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Lightweight WSGI framework, inspired by ROR & Laravel frameworks


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Lightweight WSGI framework, inspired by ROR & Laravel frameworks


Though there're many frameworks have done WSGI server features, however they are somehow a little heavy;

Thus I make this project, and make it simple & almost just a pure nodejs http server.


  • Built-in
    • Execution Timeout Customizing for each route
    • Exception-Handling(Exceptions in Middleware & Route handlers will be caught)
    • CSRF Checking
    • Path parameters parsing, routing path & methods matching
    • Query parameters(built-in module url)
    • Form fields parsing
    • FastCGI style multiple processes serving(depending on CPU cores by default), reducing response time
      • (built-in module cluster)
  • Optional extension
    • Static files serving(built-in module fs)
    • Template


npm i wsgilite


# Get this repo ready
git clone
cd wsgiLite.js/demo
npm install

# The demo server will listen on port 3333
npm run serve

# WebSocket demo(tests by `wscat` cli tools)
npm run serve-websocket
npm install -g wscat
wscat -c "ws://localhost:3333/wss1"
wscat -c "ws://localhost:3333/wss2"


Simple Routing cases with WebSocket

In this example, we combined wsgilite server and WebSocket server(built by ws(npm github))

WSGILite & WebSocket work perfectly together(WSGILite acts just like a native built-in http(s) server)


Simple Routing cases

const {
} = require('wsgilite/wsgilite');
const {
} = require('wsgilite/template');
const {
} = require('wsgilite/file');
const {
} = require('wsgilite/csrf');

// Settings

const wsgilite = new WSGILite({
  secret: 'abcdefg', // The secret key for CSRF
  logProcessMessage: true, // Log the multiple processes starting/ending messages.
  debug: true, // Debug mode, it will show stacktrace of errors in the responses
  isHttps: false, // Is it a https server?

  processNum: require('os').cpus().length, // N + 1 processes (cluster: 1 * master + n * fastcgi style http/https serving)
  // processNum: 0, // Single process
  // createServerOptions: {}, // Additional createServer options for http/https.createServer(options)
  onServerCreated: function (httpServer) {
    httpServer.maxHeadersCount = 0;
    console.log('server.maxHeadersCount set');
  }, // Callback on one of servers created(this will be called in Multiple processes)
  onMessageMaster: function (worker, msg, handle) {
    console.log(`master got message: ${msg.event}`);
  }, // Optional: We could monitor and handle communications between cluster master & workers
  onMessageWorker: function (msg, handle) {
    console.log(`worker got message: ${msg.event}`);
  }, // Optional: We could monitor and handle communications between cluster master & workers

  workerServeTimesToRestart: 500, // Each child worker will auto-restart after it served 500 requests
const redirect = wsgilite.redirectAsFunction(); // Define redirect() in simple & shorter function style.
const template = new Template({
  baseDir: "demo/template", // Define the base dir of template files
const render = template.renderAsFunction(); // Define render() in simple & shorter function style.

// Middlewares

wsgilite.addMiddleware(async (request, response, meta)=>{
  meta.msg3 = 'I got it3';
wsgilite.addMiddleware(function * (request, response, meta) {
  return Promise.resolve(0).then(()=>meta.msg2 = 'I got it2');
wsgilite.addMiddleware((request, response, meta)=>{
  meta.msg = 'I got it';
// CSRF routes defining
  '/upload', // Your can define more paths here
], wsgilite));
  '/upload2', // Your can define more paths here
], wsgilite));

// Routes

// Print the `meta` object
wsgilite.GET('/', (request, response, meta)=>{
  return JSON.stringify(meta); // {"_skip404":true,"_url_path":"/","msg3":"I got it3","msg2":"I got it2","msg":"I got it"}

// The server will terminate
wsgilite.GET('/terminate', (request, response, meta)=>{

// Path parameters(until `/` or `?` or the end)
wsgilite.GET('/user/:id', function *(request, response, meta) {
  return yield Promise.resolve(meta); // {"_skip404":true,"_url_path":"/user/theID","msg3":"I got it3","msg2":"I got it2","msg":"I got it","id":"theID"}
// Path parameters(until `?` or the end)
wsgilite.GET('/file*relativePath', (request, response, meta)=>{
  defMiddlewareServeFileStatic('demo')(request, response, meta);

// Show the CSRF usages (token only & a form hidden input with the token)
wsgilite.GET('/csrf', function *(request, response, meta) {
  return getCSRF_token(request, response) + ` ${generateCSRFFormInput(request, response)}`; // CSRF_token
// CSRF checking (form)
wsgilite.POST('/upload', (request, response, meta)=>{
  return 'CSRF_token ok'; // CSRF_token ok
// CSRF checking (header)
wsgilite.POST('/upload2', (request, response, meta)=>{
  return 'x-csrf-token ok'; // x-csrf-token ok
wsgilite.GET('/heartbeat', async (request, response, meta)=>{
  return "ok"; // ok

// Redirect to an existing route
wsgilite.GET('/heartbeat2', async (request, response, meta)=>{
  redirect('/heartbeat')(request, response, meta); // ok
// Redirect to a non-existing route(will 404)
wsgilite.GET('/heartbeat3', async (request, response, meta)=>{
  redirect('/heartbeat999')(request, response, meta); // 404 File not found.

// Nested routing definitions
wsgilite.defSubRoute('test', function (defSub) {
  defSub.defSubRoute('change', function (defSub) {
    defSub.defSubRoute('for', function (defSub) {
      defSub.GET('it', async (request, response, meta)=>{
        return "Here we go"; // Here we go

// Template usages
wsgilite.GET('/template', async (request, response, meta)=>{
  return render("features", {
            "title": "JavaScript Templates",
            "url": "",
            "features": [
                "lightweight & fast",
                "zero dependencies"
          response.statusCode = 500;
          return e.stack;
        ; // ok

// Post jobs to cluster master(if wsgilite.config.processNum > 0)
wsgilite.addClusterMasterRequestHandler(async (worker, msg, handle) => {
  // throw new Error("There's an exception");
  if (msg && && === 'readrecord') {
    return {data: 'user01'};
wsgilite.GET('/requestActionOnClusterMaster', async function (request, response, meta) {
  // {"event":"MSG_WSGILITE_DO_THINGS_WORKER_SUCCESS","result":[{"data":"user01"}]}
  return wsgilite.requestActionOnClusterMaster({action: 'readrecord'}).catch((e)=>{
    console.log(`I got error: ${e.errorMessage}`);
    return e.errorMessage;
// Post jobs to cluster master(Timeout cases)
wsgilite.addClusterMasterRequestHandler(async (worker, msg, handle) => {
  if (msg && && === 'streaming_timeout') {
    const snooze = require('fpEs/fp').snooze;
    let startTimestamp =;
    while( - startTimestamp < 5*1000) {
      await snooze(500);

      if (msg.cancel) {
        throw new Error('cluster master 5secs job: cancelled');

    return 'ok';
wsgilite.GET('/requestActionOnClusterMasterTimeout', async function (request, response, meta) {
  // Timeout for 3000 ms
  return wsgilite.requestActionOnClusterMaster({action: 'streaming_timeout'}, 3000).catch((e)=>{
    console.log(`I got error: ${e.errorStacktrace}`);
    return e.errorStacktrace;
// if (require('cluster').isMaster) {
//   // It could be called on cluster master
//   wsgilite.requestActionOnClusterMaster({action: 'readrecord'}).catch((e)=>{
//     return e.errorMessage;
//   }).then((msg)=>console.log(msg));
// }

// Exception
wsgilite.GET('/exception', async function (request, response, meta) {
  throw new Error("There's an exception"); // Error: There's an exception

// Timeout
let routeTimeout = wsgilite.GET('/timeout', async function (request, response, meta) {
  var fetch = require('node-fetch');
  await fetch('');
  return "ok";
routeTimeout.timeout = 5000;

wsgilite.listen(3333, 'localhost', function () {
  console.log('Server up');