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Welcome to Aquas.Trade

  • Tokens are automatically listed on the exchange and are ready for trading.

Create Tokens


You will need (1) NFT from Aquas.Trade nft-collection

  • gold , silver, bronze

How to pull off a successful Token Creation

At Aquas.Trade its easy, so let's LFG!

  • Launch the token
  • Buy up most of the tokens in 1 tx
  • Presale - IDO 50% to 80%
  • Use Token Airdrop (Gold Members have access only) and airdrop 20-50% tokens to your selected audience/target/community

IDO : Initial DEX Offering : Token Presales

  • CA: presale
  • Purchase Presale Tokens with USDC, USDT, USDP, and DAI
  • No whitelisting, No expiration, buy what you can, when you can, and without slippage.
  • 0.3% of proceeds are automatically used to purchase AQUA and sent to BURNER

Public Functions

To create a new IDO

    1. pause and withdraw tokens from the current IDO with function call: withdrawTokens (current IDO owner)
    1. setToken : Enter Token address : isPaused becomes false: and New IDO Owner exists
    1. setTokenPrice : Enter Token price in wei ( if using block explorer ) or Human amount (Website UI, TelegramBot)
    1. setMaxAllocation : Enter Max Amount of Tokens a user can buy at once in wei ( if using block explorer ) or Human amount (Website UI, TelegramBot)

Pause and Restart IDO:

    1. withdrawlTokens: pauses the IDO and sends tokens back to IDO owner.
    1. transfer tokens back to Smart Contract.
    1. startSale : token-price and token-max-allocation are saved in state. Adjust if neccasry.

Admin Functions:

    1. restartSale : returns the remaining tokens to the presaleOwner , resets presale owner to admin
    1. pauseSale : make listing available to public.