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File metadata and controls

118 lines (87 loc) · 4.78 KB



The default CLI configuration can be overridden by creating a YAML file called config.yaml in the following location:

  • $HOME/.config/@smartthings/cli on MacOS or Linux
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\@smartthings\cli on Windows


It's possible to define multiple profiles with different configurations.

  • Top-level keys define these profiles.
  • The default profile is simply named "default" and will be used unless otherwise specified. Most users can simply put their configuration options here.
  • To choose a different profile you can either set the SMARTTHINGS_PROFILE environment variable or use the --profile (shortcut -p) command line argument. (When both are used, the command line argument overrides the environment variable.)

The YAML Primer is a good source of information on YAML. Note, however, some features (like merge keys) have been removed in 1.2. The YAML parser we use still supports them, at least for now.

Configuration Options

The following per-profile config options are supported:

Option Default Value Description
indent 2 Indent level for JSON or YAML output.
groupTableOutputRows true Separate groups of four rows by a line to make long rows easier to follow across the screen.
organization none UUID of the organization to use in applicable CLI commands.
edgeDriverTestDirs ['test/**', 'tests/**'] String or array of strings representing files to skip when building an edge driver package. See below for more details.
token none Use a bearer token (such as a PAT) for authentication instead of the default login flow.
defaultHub none (see Default Values) The default hub to use for edge commands.
defaultChannel none (see Default Values) The default channel to use for edge commands.

Default Values

When a default value is configured for a hub or a channel, that value is used without question for most commands that need one (delete commands are an exception). You can configure these default values yourself by specifying them in your config.yaml file or by answering "Yes" when asked if you want to make them the default. You can reset all your answers to these questions by running the config:reset command.

edgeDriverTestDirs config option

You can use this option to instruct the CLI to skip files when building an edge driver package. If you keep your tests in the same directory as your source code (and don't use one of the defaults, test or tests, for the base directory of your tests), you should use this to keep them out of the upload.

You can specify a single string, for example:

  edgeDriverTestDirs: specs/**

Or, you can specify an array:

    - specs/**
    - tests/**

Files are matched using the picomatch library. You find documentation in the picomatch README regarding how to write the matching expressions.


  indent: 4
  groupTableOutputRows: false

  indent: 1
  groupTableOutputRows: true

On the Command Line

These command line options are hidden from the README and help to reduce clutter since they are rarely used. (Configuring them via the configuration options above is usually more useful.) Command line flags always override configuration options.

option description
--group-rows Separate groups of four rows by a line to make long rows easier to follow across the screen.
--no-group-rows Do not separate groups of four rows by a line to make long rows easier to follow across the screen.
--indent=<value> Indent level for JSON or YAML output.


Logging is useful when you are developing the CLI itself or if you need to debug an issue experienced during general use.

By default, a rolling log file will be created at the OCLIF CLI cache directory.

  • macOS: ~/Library/Caches/@smartthings/cli
  • Unix: ~/.cache/@smartthings/cli
  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\@smartthings\cli

The CLI uses log4js for logging.

Logging can be configured using a YAML file called logging.yaml in the same location as the config file mentioned above. The contents of this file are passed directly to log4js (overriding any default behavior) so any valid log4js configuration can be included here. The following log categories are used in the CLI:

  • cli - Generic logger used by the CLI. Log entries will have the command name appended. (ex. cli.DriversCommand)
  • rest-client - Used for the SDK that interfaces with the SmartThings API.
  • login-authenticator - Used in the default OAuth login flow.