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File metadata and controls

247 lines (187 loc) · 7.34 KB

ReMark Backend

This is the backend server for ReMark (a website annotation tool. More about that here). It is built using Flask. The APIs are RESTful and are made using Flask-RESTful. The primary database, for development, testing and production is sqlite3. That is used with SQLAlchemy and Flask-Migrate to abstract the database. The production DB however will be migrated to PostgreSQL.

NOTE : The production server is hosted here : "" but there are some issues with Heroku configuration at the moment and it is unusable. So, please use the self-hosting option to build / test the app.

Basic setup (Self hosting)

Clone the project

  git clone ...

Go to the project directory

  cd my-project

Create a virtual environment in the project folder

  python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment

Activate the virtual environment


NOTE : Please visit this link to know more about installing virtual environments

Install the dependencies using pip

  pip install - r requirements.txt

Change the environment to dev in file

  app, api, celery, cache = create_app(environment="DEVELOPMENT")

Run the development server



The backend is tested mostly using pytest 7.1.2 and a bit of coverage. For the time being, the tests are all unit tests. Integration tests and other higher order tests will be performed in the future.

For testing :

  • app.config["TESTING"] is set to True
  • the app.config[SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI] is set to a local testing database in the db_directory folder

Please check whether pytest is installed in out local sytem by doing a quick :

  $ pytest --version
  (Output) pytest 7.1.2

If you get any errors, just do a pip install :

  pip install pytest coverage

For running a specific test file, use the pytest command.

  pytest .\tests\unittests\APITests\

For redirecting the output to stdout (to show the print() statements), use the -s flag.

  pytest -s .\tests\unittests\APITests\

For testing a specific function in a testfile, use the -k flag :

 pytest -s .\tests\unittests\APITests\ -k function_name


  • Differentiate admins : In login method, return a boolean / str indicating whether the logged in admin is actually the admin of the website ( This arises because the user for one website can be the admin for another )

  • Add upvotes and downvotes to User

  • Change the Annotation Model : Store the annotation by using XPath instead of data- attribute

  • Debug CREATE website issue

  • Create User Preference model

  • Create defaults and basic API for user preference model (OPTIONAL - Handled in the frontend)

  • Add a secondary field for identifying HTML node ( in case xpath fails )

  • Fix edge cases in comment voting

  • Configure logger

  • Write tests for APIs :

    • AuthAPI
    • UserAPI (PUT and DELETE are left)
    • TokenAPI
    • WebsiteAPI
    • AnnotationAPI
    • CommentAPI
    • UserPreferenceAPI (OPTIONAL)
  • Write the documentation for testing (OPTIONAL)


  • Works on any static site and delivers a good result on interactive components like popups, slideshows, hovering cards, etc.
  • Works on various HTML elements like div, span, img, p, all the h tags, section, and many more. Check out the Remark Client documentation to know more.
  • ✅ Annotation Management
  • ✅ Comment Management with Upvotes, Downvotes and Nesting
  • ✅ User and Admin Login / Signup
  • ✅ Authentication and Authorization using JWT
  • ✅ Admin Dashboard


Models :

  •  USER {
         user_id : str
         username : str
         email_id : str
         bio : str
         authority : str
         created_at : datetime.datetime
         modified_at : datetime.datetime
         upvotes: str
         downvotes: str
  •  TOKEN {
       user_id : str
       api_key : str
  •  WEBSITE {
         website_id : str
         website_url : str
         admin : str
         admin_type : str
         n_annotations : int
         annotation_limit : int
         annotation_id: str
         annotation_name: str
         website_id: str
         website_uri: str
         node_xpath: str
         html_id: str
         html_tag: str
         html_text_content: str
         tags: str
         resolved: bool
         created_at: datetime.datetime
         updated_at: datetime.datetime
         created_by_id: str
         created_by: str
         modified_by_id: str
         modified_by: str
         comments: list
  •  COMMENT {
         comment_id : str
         annotation_id : str
         content : str
         content_html : str
         parent_node : str
         upvotes : int
         downvotes : int
         mod_required : bool
         created_at : datetime.datetime
         updated_at : datetime.datetime
         created_by_id : str
         created_by : str
         user_id : str
         show_moderated_comments : bool
         comments_limit_per_annotation : int
         default_theme : str
         brand_colors : str

API Documentation :

  • [] Include openapi.yaml file (OPTIONAL)
  • Include Insomnia API file (OPTIONAL)

Optional Featues

These be added in the future. (Pi stands for priority and P1 > P2 > ... Pn)

  • (P1) Nested comments ( DB implementation present but need to parse it properly )
  • (P1) Import and Export as Excel / CSV Jobs
  • (P2) Using webhooks for sending emails and SMS notifications
  • (P2) Groups and IAM for organizations


All though it can work with interactive components, there are cases where it fails to annotate dynamic content. For example, say there is a website that shows the whether of a location given by the user. Remark can annotate the weather modal component of (say) New York alone but upon rendering a completely new data, the annotation is lost (though it is present in the DB)

Workaround : Instead of annotating the dynamically changing child container :

  • Annotate the parent container or
  • Annotate an element that triggers the change or
  • In the worst case, annotate the nearest static element

Dynamic content (the ones that are received from the server) are hard to annotate in general. Remark uses 4+ different checks to get the annotated DOM elemets. These include : html_id check, html_class check, html_node_xpath check (This was particularly hard to implement), html_tag + html_text_content check. Dynamic content have usually breaks all the checks because, well, it is dynamic. Note that dynamic content that actually passes one of the checks are rendered properly. It is only those that fail all of them are not rendered. Usually, the html_id remains the same. So, there are cases where the annotations are rendering properly. But to be in the same side, please follow the workarounds.