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Icon Design

Kristofer Rye edited this page Sep 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

You might think you want to change the icons, and that's great! Here's how you can do icon design.


For iOS apps, you need to export at a set of resolutions—these are in the ios/AllAboutOlaf/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ directory. As an example, the Icon-40@2x.png image must be exported at the size of 80x80, and should be visually the same as the Icon-40@1x and Icon-40@3x variants. When you upload a new version of the app, these variants will be adopted by the store presence, so this is all the work you need to do.


Android is a little bit weirder. First, the icons are referenced from android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml, specifically the android:icon key. This file takes the form @mipmap/ic_launcher; depending on device size, @mipmap gets matched to the appropriate mipmap- directory in android/app/src/main/res, or, if the device is running API 26+, the mipmap-anydpi- directory is chosen if present. These directories can reference a @drawable, which will be filled in from the appropriate directory as well.

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