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323 lines (295 loc) · 16.4 KB

Default client.cfg

audio.advancedocclusion "False" "1"
audio.master "1"
audio.menumusicvolume "0.2"
audio.musicvolume "0.2"
audio.speakers "2"
audio.voices "1"
client.cambone ""
client.camdist "2"
client.camfov "70"
client.camoffset ""0.0, 1.0, 0.0""
client.lookatradius "0.2"
client.pushtotalk "True"
client.rockskin "0"
culling.entitymaxdist "5000"
culling.entityminanimatorculldist "30"
culling.entityminculldist "15"
culling.entityminshadowculldist "5"
culling.entityupdaterate "5"
culling.safemode "False"
decor.quality "100"
dev.netgraph "False"
effects.aa "1" "True"
effects.bloom "True"
effects.lensdirt "True"
effects.maxgibs "1000"
effects.motionblur "True"
effects.shafts "True"
effects.sharpen "True"
effects.vignet "True"
fps.limit "100"
global.assetwarmup "1"
global.censornudity "False"
global.god "False"
global.language "en"
global.perf "0"
global.prefabwarmup "1"
global.specnet "False"
global.streamermode "False" "1"
graphics.branding "True" "True"
graphics.dof "False"
graphics.dof_aper "12"
graphics.dof_blur "1"
graphics.drawdistance "2500"
graphics.fov "75"
graphics.lso "False"
graphics.parallax "0"
graphics.revz "True"
graphics.shaderlod "600"
graphics.shadowcascades "1"
graphics.shadowdistance "100"
graphics.shadowlights "1"
graphics.shadowmode "2"
graphics.uiscale "1"
grass.displace "False"
grass.quality "100"
input.autocrouch "False"
input.flipy "False"
input.holdtime "0.2"
input.sensitivity "1"
mesh.quality "100"
nametags.enabled "True"
netgraph.enabled "False"
netgraph.updatespeed "5"
particle.quality "100"
playercull.enabled "True"
playercull.maxplayerdist "5000"
playercull.maxsleeperdist "30"
playercull.minculldist "20"
playercull.updaterate "5"
playercull.visquality "2"
terrain.atlasmipfix "True"
terrain.basetexcomp "True"
terrain.quality "100"
tree.quality "100"
voice.loopback "False"
water.quality "1"
water.reflections "1"


Open the console (Default: F1) to set these variables.


Variable Default Value Description
audio.advancedocclusion False True Enabled
False Disabled
Use more advanced sound occlusion.
audio.ambience True True Enabled
False Disabled
Ambience System.
audio.framebudget 0.3 Max ms per frame to spend updating sounds. 1 0 ~ 1 Volume: Game.
audio.master 1 0 ~ 1 Volume: Master.
audio.menumusicvolume 0.2 0 ~ 1 Volume: Main menu music.
audio.musicvolume 0.2 0 ~ 1 Volume: Music.
audio.speakers 2 2 Stereo
3 4 speaker surround
4 5 speaker surrround
5 5.1 surround
6 7.1 surround
7 Prologic
Speaker configuration.
audio.voices 1 0 ~ 1 Volume: Voices.
hitnotify.notification_level 1 0 Off
1 Clientside (instant but small chance of false reports)
2 Serverside (bit of a delay but always accurate)
Hit reporting.
music.enabled True True Enabled
False Disabled
Enable music.
music.songgapmax 480
music.songgapmin 240
voice.loopback False True Enabled
False Disabled
voice.ui_cut 0
voice.ui_lerp 0.2
voice.ui_samples 20
voice.ui_scale 1 Increase or decrease interface size.
client.pushtotalk True True Enabled
False Disabled
When enabled voice-chat will be in push-to-talk mode instead of always on.


Variable Default Value Description
aianimation.groundorient True True Enabled
False Disabled
aianimation.qualitydistance 100
aianimation.speedscale True True Enabled
False Disabled
effects.aa 1 0 Off
Anti-aliasing. True True Enabled
False Disabled
Ambient occlusion.
effects.bloom True True Enabled
False Disabled
High quality bloom.
effects.footsteps True True Enabled
False Disabled
effects.lensdirt True True Enabled
False Disabled
Lens dirt.
effects.maxgibs 1000 0 ~ 10000 Max gibs (maximum amount of broken objects when something get's destroyed).
effects.motionblur True True Enabled
False Disabled
Motion blur.
effects.shafts True True Enabled
False Disabled
Sun shafts.
effects.sharpen True True Enabled
False Disabled
effects.vignet True True Enabled
False Disabled
Vignet. 1 1 ~ 16 Level of anisotropic filtering.
graphics.dof False True Enabled
False Disabled
Depth of field.
graphics.dof_aper 12
graphics.dof_blur 1
graphics.drawdistance 2500 500 ~ 2500 Draw distance.
graphics.fov 75 60 ~ 90 Field of view.
graphics.itemskins True True Enabled
False Disabled
Enable item skins.
graphics.lodbias 0.5 0.25 ~ 5 Level of detail distance. When set between 0 and 1 favors less detail. A setting of more than 1 favors greater detail.
graphics.lso False True Enabled
False Disabled
Large scale occlusion.
graphics.parallax 0 0 ~ 2 Parallax mapping (make textures appear to have more depth).
graphics.quality 0 0 Fastest (lowest texture resolution)
1 Fast (low texture resolution)
2 Simple (full texture resolution)
3 Good
4 Beautiful
5 Fantastic
Graphics quality.
graphics.revz True True Enabled
False Disabled
Reverse-Z (reduces z-fighting / texture flickering).
graphics.shaderlod 600 100 Lowest details
200 Detailed ground textures and rocks
300 Detailed clothing
500 Detailed trees and water
Shader level.
graphics.shadowcascades 1 1 None
2 Two
4 Four
A higher number of cascades gives better quality (reduces shadow aliasing).
graphics.shadowdistance 50 50 ~ 1000 The maximum distance at which shadows will be visible. Shadows that fall beyond this distance will not be rendered.
graphics.shadowlights 1 0 ~ 3 Maximum dynamic shadows cast by light sources.
graphics.shadowmode 2 0 Disabled Shadows are now forced!
1 Hard shadows
2 Soft shadows (requires graphics.quality above 2)
Determines which type of shadows should be used.
grass.displace False True Enabled
False Disabled
Grass displacement.
water.quality 1 Water quality.
water.reflections 1 Water reflections.
decor.quality 100 0 ~ 100 Decor quality.
grass.quality 100 0 ~ 100 Grass quality.
mesh.quality 100 0 ~ 200 Object quality.
particle.quality 100 0 ~ 100 Particle quality.
terrain.quality 100 0 ~ 100 Terrain quality.
tree.quality 100 0 ~ 200 Tree quality.
terrain.atlasmipfix True True Enabled
False Disabled
terrain.basetexcomp True True Enabled
False Disabled


Variable Default Value Description
decal.cache False True Enabled
False Disabled
Refresh every frame instead of only when marked as dirty.
gc.interval -1 -1 Off
# Interval in seconds
Perform garbage collect and unload at a regular interval.
global.assetwarmup 1 1 Enabled
0 Disabled
Asset warmup.
global.prefabwarmup 1 1 Enabled
0 Disabled
Prefab warmup.
global.maxthreads 8 Maximum amount of threads used.
world.cache True True Enabled
False Disabled


Variable Default Value Description
graphics.branding True True Enabled
False Disabled
Branding ("rust alpha" overlay on the top-right). True True Enabled
False Disabled
graphics.hud True True Enabled
False Disabled
Enable HUD.
graphics.uiscale 1 0.5 ~ 1 Interface scale.
chat.enabled True True Enabled
False Disabled
Enable or disable chat displaying.
global.streamermode False True Enabled
False Disabled
Streamer mode.
fps.limit 100 The maximum number of frames to render per second.
global.language en af ar ca cs da de el en-PT en es-ES fi fr he hu it ja ko nl no pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru sr sv-SE tr uk vi zh-CN zh-TW Language.
global.perf 0 0 Disabled
1 + Frames per second
2 + Latency
3 + Memory
4 + Garbage collect
5 + Ping
6 + Tasks
7 + Invokes
Performance overlay.
nametags.enabled True True Enabled
False Disabled
Show player nametags.
global.censornudity False True Enabled
False Disabled
Censor nudity.


Culling avoids rendering something if the player cannot see it.

Variable Default Value Description
culling.debug False True Enabled
False Disabled
culling.entitymaxdist 5000 Maximum distance to show any players in meters.
culling.entityminanimatorculldist 30 Minimum distance at which we start disabling animators for entities.
culling.entityminculldist 15 Entity of any kind will always be visible closer than this.
culling.entityminshadowculldist 5 Minimum distance at which we start disabling shadows for entities.
culling.entityupdaterate 5 How many times per second to check for visiblity.
culling.safemode False True Enabled
False Disabled
Culling safe mode; for debugging purposes only.
culling.toggle True True Enabled
False Disabled
Enable/Disable occlusion culling.
playercull.debug False True Enabled
False Disabled
playercull.enabled True True Enabled
False Disabled (always render, even when hidden)
Player culling (disable if players are invisible).
playercull.maxplayerdist 5000 Maximum distance to show any players in meters.
playercull.maxsleeperdist 30 Maximum distance to show sleepers in meters.
playercull.minculldist 20 Players of any kind will always be visible closer than this.
playercull.updaterate 5 How many times per second to check for visiblity.
playercull.visquality 2 0 Chest
1 Chest + Head
2 Chest + Head + Arms
3 Chest + Head + Arms + Feet
Quality of Vis.


Batching is the process of combining multiple smaller objects into a single big object in order to make it faster to render.

Variable Default Value Description
batching.collider_capacity 30000
batching.collider_invalidate True True Enabled
False Disabled
batching.collider_submeshes 1
batching.collider_threading True True Enabled
False Disabled
batching.collider_vertices 1000
batching.colliders True True Enabled
False Disabled
batching.renderer_capacity 30000
batching.renderer_invalidate True True Enabled
False Disabled
batching.renderer_submeshes 1
batching.renderer_threading True True Enabled
False Disabled
batching.renderer_vertices 1000
batching.renderers True True Enabled
False Disabled
batching.verbose 0


Variable Default Value Description True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.conditional_models True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.decor True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.effects True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.entities True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.mode 2
pool.plants True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.player_clothing True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.player_collider True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.player_model True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.player_nametag True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.renderer_batches True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.skins True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.sounds True True Enabled
False Disabled
pool.trees True True Enabled
False Disabled


Variable Default Value Description
fps.graph 0
global.timewarning False True Enabled
False Disabled
Show completion times in console.
vis.attack False True Enabled
False Disabled
Turns on debug display of attacks. False True Enabled
False Disabled
Turns on debug display of protection.
dev.gender -1
dev.netgraph False True Enabled
False Disabled
global.debugmode False True Enabled
False Disabled
global.developer 0
debug.ambientvolumes True True Enabled
False Disabled
Whether or not to update ambient light from environment volumes.
debug.checktriggers False True Enabled
False Disabled
Debug triggers.
debug.drawcolliders False True Enabled
False Disabled
Draw colliders.
debug.skyreflection False True Enabled
False Disabled
Whether or not to update the sky reflection probe.
global.god False True Enabled
False Disabled
If you're an admin this will enable god mode.
net.debug False True Enabled
False Disabled
global.specnet False True Enabled
False Disabled
If enabled you will be networked when you're spectating. This means that you will hear audio chat, but also means that cheaters will potentially be able to detect you watching them.
global.safemode False True Enabled
False Disabled


Variable Default Value Description
lerp.enabled True True Enabled
False Disabled
Interpolation on network positions.
lerp.smoothing 0.15 0 ~ 1 Higher equals more smoothing Post process smoothing.
lerp.time 0.1 # Seconds (lower is more accurate, but also more jittery) Seconds behind to lerp.
netgraph.enabled False True Enabled
False Disabled
netgraph.updatespeed 5


Variable Default Value Description
physics.minsteps 2 1 ~ 60 The slowest physics steps will operate.
physics.steps 32 10 ~ 60 The amount of physics steps per second.
input.autocrouch False True Enabled
False Disabled
Automatically crouch when needed.
input.flipy False True Enabled
False Disabled
Inverted mouse y-axis.
input.holdtime 0.2 # Amount of seconds USE should be held down for it to count as not just a press.
input.sensitivity 1 # Mouse sensitivity.


Variable Default Value Description
client.camdist 2
client.camfov 70
client.camlerp 1
client.camoffset (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
client.camspeed 1
client.debugdragdrop False True Enabled
False Disabled
client.lookatradius 0.2 The radius of the sphere trace used to determine what you're looking at.
client.maxreceivetime 20
client.maxunack 4 Max amount of unacknowledged messages before we assume we're congested.
client.prediction True True Enabled
False Disabled
client.rockskin 0
demo.timescale 1
file.time False True Enabled
False Disabled