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Homework 6: Server-Side APIs: Weather Dashboard

This project challenge was to build a weather dashboard that will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS. OpenWeather API was used to retrieve weather data for cities. The documentation includes a section called "How to start" that will provide basic setup and usage instructions. localStorage was used to store any persistent data.


Weather Dashboard


[Third-Party APIs: Work Day Scheduler]


  • This app will allow user to search the current Weather for any city of his/her choice.
  • When a city is searched, user will be presented with current and future conditions for that city and that city will be added to the search history.
  • User is presented with the city name, the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, the wind speed, and the UV index. -User then is presented with a color that indicates whether the conditions are favorable, moderate, or severe. Green for favorable, yellow for moderate and red for severe conditions. -User is presented with a 5-day forecast that displays the date, an icon representation of weather conditions, the temperature, and the humidity in the future 5-day forecast seccion.
  • User will be able to view in the search history column all the city searches he/she has made.


After completing this application I was able to create a current and future weather forecast that stores in the local storage the information entered by the user, and this information persists when page is refreshed. To complete this project I had to get help from many sites listed below: