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Search for code by what it does in natural language, using machine learning embeddings.


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Repository files navigation



RepoSearch is a tool for searching through repositories of text and source code using natural language queries, based on embeddings from a custom-specified model.

Current options for model are:

Example Usage

Local Repository

Generating embeddings from a local copy of the OpenMW (open source game engine) repository, then querying it.

$ repo_search generate openmw ~/Developer/openmw/apps
  <output trimmed for brevity>
100%|██████████████████████████████| 1386/1386 [05:53<00:00,  3.92it/s]

$ repo_search query openmw "Example of making an NPC navigate towards a specific destination."
  <output trimmed for brevity>
100%|██████████████████████████████| 1386/1386 [00:00<00:00, 3533.53it/s]

"Example of making an NPC navigate towards a specific destination."

89.55% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aipackage.cpp [25%-31% of the way through]
88.99% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aiwander.cpp [74%-78% of the way through]
87.65% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aipursue.cpp [33%-67% of the way through]
87.42% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aicombat.cpp [33%-38% of the way through]
87.19% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aitravel.cpp [40%-60% of the way through]
87.11% match    openmw/mwmechanics/pathfinding.cpp [82%-88% of the way through]
86.88% match    openmw/mwgui/dialogue.cpp [64%-68% of the way through]
86.81% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aipackage.hpp [40%-60% of the way through]
86.63% match    openmw/mwmechanics/aiwander.hpp [60%-80% of the way through]
86.30% match    openmw/mwmechanics/character.cpp [65%-66% of the way through]

Zip File Download + Embedding with OpenAI

Downloading the latest state of the Borg Backup repository from GitHub, generating embeddings using OpenAI Embeddings, then querying it.

$ export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-...
$ repo_search generate borg --model_type openai
  <output trimmed for brevity>
100%|██████████████████████████████| 425/425 [02:17<00:00,  3.09it/s]

$ repo_search query borg "Code implementing file chunking and deduplication."
  <output trimmed for brevity>
100%|██████████████████████████████| 425/425 [00:00<00:00, 3524.80it/s]

"Code implementing file chunking and deduplication."

77.95% match    borg-master/scripts/fuzz-cache-sync/testcase_dir/test_simple [0%-100% of the way through]
77.67% match    borg-master/src/borg/chunker.pyx [0%-100% of the way through]
76.25% match    borg-master/docs/usage/notes.rst [0%-100% of the way through]
76.01% match    borg-master/docs/misc/internals-picture.txt [0%-100% of the way through]
75.92% match    borg-master/src/borg/hashindex.pyi [0%-100% of the way through]
75.88% match    borg-master/src/borg/chunker.pyi [0%-100% of the way through]
75.46% match    borg-master/src/borg/testsuite/ [0%-100% of the way through]
74.90% match    borg-master/src/borg/_chunker.c [0%-100% of the way through]
74.68% match    borg-master/src/borg/ [50%-100% of the way through]
74.18% match    borg-master/src/borg/_hashindex.c [0%-100% of the way through]


Install Steps

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. [Optional] Create a virtual/conda/whatever environment.
  3. [Optional] Install requirements into your environment.
  4. pip install git+
  5. repo_search --help


Pip should install missing requirements automatically. Though you may want to install the following ahead of time to speed up the process:


repo_search <generate|query> <repository_name> <arguments>

Argument Description
generate Generate embeddings for a repository.
query Query a repository for files similar to the given query.
repository_name The name for a collection of embeddings

Optional Shared Arguments

Argument Description
--embeddings_dir The directory to store the generated embeddings in.

Default: An embeddings directory located in the folder RepoSearch was installed to
--verbose Whether or not to print verbose output.

Default: Off

Generate Arguments

repo_search generate <repository_name> <repository_source> <arguments>

repository_source can be one of:

  • A path to a local directory
  • A path to a local zip file
  • A URL to a zip file to download
  • A URL to a GitHub repository to download (the main branch is downloaded)
Argument Description
--model_type The type of model to use for generating or querying embeddings. See Available Model Types for more information.

Default: instructor
--model_name The name of the model to use for generating or querying embeddings. Options available depend on model type.

Query Arguments

repo_search query <repository_name> <query>

query is a string containing the query to search for.

How does it work?

For each file in the repository, the embeddings are sent to a customizable model (default: instructor-large) to generate an embedding. If a file is too long to fit within a single embedding, it is split into smaller chunks and each chunk is embedded separately.

The retrieved embeddings are stored in a HuggingFace Datasets dataset. Check out the schema for more information about using the generated dataset.

Possible TODO: The embeddings are indexed using FAISS, which allows for fast nearest neighbor searches to your queries.

Dataset Schema

The generated dataset consists of just two columns.

Column Name Description
file_path The path to the file that was embedded. Useful for displaying to the user.
embeddings An array of embeddings for the file. An empty array indicates an error occurred when generating embeddings for the file. The array may have one or more embeddings within it, depending on the source file length.

Available Model Types

--model_type specifies which model should be used to generate the embeddings. Currently there are two options: instructor and openai.

Instructor (Default)

--model_type instructor

By default, RepoSearch uses instructor-large to generate the embeddings.


Model Name Description
hkunlp/instructor-large The default model. Requires ~2.5 GB of VRAM to run.
hkunlp/instructor-xl A larger version of the default model. Requires ~6 GB of VRAM.


--model_type openai

Note: Using this model type requires you to supply your own OpenAI API key!

export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-...

Warning: You should not use this model with any extremely sensitive code or data! The contents of all files will be sent to OpenAI's API for embedding generation.


Model Name Description
text-embedding-ada-002 The default model.

Cost: Cost per query is negligible, almost always less than 1/10th of a penny unless you're writing paragraphs of text.

Generating embeddings:

  • For the OpenMW repository (generating embeddings for ~9 MB worth of source files) costs ~$0.20 USD.
  • For the Borg Backup repository (<5 MB of source) costs ~$0.10 USD.