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Discord Rules

TheBusyBot edited this page Oct 18, 2024 · 1 revision

If you join our Discord Server, then we want you to follow these rules.
Not following this ruleset can result in us kicking or banning you from the server.

These rules can change at any time, so please check these regularly. Large changes will be announced of course.

General Rules

These rules apply to any channel on the server.

0. Discord's Terms of Service

You are expected to adhere to Discord's Terms of Service and their community guidelines.
You must be at least 13 years old to use Discord and to interact with our discord server.

1. No harassment

Do not harass or insult other users. You should always remain respectful towards others.
Swearing itself won't be punished as long as you don't insult people to purposefully hurt them.

2. No discrimination

No racism, no sexism, no discrimination of any kind!
We take offenses like these very seriously and don't tolerate any form of discrimination against our members.

3. No nudity or other inappropriate imagery

You are not allowed to post any nude content or other inappropriate images (e.g. symbols of hate or discrimination).
Same applies for profile pictures or custom statuses.
We may ban you from the server for very inappropriate profile pictures or custom statuses.

4. Don't argue with members of staff

If we tell you to stop something, just stop it.
You should have read these rules before-hand, you can of course feel free to ask a question about our rules if they are unclear.
But arguing with our staff will be a waste of time for both of you, they are there to enforce the rules, not to argue about them.

5. Stay on-topic!

Every channel has a specified topic.

  • Questions about Slimefun? #questions
  • You have a suggestion? #suggestions
  • You wanna make an addon or talk about programming in general? #programming-help
  • Wanna promote your Slimefun server? #server-showcase
  • You want to talk about a Slimefun Addon? Try to go to one of the addons' channels or #other-addons
  • Found a weird bug that you wanna discuss to see if others experience the same? #bug-discussions
  • For any conversations that are not directly related to Slimefun, go to #offtopic

6. Don't tag people

Do NOT tag someone to just to get their attention.
More importantly: Do NOT tag members of staff just to get your answer more quickly..., you'll be punished instead!
You shouldn't directly message a member of staff either unless they explicitly told you to.
The job of our staff members is to enforce these rules and keep the server clean and friendly, not to answer every single question you have about why something isn't working or how something works.
TL;DR: Our Staff is not your personal 24/7 support hotline, they have better things to do.

The only exception to this rule is the role @helpful, when asking a question in #questions, you are allowed to tag @helpful if the question is very urgent, as long as you don't abuse it.
Tag this group once in your question but only once, follow-up messages should NOT contain any tags at all.
You can assign yourself the role @helpful by writing !helpful.
This will mark you as a helpful person but also gives everyone the explicit permission to tag you when they need help, so be warned.

7. No Spam

Do NOT spam messages.

  • Post your message once in one channel, don't spam it across multiple channels.
  • Don't send the same message multiple times in a row.
  • Write one proper message instead of a dozen short ones.
  • Excessive use of caps is also not allowed.

8. No Advertisement

You are NOT allowed to advertise products on this discord server.
You are NOT allowed to post invitation links to other discord servers.
You are NOT allowed to promote a fundraising campaign or any other means to collect money.
Raising awareness for charity or non-profit-organizations is allowed if approved by an Admin, please contact us privately and state your intentions before you post such things.

Advertising Minecraft Servers is allowed, but ONLY in #server-showcase
IPs to Minecraft Servers are not allowed to be posted in any other channel.

9. English Only

Please speak English on our discord, as that is the main language of this plugin.
We are not fluent in dozens of different languages, so we will just stick with English to ensure everybody is on the same page.
This also helps us to moderate the server effectively.

10. Sensitive topics

Hard and sensitive topics should be kept away from our main channels.
Sensitive topics that are considered mature or could spark a lot of controversy should be moved to #sensitive-topics, see the channel-specific rules for this further down the page.
This channel is not execluded from our rules, we also moderate in that channel. All rules still apply, discrimination, nudity or other inappropriate content will still be inappropriate. We also don't encourage you to make jokes about suicide, drug abuse, drinking problems or other very serious topics.
If you are in need of help, we recommend you to seek it, those are very serious topics and should not be joked about.

11. Other

The staff at their own discretion if there be a need can take appropriate action. Please have some common sense and general respect if you wish to not fall under this rule.

Channel-specific Rules

These are short explanations of some of our channels, they also outline some of the DOs and DON'Ts.


This channel is ONLY for saying "hi" and "welcome" to people.
Any other form of conversation should move to the appropriate channel as soon as possible.


This channel is for general discussions around Slimefun, questions should still go to #questions.
Any discussions about addons should rather be moved to their respective channel.


This channel is for any conversations that are not about Slimefun.


This channel is no exception from our rules, all rules still apply!
Topics that are sensitive and should only ever be mentioned in this channel only - if they even have to be mentioned at all - include but are not limited to:

  • Politics
  • Alcohol and Tobacco usage
  • Mature content (nudity, racism or sexism is not allowed anywhere, see rules 1 - 3)


This channel is for suggesting stuff that should be added to Slimefun or for addon ideas.
If your suggestion reaches a certain amount of upvotes within a week, or one of our admins really likes your idea, then it will be moved to #approved. If your suggestion is too broadly worded or reaches a lot of downvotes, it will be automatically deleted.

Try to make your suggestion as detailed as possible.
"add more X" or any other suggestion that is deemed "too short" is not a helpful suggestion and may be deleted by our staff.

Try to fit your suggestion into a single message, edit your message if you forgot something.
Also: Do not post multiple suggestions within the same message.
Only ONE message per suggestion, not more or less, otherwise, our suggestions-bot will be confused.
Do NOT post follow-up suggestions, each suggestion should be independent of another, try to contact the author of the earlier suggestion and ask him to edit his suggestion instead.


This channel is for advertising your Minecraft Server.
Your server must be publicly accessible (no whitelist) and must have Slimefun installed.
Your post must include an IP address/Domain Name of the server.
The same Server must not be posted again within 14 days, otherwise, we will delete your post as a duplicate.
You are NOT allowed to post a link to your discord server.

This channel is ONLY for showcasing your Server, any other messages will be deleted.


This channel is only for discussions around bugs, not for reporting them.
For reporting bugs, please consult How to report bugs.

Before posting here, please follow this short guide:

  1. Run /sf versions
  2. Capture the output of that command and include it in your message.
  3. Are there any errors? If so, then post them via (Posting an error in the chat will result in auto-deletion)
  4. See if there are newer versions of Slimefun and CS-CoreLib available. (
  5. Try to be as clear as possible, the minimum is two sentences. ("X does not work" is not helpful)
  6. Double-check that you are using a "DEV - ..." build of Slimefun and CS-CoreLib, other builds are considered old or unofficial. We will not accept bug reports from old or unofficial versions, RC versions will also be rejected since they are outdated.

For more info on how to debug your issues and make proper bug reports, please read How to report bugs.


This is our main support channel, if you have a question, then come here to ask it.
Note that questions about addons should rather be asked in their respective channel.

You are allowed to tag @helpful, when asking a question in this channel, as long as you don't abuse it.
Tag this group once in your question but only once, follow-up messages should NOT contain any tags at all.
You can assign yourself the role @helpful by writing !helpful.
This will mark you as a helpful person but also gives everyone the explicit permission to tag you when they need help, so be warned.


This channel is for anyone who is interested in developing Slimefun, addons or any other sort of programs.
You can ask for help on your addon, ask about Slimefun's API or how to do stuff in Java.
We may even help you with your private programming questions if we are in the mood for it.


You are expected to follow our rules. Not following them can lead to us having to take actions.

Most of the times we will simply tell you to stop or point out that you just violated our rules before we take any actions.
Please respect this, continuous violations will lead to punishment.


We have a warning system in place. Severe or continuous rule violations will lead to us giving you a formal warning.
Having many warnings will result in further actions from our staff, so try to not collect any of these.
Warnings are permanent; Warnings will not lead to an automatic form of punishment, any further punishment will be performed manually.

If you consider your warning unfair, then please try to calm down first and ask politely. We are also just people, we can make mistakes and are willing to hear your side of the story, should you stay calm, polite and civilized. Do keep in mind rule number 4 though!


Some violations may lead staff members to the decision to give you a little break from our server. People who are muted are no longer able to send messages on our discord server. Please take this break to think about your actions.
All mutes are temporary, not permanent.


Some channels like #suggestions and #server-showcase are strictly moderated to keep them clean and organized.
Should you spam, troll around or violate the channel-specific rules in channels like these, we may mute you in that specific channel.

Please adhere to the designated channel rules when posting!

Kicking you from the Server

If we consider your profile a violation of our rules (e.g. inappropriate names, profile pictures or statuses), we may kick you from the Server. We will also consider kicking you from the server as a final warning before issuing a ban.

Banning you from the Server

A Ban is the final form of punishment. After you are banned you will no longer be able to join our discord server. We will only issue a ban if we see it as absolutely necessary. Other forms of punishment usually proceed this too.

Discord Roles

Our Discord server has a lot of roles too, some are considered staff, some are earned or self-given. Here is a complete list

Role Type Permissions
Admin Staff member Everything
Moderator Staff member Warnings, mutes and kicks
Helper Staff member on trial Warnings
Artist You contributed to Slimefun via Artwork -
Contributor You contributed to Slimefun via Code -
Translator You contributed to Slimefun via Translations -
Wiki Editor You contributed to Slimefun via Wiki Articles -
Nitro Booster You boosted our Server with Nitro Custom Emojis and Reactions
Helpful You can mark yourself as helpful by doing !helpful Everyone is allowed to tag you

See also

You may also want to take a look at our list of Discord commands

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