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Use this guide to troubleshoot issues and resolve errors that may occur when forms-worker is deployed.

Error codes

Error code Reason
SUBMIT_REQUEST_ERROR Something went wrong creating or sending the request
SUBMIT_RESPONSE_ERROR The webhook_url responded with a non 200 error
SUBMIT_UNKNOWN_ERROR An error was thrown, possibly unrelated to the reqeuest. Inspect the logs and database for more detail


Connect to the database:

kubectl run -it --rm --env PGPASSWORD='<PASSWORD>' --env PAGER= --image=postgres:16  --restart=Never postgres-client -- psql -h <ENDPOINT_URL> -U master -d queue

Replace PASSWORD with the password for the database, ENDPOINT_URL with the endpoint URL for the database.

pgboss is used to manage queueing jobs. On application start, pgboss will automatically create necessary tables in the database.

By default, pgboss will create the schema pgboss. The tables will be created in this schema. This is configured using the environment variable QUEUE_SCHEMA. If you have set this to a different schema, you will need to change the schema in the following queries.

For example, if QUEUE_SCHEMA is set to pgboss_v9, query the job table with select * from pgboss_v9.job;

Jobs table

The jobs table pgboss.job is where all the current jobs are stored. Jobs will remain here, until they are completed or failed. Then they will move to pgboss.archive

The jobs table has the following columns:

    Column    |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |           Default           
 id           | uuid                        |           | not null | gen_random_uuid()
 name         | text                        |           | not null | 
 priority     | integer                     |           | not null | 0
 data         | jsonb                       |           |          | 
 state        | pgboss.job_state            |           | not null | 'created'::pgboss.job_state
 retrylimit   | integer                     |           | not null | 0
 retrycount   | integer                     |           | not null | 0
 retrydelay   | integer                     |           | not null | 0
 retrybackoff | boolean                     |           | not null | false
 startafter   | timestamp with time zone    |           | not null | now()
 startedon    | timestamp with time zone    |           |          | 
 singletonkey | text                        |           |          | 
 singletonon  | timestamp without time zone |           |          | 
 expirein     | interval                    |           | not null | '00:15:00'::interval
 createdon    | timestamp with time zone    |           | not null | now()
 completedon  | timestamp with time zone    |           |          | 
 keepuntil    | timestamp with time zone    |           | not null | now() + '14 days'::interval
 on_complete  | boolean                     |           | not null | false
 output       | jsonb                       |           |          | 

Columns/values to note are

  • name: the name of the job. This will be "submission" for forms-worker
  • state: the state of the job. Read more about them in pgboss documentation
    • created: the job has been created
    • failed: the job has failed
    • completed: the job has been completed (successfully)
    • active: the job is currently being processed
  • data: the data associated with the job. This will contain the payload of the job. For this worker, it will follow this format:
        "data": {}, // the user's answers
        "webhook_url": "webhook_url", // the webhook URL to send the data to
  • output: the output of the job. This will contain the reference number, or the error message if the job has failed
  • keepuntil: the time until the job will be kept in the table. After this time, the job will be moved to pgboss.archive. If you need more time to resolve the issue, you can update this value to a later time.

Finding jobs

To find jobs that have failed, run the following query:

    select id, output from pgboss.job where state = 'failed' and name = 'submission';

Fixing data

If the retrylimit has not been hit (retrylimit > retrycount) and the retrylimit is not 0, the job will be automatically retried.

It is recommended you run every query in a transaction, so that you can abort the changes if they are incorrect.

    -- First run a query to print the current state of the job you are trying to change     
    select data from pgboss.job where state = 'failed' and id = '<id>';

    update pgboss.job
    set state = 'created',
    completedon = null,
    retrycount = 0,
    state = 'created'
    where id = '<id>';
    -- Run the query again, to see if you've made the correct changes
    select data from pgboss.job where state = 'failed' and id = '<id>';
    -- Run the following query to commit the changes
    -- commit; 
    -- Run the following to abort the changes
    -- rollback;

The following queries will assume that you are running them in a transaction.

Incorrect URLs

If the webhook URL is incorrect, you can update the URL in the database.

    update pgboss.job
    set data = jsonb_set(
    where id = '<id>';

Incorrect data

If the data is incorrect, you can update the data in the database.

    update pgboss.job
    set data = jsonb_set(
            '{data, questions, 0, answer}',
    where id = '<id>';

where 0 is the index of the question, and answer is the key of the answer. However, you may find it easier to copy the data to a text editor, make the changes, and then update the data in the database.

    update pgboss.job
    set data = '<NEW_DATA>'
    where id = '<id>';

Retry a job

If a job has failed, and you want to retry it, you can update the job to created state, and reset the retrycount to 0.

    update pgboss.job
    set state = 'created',
    completedon = null,
    retrycount = 0,
    state = 'created'
--  output = null  
    where id = '<id>';

You may also want to update output to null, to clear the error message.

Creating a new job

If the job does not seem to be retrying, or it is easier to just create a new job you need to create a new job, you can do so by running the following query:

    insert into pgboss.job (name, data)
    values ('submission', '{"data": {"questions": []}, "webhook_url": ""}');

Alternatively, you can copy the data from the failed job, and create a new job with the same data.

    insert into pgboss.job (name, data)
    SELECT name, data
    from pgboss.job where id = '<id>';

Moving a job from archive to job

If a job has been moved to the archive, and you want to retry it, you can move it back to the jobs table.

    insert into pgboss.job (name, data)
    SELECT name, data
    from pgboss.archive where id = '<id>';