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Copyright (c) 2023 - The University of Texas at Austin This work was produced under contract #2317831 to National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC which is under contract No. DE-NA0003525 with the U.S. Department of Energy.

Simulating Advanced Neuromorphic Architectures for Fast Exploration (SANA-FE)

A framework to model energy and performance of neuromorphic hardware.

To Build

This project uses a Makefile based build. To build use: make

For debug builds with verbose output you can run make debug


Building this project requires make and a compiler that supports the C99 standard.

This project uses Python to launch simulations, parse input files and process simulation results. Most project features require Python 3.8 or later, and the modules listed in requirements.txt.

We recommend using conda to manage environments e.g.,

conda create --name sanafe-env --file ./requirements.txt conda activate sanafe-env

To Run an Example

python3 arch/example.yaml snn/ 10

This simulates 10 time-steps of a tiny connected spiking network.

General usage:

python3 <architecture description> <SNN description> <N timesteps>

Examples of more advanced usage are given in scripts/. This shows how more complex simulations and experiments can be created. For example, see python3 scripts/

Input Format

SANA-FE takes command line arguments, an architecture file and a SNN file. The architecture description files and SNN description files both use custom file formats. Examples for architectures may be found in arch/. Examples for SNNs may be found in snn/.

There are optional flags for enabling traces in simulation. Note that even if neurons have probes set up, no output will be generated if traces aren't enabled globally at the command line.


  • -v: Enable potential (v) traces to potential.trace
  • -s: Enable spike traces to spikes.trace
  • -p: Record the simulated performance of each timestep to perf.csv
  • -m: Enable message traces to messages.trace

SNN Description

Spiking Neural Networks are defined flexibly using a simple custom format. Each line defines a new entry which may either be a neuron group (g), neuron (n), edge (e), or mapping (&). Each entry starts with the type of entry followed by one required field and then any number of named attributes. Fields are separated by one or more spaces.

Attributes are defined using the syntax: <attribute>=<value>. Note, there is no space before or after the equals.

A neuron group is some population of neurons. The group defines any common parameters e.g., for a layer of a deep SNN.

g <number of neurons> <common attributes>

Neurons are addressed (using the group number followed by neuron number), and then all attributes are specified. Note the group must be defined first.

n group_id.neuron_id <unique attributes>

An edge connects one source neuron (presynaptic) to one destination neuron (postsynaptic). The edge may also have attributes such as synaptic weight.

e src_group_id.src_neuron_id->dest_group_id.dest_neuron_id <edge attributes>

Finally, mappings place predefined neurons on a hardware core. Here we specify the neuron and the core.

& group_id.neuron_id@tile_id.core_id

Architecture Description

The architecture description format is based on the YAML file format.

Different architectures are defined using a hierarchical description. This tool models neuromorphic designs with several assumptions, in order to simplify the tool.

  1. The chip is time-step based. A time-step is a small discrete amount of time. This is as opposed to a purely event driven simulation e.g. ROSS.
  2. The neural cores adhere to some common design patterns

The top level is always the "architecture". This defines anything at the chip level, including the NoC interconnect. A chip contains one or more tiles, which with the interconnect form the NoC. Each tile contains one or more cores, where a core performs computation. Each neuromorphic core contains a subset of certain operations in a hardware pipeline. It is assumed that tiles and cores are all parallel processing elements.

Each core is assumed to have a neuromorphic pipeline which processes the updates for one or more neurons. The pipeline is a fixed sequence of niche hardware units. Those hardware units could contain digital logic, analog circuits or even novel devices.

The pipeline contains the following units:

  • Input axons receive spike packets from the network.

  • The synaptic unit looks up connectivity for incoming spikes and updates the relevant synaptic currents.

  • The dendritic unit combines currents based on a tree structure and a set of operations.

  • The soma unit updates membrane potentials based on the dendritic current and neuron model. If the firing criteria is met, it generates a spike for that neuron. The output axons send spikes from the soma out to the network to other cores' pipelines.

For an example, see arch/loihi.yaml. There are a nested series of keywords, where keywords define required hardware blocks. Each block must be contain a name keyword, which may optionally specify the number of instances. Blocks are duplicated the number specified in the range, for example:

# Define 8 cores, 0 through 7
-name: neuromorphic_core[0..7]

Blocks much also have an attributes section and the next hardware block in the hierarchy. Attributes depend on the hardware being defined, and can be extended in the future to support new architectures and features.

Output Format

Outputs are hard fixed, either traces, csv or yaml files. These store varying levels of detail about the simulation performance and energy / latency estimates.

spikes.trace: The spikes for each time-step on probed neurons

potential.trace: The potentials for each time-step on probed neurons

perf.csv: Detailed statistics for each timestep and each hardware unit

messages.trace: Information on spike messages for each time-step

run_summary.yaml: High-level statistics for the simulation e.g. runtime

Project Code

This project has been written in C and Python. See header files for more detail. main.c sim.c network.c arch.c description.c command.c

C code has been written based on the C99 standard.


James Boyle: