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Mission Bit Web Portal

This project will become an interactive web portal system for Mission Bit staff, students, teachers, and volunteers. This branch is for authorization system setup. Users will be able to login to the system with their Gmail account, or login with a username and password. When a user logs into the system with their Gmail account for the first time, they will complete registration and be able to use their Gmail to login thereafter. A user can also register as either a student or a volunteer

Getting Started


python, pip, virtualenv and postgresql are prerequisites to installing. Python dependencies will be installed from requirements.txt using pip. If you're brand new to python, see Getting Started With Mission Bit and Python Django.


First clone the project, and navigate to your project folder:

git clone
cd MB_Portal
git checkout auth

Next, create your virtual environment, and activate it:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Next, (also in your project folder) install all of the necessary dependencies from the project requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database and apply any necessary migrations:

python migrate

Next, seed your database with some data:

python loaddata fixtures.json

Once you've seeded the database, you will be able to log in with either a staff account, student account, or teacher account, with usernames 'staff_user', 'student_user', and teacher_user, respectively. All three account passwords are 'topsecret123'

Finally run the application on your local machine with:

python runserver

Navigate in your browser to:


Running the tests

Your requirements.txt file has installed the coverage package for you, which provides a nice coverage report for all the tests.

Run tests

To run tests with the coverage library, in your project directory run:

coverage run test tests -v 2

After the tests have run, generate a coverage report with:

coverage html

A directory has been created with your coverage report called htmlcov, to view the coverage run:

open htmlcov/index.html

Click into any of the modules for a detailed report on the coverage of the tests. Enjoy!

Built With

  • Django - Django - the web framework used






  • Tyler Iams - Initial work
  • Bob Ippolito - Initial editing
  • Juliana de Heer - Editing

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.




  • Thank you Bob Ippolito and Juliana de Heer for their ideation and guidance on this project.

Developing with docker-compose

Using docker-compose, it's not necessary to have a local installation of Python, PostgreSQL, or anything but Docker Desktop (or a Linux installation of docker-compose). Conveniently, we can also use this to run emulated versions of services we depend on such as Azure Storage.

First, apply the migrations

docker-compose run web python migrate

Then seed your database with some data:

docker-compose run web python loaddata fixtures.json

This will start up the Django server, PostgreSQL database, and Azure Storage server accessible at http://localhost:8000/:

docker-compose up

Once you've seeded the database and started your container, you will be able to log in with either a staff account, student account, or teacher account using usernames 'staff_user', 'student_user', and teacher_user, respectively. All three account passwords are 'topsecret123'. Enjoy!

To start over with a fresh environment:

docker-compose down --volumes

You can run Django commands through this environment using docker-compose as well, such as:

docker-compose run web python createsuperuser


docker-compose run web python makemigrations

Getting Started With Mission Bit and Python-Django

Welcome! These instructions will help you get started with Python Django and use our Mission Bit web app all in one. Use these if you've never used Python before on your computer! Be excited!

First, open a Terminal window on your computer. This will start you off in your computer's home directory (folder), and this is precisely where we want to be to set up the app. Copy this command and press return (enter), then enter again when you're prompted to complete Homebrew installation, which will help you install python:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Next, install Python on your computer (the latest version is called Python3) by copying and running this command:

brew install python

Next, install pip which will help you install your virtual environment to run your app (when prompted enter your password for your computer)

sudo easy_install pip

Next, install virtualenv, the package that will allow you to create virtual environments :

sudo pip install virtualenv

Now you should be ready to start the Installing section, only a few commands away from using the Mission Bit web portal!


The Mission Bit Web Portal System






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