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ArXiv cs.CV --Fri, 5 Oct 2018

1.Multi-view X-ray R-CNN pdf

Motivated by the detection of prohibited objects in carry-on luggage as a part of avionic security screening, we develop a CNN-based object detection approach for multi-view X-ray image data. Our contributions are two-fold. First, we introduce a novel multi-view pooling layer to perform a 3D aggregation of 2D CNN-features extracted from each view. To that end, our pooling layer exploits the known geometry of the imaging system to ensure geometric consistency of the feature aggregation. Second, we introduce an end-to-end trainable multi-view detection pipeline based on Faster R-CNN, which derives the region proposals and performs the final classification in 3D using these aggregated multi-view features. Our approach shows significant accuracy gains compared to single-view detection while even being more efficient than performing single-view detection in each view.

2.SNIP: Single-shot Network Pruning based on Connection Sensitivity pdf

Pruning large neural networks while maintaining the performance is often highly desirable due to the reduced space and time complexity. In existing methods, pruning is incorporated within an iterative optimization procedure with either heuristically designed pruning schedules or additional hyperparameters, undermining their utility. In this work, we present a new approach that prunes a given network once at initialization. Specifically, we introduce a saliency criterion based on connection sensitivity that identifies structurally important connections in the network for the given task even before training. This eliminates the need for both pretraining as well as the complex pruning schedule while making it robust to architecture variations. After pruning, the sparse network is trained in the standard way. Our method obtains extremely sparse networks with virtually the same accuracy as the reference network on image classification tasks and is broadly applicable to various architectures including convolutional, residual and recurrent networks. Unlike existing methods, our approach enables us to demonstrate that the retained connections are indeed relevant to the given task.

3.Computer vision-based framework for extracting geological lineaments from optical remote sensing data pdf

The extraction of geological lineaments from digital satellite data is a fundamental application in remote sensing. The location of geological lineaments such as faults and dykes are of interest for a range of applications, particularly because of their association with hydrothermal mineralization. Although a wide range of applications have utilized computer vision techniques, a standard workflow for application of these techniques to mineral exploration is lacking. We present a framework for extracting geological lineaments using computer vision techniques which is a combination of edge detection and line extraction algorithms for extracting geological lineaments using optical remote sensing data. It features ancillary computer vision techniques for reducing data dimensionality, removing noise and enhancing the expression of lineaments. We test the proposed framework on Landsat 8 data of a mineral-rich portion of the Gascoyne Province in Western Australia using different dimension reduction techniques and convolutional filters. To validate the results, the extracted lineaments are compared to our manual photointerpretation and geologically mapped structures by the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA). The results show that the best correlation between our extracted geological lineaments and the GSWA geological lineament map is achieved by applying a minimum noise fraction transformation and a Laplacian filter. Application of a directional filter instead shows a stronger correlation with the output of our manual photointerpretation and known sites of hydrothermal mineralization. Hence, our framework using either filter can be used for mineral prospectivity mapping in other regions where faults are exposed and observable in optical remote sensing data.

4.Progressive Feature Fusion Network for Realistic Image Dehazing pdf

Single image dehazing is a challenging ill-posed restoration problem. Various prior-based and learning-based methods have been proposed. Most of them follow a classic atmospheric scattering model which is an elegant simplified physical model based on the assumption of single-scattering and homogeneous atmospheric medium. The formulation of haze in realistic environment is more complicated. In this paper, we propose to take its essential mechanism as "black box", and focus on learning an input-adaptive trainable end-to-end dehazing model. An U-Net like encoder-decoder deep network via progressive feature fusions has been proposed to directly learn highly nonlinear transformation function from observed hazy image to haze-free ground-truth. The proposed network is evaluated on two public image dehazing benchmarks. The experiments demonstrate that it can achieve superior performance when compared with popular state-of-the-art methods. With efficient GPU memory usage, it can satisfactorily recover ultra high definition hazed image up to 4K resolution, which is unaffordable by many deep learning based dehazing algorithms.

5.Direct Prediction of Cardiovascular Mortality from Low-dose Chest CT using Deep Learning pdf

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death in the lung cancer screening population. Chest CT scans made in lung cancer screening are suitable for identification of participants at risk of CVD. Existing methods analyzing CT images from lung cancer screening for prediction of CVD events or mortality use engineered features extracted from the images combined with patient information. In this work we propose a method that automatically predicts 5-year cardiovascular mortality directly from chest CT scans without the need for hand-crafting image features. A set of 1,583 participants of the National Lung Screening Trial was included (1,188 survivors, 395 non-survivors). Low-dose chest CT images acquired at baseline were analyzed and the follow-up time was 5 years. To limit the analysis to the heart region, the heart was first localized by our previously developed algorithm for organ localization exploiting convolutional neural networks. Thereafter, a convolutional autoencoder was used to encode the identified heart region. Finally, based on the extracted encodings subjects were classified into survivors or non-survivors using a support vector machine classifier. The performance of the method was assessed in eight cross-validation experiments with 1,433 images used for training, 50 for validation and 100 for testing. The method achieved a performance with an area under the ROC curve of 0.72. The results demonstrate that prediction of cardiovascular mortality directly from low-dose screening chest CT scans, without hand-crafted features, is feasible, allowing identification of subjects at risk of fatal CVD events.

6.A Comprehensive Approach for Learning-based Fully-Automated Inter-slice Motion Correction for Short-Axis Cine Cardiac MR Image Stacks pdf

In the clinical routine, short axis (SA) cine cardiac MR (CMR) image stacks are acquired during multiple subsequent breath-holds. If the patient cannot consistently hold the breath at the same position, the acquired image stack will be affected by inter-slice respiratory motion and will not correctly represent the cardiac volume, introducing potential errors in the following analyses and visualisations. We propose an approach to automatically correct inter-slice respiratory motion in SA CMR image stacks. Our approach makes use of probabilistic segmentation maps (PSMs) of the left ventricular (LV) cavity generated with decision forests. PSMs are generated for each slice of the SA stack and rigidly registered in-plane to a target PSM. If long axis (LA) images are available, PSMs are generated for them and combined to create the target PSM; if not, the target PSM is produced from the same stack using a 3D model trained from motion-free stacks. The proposed approach was tested on a dataset of SA stacks acquired from 24 healthy subjects (for which anatomical 3D cardiac images were also available as reference) and compared to two techniques which use LA intensity images and LA segmentations as targets, respectively. The results show the accuracy and robustness of the proposed approach in motion compensation.

7.Learning Finer-class Networks for Universal Representations pdf

Many real-world visual recognition use-cases can not directly benefit from state-of-the-art CNN-based approaches because of the lack of many annotated data. The usual approach to deal with this is to transfer a representation pre-learned on a large annotated source-task onto a target-task of interest. This raises the question of how well the original representation is "universal", that is to say directly adapted to many different target-tasks. To improve such universality, the state-of-the-art consists in training networks on a diversified source problem, that is modified either by adding generic or specific categories to the initial set of categories. In this vein, we proposed a method that exploits finer-classes than the most specific ones existing, for which no annotation is available. We rely on unsupervised learning and a bottom-up split and merge strategy. We show that our method learns more universal representations than state-of-the-art, leading to significantly better results on 10 target-tasks from multiple domains, using several network architectures, either alone or combined with networks learned at a coarser semantic level.

8.Improving the Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Chest Radiographs using U-Net with an ImageNet Pre-trained Encoder pdf

Accurate segmentation of anatomical structures in chest radiographs is essential for many computer-aided diagnosis tasks. In this paper we investigate the latest fully-convolutional architectures for the task of multi-class segmentation of the lungs field, heart and clavicles in a chest radiograph. In addition, we explore the influence of using different loss functions in the training process of a neural network for semantic segmentation. We evaluate all models on a common benchmark of 247 X-ray images from the JSRT database and ground-truth segmentation masks from the SCR dataset. Our best performing architecture, is a modified U-Net that benefits from pre-trained encoder weights. This model outperformed the current state-of-the-art methods tested on the same benchmark, with Jaccard overlap scores of 96.1% for lung fields, 90.6% for heart and 85.5% for clavicles.

9.Unsupervised Adversarial Visual Level Domain Adaptation for Learning Video Object Detectors from Images pdf

Deep learning based object detectors require thousands of diversified bounding box and class annotated examples. Though image object detectors have shown rapid progress in recent years with the release of multiple large-scale static image datasets, object detection on videos still remains an open problem due to scarcity of annotated video frames. Having a robust video object detector is an essential component for video understanding and curating large-scale automated annotations in videos. Domain difference between images and videos makes the transferability of image object detectors to videos sub-optimal. The most common solution is to use weakly supervised annotations where a video frame has to be tagged for presence/absence of object categories. This still takes up manual effort. In this paper we take a step forward by adapting the concept of unsupervised adversarial image-to-image translation to perturb static high quality images to be visually indistinguishable from a set of video frames. We assume the presence of a fully annotated static image dataset and an unannotated video dataset. Object detector is trained on adversarially transformed image dataset using the annotations of the original dataset. Experiments on Youtube-Objects and Youtube-Objects-Subset datasets with two contemporary baseline object detectors reveal that such unsupervised pixel level domain adaptation boosts the generalization performance on video frames compared to direct application of original image object detector. Also, we achieve competitive performance compared to recent baselines of weakly supervised methods. This paper can be seen as an application of image translation for cross domain object detection.

10.Transfer Incremental Learning using Data Augmentation pdf

Deep learning-based methods have reached state of the art performances, relying on large quantity of available data and computational power. Such methods still remain highly inappropriate when facing a major open machine learning problem, which consists of learning incrementally new classes and examples over time. Combining the outstanding performances of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with the flexibility of incremental learning techniques is a promising venue of research. In this contribution, we introduce Transfer Incremental Learning using Data Augmentation (TILDA). TILDA is based on pre-trained DNNs as feature extractor, robust selection of feature vectors in subspaces using a nearest-class-mean based technique, majority votes and data augmentation at both the training and the prediction stages. Experiments on challenging vision datasets demonstrate the ability of the proposed method for low complexity incremental learning, while achieving significantly better accuracy than existing incremental counterparts.

11.Domain Specific Approximation for Object Detection pdf

There is growing interest in object detection in advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous robots and vehicles. To enable such innovative systems, we need faster object detection. In this work, we investigate the trade-off between accuracy and speed with domain-specific approximations, i.e. category-aware image size scaling and proposals scaling, for two state-of-the-art deep learning-based object detection meta-architectures. We study the effectiveness of applying approximation both statically and dynamically to understand the potential and the applicability of them. By conducting experiments on the ImageNet VID dataset, we show that domain-specific approximation has great potential to improve the speed of the system without deteriorating the accuracy of object detectors, i.e. up to 7.5x speedup for dynamic domain-specific approximation. To this end, we present our insights toward harvesting domain-specific approximation as well as devise a proof-of-concept runtime, AutoFocus, that exploits dynamic domain-specific approximation.

12.Image and Encoded Text Fusion for Multi-Modal Classification pdf

Multi-modal approaches employ data from multiple input streams such as textual and visual domains. Deep neural networks have been successfully employed for these approaches. In this paper, we present a novel multi-modal approach that fuses images and text descriptions to improve multi-modal classification performance in real-world scenarios. The proposed approach embeds an encoded text onto an image to obtain an information-enriched image. To learn feature representations of resulting images, standard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are employed for the classification task. We demonstrate how a CNN based pipeline can be used to learn representations of the novel fusion approach. We compare our approach with individual sources on two large-scale multi-modal classification datasets while obtaining encouraging results. Furthermore, we evaluate our approach against two famous multi-modal strategies namely early fusion and late fusion.

13.The Blackbird Dataset: A large-scale dataset for UAV perception in aggressive flight pdf

The Blackbird unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dataset is a large-scale, aggressive indoor flight dataset collected using a custom-built quadrotor platform for use in evaluation of agile perception.Inspired by the potential of future high-speed fully-autonomous drone racing, the Blackbird dataset contains over 10 hours of flight data from 168 flights over 17 flight trajectories and 5 environments at velocities up to $7.0ms^-1$. Each flight includes sensor data from 120Hz stereo and downward-facing photorealistic virtual cameras, 100Hz IMU, $\sim190Hz$ motor speed sensors, and 360Hz millimeter-accurate motion capture ground truth. Camera images for each flight were photorealistically rendered using FlightGoggles across a variety of environments to facilitate easy experimentation of high performance perception algorithms. The dataset is available for download at this http URL

14.CoverBLIP: accelerated and scalable iterative matched-filtering for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprint reconstruction pdf

Current popular methods for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprint (MRF) recovery are bottlenecked by the heavy computations of a matched-filtering step due to the growing size and complexity of the fingerprint dictionaries in multi-parametric quantitative MRI applications. We address this shortcoming by arranging dictionary atoms in the form of cover tree structures and adopt the corresponding fast approximate nearest neighbour searches to accelerate matched-filtering. For datasets belonging to smooth low-dimensional manifolds cover trees offer search complexities logarithmic in terms of data population. With this motivation we propose an iterative reconstruction algorithm, named CoverBLIP, to address large-size MRF problems where the fingerprint dictionary i.e. discrete manifold of Bloch responses, encodes several intrinsic NMR parameters. We study different forms of convergence for this algorithm and we show that provided with a notion of embedding, the inexact and non-convex iterations of CoverBLIP linearly convergence toward a near-global solution with the same order of accuracy as using exact brute-force searches. Our further examinations on both synthetic and real-world datasets and using different sampling strategies, indicates between 2 to 3 orders of magnitude reduction in total search computations. Cover trees are robust against the curse-of-dimensionality and therefore CoverBLIP provides a notion of scalability -- a consistent gain in time-accuracy performance-- for searching high-dimensional atoms which may not be easily preprocessed (i.e. for dimensionality reduction) due to the increasing degrees of non-linearities appearing in the emerging multi-parametric MRF dictionaries.

15.PADDIT: Probabilistic Augmentation of Data using Diffeomorphic Image Transformation pdf

For proper generalization performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in medical image segmentation, the learnt features should be invariant under particular non-linear shape variations of the input. To induce invariance in CNNs to such transformations, we propose Probabilistic Augmentation of Data using Diffeomorphic Image Transformation (PADDIT) -- a systematic framework for generating realistic transformations that can be used to augment data for training CNNs. We show that CNNs trained with PADDIT outperforms CNNs trained without augmentation and with generic augmentation in segmenting white matter hyperintensities from T1 and FLAIR brain MRI scans.

16.A Multi-Face Challenging Dataset for Robust Face Recognition pdf

Face recognition in images is an active area of interest among the computer vision researchers. However, recognizing human face in an unconstrained environment, is a relatively less-explored area of research. Multiple face recognition in unconstrained environment is a challenging task, due to the variation of view-point, scale, pose, illumination and expression of the face images. Partial occlusion of faces makes the recognition task even more challenging. The contribution of this paper is two-folds: introducing a challenging multiface dataset (i.e., IIITS MFace Dataset) for face recognition in unconstrained environment and evaluating the performance of state-of-the-art hand-designed and deep learning based face descriptors on the dataset. The proposed IIITS MFace dataset contains faces with challenges like pose variation, occlusion, mask, spectacle, expressions, change of illumination, etc. We experiment with several state-of-the-art face descriptors, including recent deep learning based face descriptors like VGGFace, and compare with the existing benchmark face datasets. Results of the experiments clearly show that the difficulty level of the proposed dataset is much higher compared to the benchmark datasets.

17.Neural-Symbolic VQA: Disentangling Reasoning from Vision and Language Understanding pdf

We marry two powerful ideas: deep representation learning for visual recognition and language understanding, and symbolic program execution for reasoning. Our neural-symbolic visual question answering (NS-VQA) system first recovers a structural scene representation from the image and a program trace from the question. It then executes the program on the scene representation to obtain an answer. Incorporating symbolic structure as prior knowledge offers three unique advantages. First, executing programs on a symbolic space is more robust to long program traces; our model can solve complex reasoning tasks better, achieving an accuracy of 99.8% on the CLEVR dataset. Second, the model is more data- and memory-efficient: it performs well after learning on a small number of training data; it can also encode an image into a compact representation, requiring less storage than existing methods for offline question answering. Third, symbolic program execution offers full transparency to the reasoning process; we are thus able to interpret and diagnose each execution step.

18.Episodic Curiosity through Reachability pdf

Rewards are sparse in the real world and most today's reinforcement learning algorithms struggle with such sparsity. One solution to this problem is to allow the agent to create rewards for itself - thus making rewards dense and more suitable for learning. In particular, inspired by curious behaviour in animals, observing something novel could be rewarded with a bonus. Such bonus is summed up with the real task reward - making it possible for RL algorithms to learn from the combined reward. We propose a new curiosity method which uses episodic memory to form the novelty bonus. To determine the bonus, the current observation is compared with the observations in memory. Crucially, the comparison is done based on how many environment steps it takes to reach the current observation from those in memory - which incorporates rich information about environment dynamics. This allows us to overcome the known "couch-potato" issues of prior work - when the agent finds a way to instantly gratify itself by exploiting actions which lead to unpredictable consequences. We test our approach in visually rich 3D environments in ViZDoom and DMLab. In ViZDoom, our agent learns to successfully navigate to a distant goal at least 2 times faster than the state-of-the-art curiosity method ICM. In DMLab, our agent generalizes well to new procedurally generated levels of the game - reaching the goal at least 2 times more frequently than ICM on test mazes with very sparse reward.

19.Weisfeiler and Leman Go Neural: Higher-order Graph Neural Networks pdf

In recent years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful neural architecture to learn vector representations of nodes and graphs in a supervised, end-to-end fashion. Up to now, GNNs have only been evaluated empirically---showing promising results. The following work investigates GNNs from a theoretical point of view and relates them to the $1$-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman graph isomorphism heuristic ($1$-WL). We show that GNNs have the same expressiveness as the $1$-WL in terms of distinguishing non-isomorphic (sub-)graphs. Hence, both algorithms also have the same shortcomings. Based on this, we propose a generalization of GNNs, so-called $k$-dimensional GNNs ($k$-GNNs), which can take higher-order graph structures at multiple scales into account. These higher-order structures play an essential role in the characterization of social networks and molecule graphs. Our experimental evaluation confirms our theoretical findings as well as confirms that higher-order information is useful in the task of graph classification and regression.

20.Transferring Physical Motion Between Domains for Neural Inertial Tracking pdf

Inertial information processing plays a pivotal role in ego-motion awareness for mobile agents, as inertial measurements are entirely egocentric and not environment dependent. However, they are affected greatly by changes in sensor placement/orientation or motion dynamics, and it is infeasible to collect labelled data from every domain. To overcome the challenges of domain adaptation on long sensory sequences, we propose a novel framework that extracts domain-invariant features of raw sequences from arbitrary domains, and transforms to new domains without any paired data. Through the experiments, we demonstrate that it is able to efficiently and effectively convert the raw sequence from a new unlabelled target domain into an accurate inertial trajectory, benefiting from the physical motion knowledge transferred from the labelled source domain. We also conduct real-world experiments to show our framework can reconstruct physically meaningful trajectories from raw IMU measurements obtained with a standard mobile phone in various attachments.

21.Towards Fast and Energy-Efficient Binarized Neural Network Inference on FPGA pdf

Binarized Neural Network (BNN) removes bitwidth redundancy in classical CNN by using a single bit (-1/+1) for network parameters and intermediate representations, which has greatly reduced the off-chip data transfer and storage overhead. However, a large amount of computation redundancy still exists in BNN inference. By analyzing local properties of images and the learned BNN kernel weights, we observe an average of $\sim$78% input similarity and $\sim$59% weight similarity among weight kernels, measured by our proposed metric in common network architectures. Thus there does exist redundancy that can be exploited to further reduce the amount of on-chip computations.
Motivated by the observation, in this paper, we proposed two types of fast and energy-efficient architectures for BNN inference. We also provide analysis and insights to pick the better strategy of these two for different datasets and network models. By reusing the results from previous computation, much cycles for data buffer access and computations can be skipped. By experiments, we demonstrate that 80% of the computation and 40% of the buffer access can be skipped by exploiting BNN similarity. Thus, our design can achieve 17% reduction in total power consumption, 54% reduction in on-chip power consumption and 2.4$\times$ maximum speedup, compared to the baseline without applying our reuse technique. Our design also shows 1.9$\times$ more area-efficiency compared to state-of-the-art BNN inference design. We believe our deployment of BNN on FPGA leads to a promising future of running deep learning models on mobile devices.

22.Deep processing of structured data pdf

We construct a general unified framework for learning representation of structured data, i.e. data which cannot be represented as the fixed-length vectors (e.g. sets, graphs, texts or images of varying sizes). The key factor is played by an intermediate network called SAN (Set Aggregating Network), which maps a structured object to a fixed length vector in a high dimensional latent space. Our main theoretical result shows that for sufficiently large dimension of the latent space, SAN is capable of learning a unique representation for every input example. Experiments demonstrate that replacing pooling operation by SAN in convolutional networks leads to better results in classifying images with different sizes. Moreover, its direct application to text and graph data allows to obtain results close to SOTA, by simpler networks with smaller number of parameters than competitive models.