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luni64 edited this page Nov 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

This currently is WIP (luni)

Delaying execution

Teensyduino provides the standard delay functions delay(uint32_t ms), ' delayMicrosecons(uint32_t mus) and delayNanoseconds(uint32_t ns).

Those functions are blocking execution of the sketch for the specified period. The usual heartbeat code

void loop(){
  delay(250);  // 250ms

shows how to use the delay function. After toggling the led it pauses execution of the loop function for 250ms before loop returns.

Of course you get the same effect by using

void loop()
  delayMicroseconds(250'000);  // 250'000µs = 250ms

DelayNanoseconds comes in handy if you need to wait for very short times. This is often the case if you access external hardware.

digitalWriteFast(LD, LOW);           // load pin requires a low pulse (>100 ns) to
delayNanoseconds(100);               // store the values at the data pins A-E
digitalWriteFast(LD, HIGH);          // in the shift register

int value = digitalReadFast(QH);     // read the first data bit
// do something with the bit...

for (unsigned i = 1; i < 8; i++)     // shift in the the rest of the data
    digitalWriteFast(CLK, HIGH);     // set the clock pin
    delayNanoseconds(50);            // the 74165 needs some time for the shifting

    int value = digitalReadFast(QH); // read the next data bit

    digitalWriteFast(CLK, LOW);      // reset the clock pin and make sure
    delay50ns();                     // that it stays low for at least 50ns

    // do something with the bit...

How to keep background tasks alive

Teensyduino implements a yield() function which handles stuff like SerialEvents and much more in the background. In principle yield is called automatically after each iteration of loop. If you place a say delay(10'000) in loop, yield wouldn't be called for 10s which might mess up those backup tasks. To avoid this delay(unsigned ms) also calls yield while it spins.

In contrary, delayMicroseconds and delayNanoseconds do not call yield. So, try to avoid using delayMicroseconds for long delays if you rely on background tasks being run from yield().

// delayMicroseconds(500'000);  // not good, doesn't call yield()
delay(500);                     // better, calls yield() while it spins

Also, if your own code takes significant time it might be a good idea to manually call yield() between iterations to keep the background tasks alive:

void someFunction()
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
        // do something important
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