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103 lines (76 loc) · 2.78 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (76 loc) · 2.78 KB


Logger provides a single static class, with several static methods that take care of performing rapid writing of files to disk in predefined places.

Enum LogLocation

  • ROOT
    Custom Path

Class Logger


  • IsLogActive : bool
    Only if set to 'true' the Logger methods will actually save files to disk. (Default true)

  • IsCatchErrorActive : bool
    If true, when an error occur it will be thrown, otherwhise the functions will silently return false. (Default false)

  • BasePath : string
    Root directory where to save the logs. (Default same directory as the exe)

  • SubPath : string
    Additional sub directories where save the logs, added at the end of BasePath. (Default "")

  • MaxFileSize : long
    Max size of a log file, if the file exceed this value and "IsSizeLimitActive" is set to true, the file will be cleared. (Default value = 5 MB = 1048576 Byte)

  • IsSizeLimitActive : boolean
    If set to true, when a file exceed the "MaxFileSize" it will be cleared at the next log saving.

  • LogAppendSpace : int
    Number of new line beetween a content append and the next one. (Default 3)


  • SetLocation(LogLocation location, string? customDir)
    Set the log save location

  • SetSubLocation(string subLocation)
    Set the log folder sub location

  • SetMaxFileSize(long maxByteSize)
    Activate the size limit control and set the "MaxFileSize" value to as pecific number

  • SaveText(string text, string? name , bool? append)
    Save some text to file in the log directory as a file .txt

  • SaveJson(string text, string? name , bool? append)
    Save some json text to file in the log directory as a file .json

  • SaveJson(object text, string? name , bool? append)
    Save a json object to file in the log directory as a file .json

  • SaveJsonList< T >(List< T > list, string? name , bool? append)
    Save a list of json objects to file in the log directory as a file .json

  • ClearLogFolder(string? chosenPath)
    Delete every file inside the log folder, if another folder BasePath is specified, clear it instead


class jsonObj
	public string Name;
	public int Age;

static void Main()
	// Set the main log folder location
	Logger.SetLocation(LogLocation.APPDATALOCA, "ProgramLogs");

	// Save a simple text message on a report.txt file located in the log folder
	Logger.SaveText("Report message", "report");

	// Create and append a json like object to a report_data.json file located in the log folder
	jsonObj json = new()
		Name = "Burt",
		Age  = 20

	Logger.SaveJson(json, "report_data", true);