preliminary comparisons against image domain MoDL approach demonstrates the potential of the off-the-grid formulation. The main benefit of the proposed scheme compared to structured low-rank methods is the quite significant reduction in computational complexity.

42.Learning Dynamic Generator Model by Alternating Back-Propagation Through Time pdf

This paper studies the dynamic generator model for spatial-temporal processes such as dynamic textures and action sequences in video data. In this model, each time frame of the video sequence is generated by a generator model, which is a non-linear transformation of a latent state vector, where the non-linear transformation is parametrized by a top-down neural network. The sequence of latent state vectors follows a non-linear auto-regressive model, where the state vector of the next frame is a non-linear transformation of the state vector of the current frame as well as an independent noise vector that provides randomness in the transition. The non-linear transformation of this transition model can be parametrized by a feedforward neural network. We show that this model can be learned by an alternating back-propagation through time algorithm that iteratively samples the noise vectors and updates the parameters in the transition model and the generator model. We show that our training method can learn realistic models for dynamic textures and action patterns.