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Phenix EdgeAuth Digest Tokens for Java

Easily generate secure digest tokens to use with the Phenix platform without requiring any networking activity.


To install the Phenix Edge Authorization Digest Token library with gradle, add the following depencency line to your build.gradle:

implementation 'com.phenixrts.edgeauth:edge-auth:1.2.5'


compile group: 'com.phenixrts.edgeauth', name: 'edge-auth', version: '1.2.5'

Bundled UberJar

To install the Phenix Edge Authorization Digest Token uberjar bundled with all its dependencies, add the following dependency to your build.gradle:

compile group: 'com.phenixrts.edgeauth', name: 'edge-auth', version: '1.2.5', classifier: 'bundle'

Java Example

import com.phenixrts.edgeauth.TokenBuilder;

// Create a token to access a channel
final String token = new TokenBuilder()

Command Line Examples

Display the help information:

java -jar build/libs/edge-auth-1.3-SNAPSHOT-bundle.jar --help

Create a token for channel access:

java -jar build/libs/edge-auth-1.3-SNAPSHOT-bundle.jar --applicationId "my-application-id" --secret "my-secret" --expiresInSeconds 3600 --channel "us-northeast#my-application-id#my-channel.1345"