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993 lines (833 loc) · 61.4 KB

CHANGELOG for Shopware 5.6.x

This changelog references changes done in Shopware 5.6 patch versions.


View all changes from v5.6.7...v5.6.8


  • Added new method \Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer::setLanguageId
  • Added new option disableScrollBarUpdate to swMenuScroller


  • Changed \Shopware\Components\CacheManager to ensure cache clearing happens correctly
  • Changed cookies lastCheckSubscriptionDate and SHOPWAREBACKEND to be secure, when requested with https
  • Changed composer.json to be compatible with Composer 2
  • Changed \Shopware\Components\Theme\LessCompiler\Oyejorge to set custom less functions after reset
  • Changed csrf protection javascript plugin to work with punnycode on Internet Explorer 11
  • Changed \Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Services\DatabaseContentTypeSynchronizer to consider also user created content types
  • Changed Symfony version to 3.4.43


View all changes from v5.6.6...v5.6.7


  • Added "albumId" to the Article API resource. This way you can determine in which album a product image is saved when creating or updating a product via REST API
  • Added Shopware_CronJob_Error and Shopware_CronJob_Finished events to support all crojobs
    • Example:
      public static function getSubscribedEvents()
          return [
              'Shopware_CronJob_Error' => 'onCronJobError',
              'Shopware_CronJob_Finished' => 'onCronJobFinal'
      public function onCronJobError(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
          /** @var \Shopware_Components_Cron_CronJob $job */
          $job = $args->get('job');
          $action = $job->getAction();
          // Your code here
      public function onCronJobFinal(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
          /** @var \Shopware_Components_Cron_CronJob $job */
          $job = $args->get('job');
          $action = $job->getAction();
          // Your code here


  • Changed Symfony library to version 3.4.39
  • Changed jQuery library to version 3.5.1
  • Changed \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_AttributeData to support translating attribute store values
    • Example:
            'displayInBackend' => true,
            'arrayStore' => [
                ['key' => 1, 'value' => 'Value 1'],
    • Translation
    s_articles_attributes_my_column_options_store_1 = "Item 1 EN"
    s_articles_attributes_my_column_options_store_1 = "Item 1 DE"
  • Changed cookie consent manager to work correctly when accepting all cookies
  • Renamed duplicated smarty block frontend_listing_box_article_badges in the files frontend/listing/product-box/box-basic.tpl and frontend/listing/product-box/box-emotion.tpl
  • Changed tinymce to fix issues with readOnly is not resetting


View all changes from v5.6.5...v5.6.6


  • Changed \Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Compiler\PluginResourceCompilerPass to work correctly with multiple plugins


View all changes from v5.6.4...v5.6.5


  • Added PHP 7.4 support
  • Added new option metaOptions to S3 Adapter to set S3 options
  • Added a filter event 'Shopware_Modules_Basket_AddVoucher_FilterSqlParams' to sBasket::sAddVoucher to modify sql params
  • Added a notify event 'Shopware_Modules_Basket_AddVoucher_Inserted' to sBasket::sAddVoucher to execute code after a voucher was inserted
  • Added new product fields to product exports: metaTitle, pseudosales, notification, available_from, available_to, pricegroupActive, pricegroupID
  • Added intl extension to required php extensions
  • Added unique index to s_attribute_configuration with columns table_name and column_name
  • Added new Argon2 password encoder
  • Added attributes to the following API resources
    • CustomerGroup
    • Media
    • Country
  • Added new config option to also show technical urls in hreflang
  • Added new less function swhash to get file hash for cache busting
  • Added new event Shopware_Modules_Admin_SaveRegister_BeforeRegister to cancel customer registration
  • Added new property to plugin base class $autoloadViews which allows pre registration of template folder
    • Its still required on backend extensions to call extendsTemplate


  • The \Shopware\Components\StateTranslatorService works case insensitive now
  • Changed Shopware.apps.Emotion.view.components.Base to properly handle a checkbox default value
  • Changed \Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Base::getPaymentsAction to optionally list all payment methods
  • Changed \Shopware\Components\Cart\CartPersistService to also persist cart item attributes
  • Changed blog statistics to work also with active http cache
  • Changed \Shopware\Components\Routing\Router::assemble and \Shopware\Components\Routing\Router::match default implementation handling arrays and encoded strings
    • Shopware\Components\Routing\Generators\DefaultGenerator::generate will encode arrays as strings with http_build_query; objects result in an user error in 5.6 and Exception in 5.7
    • Shopware\Components\Routing\Matchers\DefaultMatcher::match will try to convert encoded string values back to array representation
  • Changed Shopware.form.field.SingleSelection to forward enable and disable calls
  • Changed the following templates to include the custom_captcha.tpl template, if any other captcha method than "legacy" is active:
    • themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/forms/form-elements.tpl


  • Removed usage of column baseprice in engine/Shopware/Bundle/SearchBundleDBAL/ListingPriceHelper.php


  • Deprecated following methods of class \Shopware\Components\CacheManager
    • getCoreCache
    • getDirectoryInfo
    • encodeSize


View all changes from v5.6.3...v5.6.4


  • Changed status of SLT-cookie from 'Comfort' feature to 'Technically required' when feature is active


View all changes from v5.6.2...v5.6.3


  • Added customer attribute risk rules to risk management
  • Added interface ArrayAccess to Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute
  • Added attribute to struct data after being converted by the Shopware\Components\Compatibility\LegacyStructConverter
  • Added method clearBody to Enlight_Components_Mail to clear the plain and html body
  • Added interfaces for all services in AttributeBundle
  • Added AllowInvalidArrayType to Doctrine to fix deserialization error on mail sending
  • Added missing template for \Shopware\Bundle\ContentTypeBundle\Field\ComboboxField
  • Added jQuery event plugin/swCookiePermission/onAcceptButtonClick and plugin/swCookiePermission/onDeclineButtonClick
  • Added option __options_details to order api update to toggle order position replace mode
  • Added setter and is methods for json renderer formatDateTime variable.
  • Added multiple Smarty blocks to frontend/plugins/index/delivery_informations.tpl
  • Added new Smarty block frontend_detail_index_data_pricespecification to frontend/detail/content/buy_container.tpl
  • Added new Smarty blocks frontend_includes_emotion, frontend_includes_emotion_inner, frontend_includes_emotion_template and frontend_includes_emotion_template_inner to frontend/_includes/emotion.tpl
  • Added new Smarty blocks frontend_index_left_categories_wrapper and frontend_index_left_subcategory_config to frontend/index/sidebar.tpl
  • Added Shopware\Bundle\CookieBundle, which takes care of the new cookie consent manager. If you're using cookies in your plugin, make sure to read this documentation!


  • Changed aria-label in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/_includes/privacy.tpl to remove html tags
  • Changed sAdmin::sRiskATTRIS to allow any product attribute
  • Changed Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\DBAL\GraduatedPricesGateway to consider minimum purchase quantity
  • Changed \Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Address::handleExtraData to split sessionKey correctly
  • Changed StateManager.getScrollBarSize to lazily get the size of the scrollbar
  • Changed missing german translation in snippets/backend/article_list/main.ini
  • Changed the \Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository::getBaseListQueryBuilder, \Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository::getBaseListQuery and \Shopware\Models\Shop\Repository::getMainListQueryBuilder methods. Added a boolean $orderByShopPositionAsDefault that can be set to true to filter by shop position instead of shop name
  • Changed the Smarty block frontend_detail_data_delivery, added availability meta tags for the pre selected configurator products for configurator types 'Selection' and 'Image'
  • Changed the path value of following cookies, so they correctly consider the shop's base path
    • session-<shopId>
    • partner
    • sUniqueID
  • Changed unitize mixin to only output rem values
  • Changed Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer, set correct return type for getregisterOptInId
  • Changed the TemplateMail_CreateMail_MailContext filter to work correctly.
  • Changed ProductServiceInterface to extend from ListProductServiceInterface
  • Changed additionAddressLine1 in themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/register/shipping_fieldset.tpl to fix a typo
  • Changed \sArticles::sGetArticlePictures to correctly return image thumbnail URLs again


  • Removed the smarty blocks frontend_blog_bookmarks_delicious and frontend_blog_bookmarks_digg and their content from `themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/blog/bookmarks.tpl
  • Removed unnecessary extendsAction from Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ExtJs
  • Removed 'p' parameter and its alias 'sPage' from "NoIndex queries" configuration
  • Removed controller action Shopware_Controllers_Backend_SwagUpdate::saveFtpAction
  • Removed ExtJS model engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Backend/SwagUpdate/Views/backend/swag_update/model/ftp.js
  • Removed ExtJS view engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Backend/SwagUpdate/Views/backend/swag_update/view/ftp.js
  • Removed ExtJS controller method engine/Shopware/Plugins/Default/Backend/SwagUpdate/Views/backend/swag_update/controller/main.js::onSaveFtp


  • Deprecated class \Shopware\Components\OpenSSLEncryption. It will be removed in 5.7, use own implementation instead
  • Deprecated parameter $orderByShopPositionAsDefault for methods getBaseListQuery, getBaseListQueryBuilderand getMainListQueryBuilder in engine/Shopware/Models/Shop/Repository.php
  • Deprecated following methods in class \Shopware\Models\Partner\Repository
    • getCustomerForMappingQuery
    • getCustomerForMappingQueryBuilder


View all changes from v5.6.1...v5.6.2


  • Added a title to the base price declaration shown in the product box (themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/product-box/product-price-unit.tpl), so users may view the full text by hovering, in case the declaration was truncated
  • Added a filter event 'Shopware_Plugins_AdvancedMenu_CacheKey' to \Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_AdvancedMenu_Bootstrap::getAdvancedMenu
  • Added all global defined attachments to the order document mail sending
  • Added example HSTS configuration in the htaccess file
  • Added the same context variables to sREGISTERCONFIRMATION when the mail is sent after a DOI eMail compared to when it is sent directly
  • Added some values to the context of eMails sOPTINREGISTER and sOPTINREGISTERACCOUNTLESS to include the same values as eMail sREGISTERCONFIRMATION, these are:
    • customer_type and additional.customer_type
    • accountmode
    • email and sMAIL
    • street
    • zipcode
    • city
    • country
    • state
  • Added db.timezone section to config.php to configure a custom timezone for the database connection


  • Changed the base price declaration shown in the product box (themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/product-box/product-price-unit.tpl), so that an ellipsis is shown when the text is truncated
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::convertProductsResult to consider use short description configuration
  • Changed Shopware\Models\Analytics\Repository::createAmountBuilder to join with left join instead inner join
  • Changed the block of the registration verification alert
  • Changed the x-robots header to x-robots-tag
  • Changed HTML minification to exclude checkout controller due to performance issues with many items in the cart
  • Changed Shopware\Models\Analytics\Repository::createAmountBuilder to join with left join instead inner join
  • Changed default value of Shopware\Models\Article\Image::$main to 2
  • Changed the label of the config form Service to Maintenance
  • Changed s_mail_log foreign keys to set null on delete
  • Changed Item by sales to consider only products
  • Changed systeminfo to consider mariadb installations
  • Changed Zend_Cache_Backend_Redis to make it compatible with PhpRedis 5.0.0
  • Changed Listing controller to prevent it from accessing categories of subshops
  • Changed jquery plugins ajax-product-navigation, infinite-scrolling and listing-actions to work with invalid query strings
  • Changed the context variables of eMail sREGISTERCONFIRMATION to contain the same variables when the mail is sent after a DOI eMail compared to when it is sent directly
  • Changes how the IP of the client get's determined when an order is being stored
  • Changed the context variables of eMails sOPTINREGISTER and sOPTINREGISTERACCOUNTLESS to include the same values as eMail sREGISTERCONFIRMATION, these are:
    • The already existing variables:
      • sConfirmLink
      • firstname
      • lastname
      • salutation
    • New are the variables:
      • customer_type and additional.customer_type
      • accountmode
      • email and sMAIL
      • street
      • zipcode
      • city
      • country
      • state
  • Changed PHPStan to 0.11.16
  • Changed a call to the flatpickr's formatDate() method, so that it now reflects the current parameter order


  • Removed the UNIQUE-Constraint from \Shopware\Models\Mail\Contact::$mailAddress


View all changes from v5.6.0...v5.6.1


  • Added new config checkbox for applying stock on chosen variants while applying standard data
  • Added new smarty block frontend_global_messages_icon_remove
  • Added new div class is--content-type to all content type pages
  • Added fallback for missing widget label translation
  • Added path /tracking to robots.txt


  • Changed the meta property og:type in the listing from product to
  • Changed password recovery form to also work with invalid customer objects
  • Changed Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\BlogGateway to consider blog translations
  • Changed the SEO meta tags in the blog listing
  • Changed Shopware_Components_Translation to work with missing payment or dispatch entries
  • Changed sAdmin to save cart after logout
  • Changed Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Compiler\LegacyApiResourcesPass to work correctly
  • Changed the calculation of the date in the affiliate marketing statistics
  • Changed Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp::isRedirect to not consider http response code 201
  • Changed content type pages to display the off canvas menu in mobile view
  • Changed sAdmin::sGetCountryList to use CountryService
  • Changed the pagesize for the snippets module
  • Changed the handling of browser notifications to support browsers without notifications
  • Changed themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/_includes/emotion.tpl to also work with emotion preview
  • Changed dependency beberlei/assert to version 2.9.9 to fix issues with PHP 7.3


View all changes from v5.5.10...v5.6.0


  • Added support for Shopping Worlds without AJAX requests, configurable in theme settings
  • Added configuration to define the format of a valid order number. See [Custom validation of order numbers (SKU)](###Custom validation of order numbers (SKU)) for more details
  • Added controller registration by DI-tag. See Controller See [Controller Registration using DI-Tag](###Controller Registration using DI-Tag) for more details
  • Added autowiring of controller action parameters. See [Autowire of controller actions parameters](###Autowire of controller actions parameters) for more details
  • Added better ExtJS file auto-loading. See [Improved ExtJS auto-loading](###Improved ExtJS auto-loading) for more details
  • Added new Shopware\Components\Cart\PaymentTokenService to improve handling of payment callbacks. See [Payment Token](###Payment Token) for more details
  • Added specific logger service for each plugin. See [Plugin specific logger](###Plugin specific logger) for more details
  • Added support for HTTP2 server push. See [HTTP2 Server Push Support](###HTTP2 Server Push Support) for more details
  • Added Symfony RequestStack to Enlight's request cycle
  • Added new config option to allow restoring of old cart items
  • Added new config option to enable sharing of session between language shops
  • Added support for SVG files in the frontend
  • Added means to translate document types, dispatch and payment methods
  • Added definition signature getAttributeRawField to Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMappingInterface to reduce info request of Elasticsearch and added method implementation to TextMappings Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMapping\TextMappingES2::getAttributeRawField Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMapping\TextMappingES5::getAttributeRawField Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMapping\TextMappingES6::getAttributeRawField
  • Added new privilege for Plugin Manager and Updater notifications
  • Added product review widget
  • Added plugin migrations
    • Migrations are loaded from folder SwagTestPlugin/Resources/migrations
    • The migration file can be generated using ./bin/console sw:generate:migration added-something-new -p SwagTestPlugin
  • Added new theme configuration to disable ajax loading for emotions
  • Added signature supports to Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\SynchronizerInterface to reduce wrong typed backlog sync request
    • Added method implementation to Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Property\PropertySynchronizer::supports Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductSynchronizer::supports
  • Added service \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader as models.annotations_reader
  • Added shopware.controller.blacklisted_controllers parameter to the DI container to blacklist controllers for dispatching
  • Added Doctrine's default table options to config, can now be modified
  • Added configuration to show the voucher field on checkout confirm page
  • Added information text to detail page of category filter
  • Added string type cast in return statement of method sOrder::sGetOrdernumber
  • Added configuration to decide whether user basket should be cleared after logout or not
  • Added the following new models and repositories to enable e-mail logging
    • \Shopware\Models\Mail\Log
    • \Shopware\Models\Mail\Contact
    • \Shopware\Models\Mail\LogRepository
  • Added the following new services to enable e-mail logging
    • Shopware\Bundle\MailBundle\Service\LogEntryBuilder
    • Shopware\Bundle\MailBundle\Service\LogEntryMailBuilder
    • Shopware\Bundle\MailBundle\Service\LogService
    • Shopware\Bundle\MailBundle\Service\Filter\AdministrativeMailFilter
    • Shopware\Bundle\MailBundle\Service\Filter\NewsletterMailFilter
  • Added the MailLogCleanup cron job which clears old entries from the e-mail log
  • Added new basic settings in the mailer section
    • mailLogActive
    • mailLogCleanupMaximumAgeInDays
  • Added the associations property to Enlight_Components_Mail
  • Added option symbols for {include file="frontend/_includes/rating.tpl"} to hide rating symbols
  • Added new controller Shopware\Controllers\Backend\Logger
  • Added Ace editor in the backend where Codemirror was used before: in email and shopping world templates, shipping cost calculation and product exports.
  • Added server response tab to extjs error reporter to show errors in javascript code
  • Added new backend module mail_log
  • Added new backend controllers:
    • MailLog
    • MailLogContact
  • Added function to rename or overwrite if esd file already exists
  • Added beberlei/DoctrineExtensions as requirement.
  • Added ExtJs developer mode, to provide better warnings and errors to developers
  • Added Enlight_Hook_Exception. It will be thrown when the HookManger gets a class name which not implements Enlight_Hook in 5.8
  • Added new events in sBasket::getPricesForItemUpdates()
  • Added an option to use a datepicker for birthday instead of the single select-fields
  • Added additional information to the address verification. You can now give more feedback during the form validation.
  • Added --index option to sw:es:index:populate. It can be used to reindex single or multiple index. If it is not defined, every index will be reindexed. bin/console sw:es:index:populate --index property bin/console sw:es:index:populate --index property --index product
  • Added the Product Number as a new method to sort your results
  • Added support for Elasticsearch 7
  • Added a last password change date to customers
  • Added new foreign key to s_order_details, orderID now references
  • Added new config option to set batch size of backlog indexing for elasticsearch backend implementation
  • Added listener for new orders, to add them in the elasticsearch backend backlog
  • Added logging for exceptions that may occur during migrations
  • Added command sw:es:backend:backlog:clear to clear the backlog
  • Added alias command sw:es:backend:backlog:sync to sw:es:backend:sync
  • Added paging to more lists in the backend
  • Added a new configuration to a blog for limiting the blog to shops
  • Added browser notifications in the backend, which are shown when a growl message is created and the current tab is inactive
  • Added new block frontend_listing_box_article_badges_inner to themes/Frontend/Bare/frontend/listing/product-box/product-badges.tpl
  • Added event Shopware_Models_Order_Document_Filter_Config to modify config settings for document creation
  • Added _config property to class Shopware_Models_Document_Order to make it usable while model creation
  • Added new parameter to prevent certain exceptions from cluttering your logs. See [Disable logging of specific exceptions](###Disable logging of specific exceptions) for more details
  • Added a Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle class to all Shopware bundles and moved all service.xml files to a corresponding DependencyInjection directory
  • Added es.index_configuration and es.backend.index_configuration section to config.php to allow custom elasticsearch settings
  • Added getter and setter to Config/Form model
  • Added new event Shopware_Controllers_Order_SendMail_Prepare to Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Order::sendMailAction
  • Added Shopware\Components\CacheSubscriber to clear config cache, when plugin config changes


  • Changed minimum required PHP version to 7.2.0
  • Changed minimum required MySQL version to 5.7.0
  • Changed minimum Elasticsearch version to 6.6.0
  • Changed Symfony library to version 3.4.30
  • Changed doctrine/orm to 2.6.3
  • Changed mpdf/mpdf to 7.1.9
  • Changed elasticsearch/elasticsearch to 6.7.1
  • Changed ongr/elasticsearch-dsl to 6.0.3
  • Changed jQuery to 3.4.1
  • Changed PHPStan to 0.11.12
  • Changed id of login password form in frontend/account/login.tpl from passwort to password
  • Changed plugin initialization to alphabetical order by default
  • Changed all DIC service ids to lowercase as a preparation for a switch to Symfony 4 in the future
  • Changed the generation of the Robots.txt. See [Improved Robots.txt](###Improved Robots.txt) for more details
  • Changed cookie x-ua-device to be secure if the shop runs on SSL
  • Changed the following cart actions to redirect the request to allow customers to press reload: Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Checkout::addArticleAction Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Checkout::addAccessoriesAction Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Checkout::deleteArticleAction
  • Changed browser cache handling in backend to cache javascript index and load actions. Caching will be disabled when...
    • the template cache is disabled
    • $this->Response()->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'private', true); is used in the controller
  • Changed mapping of Elasticsearch fields:
    • Fields previously handled as notAnalyzedFields are now treated as keyword fields, meaning they are only searchable completely, not in parts instead of not searchable. Examples of these fields are:
      • EAN
      • SKU
      • ZIP codes
      • transaction Ids
      • Phone numbers
      • .raw fields
      • and some more
  • Changed the manufacturer image to appropriate thumbnails
  • Changed Shopware\Components\Plugin\CachedConfigReader to cache into Zend_Cache_Core
  • Changed plugin.xsd to make pluginName in requiredPlugins required
  • Changed Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Container to trigger InitResource and AfterInitResource events for alias services, introduced by decorations
  • Changed the Regex-Constraint on \Shopware\Models\Article\Detail::$number to a new OrderNumber-Constraint to be more configurable
  • Changed interface Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleDBAL\VariantHelperInterface to contain new method joinVariants(QueryBuilder $query) which was already a necessary part of the default implementation
  • Changed type of logMailAddress config in s_core_config_elements to textarea
  • Changed mail error handler to consider multiple recipient addresses
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Note forwards to redirects
  • Changed display mode of voucher field on the shopping cart page into a configurable display mode
  • Changed symfony form request handler to Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\HttpFoundation\HttpFoundationRequestHandler
  • Changed .htaccess-file to no longer contain references to PHP5
  • Changed following tables to varchar limit of 15 for customer group key
    • s_core_customergroups
    • s_article_configurator_template_prices
    • s_articles_prices
    • s_campaigns_mailings
  • Changed backend customer login to start with a fresh session
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Application to be an abstract class
  • Changed sExport::sGetArticleCategoryPath to allow various attributes in category path
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Application to be abstract
  • Changed Ext.ClassManager to show better error messages on missing alias or class
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Application to abstract
  • Changed Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ExtJs to abstract
  • Changed internal validation of Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute
  • Changed the blog seo meta details to be saveable after being over the max length of the global max length
  • Changed shipping calculation in off canvas to work correctly with country states
  • Changed the input of filters in the backend to prevent grammar error
  • Changed Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\ShopIndexerInterface::index. Added optional $indexNames argument
  • Changed Bare Template to improve accessibility by adding aria labels
  • Changed product module split view mode to work correctly with properties
  • Changed product search to work correctly on MySQL 8
  • Changed last seen products productLimit to work correctly
  • Changed product-feed export to refresh context while exporting multiple feeds
  • Changed Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::registerResources to extract the code in a new service shopware.components.shop_registration_service
  • Changed the offcanvas basket to now display shipping costs also when the user is logged in
  • Changed \Shopware\Components\Privacy\PrivacyService to run more efficiently
  • Changed the logging to not have critical or error logging for CSRF-Tokens and 404-pages
  • Changed the error message if a customer enters an invalid birthday in the registration
  • Changed product list in Elasticsearch to consider show variants option
  • Changed Hook generation to work correctly with void return type
  • Changed column s_order_documents.ID to (if it wasn't already changed due to MySQL 8 being used)
  • Changed padding on hidden cookie-permission banner
  • Changed partner cookie durations slightly to make them more accurate. Added more available intervals
  • Changed grunt configuration to also take the plugin directory custom/project into account
  • Changed advanced menu javascript to throw less events
  • Changed the ShopContext to be elegantly decoratable
  • Changed method name Shopware\Components\Plugin::getNamespace to Shopware\Components\Plugin::getPluginNamespace to support getNamespace method from Symfony bundles.
  • Changed Shopware\Components\Plugin class to extend from Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle
  • Changed Shopware\Components\Plugin::registerCommands parameter typehint from Shopware\Components\Console\Application to Symfony\Component\Console\Application
  • Changed Elasticsearch backend implementation to use an index prefix
  • Changed sBasket::getAdditionalInfoForUpdateProduct to add additional text fields for variants as well
  • Changed the emotion detail window to be resizable
  • Changed the generation of .tmp files for compiled theme cache
  • Changed the Shopware_Components_Config to use Doctrine DBAL instead of Zend_Db
  • Changed ajax-search to cancel ajax request, when submit button is pressed
  • Changed elasticsearch backend backlog to write variant backlogs correctly
  • Changed the attribute entity selection for \Shopware\Models\Order\Detail
  • Changed the first parameter in Shopware\Components\Model\ModelEntity:setOneToMany to allow iterables


  • Removed the following classes without replacement
    • Shopware\Bundle\FormBundle\Extension\EnlightRequestExtension
    • Shopware\Bundle\FormBundle\EnlightRequestHandler
    • Shopware\Components\Compatibility\LegacyDocumentIdConverter
    • Shopware\Components\Compatibility\MigrateMysql8Command
    • Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\DependencyInjection\Factory\CompositeSynchronizerFactory
    • Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\CompositeSynchronizer
  • Removed the following deprecated classes
    • Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_SitemapMobileXml
    • Shopware\Components\SitemapXMLRepository
    • Shopware_Components_Benchmark_Point
    • Shopware_Components_Benchmark_Container
    • Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Deprecated
  • Removed s_articles_attributes.articleID which was not set for new article variants anymore since Shopware 5.2.0
  • Removed global $Shopware template variable
  • Removed following classes, use Shopware\Components\Plugin\XmlReader\* instead
    • Shopware\Components\Plugin\XmlPluginInfoReader
    • Shopware\Components\Plugin\XmlConfigDefinitionReader
    • Shopware\Components\Plugin\XmlCronjobReader
    • Shopware\Components\Plugin\XmlMenuReader
  • Removed storeType php from Plugin config.xml
  • Removed the unspecific request params assignment to view in Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::productsAction and Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Listing::streamAction. Use a *PostDispatchEvent to assign necessary variables in a plugin
  • Removed voucher field from additional feature
  • Removed checkbox show in all categories on the category filter detail page
  • Removed category filter facet from filter listing in category settings
  • Removed category filter from category page in frontend
  • Removed deprecated Shopware constants
    • Removed Shopware::VERSION use the DIC-Parameter shopware.release.version instead
    • Removed Shopware::VERSION_TEXT use the DIC-Parameter shopware.release.version_text instead
    • Removed Shopware::REVISION use the DIC-Parameter shopwqare.release.REVISION instead
  • Removed deprecated Kernel constants
    • Removed Kernel::VERSION use the DIC-Parameter shopware.release.version instead
    • Removed Kernel::VERSION_TEXT use the DIC-Parameter shopware.release.version_text instead
    • Removed Kernel::REVISION use the DIC-Parameter shopware.release.revision instead
  • Removed deprecated $legacyGroups in Shopware\Components\SitemapXMLRepository
  • Removed deprecated older Shopware\Models\Order\Document\Document
  • Removed deprecations of Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Article
  • Removed deprecations of Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Variant
  • Removed unused Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundleES\DependencyInjection\CompilerPassSearchHandlerCompilerPass which was not used at all
  • Removed method Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp::insert
  • Removed method Shopware\Kernel::transformEnlightResponseToSymfonyResponse
  • Removed following methods from class Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_Default
    • addControllerDirectory, use setModules instead
    • addModuleDirectory, use addModule instead
    • setControllerDirectory, use setModules instead
    • getControllerDirectory, use getModules instead
    • removeControllerDirectory, use setModules instead
  • Removed the CodeMirror JavaScript editor, use Ace instead
  • Removed ext-all-debug.js


  • Deprecated the implicit conversion of strings to DateTime objects in Doctrine entities, it will be removed in Shopware 5.7. Relying on this conversion will throw a deprecation warning till then, please only insert DateTime objects
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMappingInterface::getNotAnalyzedField. It will be removed in 5.7, use the getKeywordField instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\TextMappingInterface::getAttributeRawField. It will be removed in 5.7, use the getKeywordField instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductProviderInterface. It will be removed in 5.7, use the Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\ProviderInterface instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Property\PropertyProviderInterface. It will be removed in 5.7, use the Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\ProviderInterface instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository::queryAll. It will be removed in 5.7, use findBy([], null, $limit, $offset) instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\ModelRepository::queryBy. It will be removed in 5.7, use findBy instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\EsClientLogger. Use Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\EsClient instead.
  • Deprecated shopware_elastic_search.client.logger. Use shopware_elastic_search.client instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Models\Article\Article::getAttributeRawField. It will be removed in 5.7, , use Shopware\Models\Article\Detail::getAttributeRawField
  • Deprecated Shopware\Models\Article\Article::setLastStock. It will be removed in 5.7, , use Shopware\Models\Article\Detail::setLastStock
  • Deprecated Shopware\Models\Article\Article::lastStock. It will be removed in 5.8, use Shopware\Models\Article\Detail::lastStock
  • Deprecated EsSearch::addFilter. Use EsSearch::addQuery(BuilderInterface, BoolQuery::FILTER) instead
  • Deprecated EsSearch::getFilters. Use EsSearch::getQueries(BuilderInterface, BoolQuery::FILTER) instead
  • Deprecated Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp::setRawHeader
  • Deprecated Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp::clearRawHeader
  • Deprecated Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp::clearRawHeaders
  • Deprecated Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp::outputBody
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Log::createLogAction. It will be removed in 5.7, use \Shopware\Controllers\Backend\Logger::createLogAction instead
  • Deprecated Enlight_Event_EventHandler. It will be removed in 5.8, use Enlight_Event_Handler_Default or SubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents instead
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\ConditionInterface\RegisteredInShopCondition. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\BenchmarkBundle\Commands\ReceiveStatisticsCommand::MAX_BATCH_SIZE. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\ConditionInterface\RegisteredInShopCondition. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\CustomerSearchBundleDBAL\ConditionHandler\RegisteredInShopConditionHandler. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\CustomerSearchBundleDBAL\Indexing\CronJobSubscriber\CronJobProgressHelper. It will be removed in 5.7. Use the CronJobProgressHelper instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\CustomerSearchBundleDBAL\Indexing\SearchIndexerInterface::clearIndex. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\CustomerSearchBundleDBAL\Indexing\SearchIndexerInterface::cleanupIndex. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\EmotionBundle\Exception\ComponentHandlerNotFoundException. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\EsBackendBundle\EsAwareSearcher. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductQueryFactoryInterface::createPriceIdQuery, ::createVoteIdQuery, ::createVariantIdQuery, ::createProductCategoryQuery. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductQueryFactory::createPriceIdQuery, ::createVoteIdQuery, ::createVariantIdQuery, ::createProductCategoryQuery. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\Product\ProductQueryFactoryInterface::createPriceIdQuery, ::createVoteIdQuery, ::createVariantIdQuery, ::createProductCategoryQuery. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\ESIndexingBundle\LastIdQuery::getQuery. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\PluginInstallerBundle\Context\PluginLicenceRequest. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\PluginInstallerBundle\Service\PluginStoreService::getPluginLicence. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\PluginInstallerBundle\Struct\SubscriptionStateStruct. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Condition\SimpleCondition. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Facet\SimpleFacet. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\SearchBundle\Sorting\SimpleSorting. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Common\StructHelper. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\LocationContext. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Auth\Adapter\Default::rehash. It will be private in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Compiler\TagReplaceTrait. It will be removed in 5.8 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\ProxyFactory. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Emotion\Preset\PresetInstallerInterface. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Log\Handler\DoctrineDBALHandler. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\CsvIterator::setFieldmark. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Article ::getArticleCategories, ::getArticleSimilars, ::getArticleRelatedProductStreams, ::getArticleRelated, ::getArticleImages, ::getArticleLinks, ::getArticleDownloads, ::getArticleCustomerGroups, ::getArticleConfiguratorSet, ::getArticleDependencies, ::getFreeSerialCount, :getChartData:. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Blog ::getCategoryRepository, ::getArticleRepository, ::getRepository, ::getBlogCommentRepository. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Category ::getRepository, ::getCategoryComponent, ::getPathByQuery, ::saveDetail. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Login ::getPlugin. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Newsletter ::initMailing, ::initTemplate, ::getMailing, ::getMailingDetails, ::getMailingVoucher, ::getMailingEmails, ::getVoucherCode, ::getMailingUserByEmail, ::preFilter, ::outputFilter, ::altFilter, ::trackFilter, ::createHash. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_NewsletterManager, ::getCampaignsRepository, ::getPreviewNewslettersQuery. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_NewsletterManager, ::getCampaignsRepository, ::getPreviewNewslettersQuery. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Performance, ::saveConfigData, ::prepareDataForSaving. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Shipping, ::deleteCostMatrix, ::saveCostMatrix. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Supplier::getAllSupplier. It will removed in 5.7, without any replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Blog, ::getDateFilterData, ::getAuthorFilterData, ::getTagsFilterData, ::getCategoryBreadcrumb. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Blog::acceptBlogCommentAction. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Checkout, ::flagPaymentBlocked, ::getUserData, ::saveTemporaryOrder, ::saveOrder, ::getInstockInfo, ::getAvailableStock, ::getShippingCosts, ::getBasket, ::getTaxRates, ::getSimilarShown, ::getBoughtToo, ::getMinimumCharge, ::getDispatchNoOrder, ::getPremiums, ::getEsdNote, ::getInquiry, ::getInquiryLink, ::getCountryList, ::getDispatches, ::getPayments, ::getSelectedCountry, getSelectedState, ::getSelectedPayment, ::getSelectedDispatch . It will protected in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Forms::commitForm. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Listing::getBreadcrumb. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Frontend_Tracking::$testRepository. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Widgets_Campaign::getEmotions. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated sArticles ::sGetArticleTaxById, ::sGetCheapestPrice, ::sGetSupplierById, ::sGetArticlesBySupplier, ::sFillUpComparisonArticles, ::sGetComparisonProperties. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated sArticles::sFillUpComparisonArticles. It will be removed in 5.7. Use the sArticlesComparisons::sFillUpComparisonArticles instead.
  • Deprecated sArticles::sGetComparisonProperties. It will be removed in 5.7. Use the sArticlesComparisons::sGetComparisonProperties instead.
  • Deprecated sArticles::getArticleListingCover. It will be removed in 5.7. Use the sArticles::sGetArticlePictures instead.
  • Deprecated sArticles::sGetTranslations. It will be removed in 5.7. Use sArticle::sGetTranslation instead.
  • Deprecated sCategories::$sSYSTEM It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated sExport ::$sDB, ::$sApi, ::$sPath, ::$sTemplates, ::sGetDispatch It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated sOrder::$paymentObject. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated sRewriteTable::getData. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Components_AlsoBought::getOrderTime. It will be removed in 5.7 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_SimilarShown::SimilarShown. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_TopSeller::TopSeller. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Seo ::SeoIndex, ::RewriteTable. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Analytics::getShopRepository. It will be private in 5.8.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Snippet::prefixProperties. It will be removed in 5.8 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Order::getDocumentRepository. It will be removed in 5.8 without replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Article ::$configuratorPriceVariationRepository, ::$configuratorGroupRepository, ::getConfiguratorGroupRepository, ::getDependencyByOptionId, ::getViolationFields. It will be removed in 5.8 without an replacement
  • Deprecated Shopware_Components_Translation::filterText. It will be removed in 5.7 without an replacement
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\ApiProgressHelper. It will be removed in 5.7 without an replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Cache::getRequest. It will be removed in 5.7 without an replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Api\Resource\Article::isVariantImageExist. It will be removed in 5.7 without an replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Gateway\DBAL\Hydrator\Hydrator::getFields. It will be removed in 5.7 without an replacement.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\Query\Mysql\IfElse in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\IfElse instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\Query\Mysql\DateFormat in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\DateFormat instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\Query\Mysql\IfNull in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\IfNull instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\Query\Mysql\RegExp in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\RegExp instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\Query\Mysql\Replace in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use DoctrineExtensions\Query\Mysql\Replace instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\DBAL\Types\DateTimeStringType in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\DateTimeType instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\DBAL\Types\AllowInvalidArrayType in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\ArrayType instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Model\DBAL\Types\DateTimeStringType in 5.6, will be removed with 5.7. Please use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\DateTimeType instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\Api\Manager::getResource. It will be removed in 5.8, inject resources instead
  • Deprecated usage of shopware.api DI prefix without tag shopware.api_resource
  • Deprecated Shopware\Models\Shop\Shop::registerResources. It will be removed in 5.8, use Shopware\Components\ShopRegistrationService instead.
  • Deprecated Shopware\Components\DependencyInjection\Compiler\LegacyApiResourcesPass. It will be removed in 5.8, use the tag shopware.api_resource instead.

Improved ExtJS auto-loading

Previous to Shopware 5.6, only ExtJS files from the Shopware.apps.Base were loaded globally, so you can use them globally in your apps. Additional to that, when loading up a module like e.g. "ProductStream", all files from Shopware.apps.ProductStream were loaded on top. Using files from others apps, such as Shopware.apps.Article inside of the Shopware.apps.ProductStream application, required you to implement some special code in order to do so. Also, when using an ExtJS store in your plugin configuration, you were only able to use stores from Shopware.apps.Base, none of the other stores.

We've improved our auto-loading of ExtJS files, so you don't have to worry about this anymore. Instead of failing, because you used files of an application, that didn't get loaded yet, we're simply loading the missing application now. This way you don't have to worry about using others applications files anymore, as well as worrying about which stores can be used in your plugin configuration.

Controller Registration using DI-Tag

Controllers can be now registered using the DI tag shopware.controller. This DI tag needs attributes module and controller. These controllers are also lazy-loaded.


<service id="SwagExample\Controller\Frontend\SwagTest">
    <argument type="service" id="dbal_connection"/>
    <tag name="shopware.controller" module="frontend" controller="swagTest"/>

namespace SwagExample\Controller\Frontend;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;

class SwagTest extends \Enlight_Controller_Action
    private $connection;

    public function __construct(Connection $connection)
        $this->connection = $connection;

    public function indexAction()
        // Do something with $this->connection
    public function detailAction(int $productNumber = null, ListProductServiceInterface $listProductService, ContextServiceInterface $contextService)
        if (!$productNumber) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('No product number provided');
        $this->View()->assign('product', $listProductService->getList([$productNumber], $contextService->getShopContext()));

Autowire of controller actions parameters

The new controllers tagged with shopware.controller tag, can now have parameters in action methods. Possible parameters are

  • Services (e.g ListProductService $listProductService)
  • $request (e.g Request $request)
  • $requestParameters (e.g int $limit = 0, /action?limit=5)

The request and response instances in Shopware now extend from Symfony's Request / Response

Enlight_Controller_Request_RequestHttp is now extending Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request and Enlight_Controller_Response_ResponseHttp extends Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response. This is a first move to switch to Symfony Controllers and Request/Responses completely in a future release.

Custom validation of order numbers (SKU)

Up to now, the validation of order numbers (or SKUs) was done in form of a Regex-Assertion in the Doctrine model at Shopware\Models\Article\Detail::$number. That solution was not flexible and didn't allow any modifications of said regex, let alone a complete custom implementation of a validation.

Now, a new constraint Shopware\Components\Model\DBAL\Constraints\OrderNumber is used instead, which is a wrapper around \Shopware\Components\OrderNumberValidator\RegexOrderNumberValidator.

This way you can either change the regex which is being used for validation by defining one yourself in the config.php:

return [
    'product' => [
        'orderNumberRegex' => '/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+$/' // This is the default
    'db' => [...],

Or you can create your own implementation of the underlying interface Shopware\Components\OrderNumberValidator\OrderNumberValidatorInterface and use it for the validation by simply decorating the current service with id shopware.components.ordernumber_validator and e.g. query some API.

Definition of MySQL version in config

It is now possible to define the MySQL version being used in the config.php as part of the Doctrine default configuration. The version can be determined by running the SQL query SELECT version(), the result needs to be provided in the db.serverVersion config:

return [
     'db' => [
         'serverVersion' => '5.7.24',

Providing this value via config makes it unnecessary for Doctrine to figure the version out by itself, thus reducing the number of database calls Shopware makes per request by one.

If you are running a MariaDB database, you should suffix the serverVersion with -MariaDB (e.g.: 10.3.18-MariaDB).

Payment Token

Some internet security software packages open a new clean browser without cookies for payments. After returning from the payment provider, the customer will be redirected to the home page, because the new browser instance does not contain the previous session. For this reason there is now a service to generate a token, which can be added to the returning url (e.g /payment_paypal/return?paymentId=test123&swPaymentToken=abc123def). This parameter will be resolved in the PreDispatch. If the user is not logged in, but the URL contains a valid token, he will get back his former session and will be redirected to the original URL, but without the token

Example implementation:


use \Shopware\Components\Cart\PaymentTokenService;

class MyPaymentController extends Controller {

    public function gatewayAction()
        // Do some payment things
        $token = $this->get(\Shopware\Components\Cart\PaymentTokenService::class)->generate();
        $returnParamters = [
            'controller' => 'payment_paypal',
            'action' => 'return',
            PaymentTokenService::TYPE_PAYMENT_TOKEN => $token
        $returnLink = $this->router->assemble($returnParamters);
        $redirectUrl = $this->paymentProviderApi->createPayment($cart, $returnLink);

Replaced Codemirror with Ace-Editor

Codemirror has been replaced with Ace-Editor. For compatibility reason, Ace-Editor supports all xtypes / classes from Codemirror. Following modes are available * css * html * javascript * json * less * mysql * php * sass * scss * smarty * sql * text * xml * xquery

Improved Robots.txt

robots.txt shows now all links from all language shops. To remove or add entries overwrite the blocks frontend_robots_txt_disallows_output, frontend_robots_txt_allows_output and call methods setAllow, setDisallow, removeAllow, removeDisallow


{block name="frontend_robots_txt_disallows_output"}

Plugin specific logger

There is a new logger service for each plugin. The service id is a combination of the plugin's service prefix (lower camel case plugin name) and .logger.

For example: when a plugin's name is SwagPlugin the specific logger can be accessed via swag_plugin.logger. This logger will now write into the logs directory using a rotating file pattern like the other logger services.

The settings for the logger can be configured using the DI parameters swag_plugin.logger.level(defaults to shopware default logging level) and swag_plugin.logger.max_files (defaults to 14 like other shopware loggers). In this case the logger would write into a file like var/log/swag_plugin_production-2019-03-06.log.

Support for easier log message writing is enabled:


$logger->fatal("An error is occured while requesting {module}/{controller}/{action}", $controller->Request()->getParams());

Manual Sorting of products in categories

Products in a category can be now sorted "by hand". This specific sorting can also be created using the categories API resource.

They will be applied when the associated sorting has been selected in the storefront. Not manually sorted products will use the configured normal fallback sorting.

HTTP2 Server Push Support

HTTP2 Server Push allows Shopware to push certain resources to the browser without it even requesting them. To do so, Shopware creates Link-headers for specified resources, informing Apache or Nginx to push these files to the browser. Server Push is supported since Apache 2.4.18 and nginx 1.13.9.

These resources are only pushed on the very first request of a client. After that, the files should be cached in the browser and don't need to be transmitted anymore. The presence of a session-cookie is used to determine if a push is necessary.

The Smarty function {preload} is used to define in the template which resource are to be pushed and as what.

Example for CSS:

<link href="{preload file={$stylesheetPath} as="style"}" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Example for Javascript:

<script src="{preload file={link file='somefile.js'} as="script"}"></script>

Server Push can be enabled in the Various section of the Cache/Performance settings. Please do not enable Server Push support if you are using Google's Pagespeed module: It creates custom CSS and Javascript files for the browser, replacing the ones Shopware contains in the HTML. So pushing the original files to the browser leads to an unnecessary overhead.

Improved ExtJs Error Reporter

Extjs error reporter shows now also the server response and lints the code to show errors.

ExtJs Developer-Mode

ExtJs developer mode loads a developer-version file of ExtJs to provide code documentation, warnings and better error messages. This mode can be enabled using this snippet in the config.php

'extjs' => [
    'developer_mode' => true

Content Types

Content Types are something similar to attributes, but you can create your own simple entity with defined fields using using xml or the backend.

Example XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<contentTypes xmlns:xsi=""
                    <field name="name" type="text">
                    <field name="address" type="text">
                    <field name="country" type="text">

Each type gets its own

  • backend controller
  • frontend controller, if enabled
  • API controller for all CRUD operations (Customtype_name e.g. CustomStore)
  • backend menu icon
  • table with s_custom_ prefix
  • repository service with shopware.bundle.content_type.type_name

They are also accessible in template using new smarty function fetchContent


{fetchContent type=store assign=stores filter=[['property' => 'country', 'value' => 'Germany']]}

{foreach $stores as $store}

The backend fields and titles can be translated using snippet namespace backend/customYOURTYPE/main.

You can find more information and details (e.g. regarding available field types) in the Developer Docs.

FQCN as DIC ids

Starting with Shopware 5.6, new services will have their Fully Qualified Class Names (FQCN) as their service id in the DIC.

Classes that implement an interface will normally use that interface as their FQCN, though exemptions may occur if an interface is implemented multiple times (e.g. the SubscriberInterface).

For the moment, all existing legacy service ids will be converted to lowercase and should be used in lowercase in plugins as well. Since the Shopware DIC is case-insensitive, this is no problem in existing plugins or older Shopware installations.

This change is being made as a first arrangement for a future switch to Symfony 4, where the DIC is case sensitive and FQCNs are the default.

Disable logging of specific exceptions

Sometimes you are aware that exceptions occur, but you're not interested in them being logged since there is nothing you can do about them and their occurring isn't harmful to the system or your business. One example might be a CSRFTokenValidationException being thrown by visiting bots.

To prevent those exceptions from cluttering up your log, you are now able to disable logging of those exceptions. To do so, add the class name of the exceptions your want to exempt from being logged to your config.php:

'errorHandler' => [
    'ignoredExceptionClasses' => [

By default, these exceptions are now longer being logged:
