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Trunkrs SDK for Java

CI Coverage Status Maven Central License

The Trunkrs software development kit for the public client SDK. With this Java SDK you can manage your shipments, shipment states and webhooks within our system.


Java 1.8 and later.


You can install the SDK through Maven or Gradle. Simply add the SDK to your project dependencies.


dependencies {
    implementation group: "com.trunkrs", name: "sdk", version: "1.1.0"



Getting started

Setup the SDK settings before usage by supplying your merchant credentials. If you don't have any credentials yet, please contact Trunkrs for more information.

final APICredentials creds = APICredentials.from("your-client-id", "your-secret");


Using staging

To make use of the Trunkrs staging environment, which has been supplied to test your implementation with our system. The SDK can be switched easily.


Both API endpoints and the tracking URL's will point to the staging environment.

The SDK can be easily switched back to production mode as well:



Create a shipment

A shipment can be created through the Shipment class. It exposes a static method Shipment.create(...). To create the details about a shipment the ShipmentParams and its builder class can be used.

final int timeSlotId = 100; // Can be found using the TimeSlot class
final ParcelParams parcelDetails = ParcelParams.builder()
final AddressParams recipientAddress = AddressParams.builder()
final AddressParams pickupAddress = AddressParams.builder()
final ShipmentParams shipment = ShipmentParams.builder()

final List<Shipment> shipments = Shipment.create(shipment);

Retrieve shipment details

Details for a single shipment can be retrieved through its identifier by calling the Shipment.find(shipmentId) method.

final Shipment shipment = Shipment.find(shipmentId);

Retrieve shipment history

Your shipment history can be listed in a paginated manner by using the Shipment.retrieve(page) method. Every returned page contains a maximum of 50 shipments.

final List<Shipment> shipments = Shipment.retrieve(page);

Cancel a shipment

Shipments can be canceled by their identifier or simply through the cancel() method on an instance of a Shipment.

The Shipment class exposes the cancel(shipmentId) static method:


An instance of the Shipment class also exposes a convenience method cancel():

final Shipment shipment = Shipment.find(shipmentId);


Shipment State

To retrieve details about the shipment's current state and the current owner of the shipment. The ShipmentState class can be used which exposes the static find(shipmentId) method.

final ShipmentState state = ShipmentState.find(shipmentId);

An instance of the Shipment class also exposes a convenience method getState():

final Shipment shipment = Shipment.find(shipmentId);
final ShipmentState state = shipment.getState();

Web hooks

To be notified about shipment state changes, Trunkrs has created a webhook notification service. The SDK allows the registration of a callback URL for notifications through this service.

Register a web hook

The WebHook class exposes a static method called register(webHookParams) which allows the registration of new web hooks:

final WebHookParams webHookParams = WebHookParams.builder()

final WebHook webHook = WebHook.register(webHookParams);

List all active web hooks

The WebHook class exposes a method to list all your currently active web hooks you registered with Trunkrs.

final List<WebHook> webHooks = WebHook.retrieve();

Unregister/delete a web hook

The WebHook class lets you delete active web hook subscriptions through the unregister(webHookId) method.


An instance of the WebHook class also exposes a convenience method unregister():

final List<WebHook> webHooks = WebHook.retrieve();
final WebHook firstWebHook = webHooks.get(0);



Retrieve the label for a single shipment

The Label for a single shipment can be retrieved by a combination of the Trunkrs number and the postal code. Both ZPL and PDF labels are supported through this interface.

final Label pdfLabel =, postalCode, LabelType.PDF);
final Label zplLabel =, postalCode, LabelType.ZPL);

Batch retrieve multiple shipment labels

Retrieve labels for multiple shipments by supplying a list of Trunkrs numbers.

final Label batchedLabel = Label.downloadBatch(trunkrsNrs, LabelType.PDF);

At this moment only PDF labels are supported when using the batching endpoint. Every label will be placed on its own page in a single document.