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OpenSIPS CLI - Database module

Module used to manipulate the database used by OpenSIPS.


This module exports the following commands:

  • create - creates a new database. Can receive an optional parameter, specifying the name of the database to be created. This command also deploys the standard OpenSIPS table, as well as other standard tables
  • drop - drops a database. Can receive an optional parameter, specifying which database to delete.
  • add - adds a new module's tables in an existing database. Receives as parameter the name of the module, as specified in the OpenSIPS scripts hierarchy.
  • migrate - copy and convert an OpenSIPS database into its next OpenSIPS release equivalent


Database Schema Files

The database schema files for each supported SQL backend can be installed via their corresponding OpenSIPS client module package. For example (only install modules useful to you):

apt install opensips-mysql-module opensips-postgres-module opensips-sqlite-module opensips-berkeley-module
yum install opensips-mysql-module opensips-postgres-module opensips-sqlite-module opensips-berkeley-module

Once installed, the schema files will be auto-detected by opensips-cli.

Setting up the database module

The following parameters are allowed in the config file:

  • database_schema_path (optional) - absolute path to the OpenSIPS DB schema directory, usually /usr/share/opensips if installed from packages or /path/to/opensips/scripts if you are using the OpenSIPS source tree. Default: /usr/share/opensips
  • database_admin_url (optional) - a connection string to the database with privileged (administrator) access level which will be used to create/drop databases, as well as to create or ensure access for the non-privileged DB access user provided via database_url. The URL combines schema, username, password, host and port. Default: mysql://root@localhost.
  • database_url (optional) - the connection string to the database. A good practice would be to use a non-administrator access user for this URL. Default: mysql://opensips:opensipsrw@localhost.
  • database_name (optional) - the name of the database. Modules may be separately added to this database if you choose not to install all of them. Default: opensips.
  • database_modules (optional) - accepts the ALL keyword that indicates all the available modules should be installed, or a space-separated list of modules names. If processed with the create command, the corresponding tables will be deployed. Default: acc alias_db auth_db avpops clusterer dialog dialplan dispatcher domain drouting group load_balancer msilo permissions rtpproxy rtpengine speeddial tls_mgm usrloc.
  • database_force_drop (optional) - indicates whether the drop command will drop the database without user interaction. Default: false

Usage Examples

Database Management

Consider the following configuration file:

#database_modules: acc clusterer dialog dialplan dispatcher domain rtpproxy usrloc
database_modules: ALL

#database_admin_url: postgresql://root@localhost
database_admin_url: mysql://root@localhost

The following command will create the opensips database and all possible tables within the MySQL instance. Additionally, the opensips:opensipsrw user will be created will ALL PRIVILEGES for the opensips database. For some backends, such as PostgreSQL, any additionally required permissions will be transparently granted to the opensips user, for example: table-level or sequence-level permissions.

opensips-cli -x database create
Password for admin DB user (root): _

If we want to add a new module, say rtpproxy, we have to run:

opensips-cli -x database add rtpproxy

The command above will create the rtpproxy_sockets table.

A drop command will prompt the user whether they really want to drop the database or not:

$ opensips-cli -x database drop
Do you really want to drop the 'opensips' database [Y/n] (Default is n): n

But setting the database_force_drop parameter will drop it without asking:

opensips-cli -o database_force_drop=true -x database drop

Database Migration (MySQL only)

The database migrate command can be used to incrementally upgrade your OpenSIPS database.

Migrating from 2.4 to 3.0

# fetch the 3.0 OpenSIPS repo & migration scripts
git clone -b 3.0 ~/src/opensips-3.0

# provide the custom path to the migration scripts and perform the migration
opensips-cli -o database_schema_path=~/src/opensips-3.0/scripts \
             -x database migrate 2.4_to_3.0 opensips_2_4 opensips_mig_3_0

Migrating from 3.0 to 3.1

# fetch the 3.1 OpenSIPS repo & migration scripts
git clone -b 3.1 ~/src/opensips-3.1

# provide the custom path to the migration scripts and perform the migration
opensips-cli -o database_schema_path=~/src/opensips-3.1/scripts \
             -x database migrate 3.0_to_3.1 opensips_3_0 opensips_mig_3_1



This module can only manipulate database backends that are supported by the SQLAlchemy project, such as SQLite, Postgresql, MySQL, Oracle, MS-SQL.