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kaamui edited this page Jan 3, 2024 · 1 revision

This page enumerates all the parameters you can edit to make OpenBoard behave the way you like. Some parameters are no longer used but maintained on the list for traceability (find commits related to a parameter when we change our mind and want to reuse it) and curious people.

Description will be progressively added to all the parameters.

App Section

App Section contains global parameters. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [App]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
AngleTolerance Used during the rotation of an object. Makes the rotation "jump" to the closest angle (multiple of 15), when rotation enters the range [angle - AngleTolerance; angle + AngleTolerance] 4
HideCheckForSoftwareUpdate If true, hides the button "Check for software updates" in the main menu false
HideSwapDisplayScreens If true, hides the checkbox in the preferences enabling false No longer used
EnableAutomaticSoftwareUpdates If true, checks at launch if a new version of OpenBoard is available true
EnableSoftwareUpdates true No longer used.
EnableStartupHints if true, a popup appears at launch and displays news, tips, etc. The user can choose to not show it again next time. false No longer used. (2022) Internal discussions occurred to determine whether it could be interesting to reuse it.
FavoriteToolURIs Automatically places the selected in the Favorite folder of the library openboardtool://openboard/mask, openboardtool://ruler, openboardtool://compass, openboardtool://protractor, openboardtool://triangle, openboardtool://magnifier, openboardtool://cache No longer used.
IsInSoftwareUpdateProcess Was probably used to indicate that a "diff install" was processing false No Longer used.
LastSessionDocumentUUID If not empty, reopen OpenBoard with the specified document (was probably done automatically at exit empty by default No Longer used.
LastSessionPageIndex If previous parameter is not empty, indicates the page that should be active 0 No Longer used.
LookForOpenSankoreInstall if true, searches for OpenSankoré install and offers to import OpenSankoré documents found, in OpenBoard true
PageCacheSize Defines the max number of document pages that would be cached 20 No Longer used.
PreferredLanguage Used to force a language at start fr_CH No longer used.
ProductWebAddress The value defined in this parameter is used as the value of the HomePage parameter of the Web section. No idea why...
RunInWindow if true, OpenBoard starts in windowed mode, instead of usual fullscreen mode false will be available with 1.7.0 version
SoftwareUpdateURL The url where to check if a new version is available
StartMode Defines the Mode used at start (Currently, only Desktop and Board Modes are supported) Empty by default. Board Mode is the default startMode 0 for Board Mode, 1 for Desktop Mode
SwapControlAndDisplayScreens false will no longer be useful with 1.7.0 version and display manager rework
ToolBarDisplayText true
ToolBarOrientationVertical false
ToolBarPositionedAtTop true
UseMultiscreenMode true
UseSystemOnScreenKeyboard true

Board Section

Board Section contains parameters that are specific to the Board Mode. starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Board]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
AutoSaveIntervalInMinutes 3
CrossColorDarkBackground #C8C0C0C0
CrossColorLightBackground #A5E1FF
DarkBackground 0
DefaultPageSize @Size(1280 960)
EraserCircleWidthIndex 1
FeatureSliderPosition 40
GridDarkBackgroundColors #FFFFFF, #FF3400, #66C0FF, #81FF5C, #FFFF00, #B68360, #FF497E, #8D69FF, #C8C0C0C0
GridLightBackgroundColors #000000, #FF0000, #004080, #008000, #FFDD00, #C87400, #800040, #008080, #5F2D0A, #A5E1FF
InterpolateMarkerStrokes true
InterpolatePenStrokes true
KeyboardPaletteKeyBtnSize 16x16
LeftLibPaletteBoardModeIsCollapsed true
LeftLibPaletteBoardModeWidth 270
LeftLibPaletteDesktopModeIsCollapsed true
LeftLibPaletteDesktopModeWidth 270
MagnifierDrawingMode 0
MarkerAlpha 0.5
MarkerColorIndex 0
MarkerDarkBackgroundColors #FFFF00, #FF4400, #66C0FF, #81FF5C, #B68360, #FF497E, #8D69FF, #FFFFFF
MarkerDarkBackgroundSelectedColors #FFFF00, #FF4400, #66C0FF, #81FF5C, #B68360
MarkerFineWidth 12
MarkerLightBackgroundColors #E3FF00, #FF0000, #004080, #008000, #C87400, #800040, #008080, #000000
MarkerLightBackgroundSelectedColors #E3FF00, #FF0000, #004080, #008000, #C87400
MarkerMediumWidth 24
MarkerPressureSensitive false
MarkerStrongWidth 48
pageDpi 0
PenColorIndex 0
PenDarkBackgroundColors #FFFFFF, #FF3400, #66C0FF, #81FF5C, #FFFF00, #B68360, #FF497E, #8D69FF, #000000
PenDarkBackgroundSelectedColors #FFFFFF, #FF3400, #66C0FF, #81FF5C, #FFFF00
PenFineWidth 1.5
PenLightBackgroundColors #000000, #FF0000, #004080, #008000, #FFDD00, #C87400, #800040, #008080, #5F2D0A, #FFFFFF
PenLightBackgroundSelectedColors #000000, #FF0000, #004080, #008000, #FFDD00
PenLineWidthIndex 0
PenMediumWidth 3
PenPressureSensitive true
PenStrongWidth 8
PointerDiameter 40
RightLibPaletteBoardModeIsCollapsed true
RightLibPaletteBoardModeWidth 270
RightLibPaletteDesktopModeIsCollapsed true
RightLibPaletteDesktopModeWidth 270
ShowEraserPreviewCircle true
ShowMarkerPreviewCircle true
ShowPenPreviewCircle true
PenPreviewFromSize 5
ShowToolsPalette false
SimplifyMarkerStrokes true
SimplifyPenStrokes true
SimplifyPenStrokesThresholdAngle 3
SimplifyPenStrokesThresholdWidthDifference 2
StartupKeyboardLocale 0
UseHighResTabletEvent true
ZoomBase 1.0005
ZoomFactor 1.4099999999999999

Community Section

Community Section starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Community]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
CredentialsPersistence false
Password Empty by default
Username Empty by default

Document Section

Document Section contains parameters that are specific to Document Mode. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Document]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
EmptyGroupNames @Invalid()
emptyTrashForOlderDocuments false
emptyTrashDaysValue 30
ThumbnailWidth 150
SortKind 0
SortOrder 0
SplitterLeftSize 200
SplitterRightSize 800
ShowDateColumnOnAlphabeticalSort false

IntranetPodcast Section

IntranetPodcast Section contains parameters that can be used when uploading a captured video (using the OpenBoard's podcast feature) on an Intranet. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [IntranetPodcast]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
Author ``
PublishToIntranet false
PublishingUrl ``

Library Section

Library Section contains parameters that are related to the library of OpenBoard (the right palette accessible on Board Mode and Desktop Mode). It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Library]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
AnimationsDirectory ./library/animations
ApplicationsDirectory ./library/applications
AudiosDirectory ./library/audios
ImageDirectory ./library/pictures
ImageThumbnailWidth 150
InteractivitiesDirectory ./library/interactivities
LibIconSize 80
ShapeDirectory ./library/shape
ShapeThumbnailWidth 50
ShowDetailsForLocalItems false
SoundThumbnailWidth 50
VideoThumbnailWidth 80
VideosDirectory ./library/videos

Mirroring Section

Mirroring Section contains parameters that can be used when mirroring the primary screen with a secondary screen. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Mirroring]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
RefreshRateInFramePerSecond 2

PDF Section

PDF Section contains parameters that are related to PDF. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [PDF]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
enableQualityLossToIncreaseZoomPerfs true
ExportBackgroundGrid false
ExportBackgroundColor false
Margin 20
PageFormat A4
Resolution 300
UsePDFMerger true
ZoomBehavior 4

Podcast Section

Podcast Section contains parameters that are related to video capture. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Podcast]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
AudioRecordingDevice Default
FramesPerSecond 10
PublishToYouTube false
QuickTimeQuality High
VideoSize Medium
WindowsMediaBitsPerSecond 1700000

SVG Section

SVG Section contains parameters that are related to SVG. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [SVG]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
ViewBoxMargin 50

Web Section

Web Section contains parameters that are related to the internal and external navigators. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [Web]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
AlternativeUserAgent "Mozilla/5.0 (%1; %2; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0"
AlternativeUserAgentDomains google.*
CookieAutoDelete false
CookieKeepDomains ``
CookiePolicy DenyThirdParty
HistoryLimit 15
PrivateBrowsing false
ShowPageImediatelyOnMirroredScreen false
UseExternalBrowser false

YouTube Section

YouTube Section contains parameters that are related to YouTube. It starts in the configuration file by the declaration of the section as followed : [YouTube]. The following parameters can be used in it :

Parameter Description Default value Status
CredentialsPersistence false
UserEMail ``
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