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Deploy open-source SpinKube to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to run serverless WebAssembly (Wasm) workloads
Learn how to deploy the open-source stack SpinKube to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to run serverless WebAssembly (Wasm) workload on Kubernetes.

Deploy open-source SpinKube to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to run serverless WebAssembly (Wasm) workloads

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary format that is optimized for fast download and maximum execution speed using a Wasm runtime. A Wasm runtime is designed to run on a target architecture and execute WebAssembly modules in a sandbox, isolated from the host computer, at near-native performance. By default, WebAssembly modules can't access resources on the host outside of the sandbox unless it is explicitly allowed, and they can't communicate over sockets to access things like environment variables or HTTP traffic. The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) standard defines an API for Wasm runtimes to provide access to WebAssembly modules to the environment and resources outside the host using a capabilities model.

SpinKube is a open-source stack allowing you to run serverless Wasm workloads (Spin Apps) built with open-source Spin on top of Kubernetes. In contrast to earlier Wasm runtimes for Kubernetes, Spin Apps are executed natively on the underlying Kubernetes nodes and do not rely on containers. SpinKube consists of four major components:

  • containerd-shim-spin: An implementation of containerd-shim for Spin, which enables running Spin Apps on Kubernetes via run-wasi
  • runtime-class-manager: A lifecycle operator for managing and automating the lifecycle of containerd-shims in a Kubernetes environment (previously known as KWasm)
  • spin-operator: A Kubernetes operator allowing the deployment and management of Spin Apps by using custom resources
  • kube plugin for spin: A spin CLI plugin allowing users to scaffold Kubernetes deployment manifests for Spin Apps.

Before you begin

You must have the latest version of Azure CLI, kubectl, Helm, and Spin CLI installed.


  • The Kubernetes node os-type must be Linux.
  • You can't use the Azure portal to deploy SpinKube to an AKS cluster.

Deploy SpinKube to an existing AKS Cluster

Configure kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes cluster using the az aks get-credentials command. The following command:

az aks get-credentials -n myakscluster -g myresourcegroup

Deploy cert-manager

To deploy SpinKube on an AKS cluster, you must have its dependencies installed. SpinKube depends on cert-manager.

If you haven't deployed cert-manager to your AKS cluster yet, you can install it by deploying its Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), followed by the cert-manager Helm chart provided through the jetstack repository:

# Deploy cert-manager CRDs
kubectl apply -f

# Add and update Jetstack repository
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update

# Install the cert-manager Helm chart
helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.14.3 \
  --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace \

Deploy runtime-class-manager (aka KWasm)

The runtime-class-manager (aka KWasm) is responsible for deploying and managing containerd-shims on the desired Kubernetes nodes. Deploy it by installing its Helm chart:

# Add Helm repository if not already done
helm repo add kwasm
# Install KWasm operator
helm install \
  kwasm-operator kwasm/kwasm-operator \
  --namespace kwasm \
  --create-namespace \

Provision containerd-shim-spin to Kubernetes nodes

Once runtime-class-manager is installed on your AKS cluster, you must annotate the Kubernetes nodes that should be able to run Spin Apps with You can use kubectl annotate node to annotate either a subset of the nodes available in your AKS cluster or - as shown in the following snippet - all nodes of your AKS cluster:

# Provision containerd-shim-spin to all nodes
kubectl annotate node --all

After annotating the Kubernetes node(s), runtime-class-manager will use a Kubernetes Job to modify the desired node(s). After successful deployment of containerd-shim-spin, the node(s) will be labeled with a label.

Deploy the spin-operator

The spin-operator consists of two Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), the RuntimeClass for spin, and a SpinAppExecutor, which must be deployed to your AKS cluster.

Start by deploying the CRDs and the RuntimeClass for spin:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

The spin-operator itself is deployed using a Helm chart:

helm install spin-operator --version 0.2.0 \
  --namespace spin-operator --create-namespace \
  --wait oci://

Finally, create a SpinAppExecutor in the default namespace:

kubectl apply -f

Run a Spin App on AKS

In this section you will verify the SpinKube installation, by creating a simple Spin App using the spin CLI and JavaScript. Start by creating a new Spin App using the http-js template:

# Create a new Spin App
spin new -t http-js --accept-defaults hello-spinkube

# Move into the application folder
cd hello-spinkube

# Install Wasm Tooling
npm install

The spin CLI create a basic Hello, World application, package and push the Spin App without further modifications to a OCI compliant container registry:

# Compile the app to Wasm
spin build

# Package and Distribute the Spin App
spin registry push

Both spin CLI and SpinKube integrate seamlessly with private container registries such as Azure Container Registry (ACR). To authenticate the spin CLI use spin registry login and supply corresponding credentials. SpinKube can pull OCI artifacts from ACR using underlying Azure identities with AcrPull permissions for the desired ACR instance(s).

By using the spin kube scaffold command, you can create necessary Kubernetes deployment manifests. You can deploy those to Kubernetes using your preferred tooling:

# Create Kubernetes Deployment Manifests
spin kube scaffold --from > spinapp.yaml

# Deploy the Spin App to AKS
kubectl apply -f spinapp.yaml

Explore the Spin App in AKS

Having an Spin App deployed to the AKS cluster, you can explore different objects being created.

You can retrieve the list of Spin Apps using kubectl get spinapps

# Get all Spin Apps in the default namespace
kubectl get spinapps
hello-spinkube   2       2         containerd-shim-spin

Upon deployment, the spin-operator creates underlying Kubernetes primitives such as a Service, a Deployment and corresponding Pods:

# Retrieve Kubernetes primitives created by the spin-operator
kubectl get service
NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
hello-spinkube   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    24s

kubectl get deployment
hello-spinkube   2/2     2            2           38s

kubectl get pod
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hello-spinkube-5b8579448d-zmc6x   1/1     Running   0          51s
hello-spinkube-5b8579448d-bhkp9   1/1     Running   0          51s

To invoke the Spin App, you configure port-forwarding to the service provisioned by the spin-operator and use curl for sending HTTP requests:

# Establish port forwarding
kubectl port-forward svc/hello-spinkube 8080:80
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80

From within a new terminal instance, use curl to send an HTTP request to localhost:8080:

# Invoke the Spin App
curl -iX GET localhost:8080
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: text/plain
content-length: 17
date: Tue, 28 May 2024 08:55:50 GMT

Hello from JS-SDK

Clean up

To remove the Spin App from the AKS cluster use kubectl delete spinapp as shown here:

# Remove the hello-spinkube Spin App
kubectl delete spinapp hello-spinkube

To uninstall SpinKube from the AKS cluster, use the following commands:

# Remove the spin-operator
helm delete spin-operator --namespace spin-operator

# Remove the SpinAppExecutor
kubectl delete -f

# Rmove the RuntimeClass for Spin
kubectl delete -f

# Remove the SpinKube CRDs
kubectl delete -f

# Remove runtime-class-manager (aka KWasm)
helm delete kwasm-operator --namespace kwasm

# Remove cert-manager Helm Release
helm delete cert-manager --namespace cert-manager

# Remove cert-manager CRDs
kubectl delete -f