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Ramy-Badr-Ahmed edited this page May 21, 2024 · 1 revision

SWH API Client Documentation:

This API client/connector has been developed as part of the FAIR4CoreEOSC project to address two project's pillars (Archive and Reference).

The API is wrapped round the Illuminate Http package and the GuzzleHTTP library. The functionality and use-cases are based upon the Software Heritage workflow provided as the server-side of communications.

Project Tracking

API Principles

  • As will be explored, the API interacts with the following SWH Merkle DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) Model:

Data Structure Figure: Server-side Data Structure

API Connections Classes

The following settings are related to the base connection classes:

  • Base connection classes (summary)

    • HTTPClient: Initialises a PendingRequest instance with essential configurations for outgoing calls and defines the expected SWH endpoints.

    • SyncHTTP: Invokes synchronous HTTP calls and can receive multiple modifiable configurations.

      Asynchronous calls: At the time of writing, SWH does not support such a pattern on the server-side (TODO).

  • Default Configurations

The following configs are pre-configured in the API Client for all outgoing requests to SWH:

Config Value Notes
accept application/json - Specify the content type expected in SWH response to initiated requests.
decode_content gzip - Pass gzip as the Accept-Encoding header.
- Allows data transfer compression.
debug false - Enable debug output (cURL verbose of CURLOPT_VERBOSE will be emitted).
delay 0 - The number of milliseconds to delay before sending requests to SWH.
allow_redirects - max: 1
- strict: true
- protocols: https
-track_redirects: true
- Describes the redirect behaviour to SWH request:
- Maximum number of allowed redirects.
- use strict RFC compliant redirects.
- Allowed protocol for redirect requests.
- Redirected URI and status code are tracked in headers(X-Guzzle-Redirect-History and X-Guzzle-Redirect-Status-History).
force_ip_resolve v4 - Enforces ipv4 protocol only.
verify true - Enables SSL certificate verification of SWH.
- Uses the default CA bundle provided by OS.
version 1.1 - HTTP Protocol version to use with the request.
synchronous true - Inform HTTP handlers that waiting on SWH response is expected
  • Default Throwables (Exceptions)

The following Exceptions are caught (and returned gracefully to the invoking methods) by the API Client regardless to SWH endpoints:

Exception On Notes
RequestException Client-side errors e.g. All 400-level errors except SWH-endpoints-related errors (e.g., 400, 404); these will be reported individually per SWH endpoint, see class methods below
GuzzleRequestException Internal errors e.g. Configuration Errors
ConnectionException Internal errors e.g. Configuration Errors/loss of connectivity, ..
ValidationException Non-valid URL/SHA1 e.g. Non-valid parameters expected by SWH endpoints before invoking a SWH call
Exception - SWH Server-side errors
- HTTP Method mismatch
- Invalid/Unsupported SWH endpoint
- All other errors
e.g. All 500-level Errors, Unexpected, ..
  • Accessing Errors (Exceptions) through any instantiated class object, $obj

> $obj->getErrors()     // Access the most recent error reported by the API

> $obj->getMessages()   // Gets the Exception message
> $obj->getFile()       // Gets the file in which the exception occurred
> $obj->getCode()       // Gets the Exception code
> $obj->getLine()       // Gets the line in which the exception occurred
> $obj->getTrace()      // Gets the stack trace
  • Preset Configurations

The following configs can be tweaked on different levels:

Config Value/Type Notes Level
debug bool - Allows debugging from handshake till connection closure.
- Defualt: false
delay ms - Specifies delay before some calls in ms.
- Default: 0
withHeaders bool - Outputs SWH response headers along with the response body Method
requireSnapshot bool - Outputs the latest visit that has a snapshot in the visit endpoint Method
stringType bool - Shows a string output on checking for SWH object or an origin existence Method
distinctSnaps bool - Avoids snapshot redundancy in all stored visits of the SWH visits endpoint of an origin. Method
distinct bool - Avoids snapshot redundancy in all stored archive requests of the SWH save endpoint of an origin. Method
apiURL URL - Sets SWH production/staging API URL.
- Default: SWH production URL
- Read from config/swh.php to .env file.
isVerbose bool - Allows detailed progress logging from method invoking to end results.
- Default: false
fileDatestamp bool - Allows temporarily logging to a date-stamped file.
- Default: false Stored under (storage/logs/swhAPI.log)
responseType collect|object|json - Receives SWH response in one of these types
- Collection
- Object
- Array (default)
echoFlag bool - Allows echoing output to stdout in the opened tinker session Class
timeout 5 - The maximum number of seconds to wait while trying to connect to SWH

- Throws ConnectionException when exhausted.
connectTimeout 5 - The maximum number of seconds to wait for a SWH response. Class
retry 5 - Attempt retries if there has been connectionException or
$e->response->status() >= 500

- Throws RequestException when exhausted.
sleepMilliseconds 5000 - The number of milliseconds to wait in between retry attempts. Class

A) Class-level Options:

  • Setting such options via setOptions() method:


The following 4 options can be changed during the course of any workflow. i.e. have immediate effect.

> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector;    
    //   Specify multiple `class-level` options as named parameters     
> HTTPClient::setOptions(responseType:'object', apiURL: '')

> HTTPClient::setOptions(isVerbose: true, fileDatestamp: false)


The following 4 options are available only for the lifetime of instantiated object, i.e. once changed, a new object should be redefined.

    //   Specify multiple `class-level` options as named parameters
> HTTPClient::setOptions(connectTimeout: 10, timeout: 30, retry: 2, sleepMilliseconds: 1500)
  • Setting such options on individual static members:
// Specify `class-level` options individually on the following `HTTPClient` class static properties:

> HTTPClient::$responseType = 'collect'                     // SWH responses will be rendered as Collections

> HTTPClient::$apiURL=''  // Invokes requests on the SWH staging server instead

> HTTPClient::$logFileTimestamp = true                      // temporarily log output to a timestamped file

> HTTPClient::$echoFlag = true                              // allow echoing output to `stdout` in the opened tinker session

B) Method-level Options:

These options are defined on individual methods (see which ones as described below for applicability)

// Specify `method-level` options as named parameters:
> namespace Module\Archival;
> use Module\Archival; 

> $archiveRequest = new Archive('','git')
> $archiveRequest->save2swh(debug: true, delay:2000)    // e.g. options defined on `save2swh` method

API SWH Classes

The following classes interact with various SWH endpoints providing the functionality defined by the graph model

I) SWHOrigins

This class reveals information regarding software origins as stored in SWH.

new SwhOrigins($url[, ...$options])

  • Extends: syncHTTP
  • Extends: HTTPClient
  • $url: <string> the origin url
  • ...$options: named parameters Configs
Issues Tracking

Instantiate an origin object for the desired repository URL:

> namespace Module\OriginVisits;
> use Module\OriginVisits; 

> $originObject = new SwhOrigins('');

= Module\OriginVisits\SwhOrigins {#6480
    +url: "",

SwhOrigins Methods:

  • Get ori ID of the given URL in the SWH archive.

    oriID is not part of SWH identifiers specification. It's used internally for the graph endpoint.

Class Method Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getOriFromURL() - SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError
origin GET
> $oriID = $originObject->getOriFromURL()

    // SWHCoreID dataType (object form)
= Module\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6525                            
    +"ori": "swh:1:ori:3f78f17262f89b425e8c8816fbc068d3e10cb996",
    // String form:  
> $oriID->getswhid()
= "swh:1:ori:3f78f17262f89b425e8c8816fbc068d3e10cb996"
  • Retrieve all data from the origin endpoint of the given URL in the SWH archive.
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getFullOrigin([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
origin GET
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> HTTPClient::setOptions(responseType: 'collect')

> $originObject->getFullOrigin()

= Illuminate\Support\Collection {#6577
    all: [
      "url" => "",
      "origin_visits_url" => "",
      "metadata_authorities_url" => "",
  • Check if some SW origin is known to SWH
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
originExists([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- stringType: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- String|True
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
origin HEAD
> $originObject->originExists()
= true

    // String Response
> $originObject->originExists(stringType: true)
= " --> Exists in SWH"

Exceptions are returned rather than thrown, e.g. on non-existing identifiers RequestException is returned.

> (new SwhOrigins(''))->originExists();
= Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException {#6554            // RequestException is returned
    #message: "HTTP request returned status code 404",
    #code: 404,
    #file: "..\faircore4eosc\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Client\Response.php",
    #line: 272,

    // Load Latest Errors on the $originObject    
> $originObject->getErrors()                    // Note: These errors are cleared out after each call to getErrors()
= [
    "2023-10-23 16:57:58 --> Non-Successful HTTP Status Code: 404 --> Reason: Origin with url not found!",
    "2023-10-23 16:57:58 --> 404 : Requested Origin was not found in SWH for:",

II) SwhVisits

This class reveals information regarding SWH visits on software origins and related snapshots (graph root nodes).

new SwhVisits($url[, ...$options])

  • Extends: syncHTTP
  • Extends: HTTPClient
  • $url: <string> the origin url
  • ...$options: named parameters Configs
Issues Tracking

Instantiate a visit object for the desired repository URL:

> namespace Module\OriginVisits;
> use Module\OriginVisits; 

> $visitObject = new SwhVisits('');

= Module\OriginVisits\SwhVisits {#6789
    +url: "",

SwhVisits Methods:

  • Get all performed visits' data by SWH on an origin.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getAllVisits([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->getAllVisits()
= [
      "origin" => "",
      "visit" => 184,
      "date" => "2023-10-20T02:34:49.502245+00:00",
      "status" => "full",
      "snapshot" => "0a86a485d9c8db0b1d4c58240282dba7a42ecfac",
      "type" => "git",
      "metadata" => [],
      "origin_visit_url" => "",
      "snapshot_url" => "",
  • Show all visits data with the SWH full visit status only.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
showAllFullVisits([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->showAllFullVisits(withHeaders: true)
  • Show all visits by a specific SWH visit status only.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
showVisitsByStatus($visitStatus[,...$options]) <string> $visitStatus:
  • 'full'
  • 'created'
  • 'partial'
  • 'not_found'
  • 'failed'
  • 'ongoing'
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->showVisitsByStatus('partial')
= [
      "origin" => "",
      "visit" => 66,
      "date" => "2020-09-21T17:12:11.930011+00:00",
      "status" => "partial",
      "snapshot" => null,
      "type" => "git",
      "metadata" => [],
      "origin_visit_url" => "",
      "snapshot_url" => null,
  • Show all visits having distinct snapshots.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
showDistinctFullVisits([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->showDistinctFullVisits()
  • Show the first full visit from the swh visits list of an origin.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
showFirstFullVisit([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->showFirstFullVisit()
  • Show the very last full visit from the swh visits list (data) of an origin.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
showLastFullVisit([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->showLastFullVisit()
  • Check if a specific visit (by number) for some SW origin exists in SWH visits.
Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
visitExists($visitNumber[,...$options]) <int> $visitNumber: visit ID Named Parameters:
- stringType: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- String|True
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visit HEAD
> $visitObject->visitExists(143)
= true

    // String Response
> $visitObject->visitExists(143, stringType: true)
= "Visit #: '143' for --> Exists in SWH"
  • Get a specific visit (given a visit identifier or requesting latest) of some SW origin.
Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getVisit($visit[,...$options]) <int>|<string> $visit
- <int>: visit ID
- <string>: 'latest'
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- requireSnapshot: bool
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
> $visitObject->getVisit(85)    // by visit ID

> $visitObject->getVisit('latest', requireSnapshot: true)   // latest visit with a snapshot
= [
    "origin" => "",
    "visit" => 184,
    "date" => "2023-10-20T02:34:49.502245+00:00",
    "status" => "full",
    "snapshot" => "0a86a485d9c8db0b1d4c58240282dba7a42ecfac",
    "type" => "git",
    "metadata" => [],
    "origin_url" => "",
    "snapshot_url" => "",
  • Generate all graph root nodes (snapshots) keyed by the corresponding timestamp.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getAllSnapshotsFromVisits([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- distinctSnaps: bool (false)
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
visits GET
> $visitObject->getAllSnapshotsFromVisits(distinctSnaps: true)
= [
    "2023-10-20T02:34:49.502245+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:0a86a485d9c8db0b1d4c58240282dba7a42ecfac",
    "2023-10-16T14:25:29.395808+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:3c0e2ec3b3a323713cefbc4b742ef8e1b2e178ee",
  • Get a specific snp core ID from the visits list based on a visit date/identifier.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getSnpFromVisits($visitDateOrNumber) <string> | <int>: $visitDateOrNumber
- <string>: ISO8601/RFC3339 visit date (in UTC)
- <int>: visit ID
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError
visits GET
> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisits('2023-10-20T02:34:49.502245+00:00')    // by visit date

    // SWHCoreID dataType (Object form)
= Module\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6611
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:0a86a485d9c8db0b1d4c58240282dba7a42ecfac",

    // String form
> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisits('2023-10-20T02:34:49.502245+00:00')->snp  // accessible on the `snp` property

= "swh:1:snp:0a86a485d9c8db0b1d4c58240282dba7a42ecfac"
  • Get a specific snp core ID for a given visit specified by its identifier or order in the visit list.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getSnpFromVisit($visit) <string> | <int>: $visit
- <string>: 'latest', 'first', 'last'
- <int>: visit ID
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError
> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisit('latest')   // latest if snapshot is available

> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisit('first')    // from the first visit ever

> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisit('last')     // from last visit in swh visit list

> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisit(141)        // by a specific visit order

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6661
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:4a86094c3828695d578a5fbd51de267bfd7ee8fb",

    // String form
> $visitObject->getSnpFromVisit('latest')->snp  // accessible on the `snp` property

= "swh:1:snp:0a86a485d9c8db0b1d4c58240282dba7a42ecfac"
  • Build graph nodes from all roots (snapshots) for the given origin keyed by the corresponding SWH object type.

    This can take time for dense repositories. The method ignores revision log.

Class Method Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
buildGraphNodes() - Iterable
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception

--> Graph built in: 25.3 seconds
= [
    "2023-10-24T19:30:11.735248+00:00" => [
      "swh:1:snp:8f6ad0ffefef9bff8d9088771162dfe8bece8031" => [
         "branch" => "refs/heads/main",

III) GraphNode

This class deals abstractly with swh objects (snapshot, revision, release, directory, content) as individual graph nodes on object-basis by implementing typical (Merkle DAG) graph node use cases. The use cases are gathered in the Interface it implements.

new GraphNode($swhid[, ...$options])

  • Extends: syncHTTP
  • Extends: HTTPClient
  • $swhid: <string> the SWHID
  • ...$options: named parameters Configs
  • Throws TypeError On malformed SwhID
  • Implements SwhNodes

This class Implements the SwhNodes Interface which comprises the following functionality for any node:

Method Notes
which() determines which node type it is.
nodeExists() checks if it's a swh-compatible node.
nodeHopp() retrieves all node information.
nodeEdges() builds the entire node edges.
nodeTargetEdge() retrieves a specific target edge from the node edges set.
nodeTraversalTo() traverses forwardly to the target node from the initialised node.
Issues Tracking

Instantiate a node object for any SWH object (snapshot, revision, release, directory, content), Examples:

> namespace Module\DAGModel;
> use Module\DAGModel; 

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:snp:bcfd516ef0e188d20056c77b8577577ac3ca6e58')
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rev:2d3af2a2db948a44caed042994a4f1779c8ea7c1')
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rel:8a6b8c6072364f068c490fcd07c42ad52748dca9')
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:dir:8af8598a33cb11038a8d974ed213a31a49ef8612')
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:cnt:22fd0c4c0a0a9b6f87f89169352357cb3a386618')

Node objects can also be instantiated using SWH Contextual IDs, Examples:

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:snp:bcfd516ef0e188d20056c77b8577577ac3ca6e58')

    // Directory Context
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:dir:58b57d150d3350b7702df80bf0d327a6474fa528;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:287360875eb1c114873f020be414ad1db8629557;anchor=swh:1:rev:d6e4056805f54bb1a0ef41fa3a6a35b70c94edba')

    // Snapshot Context
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:snp:c447a0efe4e558f64565865f2c2ade7c5d7255eb;origin=')        

    // Content Context
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:cnt:8164e8d75970d2e1c568287f45d460bf3dad93bd;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:6759d1b5890f54ed531e74fc3e9c38d3d2314b58;anchor=swh:1:rev:e9241d16b47f24e27966bee0f8664a6b88994164;path=/util/perl/OpenSSL/Util/')

GraphNode Methods:

  • Determine the node type, i.e. which SWH object the class object, nodeObject is instantiated on.
Class Method Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
which() - String
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
resolve GET
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:snp:b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177')

= Module\DAGModel\GraphNode {#6605
    +nodeID: "swh:1:snp:b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f178",

> $nodeObject->which()
= "snapshot"
  • Check if the instantiated node is a SWH-node, i.e. SWHID given on GraphNode exists as SoftWare Heritage persistent IDentifier.
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
nodeExists([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- stringType: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- String|True
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- resolve
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rev:2d3af2a2db948a44caed042994a4f1779c8ea7c1')

> $nodeObject->nodeExists()
= true

    // String Response
> $nodeObject->nodeExists(stringType: true)
= "swh:1:rev:2d3af2a2db948a44caed042994a4f1779c8ea7c1 --> Exists in SWH"
  • Get all information of the given node.

    This method follows pagination internally depending on the Link Header.

Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
nodeHopp([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- resolve
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:cnt:22fd0c4c0a0a9b6f87f89169352357cb3a386618')

> $nodeObject->nodeHopp()

Exceptions are returned rather than thrown, e.g. on non-existing identifiers RequestException is returned.

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:cnt:22fd0c4c0a0a9b6f87f89169352357cb3a386617');


= Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException {#6840      // RequestException is returned
    #message: """
      HTTP request returned status code 404:\n
      {"exception":"NotFoundExc","reason":"Content with sha1_git checksum equals to 22fd0c4c0a0a9b6f87f89169352357cb3a386617 n (truncated...)\n
    #code: 404,
    #file: "...\faircore4eosc\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Client\Response.php",
    #line: 272,
    // Load Latest Errors on the $nodeObject
> $nodeObject->getErrors()      // Note: These errors are cleared out after each call to getErrors()
= [
    "2023-11-02 22:30:26 --> Non-Successful HTTP Status Code: 404 --> Reason: Content with sha1_git checksum equals to 22fd0c4c0a0a9b6f87f89169352357cb3a386617 not found!",
    "2023-11-02 22:30:26 --> 404 : Requested swhID was not found in SWH",
  • Get all node edges keyed by the respective name of children nodes.
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
nodeEdges([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- resolve
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content

snapshot node example. From Repository:

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:snp:c457553344ef5afa928d740e97727bcde0a4e84c', responseType: 'collect')

> $nodeObject->nodeEdges()

= Illuminate\Support\Collection {#6939
    all: [
      "refs/heads/actions/tools-update-acorn-walk" => "swh:1:rev:4d3ee9ac3e5553ac91cacd136d7811a35dcb07f2",
      "refs/pull/10282/head" => "swh:1:rev:b8ed11bbe99faa45f482deaf8e7bf39bbcf4c69b",
      "refs/tags/v18.1.0" => "swh:1:rel:3a3f30ecf03cfe63234c58d629345f151f58a7ff",

> $nodeObject->nodeEdges()->count()      // number of returned snapshot edges
= 33032

Directory node example. From Repository:

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:dir:8af8598a33cb11038a8d974ed213a31a49ef8612')   

> $nodeObject->nodeEdges()

= [
    ".dockerignore" => "swh:1:cnt:6b8710a711f3b689885aa5c26c6c06bde348e82b",
    "hy" => "swh:1:dir:472e48d4910c9fddcad627ca8b324607147f5ca8",

Content node example where edges are non-applicable

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:cnt:3cce154395b00511add6f183bb6edd975285bf5a')

> $nodeObject->nodeEdges()

= Exception {#8201                              // Exception is returned
    #message: "No Edges. Contents are leaves.",
    #file: "..\faircore4eosc\app\Modules\SwhApi\GraphNode.php",
    #line: 194,

        // Load Latest Errors on the $nodeObject        
> $nodeObject->nodeEdges()
= [
    "2023-11-04 21:17:10 --> No Edges. Contents are leaves.",
  • Get a specific node from the set of edges by its name. Depending on node type, the target name may refer to branch, directory, file, tag, etc.

    This method resolves the child node directly to its nodeID (SWHID/SwhObject).

Class Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
nodeTargetEdge($targetName) <string> $targetName - SwhCoreID
- Array
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception | ItemNotFoundException
- resolve
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content

From a snapshot node, get a target revision node specified by its name.

> namespace Module\OriginVisits;
> use Module\OriginVisits; 

>$snpID = (new SwhVisits(''))
> $nodeObject = new GraphNode($snpID)

> $nodeObject->nodeTargetEdge('refs/tags/v0.1.6.1')     // by edge name

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#7115
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:fd403ffe91573e95d599ce5e449a45bde9e49627",

From a revision node, get a direct edge by its type

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rev:fd403ffe91573e95d599ce5e449a45bde9e49627')

> $nodeObject->nodeTargetEdge('directory')      // root directory returned as SwhCoreID object 

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6622
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:903ee7f51be999b101f7bdf65d23c033edaaafc7",

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rev:ce55c22ec8b223a90ff3e084d842f73cfba35588') 

> $nodeObject->nodeTargetEdge('parents')        // parents edges returned as array

= [

From a directory node, get a target node from its set of edges. It can either be a subdirectory or a file.

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:dir:903ee7f51be999b101f7bdf65d23c033edaaafc7')

> $nodeObject->nodeTargetEdge('tensordiffeq')   // by edge name: directory name in this example

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6549
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:820c02cea138acde299f3c63cd87bb562add9314",
  • Traverse to a specific target node.

    This method resolves the child node directly to its nodeID (SWHID/SwhObject).

    For snapshot nodes, this method expects an array of two queues as described in traverseFromSnp

Class Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
nodeTraversal([$target]) <string> | <array>: $target

- Initial Node: rev | dir
<string>: path (root-relative)
  • (sub)directory
  • content

- Initial Node: snp
<array>: array of two Queues
  • $nodeQueues['branchName']: queue of branch names
  • nodeQueues['path']: queue of path nodes
- SwhCoreID
- stdClass (object)
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content

From a revision, traverse to a deeply nested file:

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rev:9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655c')

> $nodeObject->nodeTraversal('deps/nghttp2/lib/includes/nghttp2/')

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#7081
    +"cnt": "swh:1:cnt:7717a647f7558135328d2877ad0f6aa45a3c5518",

From a directory, traverse to a deeply nested directory:

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:dir:38139c56cb9ad67d68bf8afd7451a00098ae6402')

> $nodeObject->nodeTraversal('deps/base64/base64/lib/arch/neon64')

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#7125
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:369efa02d089ee55f6fd82aebff461e5bb67e800",

From a release, traverse the final revision it points to:

> $nodeObject = new GraphNode('swh:1:rel:4e69243a555b9e97395bc63bd02c399b2a3f2d81')

> $nodeObject->nodeTraversal()      // no target necessary.

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#7283
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:f4e5bebe7d83727cd64ed4762a59e1336f5f3c89",

IV) GraphHopping

This class reveals all information, full JSON data, regarding SWH Objects (akin to hopping on graph nodes). This class is abstract with all its methods set as static, hence no object instantiation is necessary; all methods are accessible throughout as global functions. This class provides access to conveniently deal with SWH objects (graph nodes) based on self-explanatory naming of its methods.

Abstract GraphHopping::class

Abstract class usage:

> namespace Module\DAGModel;
> use Module\DAGModel; 

> GraphHopping::methodName();     // methodName() is prepended with the class name and two colons `::` 
Issues Tracking

GraphHopping Methods:

  • Get all data of a Snapshot per its identifier.

    This method follows pagination and builds the entire node contents.

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getFullSnapshot($snpID, [...$options]) <string> $snpID:
-as full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
snapshot GET
> GraphHopping::getFullSnapshot('b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177')     // call on the 40-hexadecimal-string

> GraphHopping::getFullSnapshot('swh:1:snp:6d8ff23b72ba0d450c6d6b5fc127f2b07cdc9abe')   // as full snapshot ID

= [
    "id" => "6d8ff23b72ba0d450c6d6b5fc127f2b07cdc9abe",
    "branches" => [
      "HEAD" => [
        "target" => "refs/heads/master",
        "target_type" => "alias",
        "target_url" => "",

Exceptions are returned rather than thrown, e.g. on non-existing identifiers RequestException is returned.

> GraphHopping::getFullSnapshot('swh:1:snp:9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655d')

= Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException {#6584        // RequestException is returned
    #message: """
      HTTP request returned status code 404:\n
      {"exception":"NotFoundExc","reason":"Snapshot with id 9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655d not found!"}\n
    #code: 404,
    #file: "...\faircore4eosc\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Client\Response.php",
    #line: 272,
    // Load Latest Errors on the HTTPClient base class
> HTTPClient::getErrors()   // Note: These errors are cleared out after each call to getErrors()
= [
    "2023-10-29 20:59:15 --> Non-Successful HTTP Status Code: 404 --> Reason: Snapshot with id 9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655d not found!",
    "2023-10-29 20:59:15 --> 404 : Requested Snapshot was not found in SWH",
  • Get information about a Revision/Release/Directory/Content per its identifier.
Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
  • getFullRevision($revID[,...$options])
  • getFullRelease($relID[,...$options])
  • getFullDirectory($dirID[,...$options])
  • getFullContent($cntID[,...$options])
<string>: $revID / $relID / $dirID / $cntID:
-as full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
> GraphHopping::getFullRevision('swh:1:rev:9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655c')
> GraphHopping::getFullRelease('swh:1:rel:1791be4df87a0d69008ba46c5a03be2e4cfbe3d5')

> GraphHopping::getFullDirectory('swh:1:dir:7f465824589e766653ca53ed7cd398260e24a5e8')

> GraphHopping::getFullContent('swh:1:cnt:8f427082e6bc1a7b420b27954d9853a11600422e')

Accessing special data

> HTTPClient::$responseType = 'object'

> GraphHopping::getFullRevision('swh:1:rev:9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655c')->author->fullname  
= "Kodi Arfer <>"

> GraphHopping::getFullRelease('swh:1:rel:1791be4df87a0d69008ba46c5a03be2e4cfbe3d5')->name
= "v6.1-rc7"
> GraphHopping::getFullDirectory('swh:1:dir:7f465824589e766653ca53ed7cd398260e24a5e8')[0]->type
= "file"
>  GraphHopping::getFullContent('swh:1:cnt:8f427082e6bc1a7b420b27954d9853a11600422e')->checksums
= {#6722
    +"blake2s256": "c8bbbbeafc436d0666f57299c71e074b3b18fcfd7fe5d42ff86b61f8ebadc3b4",
    +"sha1_git": "8f427082e6bc1a7b420b27954d9853a11600422e",
    +"sha256": "e12a51eeeb0dd8555ae32f504dec0fdc845a710619f0056f616a4a6b9abe6aec",
    +"sha1": "f95c274b003999b705133bfcc0f495114e033bb9",
  • Check if a SWH Object, Snapshot/Revision/Release/Directory/Content, exists by its identifier.
Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
  • snapshotExists($snpID[,...$options])
  • revisionExists($revID[,...$options])
  • releaseExists($relID[,...$options])
  • directoryExists($dirID[,...$options])
  • contentExists($cntID[,...$options])
<string>: $snpID / $revID / $relID / $dirID / $cntID:
-as full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- stringType: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- String|True
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
> GraphHopping::snapshotExists('swh:1:snp:b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177')  // as full snapshot ID

> GraphHopping::revisionExists('9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655c')            // call on the 40-hexadecimal-string

> GraphHopping::releaseExists('swh:1:rel:1791be4df87a0d69008ba46c5a03be2e4cfbe3d5')

> GraphHopping::directoryExists('7f465824589e766653ca53ed7cd398260e24a5e8')

> GraphHopping::contentExists('swh:1:cnt:8f427082e6bc1a7b420b27954d9853a11600422e')
= true

    // String Response
> GraphHopping::snapshotExists('swh:1:snp:b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177', stringType: true)
= "swh:1:snp:b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177 --> Exists in SWH"

V) GraphEdges

This class reveals all information about any SWH Object Edges (child nodes). This class is abstract with all its methods set as static, hence no object instantiation is necessary; all methods are accessible throughout as global functions. The class provide access to conveniently deal with SWH objects on explanatory naming.

Abstract GraphEdges::class

Abstract class usage:

> namespace Module\DAGModel;
> use Module\DAGModel; 

> GraphEdges::methodName();     // methodName() is prepended with the class name and two colons `::` 
Issues Tracking

GraphEdges Methods:

  • Resolve a snapshot node to one of its edges as given by the in-branch name (default: main/master or what HEAD points to). Null is returned if target doesn't exist.

    This method follows pagination and searches the entire node contents for the requested child node.

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getRevOrRelFromSnp($snpID[, $inBranches]) - <string> $snpID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- <mixed> inBranches:
  • string: branch/release name
  • int: pull Request #
- SwhCoreID
- Null
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
snapshot GET

Without specifying a target edge, it will default to: main/master branch and utilises HEAD to locate default branch naming in the process.

> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('swh:1:snp:6d8ff23b72ba0d450c6d6b5fc127f2b07cdc9abe')  
    // SWHCoreID dataType (object form)                                                                                      
= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6812
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655c",
    // String form    
> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('swh:1:snp:6d8ff23b72ba0d450c6d6b5fc127f2b07cdc9abe')->getSwhid() 

= "swh:1:rev:9cf5bf02b583b93aa0d149cac1aa06ee4a4f655c"

Specify a release name as target edge

> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('6d8ff23b72ba0d450c6d6b5fc127f2b07cdc9abe', 'v6.1-rc7')     

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#7006
    +"rel": "swh:1:rel:1791be4df87a0d69008ba46c5a03be2e4cfbe3d5",

On non-existing branch/release, etc.

> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177', '1.0a36')       
= null 

Specify a specific branch name in repository as target edge

> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('swh:1:snp:d45df836d3d2793ffceac488140f56d8719875ac', '4th-branch/physics')     

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6946
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:d85dac0613eda6058f26006e3ed5693fc8ad21ad",

Specify a pull request (int) as target edge

> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f177', 621)        

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6886
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:c8c154f725fd31eadb5d907463fa0efcd557786d",

Exceptions are returned rather than thrown, e.g. on non-existing identifiers RequestException is returned.

> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp('b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f178')

= Illuminate\Http\Client\RequestException {#6806        // RequestException is returned
    #message: """
      HTTP request returned status code 404:\n
      {"exception":"NotFoundExc","reason":"Snapshot with id b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f178 not found!"}\n
    #code: 404,
    #file: "...\faircore4eosc\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Http\Client\Response.php",
    #line: 272,
    // Load Latest Errors on the HTTPClient base class
> HTTPClient::getErrors()   // Note: These errors are cleared out after each call to getErrors()
= [
    "2023-10-30 20:10:47 --> Non-Successful HTTP Status Code: 404 --> Reason: Snapshot with id b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f178 not found!",
    "2023-10-30 20:10:47 --> 404 : Requested Revision or Release can not be found on this Snapshot: swh:1:snp:b8e164cfcf47da2323d5aef6e01fcd7f0c27f178",
  • Resolve a release node to its direct edge (rev/rel). As per SWH docs, Release nodes can branch into another release or directly to revision nodes.

    If revID is eventually sought, then traversing (see GraphTraversal class) to the revision node is relevant instead, traverseFromRelToRev().

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getRevOrRelFromRel($relID) <string> $relID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
release GET
> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromRel('73c638e86af20a4d3ef1d2eb2be5892a841b233f')

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6504                            
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:699640f64a89eb90b470a9d536efbb1ace5cc9ec",
> GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromRel('73c638e86af20a4d3ef1d2eb2be5892a841b233f')->getInitials()      // gets which node type is returned
= "rev"
  • Resolve a revision node to its root directory node (dirID).
Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getRootDirFromRev($revID) <string> $revID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
revision GET
> GraphEdges::getRootDirFromRev('swh:1:rev:699640f64a89eb90b470a9d536efbb1ace5cc9ec')

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6504
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:2f987353e99c0ad90ab0de0b5cf9fbbf7f0cd34c",
  • Resolve a directory node to its direct edge (dir/cnt) given a specific name for the directory/content. Null is returned if target edge doesn't exist.
Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getNextNodeFromDir($dirID, $seekEdgeTarget) - <string> $dirID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID

- <string> $seekEdgeTarget:
file/subdirectory name
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
directory GET

Seek '' file given a SWHID of its parent directory

GraphEdges::getNextNodeFromDir('swh:1:dir:2f987353e99c0ad90ab0de0b5cf9fbbf7f0cd34c', '')     

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6504
    +"cnt": "swh:1:cnt:8758e3dc21918c563369498c75f98eef100316d2",

Seek 'crypto' subdirectory given a SWHID of its parent directory

> GraphEdges::getNextNodeFromDir('swh:1:dir:919fc51c26a8b5f57b3c89f6a62d0f3bb1bdfd2c', 'crypto')        

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6745
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:f272adcb6d2adc96dde0bf968bd30c66d2935a37",

Non-existing target in some directory

> GraphEdges::getNextNodeFromDir('swh:1:dir:f272adcb6d2adc96dde0bf968bd30c66d2935a37', 'non-existing')   
= null
  • Get all edges of a snapshot node keyed by the respective name of children nodes (tags/pulls/features/branches).

    This method follows pagination to build entire snapshot node edges.

Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getSnapshotEdges($snpID[,...$options]) <string> $snpID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
snapshot GET
> HTTPClient::$responseType = 'collect'         // prepare results in Collection format

> $snpID = (new SwhVisits(''))        // define a new visitObject for this repository
            ->getSnpFromVisit('latest')                                 // get its latest snapshot
            ->getSwhid()                                                // get its snpID from SwhCoreID (Data Type)

> GraphEdges::getSnapshotEdges($snpID)

= Illuminate\Support\Collection {#6939
    all: [
      "refs/heads/master" => "swh:1:rev:ce55c22ec8b223a90ff3e084d842f73cfba35588",
      "refs/pull/296/head" => "swh:1:rev:e32d8d64fc1f78613cf5c946e405738c794d066d",
      "refs/tags/v3.1-rc10" => "swh:1:rel:bc9dac81d1d3442713e5b91ed7cda1646df9730e",

> GraphEdges::getSnapshotEdges($snpID)->count()      // number of returned snapshot edges
= 1590
  • Get all edges of a revision node keyed by the respective name of children nodes (root-dir/parents-revisions).
Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getRevisionEdges($revID[,...$options]) <string> $revID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
revision GET
> GraphEdges::getRevisionEdges('swh:1:rev:ce55c22ec8b223a90ff3e084d842f73cfba35588')

= [
    "directory" => "swh:1:dir:919fc51c26a8b5f57b3c89f6a62d0f3bb1bdfd2c",
    "parents" => [
  • Get all edges of a release node keyed by the respective name of the child node (rev/rel).
Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getReleaseEdges($relID[,...$options]) <string> $relID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
release GET
> GraphEdges::getReleaseEdges('swh:1:rel:73c638e86af20a4d3ef1d2eb2be5892a841b233f')

= [
    "1.0a4" => "swh:1:rev:699640f64a89eb90b470a9d536efbb1ace5cc9ec",
  • Get all edges of a directory node keyed by the respective name of children nodes (contents/subdirectories).
Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getDirectoryEdges($dirID[,...$options]) <string> $dirID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
directory GET
> GraphEdges::getDirectoryEdges('919fc51c26a8b5f57b3c89f6a62d0f3bb1bdfd2c')

= [
    ".clang-format" => "swh:1:cnt:0bbb1991defead96a8beb762f692c4ed229b1f20",
    "drivers" => "swh:1:dir:a05ace70d3ae9f2d09bc0bdf37a574107fcaf9a9",

VI) GraphTraversal

This class allows the traversal to any child node from a parent node (i.e. SWH objects). This class is abstract with all its methods set as static, hence no object instantiation is necessary; all methods are accessible throughout as global functions. The class provide access to conveniently deal with SWH objects on explanatory naming.

Abstract GraphTraversal::class

Abstract class usage:

> namespace Module\DAGModel;
> use Module\DAGModel; 

> GraphTraversal::methodName();     // methodName() is prepended with the class name and two colons `::` 
Issues Tracking

GraphTraversal Methods:

  • Traverse from snapshot node to any child node, revision, release (resolved to its revision), directory, content specified by an Array of Queues for target nodes.

    This method resolves the children nodes directly to their nodeIDs (SWHIDs/SwhObjects).

    This method amends automatically the branchName key if part of the branch name is appended to the path key instead. i.e. the path queue pushes entries to the branch queue on demand.

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
traverserFromSnp($snpID[, $nodeQueues]) -<SWHCoreID>: $snpID: full SWHID (new SWHCoreID($snpID))
- <array>: nodeQueues: array of two Queues
  • $nodeQueues['branchName']: queue of branch names
  • nodeQueues['path']: queue of path nodes
- stdClass (object)
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content

Define method arguments (node names to traverse to):

> use Ds\Queue;

> $snpID = (new SwhVisits(''))->getSnpFromVisit('latest')

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6545
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:d45df836d3d2793ffceac488140f56d8719875ac",

    // define branch queue (if in doubt, place any trailing entry to the path queue)

> $nodeQueues['branchName'] = new Queue(['5th-branch', 'maths', 'dev'])     
= Ds\Queue {#6945
    0: "5th-branch",
    1: "maths",
    2: "dev",
    count: 3,
    capacity: 8,
    +0: "5th-branch",
    +1: "maths",
    +2: "dev",

> $nodeQueues['path'] = new Queue(['Matlab', 'Rosenbrock.m'])           // define the path nodes
= Ds\Queue {#7026
    0: "Matlab",
    1: "Rosenbrock.m",
    count: 2,
    capacity: 8,
    +0: "Matlab",
    +1: "Rosenbrock.m",

Traverse from the snpashot node to the revision whose name is 5th-branch/maths/dev and to the content node whose relative path (from root dir) is Matlab/RosenBrock.m

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromSnp($snpID, $nodeQueues)

= {#7018
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:d45df836d3d2793ffceac488140f56d8719875ac",
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:6b3f8635f87b9cca6bd3bad660da973ab8790094",
    +"cnt": "swh:1:cnt:5de355c5291614aa07120e4e77aa928c6168e8ce",

Traverse from the snpashot node to the defaults (default branch, its root directory)

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromSnp($snpID)        // drop out the nodeQueues argument

= {#6981
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:d45df836d3d2793ffceac488140f56d8719875ac",
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:0b719b2b5a93c2c06335e6afc6c8af145aa6444d",
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:9b82760ee153c3374d4fc88b3ede355e039452ee",
  • Traverse from revision node to a child node (directory/content) specified by its path relative the root directory (i.e. direct revision edge).

    This method resolves the child node directly to its nodeID (SWHID/SwhObject).

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoints HTTP Method
traverserFromRev($revID, $path) - <string> $revID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- string $path
  • (sub)directory
  • content
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
revision GET

As an example: we can start from the latest snapshot of a repository to reach an example revision:

> namespace Module\OriginVisits;
> use Module\OriginVisits; 

> $latestSnpID = (new SwhVisits(''))

> $revID = (new GraphNode($latestSnpID))

Then traverse to the following children nodes (of the revision node) from revID:

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromRev($revID, 'source/GibbsManifolds/numerical_implicitization.jl')      // traverse from $revID to content child node

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6629
    +"cnt": "swh:1:cnt:2071ba0e9f5a7a39597ef5d7009d091be368fba9",

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromRev($revID, 'source/EulerIntegrals')   // traverse from $revID to directory child node

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6703
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:0c9888d32fdd676684c17faee1cc20a89d8de822",

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromRev($revID, '.')       // `dot` implies root directory as traversal target

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6584
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:f6e88604f4cbf8ac027131fbc9d11032bba1489b",
  • Traverse from revision node to a child node (directory/content) specified by its path relative the root directory (direct revision edge).

    This method retrieves the full child node (akin to node Hopping).

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getFullNodeFromRev($revID, $path[,...$options]) - <string> $revID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- string $path
  • (sub)directory
  • content
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
revision GET
> GraphTraversal::getFullNodeFromRev('badb581c17240cc57f6efe5edbe9ffe06f8e724e', 'source/Landau/LandauTutorial.ipynb')     
= [
    "type" => "file",
  • Traverse from release node to the revision child node.

    This method resolves the release node directly to the revision it finally points (can track multiple releases till its final revision node).

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
traverseFromRelToRev($relID) <string> $relID:
- 40-hex-chars
- full SWHID
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
release GET
> GraphTraversal::traverseFromRelToRev('swh:1:rel:73c638e86af20a4d3ef1d2eb2be5892a841b233f')

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6499                            
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:699640f64a89eb90b470a9d536efbb1ace5cc9ec",
  • Traverse from directory node to a child node (subdirectory/content) specified by its path relative the root directory.

    This method resolves the child node directly to its nodeID (SWHID/SwhObject).

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
traverserFromDir($dirID, $path) - <string> $dirID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- string $path
  • subdirectory
  • content
- SwhCoreID
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
directory GET

As an example: start from the latest snapshot of a repository to get an example of some root dir:

> namespace Module\OriginVisits;
> use Module\OriginVisits; 

> $latestSnpID = (new SwhVisits(''))
> $dirID = GraphEdges::getRootDirFromRev(GraphEdges::getRevOrRelFromSnp($latestSnpID)->getSwhid())->getSwhid()

= "swh:1:dir:7df73b1b1d85595601529cbcf9661e46f4062ce1"          // root directory to traverse to children nodes from.

Then traverse to the following children nodes (of directory node) from dirID:

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromDir($dirID, 'src/private/isAxis3D.m')      // traverse from $dirID to content child node

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6883
    +"cnt": "swh:1:cnt:084d7a8ccb9d24b0aa00024c5860f816f0c72290",

> GraphTraversal::traverseFromDir($dirID, 'test/suites')                 // traverse from $dirID to directory child node

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6990
    +"dir": "swh:1:dir:9e991d377691ec83cf108f1740b8ee8bf3d7e87a",
  • Traverse from directory node to a child node (subdirectory/content) specified by its path relative the root directory.

    This method retrieves the full child node data which bundles all directory contents under target ID (from which such directory contents can be further expanded).

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getFullNodeFromDir($dirID, $path[,...$options]) - <string> $dirID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- string $path
  • subdirectory
  • content
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
directory GET
> GraphTraversal::getFullNodeFromDir('7df73b1b1d85595601529cbcf9661e46f4062ce1', 'test/suites/private')
= [
    "dir_id" => "9e991d377691ec83cf108f1740b8ee8bf3d7e87a",     
    "target" => "2e96ed4392756a0def4b23bcd32c8f50cb147328",     // Note: usable further to hopp on this directory `content`
  • Traverse from snapshot to historical commit (from revisions log) given the sha1 for the commit. It returns the commit hash as revision ID if exists, else returns Null.

    This method follows snapshot pagination and interacts with the BFS traversal on the revision graph.

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
traverseRevLogFromSnp($snpID, $commitHash]) - <string> $snpID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- string $commitHash:
  • sha1_git
- SwhCoreID
- Null
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
- snapshot
- revision
> GraphTraversal::traverseRevLogFromSnp('swh:1:snp:52431e12c648fa759c6e9ee0c20f000e59f7ed8b', '7c16ea809982b22016308ba085f28b1a1441be21')     // search by sha1_git and return it as SWHID if found

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6746
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:7c16ea809982b22016308ba085f28b1a1441be21",

> GraphTraversal::traverseRevLogFromSnp('swh:1:snp:52431e12c648fa759c6e9ee0c20f000e59f7ed8b', 'ec16ea809982b22016308ca085f28b1a1441be21')      // non-existing commit
= null
  • Traverse from revision to historical commit (from revisions log) given the sha1 for the commit. It returns the commit hash as revision ID if exists, else returns Null.

    This method interacts with the BFS traversal on the revision graph.

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
traverseRevLogFromRev($revID, $commitHash]) - <string> $revID:
  • 40-hex-chars
  • full SWHID
- string $commitHash:
  • sha1_git
- SwhCoreID
- Null
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
revision GET
> GraphTraversal::traverseRevLogFromRev('swh:1:rev:7c16ea809982b22016308ba085f28b1a1441be21', '90076d49e031f532eb9b70b30ecfb2f395983bbf')    // search by sha1_git and return it as SWHID if found

= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6562
    +"rev": "swh:1:rev:90076d49e031f532eb9b70b30ecfb2f395983bbf",

VII) Archive

This class allows for repositories archival, tracking archival status and eventually builds the graph nodes that corresponds to the given SW origin. The class also allows through the fluent of() method for retrieving archival data as stored in SWH.

On object instantiation, the given SW origin is processed to:

  • detect visit type
  • build the paths that will be propagated to inside the graph model as an array of queues.
  • throw errors on non-supported repositories or visit types respectively.
  • initialises an Archivable object to help retrieve additional archival information for the given SW origin as stored in SWH. Done via the static method of() as will be shown.

Currently, supported repositions: GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket

Currently, supported visit types: git

new Archive($url[, $visitType[, ...$options]])

  • Extends: syncHTTP
  • Extends: HTTPClient
  • $url: <string> the origin url
  • $visitType: <string> the origin visit type (optional, can be omitted)
  • ...$options: named parameters Configs
  • Throws Exception|UnhandledMatchError (On non-supported visit types | on non-supported repository type) respectively
  • Implements SwhArchive

This class Implements the SwhArchive Interface which comprises the following functionality for any archival request:

Method Notes
save2Swh()|repository() Submit an archival request for a given SW origin.
getArchivalStatus() retrieve current status data of an archival request.
trackArchivalStatus() Continuously requests status data of an archival request till success.
getLatestArchivalAttempt() retrieves the data of the latest archival attempt for a given SW origin.
getSnpFromSaveRequest() retrieve the root node (snapshot) of a any successful archival attempt.
Issues Tracking

Instantiate archive objects for desired repositories w/o paths in their URL:

> namespace Module\Archival;
> use Module\Archival; 

    // Example 1
> $archiveObject = new Archive('')

= Module\Archival\Archive {#6696
    +decomposedURL: [
      "scheme" => "https",
      "host" => "",
      "path" => "/torvalds/linux",
    +nodeHits: [],              // empty graph nodes to propagate to, i.e. this origin is a base repository
    +url: "",
    +visitType: "git",

    // Example 2
> $archiveObject = new Archive('')

= Module\Archival\Archive {#6702
    +decomposedURL: [
      "scheme" => "https",
      "host" => "",
      "path" => "/hylang/hy/tree/stable/hy/core",
    +nodeHits: [                        // two initial queues representing the graph nodes
      "branchName" => Ds\Queue {#6674   // branch queue will be automatically amended on non-existing entries by the path queue
        0: "stable",
        count: 1,
        capacity: 8,
        +0: "stable",
      "path" => Ds\Queue {#6705        // path queue will pop entries and push them to branch queue on demand until it has been exhausted 
        0: "hy",
        1: "core",
        count: 2,
        capacity: 8,
        +0: "hy",
        +1: "core",
    +url: "",
    +visitType: "git",

Archive Methods:

  • Submit an archival request to SWH for the defined SW origin and receive the first status response accordingly.

    There are two variants for this method.

I) Non-static save method:

Class static Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
save2Swh([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
save POST
> $archiveObject = new Archive('')    // base repository with paths

> $archiveObject->save2Swh()   

= [
    "id" => 823148,
    "origin_url" => "",
    "save_request_date" => "2023-11-11T23:09:30.263581+00:00",
    "save_request_status" => "accepted",
    "save_task_status" => "not yet scheduled",
    "snapshot_swhid" => null,

II) Static save method:

Class static Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
repository($url[,$visitType[,...$options]]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- withTracking: NULL | bool (Null)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- save - save
- origin
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content

Allow verbose logging (optional for debugging):

> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector;
> HTTPClient::setOptions(isVerbose: true)

Call the static method variant:

> namespace Module\Archival;
> use Module\Archival; 

> Archive::repository('', withTracking: true)    

    Request Status --> accepted
    Task Status --> pending
    Visit Status -->

        // Final result:
= [
    "id" => 1166754,
    "origin_url" => "",
    "save_request_date" => "2024-02-23T15:07:33.969286+00:00",
    "save_request_status" => "accepted",
    "save_task_status" => "succeeded",
    "snapshot_swhid" => "swh:1:snp:5c45e055a5eccb7eb369e4fe325fa9277c96b1bd",
  • Whilst archiving, retrieve current status data of the archival request per its date or identifier.

    If at the time of retrieval the archival has been finished:

    • This method automatically propagates the detected nodeHits.

    • This method will show a built list of SwhIDs (keyed: swh_id_list) as well as contextual IDs (keyed contextual_swh_ids).

    • Due to potential delays on the server-side, the save_task_status may return succeeded in the response data while snapshot_swhid remains null (has not been timely generated).

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoints HTTP Method
getArchivalStatus($saveRequestDateOrID[,...$options]) <int>|<string> $saveRequestDateOrID
- <int>: saveID
- <string>: ISO-formatted Date
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError |Exception
- save
- origin
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
> $archiveObject->getArchivalStatus(823148)

= [
    "id" => 823148,
    "save_request_status" => "accepted",
    "save_task_status" => "running",
    "visit_status" => "created",
    "visit_date" => "2023-11-11T23:09:36.218049+00:00",
    "snapshot_swhid" => null,
  • Continuously request status data of an archival request till archival has been finished (i.e. save_task_status returns succeeded).

    This method tracks the archival progress and automatically propagates the detected nodeHits after successful archival.

    This method builds a list of SwhIDs (keyed: swh_id_list) as well as contextual IDs (keyed contextual_swh_ids) in its final output.

    Due to potential delays on the server-side, the save_task_status may return succeeded in the response data while snapshot_swhid remains null (has not been timely generated), in which case the tracking continues further.

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoints HTTP Method
trackArchivalStatus($saveRequestDateOrID[,...$options]) <int>|<string> $saveRequestDateOrID
- <int>: saveID
- <string>: ISO-formatted Date
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError |Exception
- save
- origin
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> HTTPClient::setOptions(isVerbose: true, fileDatestamp: true)

> $archiveObject->trackArchivalStatus(823114)

    // logs from the timestamped-file (under storage/logs):
[2023-11-11 23:09:32] local.INFO: Done --> false
[2023-11-11 23:09:36] local.INFO: Done --> false
[2023-11-11 23:09:49] local.INFO: Done --> true

= [
    "id" => 823148,
    "save_task_status" => "succeeded",
    "visit_status" => "full",
    "visit_date" => "2023-11-11T23:09:41.587692+00:00",
    "snapshot_swhid" => "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",
    "swh_id_list" => [
      "ori" => "swh:1:ori:7bed762bf5ddc7164a08dac613ead782784474bb",
      "snp" => "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",        // snapshotID (root node) from this archival request
      "rev" => "swh:1:rev:4a2712d84b2c7f38a91495bf7708de51a05bb65d",        // revisionID of the branch `stable`
      "dir" => "swh:1:dir:7f40a3d0904eeb0f754b98528239ff7036a46aa9",        // directoryID of the subdirectory `hy/core` relative to the root dir
    "contextual_swh_ids" => [
      "Directory-Context" => "swh:1:dir:7f40a3d0904eeb0f754b98528239ff7036a46aa9;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714;anchor=swh:1:rev:4a2712d84b2c7f38a91495bf7708de51a05bb65d",
      "Revision-Context" => "swh:1:rev:4a2712d84b2c7f38a91495bf7708de51a05bb65d;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",
      "Snapshot-Context" => "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714;origin=",
  • Retrieve the data of the latest archival attempt for a given SW origin in SWH (regardless to a self-submitted archival request)

    This method automatically propagates the detected nodeHits.

    This method builds a list of SwhIDs (keyed: swh_id_list) as well as contextual IDs (keyed contextual_swh_ids) in its final output.

Class static Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoints HTTP Method
getLatestArchivalAttempt[...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError |Exception
- save
- origin
- snapshot
- revision
- release
- directory
- content
- visit
- visit
> $archiveObject->getLatestArchivalAttempt()        // get latest data of the last archival request made for this repository

= [
    "id" => 823189,                                 // latest saveID for this repository archival
    "origin_url" => "",
    "save_request_date" => "2023-11-11T23:28:43.560508+00:00",  // latest date
    "save_task_status" => "succeeded",
    "visit_status" => "full",
    "visit_date" => "2023-11-11T23:28:50.420346+00:00",         // latest visit date
    "snapshot_swhid" => "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",
    "swh_id_list" => [                                                      // latest list reflecting the repository paths (can be further compared to previously saved entries)
      "ori" => "swh:1:ori:7bed762bf5ddc7164a08dac613ead782784474bb",
      "snp" => "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",
      "rev" => "swh:1:rev:4a2712d84b2c7f38a91495bf7708de51a05bb65d",
      "dir" => "swh:1:dir:7f40a3d0904eeb0f754b98528239ff7036a46aa9",
    "contextual_swh_ids" => [
      "Directory-Context" => "swh:1:dir:7f40a3d0904eeb0f754b98528239ff7036a46aa9;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714;anchor=swh:1:rev:4a2712d84b2c7f38a91495bf7708de51a05bb65d",
      "Revision-Context" => "swh:1:rev:4a2712d84b2c7f38a91495bf7708de51a05bb65d;origin=;visit=swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",
      "Snapshot-Context" => "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714;origin=",
  • Retrieve the root node (snapshot) of any successful archival attempt per its date or save request identifier.

    This method resolves the latest archival attempt to the root node directly.

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getSnpFromSaveRequest($saveRequestDateOrID) <int>|<string> $saveRequestDateOrID
- <int>: saveID
- <string>: ISO-formatted Date
- SwhCoreID
- Null (on non-existing $saveRequestDateOrID)
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
- save GET
> $archiveObject->getSnpFromSaveRequest(823189)

    // SWHCoreID dataType (object form)  
= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#6531
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714",
        // string format       
> $archiveObject->getSnpFromSaveRequest(823189)->snp

= "swh:1:snp:a941df442c25529a69f927d61b5df21a5c1f7714"
Accessing Archive requests data through the fluent static of() method:
> Archive::of($url)->methodName();     // methodName() are the following accessible methods: 


The of() method may take repositories w/o paths. However, the following accessible functions will only consider the base repository for the server-side interaction with SWH.

  • Get full data of all archival attempts by SWH for an origin.
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getAllArchives([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
save GET
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> HTTPClient::setOptions(responseType: 'collect')

> Archive::of('')->getAllArchives()    

= Illuminate\Support\Collection {#6691
    all: [
        "id" => 770071,
        "visit_date" => "2023-10-16T11:57:23.013561+00:00",
        "snapshot_swhid" => "swh:1:snp:9c98b475b46058ac5823065c4bf107cf0bcf8c1e",

> Archive::of('')->getAllArchives()->count()    // number of archival attempts by SWH
= 464
  • Show full archival attempts' data that resulted in distinct snapshots.
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
showDistinctArchives([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
save GET
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> HTTPClient::setOptions(responseType: 'collect')

> Archive::of('')->showDistinctArchives()      // will show archival data with unique snapshots

= [
      "id" => 823146,
      "save_request_date" => "2023-11-11T23:05:12.983694+00:00",
      "snapshot_swhid" => "swh:1:snp:04b13a085a9609f3c221c2857b33a393b87cdfa3",

> Archive::of('')->showDistinctArchives()->count()
= 28

> Archive::of('')->getAllArchives()->count()
= 40
  • Generate all graph root nodes (snapshots) keyed by the corresponding archival timestamp (save_request_date).
Class Method Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getAllSnapshotsFromArchives([...$options]) Named Parameters:
- distinct: bool (false)
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
save GET
> Archive::of('')->getAllSnapshotsFromArchives()

= [
    "2023-10-16T11:56:54.314065+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:9c98b475b46058ac5823065c4bf107cf0bcf8c1e",
    "2023-10-16T10:40:22.228213+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:9c98b475b46058ac5823065c4bf107cf0bcf8c1e",
    "2023-10-03T22:56:19.360179+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:e25efbea2b451b6ace211f8aaa2829cbb2a9f0ce",
    "2020-11-08T15:33:10.003000+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:763420cde99c884aeb2d9b37d60873ed657f1179",


> Archive::of('')->getAllSnapshotsFromArchives(distinct: true)

= [
    "2023-10-16T11:56:54.314065+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:9c98b475b46058ac5823065c4bf107cf0bcf8c1e",
    "2023-10-03T22:56:19.360179+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:e25efbea2b451b6ace211f8aaa2829cbb2a9f0ce",
    "2020-11-08T15:33:10.003000+00:00" => "swh:1:snp:763420cde99c884aeb2d9b37d60873ed657f1179",
  • Get a specific archival attempt's full data given its date, save_request_date, its identifier.
Class Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getFullArchivalRequest($saveRequestDateOrID[,...$options]) <int>|<string> $saveRequestDateOrID
- <int>: saveID
- <string>: ISO-formatted Date
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- requireSnapshot: bool
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
save GET
> Archive::of('')->getFullArchivalRequest("2019-08-25T13:32:01.314000+00:00")

= [
    "id" => 4236,
    "save_request_date" => "2019-08-25T13:32:01.314000+00:00",
    "snapshot_swhid" => "swh:1:snp:eb8087624d47f6e8ee89692df041b2f568fb0e5f",

> Archive::of('')->getFullArchivalRequest(12033)

= [
    "id" => 4236,
    "save_request_date" => "2020-09-21T15:56:43.145000+00:00",
    "visit_status" => "partial",
    "snapshot_swhid" => null,
  • Retrieve the root node (snapshot) of any successful archival attempt per its save request identifier.

    This method resolves the latest archival attempt to the root node directly using the save endpoint with identifier.

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getSnpFromSaveRequestID($saveRequestID) <int> $saveRequestID: saveID - SwhCoreID
- Null (on non-existing $saveRequestID)
- Throwable: RequestException | TypeError | Exception
- save GET
> Archive::of('')->getSnpFromSaveRequestID(22971)

    // SWHCoreID dataType (object form)
= Modules\DataType\SwhCoreID {#8154
    +"snp": "swh:1:snp:a2dca5eecf79e2898e0813411394abb36cf5dfe1",

    // String form
> Archive::of('')->getSnpFromSaveRequestID(22971)->getswhid()
= "swh:1:snp:a2dca5eecf79e2898e0813411394abb36cf5dfe1"

VIII) MetaData

This class reveals MetaData of revision, release and content nodes. This class is abstract with all its methods set as static, hence no object instantiation is necessary; all methods are accessible throughout as global functions. This class provides access to conveniently deal with these SWH objects based on self-explanatory naming of its methods.

Abstract SwhMetaData::class

Abstract class usage:

> namespace Module\MetaData;
> use Module\MetaData; 

> SwhMetaData::methodName();    // methodName() is prepended with the class name and two colons `::` 
Issues Tracking
  • Get metadata for a given revision node by its identifier.

    revision metadata are defined by the following node keys: message, author, committer, committer_date, type, metadata.

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getRevisionMetaData($revID[,...$options]) <string>: $revID:
-as full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
revision GET
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> HTTPClient::$responseType = 'object'

> SwhMetaData::getRevisionMetaData('swh:1:rev:396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52')           // get all metadata for this revision node
= {#6625
    +"message": "hal: Deposit 282 in collection hal",
> SwhMetaData::getRevisionMetaData('swh:1:rev:396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52')->committer    // get committer metadata
= {#6703
    +"fullname": "Software Heritage",
    +"name": "Software Heritage",
    +"email": "",

> SwhMetaData::getRevisionMetaData('swh:1:rev:396b1ff29f7c75a0a3cc36f30e24ff7bae70bb52')->metadata->{'codemeta:programmingLanguage'}       // get codeMeta-specific metaData
= "Java"
  • Get metadata for a given release node by its identifier.

    release metadata are defined by the following node keys: message, author, date.

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getReleaseMetaData($relID[,...$options]) <string>: $relID:
-as full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Iterable|Collection|stdClass
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
release GET
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> HTTPClient::$responseType = 'object'

> SwhMetaData::getReleaseMetaData('swh:1:rel:1791be4df87a0d69008ba46c5a03be2e4cfbe3d5')->author

= {#6701
    +"fullname": "Linus Torvalds <>",
    +"name": "Linus Torvalds",
    +"email": "",
  • Get metadata for a given content node by its identifier.

    This method retrieves the full content data and follows internally the links of fileType, language, and license to build full content node with metaData.

Class static Method Method Arguments Method $options (defaults) Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getFullContentWithMetaData($cntID[,...$options]) <string>: $cntID:
-as full SWHID
Named Parameters:
- withHeaders: bool (false)
- delay: ms (0)
- debug: bool (false)
- Collection
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
content GET
> namespace Module\HTTPConnector;
> use Module\HTTPConnector; 

> SwhMetaData::getFullContentWithMetaData("7717a647f7558135328d2877ad0f6aa45a3c5518")->all()

= [
    "response" => [
      "length" => 1629,
    "fileType" => [
        "mimetype" => "text/plain",
    "language" => "No language information found for content sha1_git:7717a647f7558135328d2877ad0f6aa45a3c5518.",
    "license" => [
        "license" => "MIT",
  • Get origin MetaData per its URL

    Returns a list of metadata authorities that provided metadata on the given target

    Appends the raw extrinsic metadata collected on each object to the final results.

    This method follows internal links of the metadata URL of each authority to build entire metadata available for this target. i.e. /raw-extrinsic-metadata/get/40-HEX-CHARS/?filename=NAME

Class static Method Method Arguments Returns SWH Endpoint HTTP Method
getOriginMetaData($url) <string>: $url:
Origin url
- Array
- Throwable: RequestException | Exception
- origin
- raw-extrinsic-metadata
- raw-extrinsic-metadata (SWHID)
> SwhMetaData::getOriginMetaData('')

= [
    "metadata_list_url_1" => [
        "discovery_date" => "2022-04-28T22:49:17+00:00",
        "authority" => [
          "type" => "forge",
          "url" => "",
        "fetcher" => [
          "name" => "swh.loader.metadata.github",
          "version" => "0.0.2",
        "format" => "application/vnd.github.v3+json",
        "metadata_url" => [                         // expansion of `/raw-extrinsic-metadata/get/40-HEX-CHARS/?filename=NAME`"description" => "Linux kernel source tree",
            "stargazers_count" => 130895,