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Authors Baptiste de La Gorce
Noncommercial license Prosperity Public License 3.0.0
Commercial license Patron License 1.0.0Sponsor me ! or contact me !

serializejson is a python library for fast serialization and deserialization of python objects in JSON designed as a safe, interoperable and human-readable drop-in replacement for the Python pickle package. Complex python object hierarchies are serializable, deserializable or updatable in once, allowing for example to save or restore a complete application state in few lines of code. The library is build upon python-rapidjson, pybase64 and blosc for optional zstandard compression.

Some of the main features:

  • supports Python 3.7 (maybe lower) or greater.
  • serializes arbitrary python objects into a dictionary by adding __class__ ,and eventually __init__, __new__, __state__, __items__ keys.
  • calls the same objects methods as pickle. Therefore almost all pickable objects are serializable with serializejson without any modification.
  • for not already pickable object, you will allways be able to serialize it by adding methodes to the object or creating plugins for pickle or serializejson.
  • generally 2x slower than pickle for dumping and 3x slower than pickle for loading (on your benchmark) except for big arrays (optimisation will soon be done).
  • serializes and deserializes bytes and bytearray very quickly in base64 thanks to pybase64 and lossless blosc compression.
  • serialize properties and attributes with getters and setters if wanted (unlike pickle).
  • json data will still be directly loadable if you have transform some attributes in slots or properties in your code since your last serialization. (unlike pickle)
  • can serialize __init__(self,..) arguments by name instead of positions, allowing to skip arguments with defauts values and making json datas robust to a change of __init__ parameters order.
  • serialized objects take generally less space than when serialized with pickle: for binary data, the 30% increase due to base64 encoding is in general largely compensated using the lossless blosc compression.
  • serialized objects are human-readable and easy to read. Unlike pickled data, your data will never become unreadable if your code evolves: you will always be able to modify your datas with a text editor (with find & replace for example if you change an attribut name).
  • serialized objects are text and therefore versionable and comparable with versionning and comparaison tools.
  • can safely load untrusted / unauthenticated sources if authorized_classes list parameter is set carefully with strictly necessary objects (unlike pickle).
  • can update existing objects recursively instead of override them. serializejson can be used to save and restore in place a complete application state (⚠ not yet well tested).
  • filters attribute starting with "_" by default (unlike pickle). You can keep them if wanted with filter_ = False.
  • numpy arrays can be serialized as lists with automatic conversion in both ways or in a conservative way.
  • supports circular references and serialize only once duplicated objects, using "$ref" key an path to the first occurance in the json : {"$ref": ""} (⚠ not yet if the object is a list or dictionary).
  • accepts json with comment (// and /* */) if accept_comments = True.
  • can automatically recognize objects in json from keys names and recreate them, without the need of __class__ key, if passed in recognized_classes.
  • serializejson is easly interoperable outside of the Python ecosystem with this recognition of objects from keys names or with __class__ translation between python and other language classes.
  • dump and load support string path.
  • can iteratively encode (with append) and decode (with iterator) a list in json file, which helps saving memory space during the process of serialization and deserialization and useful for logs.


Do not load serializejson files from untrusted / unauthenticated sources without carefully setting the load authorized_classes parameter.

Never dump a dictionary with the __class__ key, otherwise serializejson will attempt to reconstruct an object when loading the json. Be careful not to allow a user to manually enter a dictionary key somewhere without checking that it is not __class__. Due to current limitation of rapidjson we cannot we cannot at the moment efficiently detect dictionaries with the __class__ key to raise an error.


Last offical release

pip install serializejson

Developpement version unreleased

pip install git+


Serialization with fonctions API

import serializejson

# serialize in string
object1 = set([1,2])
dumped1 = serializejson.dumps(object1)
loaded1 = serializejson.loads(dumped1)
>        "__class__": "set",
>        "__init__": [1,2]

# serialize in file
object2 = set([3,4])
loaded2 = serializejson.load("dumped2.json")

Serialization with classes based API.

import serializejson
encoder = serializejson.Encoder()
decoder = serializejson.Decoder()

# serialize in string

object1 = set([1,2])
dumped1 = encoder.dumps(object1)
loaded1 = decoder.loads(dumped1)

# serialize in file
object2 = set([3,4])
loaded2 = decoder.load("dumped2.json")

Update existing object

import serializejson
object1 = set([1,2])
object2 = set([3,4])
dumped1 = serializejson.dumps(object1)
print(f"id {id(object2)} :  {object2}")
serializejson.loads(dumped1,obj = object2, updatables_classes = [set])
print(f"id {id(object2)} :  {object2}")

Iterative serialization and deserialization

import serializejson
encoder = serializejson.Encoder("my_list.json",indent = None)
for elt in range(3):
for elt in serializejson.Decoder("my_list.json"):

More examples and complete documentation here


Copyright 2020 Baptiste de La Gorce

For noncommercial use or thirty-day limited free-trial period commercial use, this project is licensed under the Prosperity Public License 3.0.0.

For non limited commercial use, this project is licensed under the Patron License 1.0.0. To acquire a license please contact me, or just sponsor me on GitHub under the appropriate tier ! This funding model helps me making my work sustainable and compensates me for the work it took to write this crate!

Third-party contributions are licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 and belong to their respective authors.


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